metron installation over ambari-managed cluster failed - hadoop

I am using centos6.5 in which successfully deployed ambari-server2.4 with 3 nodes where hadoop,yarn,strom are successfully running.
I am using this url as reference for metron installation:
I am getting stuck when i try to install metron in ambari-server, adding metron in ambari-repository list is succeed but when installing metron nodes and elasticsearch over target node i get below exception:
Ambari-server Console error:
2017-05-25 16:33:01,138 - Installing package elasticsearch-2.3.3 ('/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install elasticsearch-2.3.3')
2017-05-25 16:33:02,132 - Execution of '/usr/bin/yum -d 0 -e 0 -y install elasticsearch-2.3.3' returned 1. Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: METRON-0.4.0. Please verify its path and try again
2017-05-25 16:33:02,132 - Failed to install package elasticsearch-2.3.3. Executing '/usr/bin/yum clean metadata'
2017-05-25 16:33:02,497 - Retrying to install package elasticsearch-2.3.3 after 30 seconds
Command failed after 1 tries
Terminal error:
file:///localrepo/repodata/repomd.xml: [Errno 14] Could not open/read file:///localrepo/repodata/repomd.xml
Trying other mirror.
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: METRON-0.4.0. Please verify its path and try again


go application build with bazel can't link when running inside container

I am trying to containerize my application build, though, when running the build that uses bazel with bazel-gazelle inside a container I will get this error:
$ bazel run --spawn_strategy=local //:gazelle --verbose_failures
INFO: Analyzed target //:gazelle (0 packages loaded, 0 targets configured).
INFO: Found 1 target...
ERROR: /home/workstation/.cache/bazel/_bazel_workstation/fb227af4c7b6aa39cc5b15d7fd9b737a/external/go_sdk/BUILD.bazel:43:15: GoToolchainBinary external/go_sdk/builder [for host] failed: (Exit 1): go failed: error executing command
(cd /home/workstation/.cache/bazel/_bazel_workstation/fb227af4c7b6aa39cc5b15d7fd9b737a/execroot/__main__ && \
exec env - \
external/go_sdk/bin/go tool link -o bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder.a)
# Configuration: e0f1106e28100863b4221c55fca6feb935acec078da5376e291cf644e275dae5
# Execution platform: #local_config_platform//:host
/opt/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: mapping output file failed: invalid argument
Target //:gazelle failed to build
INFO: Elapsed time: 2.302s, Critical Path: 0.35s
INFO: 2 processes: 2 internal.
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
FAILED: Build did NOT complete successfully
I tried to run it standalone:
$ /home/workstation/.cache/bazel/_bazel_workstation/fb227af4c7b6aa39cc5b15d7fd9b737a/external/go_sdk/bin/go tool link -o bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder.a
/opt/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: mapping output file failed: invalid argument
and still got no success.
Never had this kind of link problem and the linker don't provide much more information. Tried to install all packages I could think of and still no luck.
For context:
Running Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Docker 20.10.9
Bazel 4.2.2
Rules GO v0.31.0
Bazel Gazelle v0.25.0
Also tried to run it with the strace, though I don't think I am skilled enough to find meaningful information from the tool output.
For more context:
e$ /home/workstation/.cache/bazel/_bazel_workstation/fb227af4c7b6aa39cc5b15d7fd9b737a/external/go_sdk/bin/go tool link -v -o bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder bazel-out/host/bin/external/go_sdk/builder.a
HEADER = -H5 -T0x401000 -R0x1000
searching for runtime.a in /opt/go/pkg/linux_amd64/runtime.a
/opt/go/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: mapping output file failed: invalid argument

Getting error while bootstrapping opensearch dashboard

I am setting up opensearch dashboard in my windows PC and following below guide -
While bootstrapping, I am getting below error -
PS D:\opensearch\OpenSearch-Dashboards> yarn osd bootstrap
yarn run v1.22.18
$ node scripts/osd bootstrap
info [opensearch-dashboards] running yarn
$ node ./preinstall_check
[1/5] Validating package.json...
[2/5] Resolving packages...
warning Resolution field "typescript#4.0.2" is incompatible with requested version "typescript#~4.5.2"
success Already up-to-date.
succ yarn.lock analysis completed without any issues
succ 10 bootstrap builds are cached
info [#osd/i18n] running [osd:bootstrap] script
info [#osd/monaco] running [osd:bootstrap] script
info [#osd/opensearch-archiver] running [osd:bootstrap] script
info [#osd/opensearch] running [osd:bootstrap] script
ERROR [bootstrap] failed:
ERROR Error: Command failed with exit code 1: C:\Users\st\AppData\Roaming\nvm\v14.18.2\node_modules\yarn\bin\yarn.js run osd:bootstrap
'rm' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
$ rm -rf target && tsc
info Visit for documentation about this command.
at makeError (D:\opensearch\OpenSearch-Dashboards\packages\osd-pm\dist\index.js:25150:11)
at handlePromise (D:\opensearch\OpenSearch-Dashboards\packages\osd-pm\dist\index.js:24085:26)
at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:95:5)
at async D:\opensearch\OpenSearch-Dashboards\packages\osd-pm\dist\index.js:9051:9
at async scheduleItem (D:\opensearch\OpenSearch-Dashboards\packages\osd-pm\dist\index.js:10938:9)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.
what I see here is, rm command is not recognized in windows and which is correct.
So how to fix this ?

Using golang-ci lint error fetch corp package

Im using golangci-lint and getting the following error in CI, any idea what could be the reason? and how can I avoid this.
Our GitHub repo is already have all the vendor packages so it shouldn't install it in first place.
golangci-lint run --config golangci.yml
level=error msg="Running error: context loading failed: failed to load packages: failed to load with go/packages: err: exit
status 1: stderr: go: github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut#v1.1.0:
unrecognized import path "github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut" (https
fetch: Get https://github.avt.corp/ding/logger-ut?go-get=1: x509:
certificate signed by unknown authority)\n"
btw I was able to clone the project and run it
Use the following:
modules-download-mode: vendor
or add this to the command you are runnig
--modules-download-mode vendor

Deploy with deployer fails on vendors

I try to deploy the Laravel application with deployer. The process fails.
Below you will see the responses
✔ Executing task deploy:shared
✔ Executing task deploy:writable
➤ Executing task deploy:vendors
✔ Executing task deploy:failed
In Client.php line 99:
The command "cd /gopanel/sites/xxx_net/public/xaio/releases/1 && /usr/bin/php /usr/local/bin/composer install --verbose --prefer-dist
--no-progress --no-interaction --no-dev --optimize-autoloader" failed.
Exit Code: 1 (General error)
Host Name:
Loading composer repositories with package information
Installing dependencies from lock file
Dependency resolution completed in 0.000 seconds
Analyzed 166 packages to resolve dependencies
Analyzed 463 rules to resolve dependencies
Package operations: 103 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
Installs: symfony/polyfill-ctype:v1.11.0, phpoption/phpoption:1.5.0, vlucas/phpdotenv:v3.3.3, symfony/css-selector:v4.2.4,
y/psysh:v0.9.9, laravel/tinker:v1.0.8, intervention/image:2.4.2, league/glide:1.5.0, owen-it/laravel-auditing:v9.0.0, predis/predis:v1.1.1,
What is wrong?
Output is not enough to understand. You must run your command in verbose mode by adding -vvv to end of command.
Like this:
user#local:~$ dep deploy host -vvv

plugin install through proxy

I am trying to install Graph-Aided Search to integrate Neo4j with ElasticSearch (2.3.1) as shown here. But when I try this command line:
plugin install
I get errors:
plugin install
-> Installing
Trying ...
Trying ...
Trying ...
Trying ...
Trying ...
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
And this when I add --verbose for more details:
plugin install --verbose
-> Installing
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
I looked for that error on google and I found that it might be because of the proxy, and since I am working behind a proxy I tried something that basically worked for others. This is the command line that I tried to install the plugin through proxy:
C:\dev\elasticsearch-2.3.1\bin> plugin -Dhttps.proxyHost= -Dhttps.proxyPort=3128 -Dhttps.proxyUser=SomeUser -Dhttps.proxyPassword=Password install
But still it didn't work, and I am still getting the same error. I forced the authentification to the proxy on Internet Explorer, something that usually works for me when I install packages with Maven. However, in that case it didn't work.
I am struggling to integrate my Neo4j database with ElasticSearch, I have been trying that for 4days now and it is taking all my time and cannot work without making this integration with success.
I really appreciate any help or clarification to resolve this error. Thank you.
When I try to replace the path, it is still not working. I've tried this command line:
plugin install C:\dev\graph-aided-search-master\target\releases\graph-aided‌​-search-‌​
and I got this error message:
-> Installing C:\dev\graph-aided-search-master\target\releases\graph-aided‌​-search-‌​
ERROR: Invalid prefix or suffix
I put the graph-aided-search Zip file in the same folder as plugin file, so in C:\dev\elasticsearch-2.3.1\bin. Then I tried with the relative path, and I got this message:
> plugin install --verbose
-> Installing
Trying ...
Failed: SocketTimeoutException[connect timed out]
ERROR: failed to download out of all possible locations..., use --verbose to get detailed information
You can download the plugin manually from the MavenRepository
The correct syntax is this one:
plugin install -DproxyHost=exampleHost -DproxyPort=portNumber
It is working now!
