Password generator not working - password-generator

I am a python noob and I don't know what's wrong with my code. Whenever I run it it just prints out "this is your password: " with nothing after that when it is supposed to print out the generated password.
import random
strength = ['Weak', 'Medium', 'Strong']
charbank = ('1234567890qwertyuiopASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM')
chosenchars = ('')
choice = ('')
def inputfunction():
while True:
userchoice = input("Would you like your password to be: \n Weak \n Medium? \n Strong?\n")
if userchoice in strength:
choice = ''.join(userchoice)
print ('oops, that\'s not one of the options. Enter again...')
return choice
def strengththing():
if choice == ("Weak"):
if choice == ("Medium"):
if choice == ("Strong"):
def Weak():
passlen = 5
chosenchars.join(random.sample(charbank, passlen))
def Medium():
passlen = 10
chosenchars.join(random.sample(charbank, passlen))
def Strong():
passlen = 15
chosenchars.join(random.sample(charbank, passlen))
print ('this is your password: %s' %chosenchars)
Any help would be great. I don't know where I went wrong. Thank you!

You didn't change the value of 'choice' with your return statement after your While loop.
I did a few modifications.
There you go :
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import random
strength = ['Weak', 'Medium', 'Strong']
charbank = ('1234567890qwertyuiopASDFGHJKLZXCVBNM')
chosenchars = ('')
choice = ('')
def inputfunction():
while True:
userchoice = input("Would you like your password to be: \n Weak \n Medium? \n Strong?\n")
if userchoice in strength:
choice = ''.join(userchoice)
print ('oops, that\'s not one of the options. Enter again...')
return choice
def strengththing():
if choice == 'Weak':
return RandomPass(5)
if choice == 'Medium':
return RandomPass(10)
if choice == 'Strong':
return RandomPass(15)
def RandomPass(passlen):
myVar = ''.join(random.sample(charbank, passlen))
return myVar
choice = inputfunction()
chosenchars = strengththing()
print ('this is your password: %s' %chosenchars)


Ruby factorial loop

Am I doing this wrong? I am trying to write a simple program to ask the user to enter a number until they wish to quit, but when I run the program it gives me an argument error stating bad value for range. what can I do to fix this problem?
var = true
while var == true
print "Enter a number ('Q/q to quit'): "
input = gets.chomp
if input == 'Q' || input == 'q'
var = false
puts "Goodbye!"
product = 1
for i in 1..input
product = product * i
puts "#{input}! is #{product}"
The problem is "input" is a string. You can't use it in your range. You need to convert it to a int.
change this:
for i in 1..input.to_i

How can I terminate this Ruby `while` loop when the user inputs "no"?

I'm working on a program that gives the user two random numbers ranging from 0 to 10 for the user to divide, multiply, add, or subtract.
After every question, the user has the opportunity to stop the program by typing no.
I am using a while loop for this, but I can't get the loop to terminate when the user inputs no. How can I get the program to respond correctly to the user input?
def math_num
nums = [num_1 = rand(1..10), num_2 = rand(1..10), operator = ["+", "-", "/", "*"].sample]
problem = "What is #{num_1} #{operator} #{num_2}?"
puts problem
$input = gets.to_i
$answer = num_1.send(operator, num_2)
puts $input == $answer ? "You answered #{$input}, and the answer is #{$answer}! You are correct!" : "The answer is #{$answer}, not #{$input}! You are incorrect!"
def try_again
puts "Would you like to do another question?"
another = gets.chomp.to_s
while another != "no"
Well, the way you are doing it you are getting an infinite loop since the value of the another variable is not being updated inside the while loop.
Try this instead:
def math_num
while true
nums = [num_1 = rand(1..10), num_2 = rand(1..10), operator = ["+", "-", "/","*"].sample]
problem = "What is #{num_1} #{operator} #{num_2}?"
puts problem
$input = gets.to_i
$answer = num_1.send(operator, num_2)
puts $input == $answer ? "You answered #{$input}, and the answer is #{$answer}! You are correct!" : "The answer is #{$answer}, not #{$input}! You are incorrect!"
puts "Would you like to do another question?"
another = gets.chomp.to_s
if another == "no"

Conversion to integer isn't executing?

i have this code :
#require_relative '../lib/hackex/net/typhoeus'
require_relative '../lib/hackex'
require 'rubygems'
require 'faker'
print "how many farms do you want : "
choice = gets.chomp
check = choice.is_a?(Integer)
puts check
if choice > 250
puts "Error! you cannot make more than 250 farms at once"
elsif choice < 250
puts "Error! you have to make at least one farm..."
elsif choice.is_a?(Integer) == false
puts "Error, something went wrong !"
puts "making #{choice} acounts ! ! !"
cnt = 1
while choice>cnt
gen = Faker::Name.first_name + Faker::Name.last_name
email = gen+''
password = Faker::Internet.password(8)
username = gen.to_s+'/>'
puts HackEx::Request.Do(http,HackEx::Request.CreateUser(username, email, password, facebook_id = nil))
cnt +=1
open(path, 'a') { |f|
f << "#{email};"
f << "#{password}"
f << "\n"
puts "Account created!"
puts "#{choice - cnt} accounts remaining!"
i am trying to determing if the choice is an integer... i did the .to_i on choice, but it returns false, meaning its not an integer, its a string, why isnt it switching ?
ps : i do not get any errors, and the rest of the code works fine, except for the if part
choice.to_i returns an integer, but does not change choice. If you want choice to be changed to the integral value of the old choice, you need to reassign it explicitly:
choice = choice.to_i
Quoting the doc of String::to_i, emphasis is mine
to_i(base=10) → integer
Returns the result of interpreting leading characters in str as an
integer base base (between 2 and 36).
So you have to assign the return to something, or itself:
choice = choice.to_i

Ruby code efficiency

Is there a way to make this code shorter and simpler?
loop do
if possibleSet.split(" ").map(&:to_i).any? {|e| (e<0 || e>12)}
print "Please enter valid numbers (between 1 and 12): "
possibleSet = gets
errorinput = false
errorinput = true
break if errorinput
Refactored a bit :)
loop do
print "Please enter valid numbers (between 1 and 12): "
possibleSet = gets.chomp
break unless possibleSet.split(" ").map(&:to_i).any? {|e| (e<0 || e>12)}
The code below will check input for correctness:
input = loop do
print "Please enter valid numbers (between 1 and 12): "
# ⇓⇓⇓ as many spaces as user wants
input = gets.chomp.split(/\s+/).map(&:to_i) rescue []
break input unless input.empty? || input.any? { |i| !(0..12).include? i }
This parses the user input in an array (not exactly the same behavior, but I hope it is cleaner and you can work from there)
set = []
until set.all? {|i| (1..11).include?(i) } && !set.empty? do
set = gets.split(' ').map(&:to_i)

Replace string with ruby code

I worte an simple programm to replace text within (( )) with the user input:
If i have for example this this text:
i hab an terrible ((userinput1)) last ((userinput2)) in a horrible ((userinput3))
I tried first to replace the (( with #{ and the )) with }
str1 = gets.chomp
str2 = str1.clone
a = 0
s = str2.index('((', a)
str2[s..s+1] = '#{'
a = a + s + 1
end until str2.length < a
b = 0
s = str2.index('))', b)
str2[s..s+1] = '}'
b = b + s + 1
end until str2.length < b
userinput1 = gets.chomp
userinput2 = gets.chomp
userinput3 = gets.chomp
puts str2
But somehow ruby dont validates the userinputs, instead i get:
i hab an terrible #{userinput1} last #{userinput2} in a horrible #{userinput}
I think the problem is that in my code i wrote:
str2[s..s+1] = '#{'
instead of
str2[s..s+1] = "#{"
because so all my remaining code is an object until it is closed with }. SO what can i do ? I hope you understood my issue?
str1 = gets.chomp
word = str1.scan(/\(\(\w+\)\)/)
word.each do |word|
str1.gsub(word, "what the fuck")
puts str1
Nice try. But there's a simpler way. Much simpler :) Basically, you just have to collect user inputs. There are methods for replacing string parts already.
userinput1 = gets.chomp
userinput2 = gets.chomp
userinput3 = gets.chomp
template = "i had a terrible ((userinput1)) last ((userinput2)) in a horrible ((userinput3)"
result = template.gsub('((userinput1))', userinput1).
gsub('((userinput2))', userinput2).
gsub('((userinput3))', userinput3)
# ^^ replacing happens here
puts result
