Get mouse position in pixels using escape sequences - user-interface

I'm trying to obtain the position of the mouse in pixels within an application running in a terminal.
The top answer to how to get MouseMove and MouseClick in bash? explains how to get the mouse position, counted in character cells, not in pixels.
I'm looking for a solution which also works if the app is running on a remote server and accessed via SSH (using xdotool will not work in this case, unless ssh -X was used).
I guess the solution will therefore involve escape sequences or an IOCTL.
It's okay if the escape sequences only work with one or few terminal emulators (I can use a detection mechanism to provide a fallback on the terminals which lack support for the escape sequence).
If the escape sequence only works on a few terminal emulators, I'm also curious to know the "group" of escape sequences that allow graphical output on these terminals (e.g. Sixel, Tektronix or ReGIS).
The goal is to embed small GUI elements in mostly text-based applications. It is currently possible on quite a few terminal emulators using Sixel, Tektronix or ReGIS do draw things, and \e[1000h or similar escape codes to get mouse events, unfortunately these mouse events are low-resolution (the coordinates in character cells, not in pixels).

xterm reports the mouse position with pixel resolution with the following escape sequences:
switch on pixel resolution: \e[2;1'z
report mouse position: \e['|
Details are described at


Tmux: pane border characters crooked line

I have started to use tmux and noticed that the lines that seperate the different panes are not entirely straight, instead there are small bumps. I think it might have something to do with the font, my thought is that characters from one "character-field" are overlapping into the next, which creates the little bumps. Does anyone know how I can fix this and get a straight line without bumps?
The font I use: Menlo
example of the bumpy lines
The problem was actually the terminal emulator I used, Alacritty, which lets some characters reach outside of their cell. To solve this issue, I switched to Kitty, which has better support for preventing characters from overflowing into other cells.

Rotate characters in a terminal

I'm developing a Haskell application which prints characters into the terminal screen. My question is, are there any way to rotate specific characters in a terminal?
For example, I want the character in the even position rotated:
I think there should be kind of a control sequence for a terminal to rotate characters like changing colors of the characters.
Thanks in advance.

As a letter / character may have color? like this: ✔️

I have found this letter / character in facebook, but how can this have a color? is just insane for me, look this: ✔️
Added image (From Firefox on windows)
It's not an ASCII character, it's likely an emoji. Emoji are part of Unicode and the actual glyph displayed to the user is open to interpretation by the platform displaying it. The spec suggests a name/description, but the implementation varies.
So while you may see a colored check mark, I see black & white. Other times, a single glyph will have multiple styles made available on a particular platform; for example, I can select multiple "skin" tones when I use a smiley face on my iPhone, but your Android device may only show a generic one.
Edit: The image edited into the original post is a perfect example. Using Chrome on Windows, I see a black check mark. The screenshot from Firefox shows green.
The symbols used here aren't ascii-encoded. They use the much more vast range of Unicode encoding. Ascii(extended) is restricted to a 256 symbol set.
The unicode interpretation for symbols/glyphs(small pictorial representation)(these ticks aren't characters), can vary for different platforms as some the range of unicode is open for usage and isn't set as global.
Which is why, while the unicode encryption remains the same for every device irrespective, the decryption is differently interpreted by different devices/online-platforms, allowing us to perceive either a coloured or a black symbol.

Ruby curses: how to get pure white

I'm having a hard time trying to get a pure white (background) and black (foreground) text with ruby and curses.
With this code
Curses.stdscr.addstr str
I get black text on a grayish background (the bottom three lines in
What could I be doing wrong? I tried switching from iterm2 to mac terminal
still the same.
Most of the terminals which implement "ANSI color" use a more intense foreground color when told to render bold. But there is no corresponding workaround for the background.
However, the majority of these also implement SGR 39 and SGR 49, which reset the foreground and background to its "default" colors. Using that would get your original terminal background (which is likely what you want). That is a feature of ncurses called use_default_colors, which I see is available in ruby.
Using that feature, your example would
call the Curses.use_default_colors method,
not bother (for example) to create a color pair, since the default pair 0 would draw using the terminal's default colors.
other color pairs (1 through the maximum number of pairs) would work just like regular curses.
The example given uses color pair 1. If you were using the default-colors extension, you could initialize Curses with the use_default_colors method. Then, using the default color pair 0, you would see on most terminals the original terminal colors. This method is from the underlying ncurses library irregardless of whether the Ruby package is called "curses" or "ncurses".
Color pair 0 is special (see manpage). It cannot be set to specific colors by your application. As an extension, ncurses provides a way to alter this in a useful way.

How to change font size with shell script?

Is there any way to change the size of the text in shell script ?
I mean dynamically during the execution .
For example I have an image drawn with ASCII code and i want to reduce the size of text .
Now when echo or cat the image it will be shown as the command prompt actual size (the actual font size) .
A couple of comments note that font size/style are under the control of the terminal emulator, and that xterm (and a few others) support escape sequences to change these.
However - almost all terminal emulators (all that you would be likely to encounter) rely upon keeping the characters in a nice row/column grid. All of the characters have the "same" size. If you change the size of the font in xterm, all of the characters on the screen change to the same size. So there is no way to (as OP asks) to reduce the font-size temporarily, e.g., while using ASCII graphics to draw a picture using aalib, etc.
If you want to do something like that, the easiest way to do it is to have the script run its graphics in a separate window, e.g., by splitting it up into one part that starts the window and another script to draw the graphics.
For an alternate via of terminals and fonts, there is always something like 9term (no rows, no columns, no vi).
