Batch Script for deployment in oracle weblogic sever 11g - shell

Can anyone please share the sample batch script code for deploying ear file to a oracle weblogic server 11g?

This can't be achieved using shell script alone. A shell script in conjunction with WLST to be used to achieve this. In Shell script setup WLST environment and invoke WLST script. Please have a look at below answer for sample WLST script.


Will the IBM Websphere Application Server run the Python/Jython script without Python Interpreter installed

I am new to Python and IBM Websphere Application Server.
I run a status.bat file which calls file through wsadmin(provided username, password and path passed as parameters to wsadmin). IBM Websphere Application Server is installed in the machine.What i want to know is a Python Interpreter needed to run a python script, it was not installed in the system.
Since the script is running through a WAS server-wsadmin, it had a capability to run a PY script even without having a PY Interpreter in that machine?? by its own compiling tool??
If it is must to have PYTHON.exe installed, do i need to tell wsadmin or anywhere that it is a PY script??
NOTE: The script and .bat was already existed in the machine and im supossed to work on it. I dont have any idea of the purpose of using wsadmin to run the script instead of by directly calling script by [python] in .bat
Summary :- WS server had an any internal PY Interperter??
Thanks in Advance Friends....
WebSphere Application Server comes with Jython – Python implementation for JVM. It is usually located under <WAS_HOME>/optionalLibraries/jython.
To run a script you can use wsadmin:
./ -lang jython -f
The purpose of using wsadmin is that it provides facilities for server administration. If you don't need those then you can probably utilize optionalLibraries/jython/jython.jar directly although I never did this myself.

Export WAS 8 config to a Jython script?

I was wondering if it's possible to generate automatically a Jython script from a WAS 8 configuration for all the ressources, env var, etc?
Similar to the WebSphere administrative commands showing the jython command issued.

Oracle 10g - Run a job that executes a batch file in local disk

I'm trying to run a .bat file after my stored procedure has done running. The purpose of the batch file is to create logs based on the code in the stored procedure. But I don't know how to run a .bat or even an exe file using PL/SQL Oracle.
The oracle scheduler can execute OS programs (on the DB server), and you can create a scheduled jobs from pl/SQL.
Look at the documentation of DBMS_SCHEDULER package -

Jython - How to get the path of the executed script

I've found many answer about the python way but what I found isn't working with jython.
I'm running a jython script using the WebSphere interpreter wsadmin -lang jython -f /path/to/script
I'd like to know the path of the script im running.
This script if versionned and can be checked out anywhere so I need to reliably know where the script is being executed from.
Thanx to everyone
WebSphere doesn't make this easy. And I've yet to find a way to do this when using Sun's JVM running WebSphere on Solaris. However, you may be able to figure out the script name using the environment when running WebSphere on Linux, Aix and possibly others OSes. On these platforms, IBM's JVM sets the environment variable IBM_JAVA_COMMAND_LINE. You can parse it to get the '-f' argument passed to Dave Brand has code to do this on his blog. See fix #6 in his script.

Migrating ANT sqlplus execution from MacOSX to Windows, getting TNS error

I have a working ANT build.xml that executes sqlplus to compile PL/SQL. I develop on MacOSX. My coworker is going to start contributing to the same application. He develops on WinXP. The sqlplus exec from ANT returns a TNS ORA-12560 error on WinXP. The identical build.xml works on MacOSX. The run string that ANT should be constructing on WinXP works in the DOS shell. We have set up the TNS_ADMIN environment variable in WinXP. What could I be missing?
I'm not sure from your description whether you're using the ANT SQL Task ( or if your using the exec task to call Sqlplus. Can you please clarify?
If you're calling sqlplus as an external command, you will be at the mercy of two main things:
a) environment variables
b) tnsnames.ora file
Windows and unix are different in how they handle specifying where you want to connect. In OSX you'll have the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables set. In Windows this would be in the registry. You may also have TNS_ADMIN set which determines where your tnsnames.ora file will be found.
First thing to check would be if you are both using the same tnsnames.ora file.
If you are, have both of you try to run tnsping to verify that the alias is configured properly.
Get back to us with the results of those tests.
