Not possible to pass jmeter variable to sql query in JDBC Request - jdbc

In Jmeter, I have fetched data using 'CSV data set config. Now I got stuck how these data can be passed to Mysql database using JDBC request. I have added a query
'INSERT INTO rawdata_bk (data) VALUES ($data)'. But I am getting error like "Unknown column '$data' in 'field list'" So my question is how can i Pass the data from csv file to database row by row

JMeter Variables have slightly different syntax, you need to refer them as:
${data} - direct reference
${__V(data)} - via __V() function
Full query will look like: INSERT INTO rawdata_bk (data) VALUES (${data})
If you will need to check ${data} variable value it can be done via Debug Sampler and View Results Tree Listener combination, see How to Debug your Apache JMeter Script article for details.


JMeter: Regular expression extractor gets the name of the column after JDBC request returned data

I faced some issue:
I use JDBC request for selecting usernames data and reuse it in the login request
The JDBC request returns correct data from the table
But the issue that my login request uses the column name as data, so it tries to login with the username businessId instead of the correct one. So when randomly JDBC request returns the first row which is businessId value the test returns 401 error.
Do you have any ideas on how can I get the correct values within JDBC request or extract values without column name?
As per JDBC Request sampler documentation
If the Variable Names list is provided, then for each row returned by a Select statement, the variables are set up with the value of the corresponding column (if a variable name is provided), and the count of rows is also set up. For example, if the Select statement returns 2 rows of 3 columns, and the variable list is A,,C, then the following variables will be set up:
A_#=2 (number of rows)
A_1=column 1, row 1
A_2=column 1, row 2
So you don't need the Regular Expression Extractor, you need to define "Variable names" like:
and first row value can be referenced as businessId_1, second as businessId_2, etc.
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
Actually, the problem was in the column name which was included in the businessId results. So my JDBC Request returned the values including the column name and the column name was stored as the businessId value.
For solving the issue I use ForEach Controller where Input Variable Prefix: businessId and Output variable name: currentId

Jmeter - How to Check against empty DB query

For the purpose of my test, i need to check if the query is returning empty data (nothing), then enter into another condition accordingly.
My test looks like:
execute db query
If DB, does not provides anything (empty data), then enter into the If condition.
What is the easiest way to archive that?
If your SQL query returns nothing the JDBC Request sampler will generate the following JMeter Variable:
you can observe it yourself using Debug Sampler
If you want to run some logic when the query doesn't return the results add If Controller after the JDBC Request sampler and use the following __jexl3() function as the condition:
${__jexl3(${resultSet_#} == 0,)}
If everything goes well If Controller's children will be executed only when the query returns empty result set:

jmeter - Looping based on DB query

I need to tell my loop counter to loop x Times, based on the DB query.
My scenario is as follows
Execute the query
Count the lines
based on dynamic response from JDBC request, i need to place my looping logic
Any help is appreciated
Just define a JMeter Variable in the "Variable Names" field of the JDBC Request, i.e. put url there:
This way you will get the following JMeter Variables:
So you will be able to use ${url_#} as the reference to the number of the matching rows in the Loop Controller.
More information: Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
P.S. It might be easier to use ForEach Controller

Extract value from JDBC request and use in next jdbc request

I am writing a JDBC test plan for Add and Delete records.
I have extracted queries from SQL Express Profiler for ADD and Delete.
Now when i run JDBC request for add and delete then record is added but same record not deleted. because delete query having different unique key (e.g.35) of record which was added when query was taken from express profiler. Every time i run add jdbc request then new record having different value i.e. incremented.
Is there any way to extract unique key from Jdbc request of ADD and use it in Delete JDBC request so that same record could be deleted?
Response of ADD JDBC Request:
Delete query where i want to use unique value from response of ADD request:
In JDBC Request sampler you have Variable Names input where you can specify the JMeter Variables which will hold the results values. So given you put ScopeIdentity there most likely you will be able to refer its value later on as ${ScopeIdentity_1}
JDBC PostProcessor Example in Jmeter for Response assertion
Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter
You can solve this using the varible field that you have in your JDBC Request sampler.
More information on the parameters used in JDBC requests are found here:
Let me explain how to use them with your problem as an example:
For the ADD query enter the variable name in the Variables Names field:
This will result in the thread local value for Scopeidentity being saved in a variable named "Scopeidentity" with a suflix of the thread-number. So for one-thread scenario the variable is ScopeIdentity_1
For the DELETE query enter this where you want to refer to the value:
Where ${__threadNum} gives the number of the current thread.
Where ${__V()} is used to nest the variable name and the result of __threadNum.
Response for Add request wouldn't retrieve your unique_id.
Add an additional step between ADD and DELETE as below:
SELECT TOP 1 unique_id
FROM table
WHERE condition
order by unique_id desc;
Store this response to a variable and use it in the DELETE statement.

Jmeter regular expression for Oracle DB output

In Jmeter , I have created a DB connection with Oracle, and executing below query.
select address , city , zip from table where city='Delhi';
Now this is giving result as:
212 Kamla nagar Delhi 11011
Now I want to use this into 3 variable using regular expression and pass all these 3 parameters to another soap request.
I tried to use regular expression as (\d+) but it only stored value in variable 1.
How to extract values and use them in another request?
you can use JDBC preprocessor and from which you use either Variable names or Result variable name
The ones you specify in the Variable names box map to individual columns returned by your query and these you can access by saying columnVariable_{index}.
The one you specify in the Result variable name contains the entire result set and in practice this is a list of maps to values. The above syntax will obviously not work in this case. you will have to access it by BeanShell and create variables.
...and then you can use these variables as ${name_1}, ${city_1}, ${zip_1} in soap request to access value from DB. or as ${name}, ${city}, ${zip} if you use Result variable name object
Configure your JDBC Sampler as follows:
i.e. add the next line to "Variable Names" input:
address, city, zip
You will be able to access the extracted values as:
later in the script. 1 stands for Result Set row, i.e. if there will be 2 rows in JDBC response - ${address_1} will stand for 1st row address, ${address_2} - for 2nd row address, etc.
See Debugging JDBC Sampler Results in JMeter article for details.
