Queries on user_cons_columns much slower in Oracle 12c - oracle

We're in the process of upgrading from Oracle 11g to 12c, and have noticed that queries on user_cons_columns seem to be quite a bit slower.
For example this is about 4 times as slow, even on a smaller dataset:
select uc.search_condition
from user_constraints uc inner join user_cons_columns ucc on ucc.CONSTRAINT_NAME = uc.CONSTRAINT_NAME
where ucc.table_name = :upper_table_name
and ucc.column_name = :upper_column
Could it just be a matter of gathering statistics?

In my experience selects from user_constraints and user_cons_columns and other data dictionary views have been slow for several major Oracle versions. Not just 12c. Doing dbms_stats.gather_dictionary_stats; speeded up the first query below between 10-20%.
But what was really helpful was to rewrite the query to select from with clause "tables" using the /*+materialized*/ hint instead of selecting directly from the user_ tables.
This query is very slow on my setup, about 150 seconds: (it returns all foreign keys on a list of tables, including table and column names in both ends of the foreign keys)
cc.table_name, cc.position, cc.constraint_name, cc.column_name,
cr.table_name r_table_name, ccr.constraint_name r_constraint_name, ccr.column_name r_column_name
from user_constraints c
join user_cons_columns cc on cc.constraint_name=c.constraint_name and
cc.owner=c.owner and
join user_constraints cr on cr.owner=c.r_owner and
cr.constraint_name=c.r_constraint_name and
cr.constraint_type in ('P','U')
join user_cons_columns ccr on ccr.constraint_name=cr.constraint_name and
ccr.owner=cr.owner and
ccr.table_name=cr.table_name and
where c.constraint_type='R'
and c.table_name in ('TABLE_A', 'TABLE_B', ........a list of about 157 table names.......)
order by cc.table_name, cc.position, constraint_name, column_name, cc.position;
After rewriting to this, the query use just 1-8 seconds:
uc as (select /*+materialize*/ owner,table_name,constraint_name,constraint_type,r_owner,r_constraint_name from user_constraints),
ucc as (select /*+materialize*/ owner,table_name,constraint_name,position,column_name from user_cons_columns)
cc.table_name, cc.position, cc.constraint_name, cc.column_name,
cr.table_name r_table_name, ccr.constraint_name r_constraint_name, ccr.column_name r_column_name
from uc c
join ucc cc on cc.constraint_name=c.constraint_name and cc.owner=c.owner and cc.table_name=c.table_name
join uc cr on cr.owner=c.r_owner and cr.constraint_name=c.r_constraint_name and cr.constraint_type in ('P','U')
join ucc ccr on ccr.constraint_name=cr.constraint_name and ccr.owner=cr.owner and ccr.table_name=cr.table_name and ccr.position=cc.position
where c.constraint_type='R'
and c.table_name in ('TABLE_A', 'TABLE_B', ........a list of about 157 table names.......)
order by cc.table_name, cc.position, constraint_name, column_name, cc.position;
I also tried * instead of listing just the needed columns in the with tables, but that didn't help. I'm guessing it's because Oracle ignore /*+materialize*/ hints if too much data is to be remembered/cached.

1. Gather dictionary stats.
2. Gather fixed object stats.
There are also a few rare data dictionary objects that are never analyzed unless you specifically call them with dbms_stats.gather_table_stats.
3. Look for broken data dictionary objects. In some rare cases character set problems can cause data dictionary performance problems. Run an EXPLAIN PLAN on the SELECT and look for anything "weird", like NLSSORT in the predicates that would prevent an index access.
4. Check My Oracle Support. I've seen bugs before for data dictionary views that degrade with new versions. Sometimes there's an alternate version of the data dictionary view that fixes the problem. I searched on My Oracle Support and "Data Dictionary Select Taking A Very Long Time in 12c (Doc ID 2251730.1)" may be relevant here. I can't post the contents of that article here so go to support.oracle.com and check out the workaround in that bug report.
5. Consider yourself lucky. If you only have one performance problem, and it's only four times slower, I'd consider that a successful upgrade.

I'm a bit late to this party but as suggested by Burleson, use the /*+ RULE */ hint with your queries on the Oracle data dictionary. This effectively turns off the optimizer.
Many have said not to use hints and that the RULE hint has been deprecated but it makes a huge difference in my case. One of my DBA_IND_COLUMNS queries which took 18 MINUTES to run now takes less than a second (Oracle 12cR1). At a loss to say why this works...


Reason for poor performance of ANSI joins in Oracle 9i

Please before flagging as duplicate, read the last paragraphs.
In an Oracle 9i database this query runs in 0.18 seconds:
dba_synonyms s,dba_objects t
s.TABLE_OWNER = t.OWNER(+) and
s.DB_LINK is null and
t.OWNER is null;
...but this one runs in an appalling 120 seconds!:
dba_synonyms s left join dba_objects t
s.DB_LINK is null and
t.OWNER is null;
Notice the only difference is using propietary Oracle join syntax vs ANSI join syntax.
These question is not a duplicate of this one because that other question is about a very complex query involving more than 9 tables, and the only answer points out that the queries are very different besides the syntax usage (mainly the order of the tables).
In my case it is a extremelly simple query, a mere join between two relations with no mayor complications of differences, including the order of tables.
Is this a bug in Oracle 9i?
What is the cause of such dramatic difference in performance?
This are the execution plans, notice that the explain plan for query one shows no cardinality, cost or bytes info :
Fast, old-style join:
Slow, ANSI join:
Well, after a long time with no answers. I've done some testing.
I ran the same query in 10g and 11g and both versions, the one with ANSI joins and the ones with the WHERE joins run in less than 1 second.
As problems exists only in 9i, the same version the support for ANSI joins where introduced I assume it's a bug in 9i that could or could have not be solved in a patch.
Gladly as I mentioned, from 10g onwards both flavors of joins perform well.

Different results in Parallel Execution - Oracle

In my company's application there is a query in oracle using parallel execution (configured to 4 servers), it wasn't me who built it, but the developer put it that way for performance.
The query makes joins between views and tables and the weirdest thing is: sometimes it returns 11k results (incorrect), sometimes 27k results (correct).
After much research I found out that if I removed this parallel thing, it always returns the correct number: 27k. And if I increase the number of server to 6 or 7, it always returns the incorrect number: 11k.
The layout of the query is like this:
Anyone has any idea why? I don't know much about this subject.

Trace a path between Oracle tables?

Can I use Oracle sys tables to trace a path between two table, all the possibilities to go from X table to Y table.
The problem is:
I work on an enormous database, where it's really difficult to know rapidly, which tables are vital to make a join between two tables.
Can I do this?
First Need:
The problem with SQL Developer Data Modeler and the other tools, is the fact to have to select tables to rev_eng (So I should already know the tables to select) but for me, this is the major problem. In my case I have 800 tables and I can't select them all to trace the path. My desire is to submit as arguments two tables and then generate all the possible paths.
Second Need :
I have already try to query sys.all_constraints and the max I've done, is to detect the tables directly connected to a table X.
The query:
So if somebody can help me to conceive at least the query to have this result:
Table1 | Table2 | JoinCollumnofTable1 | JoinCollumnofTable2
To have that, I surmise the other table to join to ALL_CONSTRAINTS is ALL_CON_COLUMNS
But the problem I've found is the composite primary_keys.
This is why Nature gave us data models: to assist in tasks like this.
If you don't have a data model then you can reverse engineer one from the data dictionary. See my answer to a question on reverse engineering.
Reverse engineering can only identify relationships which have been defined by foreign keys. This shouldn't need stating but let's say it anyway: if your database hasn't got constraints you have no chance of deriving a data model automatically.
"I have 800 tables and I can't select them all to trace the path. "
Hmmm, I suppose recommending you reverse engineer a data model is a bit like the punchline to the old joke about how to get to Cork: "Well I wouldn't start from here". The whole point about having a data model upfront is that we have it when when we really need it.
If primary and foreign key relationships are established in the database, you can use a tool like Oracle Developer with Data Modeler to reverse engineer the model and give a graphical representation of what the relationships are.
Tools like this read the Oracle dictionary to determine the relationships between tables. You can do this yourself by querying views such as sys.all_constraints.
I cobbled the following query together using Tim Hall's Generic Function Using a Ref Cursor, since I only have 10g here (you can use 11g's LISTAGG function if you've got 11g). It should get you close.
SELECT ac1.table_name "Table", ac2.table_name "Referencing Table"
, concatenate_list(CURSOR(SELECT acc.column_name
FROM all_cons_columns acc
WHERE acc.constraint_name = ac1.constraint_name
AND acc.owner = 'the_owner'
ORDER BY position)) "PK Columns"
, concatenate_list(CURSOR(SELECT acc.column_name
FROM all_cons_columns acc
WHERE acc.constraint_name = ac2.constraint_name
AND acc.owner = 'the_owner'
ORDER BY position)) "FK Columns"
FROM all_constraints ac1 JOIN all_constraints ac2
ON ac1.constraint_name = ac2.r_constraint_name
WHERE ac1.table_name = 'your_table'
AND ac1.owner = 'the_owner'
AND ac2.owner = 'the_owner'
AND ac1.constraint_type = 'P';
Also try schemaspy - an open source free alternative which uses the foreign keys to generate a relationship model!

Is "SELECT COUNT(column)" faster/slower than "SELECT COUNT(*)"? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
COUNT(*) vs. COUNT(1) vs. COUNT(pk): which is better? [duplicate]
(5 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I'm running a query like this in MSSQL2008:
select count(*)
from t1
inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.t1_id
inner join t3 on t1.id = t3.t1_id
Assume t1.id has a NOT NULL constraint. Since they're inner joins and t1.id can never be null, using count(t1.id) instead of count(*) should produce the exact same end result. My question is: Would the performance be the same?
I'm also wondering whether the joins could affect this. I realize that adding or removing a join will affect both performance and the length of the result set. Suppose that without changing the join pattern, you set count to target only one table. Would it make any difference? In other words, is there a difference between these two queries:
select count(*) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.t1_id
select count(t1.*) from t1 inner join t2 on t1.id = t2.t1_id
COUNT(id) vs. COUNT(*) in MySQL answers this question for MySQL, but I couldn't find answers for MS-SQL specifically, and I can't find anything at all that takes the join factor into account.
NOTE: I tried to find this information on both Google and SO, but it was difficult to figure out how to word my search.
I tried a few SELECT COUNT(*) FROM MyTable vs. SELECT COUNT(SomeColumn) FROM MyTable with various sizes of tables, and where the SomeColumn once is a clustering key column, once it's in a non-clustered index, and once it's in no index at all.
In all cases, with all sizes of tables (from 300'000 rows to 170 million rows), I never see any difference in terms of either speed nor execution plan - in all cases, the COUNT is handled by doing a clustered index scan --> i.e. scanning the whole table, basically. If there is a non-clustered index involved, then the scan is on that index - even when doing a SELECT COUNT(*)!
There doesn't seem to be any difference in terms of speed or approach how those things are counted - to count them all, SQL Server just needs to scan the whole table - period.
Tests were done on SQL Server 2008 R2 Developer Edition
select count(*) will be slower as it attempts to fetch everything. Specifying a column (PK or any other indexed column) will speed up things as the query engine knows ahead of time what it is looking for. It'll also use an index as opposed to going against the table.

Table Join Efficiency Question

When joining across tables (as in the examples below), is there an efficiency difference between joining on the tables or joining subqueries containing only the needed columns?
In other words, is there a difference in efficiency between these two tables?
SELECT result
FROM result_tbl
JOIN test_tbl USING (test_id)
JOIN sample_tbl USING (sample_id)
JOIN (SELECT request_id
FROM request_tbl
WHERE request_status='A') USING(request_id)
SELECT result
FROM (SELECT result, test_id FROM result_tbl)
JOIN (SELECT test_id, sample_id FROM test_tbl) USING(test_id)
JOIN (SELECT sample_id FROM sample_tbl) USING(sample_id)
JOIN (SELECT request_id
FROM request_tbl
WHERE request_status='A') USING(request_id)
The only way to find out for sure is to run both with tracing turned on and then look at the trace file. But in all probability they will be treated the same: the optimizer will merge all the inline views into the main statement and come up with the same query plan.
It doesn't matter. It may actually be WORSE since you are taking control away from the optimizer which generally knows best.
However, remember if you are doing a JOIN and only including a column from one of the tables that it is QUITE OFTEN better to re-write it as a series of EXISTS statements -- because that's what you really mean. JOINs (with some exceptions) will join matching rows which is a lot more work for the optimizer to do.
SELECT t1.id1
FROM table1 t1
INNER JOIN table2 ON something = something
should almost always be
FROM table1 t1
FROM table2
WHERE something = something )
For simple queries the optimizer may reduce the query plans into identical ones. Check it out on your DBMS.
Also this is a code smell and probably should be changed:
JOIN (SELECT request_id
FROM request_tbl
WHERE request_status='A')
SELECT result
FROM request
AND request_status = 'A'
No difference.
You can tell by running EXPLAIN PLAN on both those statements - Oracle knows that all you want is the "result" column, so it only does the minimum necessary to get the data it needs - you should find that the plans will be identical.
The Oracle optimiser does, sometimes, "materialize" a subquery (i.e. run the subquery and keep the results in memory for later reuse), but this is rare and only occurs when the optimiser believes this will result in a performance improvement; in any case, Oracle will do this "materialization" whether you specified the columns in the subqueries or not.
Obviously if the only place the "results" column is stored is in the blocks (along with the rest of the data), Oracle has to visit those blocks - but it will only keep the relevant info (the "result" column and other relevant columns, e.g. "test_id") in memory when processing the query.
