Default Makefile for Sphinx - makefile

I'm trying to understand the Makefile that is automatically produced by sphinx-quickstart. Here it is:
SPHINXBUILD = sphinx-build
SOURCEDIR = source
BUILDDIR = build
.PHONY: help Makefile
%: Makefile
The lines that confuse me are:
.PHONY: help Makefile
%: Makefile
I think I understand:
The % target means capture anything (wildcard). E.g., if I typed make html, % would capture html.
.PHONY Makefile means that make shouldn't look for a file called Makefile in its directory, thus, shouldn't check the file's modified time to determine whether or not to run a rule.
I don't understand:
Why Makefile is listed as a prerequisite for the target %. The way I interpret this is:
The target rule captured by % should run when the Makefile is changed.
But that doesn't make any sense in the context. What I would expect is:
The target rule captured by % should run when the source files for the project documentation or the API source files have changed.
Directory structure
├── build
├── Makefile
├── source
└── utils

The .PHONY: foo has the effect that foo is never to be considered up-to-date. (but see for the more detailed explanations: the main use is for targets which are not filenames)
If you then have bar: foo, the rules for bar target will always be executed on make bar because the target depends upon foo but foo is considered never up-to-date. This can also be achieved with declaring bar target to be PHONY itself.
The problem with the catch-all % target was in case the repertory where the Makefile is located contained a repertory or a file having same name as a Sphinx builder. Say for example there is an html or a man in repertory where Makefile is located: then make html will not do anything if % has no dependencies, because html is then a file or repertory with no dependencies, hence never to get updated.
Thus the % was made to depend on Makefile pseudo target, and Makefile itself declared PHONY so that it is considered never up-to-date.(*) Even if repertory contains a file html then make html will get executed (and html repertory in build dir modified; the html in Makefile repertory will not be modified).
(*) edit: I had forgotten the exact details: Makefile is always considered a target, see a surprising (?) behaviour of GNU Make when using ``%`` as target. For reasons explained here % was made to depend upon Makefile, and the Makefile was declared PHONY in fact to avoid make complaining about circular dependency...
The idea is that the Makefile should not contain the hard-coded list of all possible builders: else they could have been declared PHONY targets individually, but then Sphinx maintainers would have to worry about keeping the Makefile template up-to-date when adding a new builder. It would also cause problems when projects keep same Makefile but a new Sphinx release adds a new builder.
The Makefile now created by sphinx-quickstart does not have to be modified if a new builder is added to Sphinx. It is of course certain that never will Makefile be the name of a builder...


what the following makefile means?

Here is Makefile as following, I want to ask what step1 and 2 will do seperately? thanks
DIRS = modules utils library
BUILDDIRS = $(DIRS:%=build-%) step1
$(MAKE) -C $(#:build-%=%) step2
This looks like a dispatching Makefile. Its job is to expose the build targets build-modules, build-utils and build-library. If it is not given any target, it builds the all target which depends on all of these. We can also think about, for instance, make build-utils being directly invoked.
Each build-<whatever> corresponds to a <whatever> dir without the build- prefix.
For instance to update the target build-utils, the action is to recursively invoke make with -C utils step2 as the arguments: change to the utils directory and look for a Makefile there, invoking its step2 target.
This Makefile has a flaw: the targets all and the build-<dir> targets are all phony, but there is no .PHONY: declaration for them. This means that make will probe the filesystem, looking for files named all, and build-modules, etc. If you create files with these names, such as by touch build-modules or touch all, the Makefile will then malfunction.

Automake: Why is my Makefile picking files from the source directory instead of the build directory?

I'm using Automake.
I have a few source files listed in dist_man1_MANS like this:
dist_man1_MANS = some-file.1 some-other-file.1
Now, Automake + configure eventually generate this in Makefile:
dist_man1_MANS = some-file.1 some-other-file.1
# ...
install-man1: $(dist_man1_MANS)
# generated recipe here
Since I'm not prefixing the .1 files with $(srcdir), I assume that, since I run make from the build directory (its current working directory), it should find them in the build directory.
So, I'm doing an out-of-tree build, for example, in /tmp/build:
/path/to/src/configure --prefix=$(pwd)/install
make install
and the build succeeds, that is, make finds the man pages and installs them. They are not in the build directory, however. I add this to the generated Makefile:
install-man1: $(dist_man1_MANS)
#echo ">>> $(^)"
#echo "::: $(dist_man1_MANS)"
# generated recipe here
Now, I would assume that both echos print the same thing, because $^ means the names of all the prerequisites, with spaces between them. To my surprise, the output is:
>>> /path/to/src/some-file.1 /path/to/src/some-other-file.1
::: some-file.1 some-other-file.1
How did make find the /path/to/src/ prefix exactly? Where does it come from in this very context?
Why do $^ and $(dist_man1_MANS) differ?
I found the answer.
Automake sets the VPATH variable in its generated Makefile, a special variable for make, to something like:
VPATH = /path/to/src
From the previous links:
4.5.1 VPATH: Search Path for All Prerequisites
The value of the make variable VPATH specifies a list of directories that make should search. Most often, the directories are expected to contain prerequisite files that are not in the current directory; however, make uses VPATH as a search list for both prerequisites and targets of rules.
So make searches for the some-file.1 and some-other-file.1 prerequisites in the current working directory first, then for /path/to/src/some-file.1 and /path/to/src/some-other-file.1 if it cannot find the first ones. In this case I understand why $^ is different from $(dist_man1_MANS): $^ is the list of effective (resolved) prerequisites.

make variables that depend on a target

I have a Variable in make that is dependant on a file that must be built before the variable can be set, is there a way to get this to work?
parsable_file: dependancies
commands to make parsable_file
targets=$(shell parse_cmd parsable_file)
$(targets): parsable_file
command to make targets
.phony: all
If I run $ make parsable_file && make all this will work (I get an error that parse_cmd cant find parsable_file but it works), but just make all will not work. Is there a Make idiom for this?
Set the variable in a file that you include in the main makefile and include a rule in the main makefile for how to build it (the one you already have should be fine).
I believe that will do what you want.
See Including Other Makefiles and How Makefiles Are Remade (which is linked from the first section) for more details on this concept.
Also, unless parseable_file has a usage independent from that parse_cmd call, it should be possible to do the creation and the parsing at the same time and just have the resulting makefile contain the correct value for $(targets) in one step.

Make command using default target name 'Makefile'

Why is the following makefile using Makefile target?
Initially I have the following makefile which worked as expected when invoked as make abc xyz -s.
echo $#
I would get
Now after adding an empty rule named test.
%:: test
echo $#
the following invocation
make abc xyz -s
results in
Why am I getting Makefile as my output even though I am giving only abc and xyz as targets? Thanks in advance.
Because make always tries to rebuild the build files before building the actual targets. If it finds a rule for Makefile and if it is out-of-date, it will be rebuilt and reloaded and the requested targets will be built according to the new makefile. This is a feature so that if the build-files are themselves generated (rather common with autotools, cmake and similar), it won't use stale build instructions.
For more details see GNU Make Manual section 3.5
In the specific examples above the rule has target % and that matches absolutely anything, including Makefile. So make will find it as rule for remaking makefile and will evaluate it.
Now in the first case Makefile exists and is newer than all of it's dependencies trivially because there are none and none of it's dependencies need to be remade also because there are none. So make will conclude that Makefile does not need to be remade.
In the second case however Makefile exists, but it's dependency test needs to be remade. So make runs the (empty) rule and than comes back and runs the rule for Makefile. Because make does not check the timestamps after making dependencies. It simply assumes that when it remade them, the dependent targets need to be remade as well.

Code generation and make rule expansion

Assume I have a make rule:
gen: auto.template
generate-sources auto.template
that creates a bunch of files, for example auto1.src, auto2.src, auto3.src and so on.
If I now have rules to build targets from *.src files, like this:
$(patsubst %.src,,$(wildcard *.src)): %.src
build $< > $#
How can I tell make to first execute the gen rule and then expand the preconditions for the second rule template? GNU extensions are welcome.
Note: I would like to keep it in one make invocation; A trivial solution to this would be to put the second rule in a secondary Makefile.secondrun and call $(MAKE) -f Makefile.secondrun after gen was processed. But I was wondering if there is a better option.
Building off Beta's answer, here's how you can do it using makefile remaking in GNU make, which is not the same thing as recursive make. Rather, it updates an included makefile using a rule in the main makefile, then restarts the original make instance. This is how *.d dependency files are typically generated and used.
# Get the list of auto-generated sources. If this file doesn't exist, or if it is older
# than auto.template, it will get built using the rule defined below, according to the
# standard behavior of GNU make. If is rebuilt, GNU make will automatically
# restart itself after is updated.
# Once we have the list of auto-generated sources, getting the list of targets to build
# from them is a simple pattern substitution.
TARGETS=$(patsubst %.src,,$(AUTO_SRCS))
all: $(TARGETS)
# Rule describing how to build This generates the sources, then computes
# the list of autogenerated sources and writes that to in the form of a
# make variable. Note that we use *shell* constructs to get the list of sources, not
# make constructs like $(wildcard), which could be expanded at the wrong time relative
# to when the source files are actually created. auto.template
./generate-sources auto.template
echo "AUTO_SRCS=`echo *.src`" >
# How to build *.target files from *.src files. %.src
#echo 'build $< > $#'
Short answer: you can't. Make determines all of the rules it will have to execute before it executes any rule.
Longer answer: maybe you can. As you say, you can use recursive Make explicitly, or surreptitiously by, say, building a file which your makefile will include (I'm looking at you, Jack Kelly). Or if you could somehow obtain a list of the files which gen will build, you could write a rule around that. Or you could take a leap of faith like this: %.src
build $< > $#
%.src: gen;
