Queue Task Scheduling - laravel

I have many command scheduling in kernel file. let's say all run ->daily(), did they run one after one or run together. and if so, how can I let them run one after one?

Kernel commands can start at the same time, even if other tasks still running. To change it use withoutOverlapping() method on your command like eg.


Code updates during submission of condor jobs

When using condor for distributing jobs across a dedicated computer cluster, one first submits the jobs to the cluster and then waits for them to actually start running. Depending on multiple factors, they might stay in an idle state for quite some time, even hours.
Let us say I just compiled the code that is going to be run in the jobs. I can submit the jobs via a condor submission file. I then realize I would like to change the original code, either because there is some bug in it, or else because I want to try different parameters. In the case the code finishes compiling while the jobs are still in an idle state, which version is going to be run in the cluster? In other words, does condor somehow stores a snapshot of the code when the jobs are submitted, or it just picks it when the jobs start running?
Despite thinking the first option sounds way more reasonable, I have evidence from my own work that the second is the one that actually happens.
When condor_submit is run, the executable is copied to the spool directory under the scheduler. This is called spooling. If you want to be able to change the executable after submission, probably the best thing to do is to make your executable a shell script that calls the real executable, and put the executable into the transfer_input_files list.

How can I see all the processes that were run during a specific time period

I know that PS will show me all the currently running processes. But that won't show me anything that's started, then stopped, during some time span. Is there any other way that I can see all the processes that were run during some event?
I'm trying to setup a way of auditing all the processes that ran during a build compilation. I can use PS to check all the running processes at the start of the build, and even run it again at the end. And I can setup a separate thread that will run PS over and over and over again during the build to catch all the processes that might have been run in the middle. But is there some better way of accomplishing this task that I'm not aware of?
This build is being run on a mac, so it uses the mac version of bash.
After your processes have run you can go to the Console (in the Applications/Utilities Folder) and check the system logs for the time period of interest. Many messages are written so the narrower the time window the better.

Running multiple instances of a Batch file in windows simultaneously?

I have a windows batch file that is invoked by windows scheduler. When I try to have multiple windows scheduler tasks trying to run the batch file simultaneously, the batch file is locked by the first process and the all the other instances fail.
Is there is way in Windows to run multiple instances of batch file simultaneously?
My script is a simple one all it does is:
set java_classpath
java javaClass
There is nothing inherent to batch file mechanics that limits the number of processes that can simultaneously run the same script. The actual batch script is not locked when it is run. In fact, it is possible to modify a batch script while it is running, though that is usually a very bad idea.
But a batch script could take any number of actions that would prevent simultaneous runs. The most obvious is if the script attempts to redirect output to a specific file (constant path and name). The output redirection establishes an exclusive lock that will prevent any other process from obtaining the same lock.
Another possibility is your script could be calling an external command or program that establishes an exclusive lock in some way.
Either way, there should be nothing to prevent multiple processes from launching the same script simultaneously. But if the script establishes an exclusive lock, then one (or more) of the instances may either crash or exit prematurely, or seem to hang, depending on how the failed lock aquisition is handled.
There really isn't any way to be more specific unless you post your actual script. But if it is a long script, then you should attempt to isolate where the problem is occurring before posting.
Windows 8 task scheduler has the following option (on the last, "Settings" tab):
If the task is already running, then the following rule applies:
Do not start a new instance (default)
Run a new instance in parallel
Probably you should change this setting. And also, I would suggest you look into http://serverfault.com and post there.
Did you try calling your batchfile by using %systemroot%\cmd.exe /K C:\path\batchfile.bat? With /K each time a new instance of cmd is opened, guess it is the shell not the file making you weird.
to people coming here from google simply looking for a way to run multiple instances of a .bat file simultaneously, a simple way would be this script:
set N=3
for /L %%i in (1,1,%N%) do (
start yourscript.bat

Run a process each time a new file is created in a directory in linux

I'm developing an app. The operating system I'm using is linux. I need to run if possible a ruby script on the file created in the directory. I need to keep this script always running. The first thing I thought about is inotify:
The inotify API provides a mechanism for monitoring file system events. Inotify can be used to monitor individual files, or to monitor directories.
It's exactly what I need, then I found "rb-inotify", a wrapper fir inotify.
Do you think there is a better way of doing what I need than using inotify? Also, I really don't understand the way that I have to use rb-inotify.
I just create, for example, a rb file with:
notifier = INotify::Notifier.new
notifier.watch("directory/to/check",:create) do |event|
#do task with event.name file
Then I just ruby myRBNotifier.rb, and it will stay looping for ever. How do I stop it? Any idea? Is this a good approach?
I'd recommend looking at god. It's designed for this sort of task, and makes it pretty easy to build a monitoring system for background and daemon apps.
As for the main code itself, inotify isn't cross-platform, so if you have a possibility you'll need to run on Windows or Mac OS then you'll need a different solution. It's not too hard to write a little piece of code that checks your target directory periodically for a change. If you need to know what changed, read and cache the directory entries then compare them the next time your code runs. Use sleep between runs to wait some period of time before looping.
The old-school method of doing similar things is to use cron to fire off a job at regular intervals. That job can be your script that checks whether the file list changed by comparing it to the cached version, then acting as needed if something is different.
Just run your script in the background with
ruby myRBNotifier.rb &
When you need to stop it, find the process id and use kill on it:
ps ux
kill [whatever pid your process gets from the OS]
Does that answer your question?
If you're running on a mac/unix machine, look at the launchctl man page. You can set up a process to run and execute a ruby script whenever a file changes. It's highly configurable.

how can I run a java program automaticlly

I have a java package,
I want to my program be runned every night at 0 o'clock automaticlly,
how can I do this work?
Generally you have 2 solutions:
Create application that runs your code every night, i.e. implement scheduling yourself. Obviously you can (and should) use tools that help you to do scheduling.
Use OS-specific tools. For example cron for unix and windows task scheduler for windows.
You can either schedule in your own OS. On *nix, there is cron. I'm not sure what is used in windows.
Or you can make your own java program schedule: on running it, it sets a times to execute your task in a specific time.
You could use a Thread.sleep() counting the time from now until midnight, but that's a poor-man's solution. Quartz is your man, as it works schedulling your tasks.
If you choose the schedulling path, you can't forget to run your application in the OS startup
