Direct integration of Logback with Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I have Spring Boot applications with slf4j/logback and look for centralized logging solution.
Now I see that I don't need to use log collector (like logstash/filebeat/rsyslog). There is a direct collector Ingest Node inside Elasticsearch (if I understand properly).
How can I integrate Logback with Ingest Node?
I would like to use Slf4j MDC and hope that integration will support MDC out of the box.


Is there any Elastic Search appender for directly sending(storing) spring-boot application logs to Elastic Search without using ELK stack

We are planning to store our (Spring-Boot) application logs to ElasticSearch. I am aware of ELK stack, which uses FileBeat + LogStash to collect and process the logs.
What is desired: Have an appender in logback.xml to directly send the logs to ElasticSearch. The very basic idea is of having an appender like File-Appenders with the difference of target for storing logs being ElasticSearch. At the same time, we want to do it in asynchronous manner. FYI, we are using slf4j with logback implementations for logging.
More specifically: We want to remove the intermediators:: Logstash or Beats as they will need more infra and may bring unwanted overhead. And having the process of sending logs to ElasticSearch in asynchronous way would be really great (so that application does not suffer latency due to logging).
What I have already tried:
Send Spring Boot logs directly to LogStash. But it seems of not much use, since it internally uses file appenders and the logs are then sent to LogStash.
Is there any such appenders available? Or maybe there is some workaround.

Can I use together: Zipkin, Sleuth, MDC, ELK, Jaeger?

I really read many articles. I figure out that need to just include a starters in spring boot )))
Can anyone sort it out: is Sleuth create MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context)? Is sleuth create a record's ID which used by Zipkin? Can I see this ID in Kibana? Or do I need to use zipkin API? Are there best practice to use all of this together? Is Jaeger substitute both Zipkin and Sleuth or how?
Yes you can, and I have shown that numerous times during my presentations ( and we describe it extensively in the documentation ( Sleuth will set up your logging pattern which you can then parse and visualize using the ELK stack. Sleuth takes care of tracing context propagation and can send the spans to a span storage (e.g. Zipkin or Jaeger). Sleuth does take care of updating the MDC for you. Please always read the documentation and the project page before filing a question

Jaeger with ElasticSearch

I have created a microservice based architecture using Spring Boot and deployed the application on Kubernetes/Istio platform.
The different microservices communicate with each other using either JMS (ActiveMQ) or REST API.
I am getting the tracing of REST communication on Istio's Jaeger but the JMS based communication is missing in Jaeger.
I am using ElasticSearch to store my application logs.
Is it possible to use the same ElasticSearch as a backend(DB) of Jaeger?
If yes then I will store tracing specific logs in ElasticSearch and query them on Jaeger UI.
I believe you can reuse Elasticsearch for multiple purposes - each would use a different set of indices, so separation is good.
from: :
Collectors require a persistent storage backend. Cassandra and Elasticsearch are the primary supported storage backends
Tying the networking all together, a docker-compose example:
How to configure Jaeger with elasticsearch?
While this isn't exactly what you asked, it sounds like what you're trying to achieve is seeing tracing for your JMS calls in Jaegar. If that is the case, you could use an OpenTracing tracing solution for JMS or ActiveMQ to report tracing data directly to Jaegar. Here's one potential solution I found with a quick google. There may be others.

Possible to export Spring metrics from Micrometer to Kafka?

I am playing around with Spring Boot v2 at the moment. So far, my set up looks like this:
Spring -> Telegraf -> Kafka -> Telegraf -> influx
I am wondering whether or not it's possible to take out the the first telegraf inbetween Spring and Kafka, so something like this:
Spring -> Kafka -> Telegraf -> Influx
I've looked at the configurations of micrometer and there is no config for Kafka. Also, telegraf was pulling data from Spring.. and as Kafka is a push model (i.e. you are pushing data into Kafka), would Spring be able to push data to Kafka? If yes, how? Through the use of HTTP POST methods?
New to the whole concept.
would Spring be able to push data to Kafka? If yes, how? Through the use of HTTP POST methods?
Kafka uses its own TCP protocol, not HTTP so no. At least not without using the Kafka REST Proxy.
You would basically be embedding the same thing that Telegraf does into your Spring code.
It's possible, sure, but built into Micrometer? Not that I'm aware of.
Plus, it would be overhead on your app having an internal producer thread, and you'd be required to include kafka clients with each of your monitored apps, plus have some control preventing your app from failing if Kafka connection isn't possible...
I would suggest keeping Telegraf installed on each host machine, or at the very least, Prometheus JMX exporter or Jolokia for your individual Java apps. From this, JMX metrics can be collected and pushed to downstream monitoring systems
Or, as commented, you could skip Kafka, but I'm guessing you want to keep it there as a buffer.
On the other side, you can use Kafka Connect Influxdb sink to get optimal performance of consumer scaling

How Spring BOOT Logger Actuator behaves in clustered environment?

I have a query related to Spring Boot Actuator. Through Actuator I can change the log level dynamically.
In clustered environment how it works?
If I do the REST (POST) call to change the log level then in which node it will be applied?
Or will it be applied to all the nodes?
If it gets applied to all the nodes in the cluster then how to restrict it to only a particular node?
You should use external configuration server (spring cloud config) and use spring cloud bus to reflect configuration changes into all the servers of your cluster.
Place your log configuration on the configuration server, on each change, a message will be sent to a message broker (like rabbitMq) to all the servers listening to the config.
