I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but I want to make sure that I'm right or not.
suppose we have an 8x8 pixel screen and we want to represent a 2x2 square, a pixel can be black - 1 and white - 0. I would imagine this as an 8x8 matrix
using this matrix, we paint over the pixels and update them (for example) every second. we also have the coordinates of the pixels representing the square : (4,4) (4,5) (5,4) (5,5) and if we want to move the square we add 1 to x part of coordinate.
is it true or not?
Graphics Rendering is a complex mesh of art, mathematics, and hardware, assuming you're asking about how the screen actually works instead of a pet problem on simulating displays.
The buffer you described in the question is the interface which software uses to tell the hardware (video card) what to draw on the screen, and how it is actually done is in the realm of hardware. Hence, the logic for manipulating graphics objects (things you want drawn) is separate from the rendering process itself. Your program tells the buffer which pixels you want to update, and that's all; this can be done as often as you like, regardless of whether the hardware actually manages to flush its buffers onto the screen.
The software would be responsible for sorting out what exactly to draw on the screen; this is usually handled on multiple logical levels. Higher levels would construct a virtual worldspace for your objects and determine their interactions and attributes (position, velocity, collision, etc.), as well as a camera to determine the FOV the screen should display (if your world is 3D). Lower levels would then figure out the actual pixel values to write to the buffer, based on the camera FOV (3D), or just plain pixel coordinates after applying the desired transformations (rotation, shear, resize, etc.) to the associated image (2D).
It should be noted that virtual worldspace coordinates do not necessarily reflect pixel coordinates, even in 2D worlds. I'm not an expert on this subject, frankly, but I suspect it'll be easier if you first determine how far you want the object to move in virtual space first, and then apply the necessary transformations to show the results in a viewing window with customizable dimensions.
In short, you probably don't want to 'add 1 to x' when you want to move something on screen; you move it in a high abstraction layer, and then draw the results. This will save you a lot of trouble, especially if you have a complex scene with all kinds of stuff and a background.
Assuming you want to move a group of pixels to the right, then yes, all you need to do is identify the group of pixels and add 1 to their X coordinate. Of course you need to fill in the vacated spots with zeroes, otherwise that would have been a copy operation.
Keep in mind, my answer is a bit naive in the sense that when you reach the rightmost boundary, you have to wrap.
I have a scene with a single camera and one PlaneBufferGeometry
If I make this plane size 1x1 I get 60fps
If I make this plane size 1000x1000 I get <20fps
Why does this happen? I am drawing the same number of vertices to the screen.
Here is a fiddle showing the problem
Just change the definition of size between 1 and 1000 to observe the problem.
var size = 10000;
//size = 1;
var geometry = new THREE.PlaneBufferGeometry(size, size);
I am adding 50 identical planes in this example. There isn't a significant fps hit with only one plane.
It's definitely normal. A larger plane cover more surface on the screen, thus more pixels.
More fragments are emitted by the rasterisation process. For each one, the GPU will check if it pass the depth test and/or the stencil test. If so, it will invoke the fragment shader for each pixels.
Try to zoom in your 1x1 plane, until it cover the whole screen. Your FPS will drop as well.
#pleup has a good point there, to extend on that a little bit: Even a low-end GPU will have absolutely no problem overdrawing (painting the same pixel multiple times) several times (i'd say something like 4 to 8 times) at fullscreen and still keep it up at 60 FPS. This number is likely a bit lower for webgl due to the compositing with the DOM and browser-UI, but it's still multiple times for sure.
Now what is happening is this: you are in fact creating 50 planes, and not only one. All of them with the same size in the same place. No idea why, but thats irrelevant here. As all of them are in the same place, every single pixel needs to be drawn 50 times, and worst case that is 50 times the full screen-area.
I'd like to implement an OpenGL scene (OpenGL ES 2.0) in which depth testing is enabled only between selected triangles.
To be more specific: Suppose we have four triangles to render. Depth testing should be enabled between triangles 1 and 2, as well as between triangles 3 and 4, but neither between triangles 1 and 3 nor triangles 2 and 4.
In other words: Is it possible to enable depth testing within two pairs of triangles but not between them (to improve performance when the rendering sequence of the two pairs can be calculated more easily on the software level?
According to FAQ (see bottom of page - 12.080), a scene can be divided into regions for that purpose, but the description doesn't go into enough detail for me to comprehend how that is achieved.
A couple of possibilities come to mind.
Clear depth buffer multiple times per frame
The easiest approach is probably to clear the depth buffer after you rendered one group of objects. For the case in the question:
// Draw triangle 1.
// Draw triangle 2.
// Draw triangle 3.
// Draw triangle 4.
Since you won't have depth testing between 1/2 and 3/4, triangles 3 and 4 will be drawn on top of triangles 1 and 2 if they overlap, independent of their relative depth.
One restriction of this solution is that you have to draw the geometry for each group together. For example, you couldn't use this if for some reason you were rendering the triangles in order 1, 3, 2, 4.
FBO rendering with multiple depth buffers
Another option is to use multiple depth buffers. The only way to do this is by using off-screen rendering with FBOs. In this case, you can create multiple depth renderbuffers. Before each draw call, you can then attach the depth buffer you can use to the FBO.
After you finished rendering the frame to the FBO, you will then have to copy the content to the default framebuffer.
This has the advantage that you can draw your triangles in any order as long as you switch the depth buffer each time:
// draw triangle 1
// draw triangle 3
// draw triangle 2
// draw triangle 4
However, switching render buffers can be a fairly expensive operation, so you would still want to minimize how many times you switch the depth buffer.
So this approach gives you more flexibility, but I would generally expect it to be less efficient. You still need to clear all depth buffers, so you have multiple depth clear operations just like in the first approach. In addition, you have the overhead for switching depth buffers, and for copying the color buffer to the default framebuffer at the end of the frame.
The depth test configuration applies to every triangle in each draw call; if you want different settings you will need to make multiple draw calls.
I am trying to draw large numbers of 2d circles for my 2d games in opengl. They are all the same size and have the same texture. Many of the sprites overlap. What would be the fastest way to do this?
an example of the kind of effect I'm making
(It should be noted that the black edges are just due to the expanding explosion of circles. It was filled in a moment after this screen-shot was taken.
At the moment I am using a pair of textured triangles to make each circle. I have transparency around the edges of the texture so as to make it look like a circle. Using blending for this proved to be very slow (and z culling was not possible as they were rendered as squares to the depth buffer). Instead I am not using blending but having my fragment shader discard any fragments with an alpha of 0. This works, however it means that early z is not possible (as fragments are discarded).
The speed is limited by the large amounts of overdraw and the gpu's fillrate. The order that the circles are drawn in doesn't really matter (provided it doesn't change between frames creating flicker) so I have been trying to ensure each pixel on the screen can only be written to once.
I attempted this by using the depth buffer. At the start of each frame it is cleared to 1.0f. Then when a circle is drawn it changes that part of the depth buffer to 0.0f. When another circle would normally be drawn there it is not as the new circle also has a z of 0.0f. This is not less than the 0.0f that is currently there in the depth buffer so it is not drawn. This works and should reduce the number of pixels which have to be drawn. However; strangely it isn't any faster. I have already asked a question about this behavior (opengl depth buffer slow when points have same depth) and the suggestion was that z culling was not being accelerated when using equal z values.
Instead I have to give all of my circles separate false z-values from 0 upwards. Then when I render using glDrawArrays and the default of GL_LESS we correctly get a speed boost due to z culling (although early z is not possible as fragments are discarded to make the circles possible). However this is not ideal as I've had to add in large amounts of z related code for a 2d game which simply shouldn't require it (and not passing z values if possible would be faster). This is however the fastest way I have currently found.
Finally I have tried using the stencil buffer, here I used
glStencilFunc(GL_EQUAL, 0, 1);
Where the stencil buffer is reset to 0 each frame. The idea is that after a pixel is drawn to the first time. It is then changed to be none-zero in the stencil buffer. Then that pixel should not be drawn to again therefore reducing the amount of overdraw. However this has proved to be no faster than just drawing everything without the stencil buffer or a depth buffer.
What is the fastest way people have found to write do what I am trying?
The fundamental problem is that you're fill limited, which is the GPUs inability to shade all the fragments you ask it to draw in the time you're expecting. The reason that you're depth buffering trick isn't effective is that the most time-comsuming part of processing is shading the fragments (either through your own fragment shader, or through the fixed-function shading engine), which occurs before the depth test. The same issue occurs for using stencil; shading the pixel occurs before stenciling.
There are a few things that may help, but they depend on your hardware:
render your sprites from front to back with depth buffering. Modern GPUs often try to determine if a collection of fragments will be visible before sending them off to be shaded. Roughly speaking, the depth buffer (or a represenation of it) is checked to see if the fragment that's about to be shaded will be visible, and if not, it's processing is terminated at that point. This should help reduce the number of pixels that need to be written to the framebuffer.
Use a fragment shader that immediately checks your texel's alpha value, and discards the fragment before any additional processing, as in:
varying vec2 texCoord;
uniform sampler2D tex;
void main()
vec4 texel = texture( tex, texCoord );
if ( texel.a < 0.01 ) discard;
// rest of your color computations
(you can also use alpha test in fixed-function fragment processing, but it's impossible to say if the test will be applied before the completion of fragment shading).
There is a great article about multiple light sources in GLSL
But light0 and light1 parameters described in shader code, what if must draw flare gun shots, e.g every flare has it own position, color and must illuminate surroundings. How we manage other objects shader to deal with unknown (well there is a limit to max flares on the screen) position, colors of flares? For example there will be 8 max flares on screen, what i must to pass 8*2 uniforms, even if they not exist at this time?
Or imagine you making level editor, user can place lamps, how other objects will "know" about new light source and render then new lamp has been added?
I think there must be clever solution, but i can't find one.
Lighting equations usually rely on additive colour. So the output is the colour of light one plus the colour of light two plus the colour of light three, etc.
One of the in-framebuffer blending modes offered by OpenGL is additive blending. So the colour output of anything new that you draw will be added to whatever is already in the buffer.
The most naive solution is therefore to write your shader to do exactly one light. If you have multiple lights, draw the scene that many times, each time with a different nominated line. It's an example of multipass rendering.
Better solutions involve writing shaders to do two, four, eight or whatever lights at once, doing, say, 15 lights as an 8-light draw then a 4-light draw then a 2-light draw then a 1-light draw, and including only geometry within reach of each light when you do that pass. Which tends to mean finding intelligent ways to group lights by locality.
EDIT: with a little more thought, I should add that there's another option in deferred shading, though it's not completely useful on most GL ES devices at the moment due to the limited options for output buffers.
Suppose theoretically you could render your geometry exactly once and store whatever you wanted per pixel. So you wouldn't just output a colour, you'd output, say, a position in 3d space, a normal, a diffuse colour, a specular colour and a specular exponent. Those would then all be in a per-pixel buffer.
You could then render each light by (i) working out the maximum possible space it can occupy when projected onto the screen (so, a 2d rectangle that relates directly to pixels); and (ii) rendering the light as a single quad of that size, for each pixel reading the relevant values from the buffer you just set up and outputting an appropriately lit colour.
Then you'd do all the actual geometry in your scene only exactly once, and each additional light would cost at most a single, full-screen quad.
In practice you can't really do that because the output buffers you tend to be able to use in ES provide too little storage. But what you can usually do is render to a 32bit colour buffer with an attached depth buffer. So you can just store depth in the depth buffer and work out world (x, y, z) from that plus the [uniform] position of the camera in the light shader. You could store 8-bit versions of normal x and y in the colour buffer so as to spend 16 bits and work out z in the colour buffer because you know that the normal is always of unit length. Then, to pick a concrete example at random, maybe you could store a 16-bit version of the diffuse colour in the remaining space, possibly in YCrCb with extra storage for Y.
The main disadvantage is that hardware antialiasing then doesn't due to much the same sort of concerns as transparency and depth buffers. But if you get to the point where you save dramatically on lighting it might still make sense to do manual antialiasing by rendering a large version of the scene and then scaling it down in a final pass.