Tiledmap stays dark after world rotation in Phaser - rotation

I want to create a top down game, on which the "camera" rotates with the character (like in Tap Tap Dash). But Phaser does not implement camera rotation, so I followed this thread to create a world group, which will be rotated.
As you can see in the following screenshot, after rotating the Tilemaps (the road and the arrows) as well as the sprites (the coins), black areas occur. What is really strange is that the sprites are rendered correctly as you can see on the bottom of the screenshot, but the Tilemaps are not fully rendered.
I have tried to resize the world again and trying all kind of methods of the camera, world and layer object. But I am out of ideas. Hopefully someone can give me a hint how to approach this problem.
Thank you!


How to get UV coordinate area of rendered material

Is it possible to know what area of the material is rendered on the display? I think Three.js already doing this right?
I trying to make Zoom level. When someone zooming it will become a good resolution.
I making CUBE using 6 planes and I’m trying to know the coordinate of the material and which areas are rendered on display.
The below example shows on the display only some areas of TOP, some areas of RIGHT and FRONT.
If I know which coordinate of material is rendered on the display, I’ll draw a good resolution of the image on the canvas.
Thank you,

Perspective transform in THREE JS

I found few incomplete threads regarding Perspective Transform using Three JS.
I was looking to have a rectangle with video texture on it, and each corner one after another will animate to fullscreen or in reverse. As each corner animates the texture should stretch. Something like this demo but in Three JS.
It will be great help if someone can point to an example, docs or resources to get this effect.

Libgdx | Set black color to everything outside of circle

How can I set a black color to the whole screen, excluding a shaperenderer circle? The circle is basically my game world, anything that leaves it shouldn't be visible. Is there some way to create a reverse circle pixmap (eg..A circle, but inverted) to overlay everything except for the circle game area? Or maybe a way to clear the screen, excluding parts? Thanks!
You could try the approach you mentioned in the comments. Using a black image with a circular hole in it. Then have each assigned to a different camera much in the same way you would set up a HUD in libgdx.
You might want to take a look at shaders, this approach is really flexible and lets you even control how rapid the transition is. Just the basics of GLSL should be sufficient.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=caQZKeAYgD8 Here's a decent tutorial.

Why we start seeing the disc on the double render geometry (when we do culling both from front and back) in three.js sample?

I have done the doubleSide rendering with depthTest off. This generate the rounded disc into my geometry I am curious to know the math behind this and why this happen.
My object is not transparent as you can see in the image Please explain about this.to me.
In this example when you turn material doubleSide and turn of the depthTest you will get to know what I mean.
If you turn off depth testing then anything that is drawn later is on top of anything drawn before. Therefore if your object has parts that should be behind another part and you draw them later they will show incorrectly on top.

How to draw 3D background in Games

I am trying to make a 3d car race in iphone using OPENGL ES 1.x.
I do not know how to draw the background sky in my scene. I tried using only planes for background but where should i placed that plane? I mean if i placed that plane outside the whole track then the frustum is not so big to show that planes in the scene.
Any suggestions will be of great help.
You can make a small skysphere or box, as suggested by Davido and turbovonce's link, which is centered around the viwer and fits into the frustum. You draw this first, without writing into the depth buffer. Then you draw the other stuff and as the skybox has not written to depth buffer it is just overwritten, except the parts where no scene objects are rendered, which are exactly the parts of the image where the sky should be visible.
You want a sky dome. Take a look at this website, it contains tons of references that should help you.
Create a sphere in a 3d modeling app such as Maya or Blender and map a sky texture to the sphere. Export the model then load the model and its texture into the app, place in the scene. You should now have a background sky rendering in your game.
