I would like to ask for help with an algorithm I’ve been working on for quite some time. I actually programmed it a few years ago using greedy pairing mostly but I’m not satisfied. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
So getting down to business. I have an application for tournament play (beachvolleyball to be precise, but should work for any pair-sport played in tournament format). The players show up on tournament day and gets randomly-ish put together with other participants and against other random teams. Top focus is to play as much as possible, however the number of players aren’t always divisible by the number of simultaneous playing spots. Therefor there will always be a number of players resting, standing the round out that is, and I’m trying to make sure this is as fair as possible by using 2 variables:
Rests (total number of rests during the day)
Rests in a row (Resting several games in a row, obviously)
The original concept of the tournament was mixing the teams with 1 male(m) and 1 female(f) in each team, playing against another team of m/f. However, the resting part is more important and there is often a lot more players of one sex than the other (i.e. 20 f and 7 m). Instead of letting the males play every single round, the program should make teams of f/f playing against f/f. Same-sex vs f/m should be avoided though.
Players should get new partners every round and play against new teams every round. Preferably you should play with all players of the opposite sex before playing with someone again. Players are allowed to come and leave as they like, and also take a break at any time (voluntary rest).
I’ve looked into the unstable marriage problem and the roommate problem, but my problem seems to be a mix of the two. Normally there will be two lists of players (m/f) and pairing, but under certain premises there should be teams made from just one list as described. Let me give you an example:
43 players show up for a tournament with 6 courts.
17 Females (f) and 26 Males (m).
The 6 courts fit 12 teams with a total of 24 players per round.
Round 1
*12 m - 12 f*
*19 resting (5f, 14m)*
Round 2
5f and 14m have 1 rest and should play.
The best solution would be:
*4 f - 4 m*
*1f - 1m*
*4m - 4m*
*1f - 1m* (these players played last round as well).
In this example there will normally not be more than 1 rests in a row, if there woud’ve been 49 players from the start on the other hand..
In future updates, I’m also planning on letting the user choose number of players per team, and also to skip the m/f requisite.
Any thoughts?
I'm a fantasy basketball player and there is a recurring problem that I have not been able to figure out, and I can't find a similar enough example online that I can adapt for my own usage. For those who don't know, streaming (in fantasy basketball) is when you have an open spot on your individual team that you cycle available / free agent players through, in an attempt to maximize points, based on when they play during the week.
For example, Player 1 has games on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, and P2 plays on Thursday, Friday and Sunday. You keep P1 rostered through Wednesday, then drop them and pick up P2 for the rest of the week. Both players' points are added to your total; this allows you to essentially benefit from having two players' scoring for the week while only using one roster spot.
Avg Pts / Game
The optimal strategy yields 135 points, vs 60 or 75 from just playing one player for the whole week.
The complexity comes from three places.
Players you want to play sometimes overlap on the same day, and their schedules often overlap in a way such that it might be worth it to start a worse player early in the week if it means you get access to a slate of their games later in the week. A player may have a lower points per game than another player, but by virtue of playing more games it’s worth it to start the player with a lower average.
Players can’t be re-added for the rest of the week once dropped, due to the nature of the fantasy sports platform. So you can’t toggle back and forth between two good players if they have complementary schedules. Related to this, there are a set number of “adds” you can use per week. Without this you could just add 7 different players, one each day, and figure out who was going to be the best for each day of the week. For the purposes of this league, the number of adds is 4 per week.
There are lots of available players. Figuring this out manually sometimes means starting players who are ranked far outside the top 130 (the total number of players across all of the leagues rosters) in Points Per Game, but due to their scheduling quirks, offer the best value for the remainder of the week. Trying each combination of players against each other involves a huge number of potential options.
I am a CS hobbyist, but the things I build do not require these sorts of optimizations, and I haven’t been able to find an example that would solve all parts of this problem.
Take the below schedule, for example. An “x” indicates the player is playing that day:
Avg Pts / Game
The points maximizing solution is to start Player 1 Monday, drop them and switch to Player 2 for the next three days, start no one on Thursday (as P1 would not be available after dropping them), and then switch to Player 3 for the last two days.
Start P1: 20 + 63 + 44 = 127
There are a set number of available days (7)
Only one player can be played per day
Each player can only be added one time (but can play consecutive games after being added with no penalty).
You can only add new players a set number of times: “n”
There are “p” possible players, each of whom has days of the week they can be played and an average points per game (same across all days)
The objective is to return the schedule of players in the proper combination that optimizes the total points in a given week.
My (somewhat brief) look through the existing algorithms led me to considering the knapsack problem, optimal scheduling, and greedy. Greedy doesn’t seem to work because it would immediately decide to start Player 3, which would not ultimately lead to the optimal solution, ending up with 125 total points
The scheduling algorithm would seem to require considering the start and end of a “task” as the first and last day a player plays, which creates problems here; Player 1’s “block” or whole week between first and last day would show that Player 1 offers the best total value at 80 points, and that the optimal strategy would be to just play them, but it doesn’t consider prematurely ending the task if something else was available.
Likewise I can’t figure out how to introduce the “switching” element into solutions to the knapsack problem.
There is a related question here but it doesn't include the scheduling aspect: Algorithm to select Player with max points but with a given cost
I feel like there’s a method that I’m not quite grasping, or a simplification that would allow me to use one of the aforementioned solutions. Any help in solving this completely inconsequential problem is greatly appreciated!
I am writing a perl program to schedule N number of teams to play each other team once as home team and once as visitor. We use two fields and two time periods. So up to eight teams play in a day. No team can play at the same time on both fields or play twice in the same day. Any team not playing for the day is put on the BYE list.
I have written the code to define all the required games. But when I try to schedule each game and remove it from the array of games to be played, I arrive at conditions where there are no games left that can satisfy the rules for field or time periods in a day. This is most pronounced if I do not shuffle the array of games to be played. Even with 8 teams, I get these conflicts near the end.
What is the logic to deconflict the schedule sequence?
Do not simply create a list of all games and select from that at random: you need an algorithm to create the rounds - the circular method being the "standard" one (see for instance the link in the comment by #David Eisenstat).
Once you created the rounds you still have to define a calendar that will respect the limitation of 4 games per day (and no team playing more than once per day). This is straightforward: if one round fills exactly one or more days, i.e. if you have 8, 16, 24, ... teams, then you simply split each round in the requested number of days. But even if N is not a multiple of 8, there are no problems.
Lets' keep things simple, and consider the case of N = 12, so each round requires one day and a half: on day 1 you select (randomly) 4 of the 6 games of round 1; on day 2 you select the 2 missing games of round 1, and 2 games of round 2, taking care to avoid that the same team plays twice in a day; finally on day 3 you complete round 2, and so on. Can we be sure that we will always able to assign day 2 avoiding the duplication of a team? Yes, we can: when you assign the last two games from round 1, you have 4 teams affected; even if in round 2 there are no games between those 4, you only exclude 4 games from day 2, so you still have 2 games available for placement on that day.
Final notes: as you can see there's no need for a bye list. The only situation to deal with is when N is odd, and it is usually handled by adding a dummy team.
Regarding home vs visitors, you will need to repeat the full calendar a second time. Just note that it is not possible to have every team alternating between home and visitors at each round. For instance with 4 teams you may have TeamA (h) vs TeamB and TeamC (h) vs TeamD; at the second round you may still do TeamD (h) vs TeamA and TeamB (h) vs TeamC; but at the third round TeamA and TeamC must play each other, and both come from a visitor round. And the same hold for TeamB and TeamD, who both come from a home round.
Currently, I have a pool of basketball players where I have a projected total of points for each player. Additionally, I have a normal distribution function that gives me a random drawing from a normal distribution for each player. Currently, I have an algorithm that calculates n unique random lineups of 8 players based on some constraints. Between each lineup, the normal distribution function runs again to produce new predictions for each player. Then the best lineup is produced for that specific set of predictions.
I would like to tweak this algorithm in the following way. I would like to have 4 tiers of maximum and minimum percentages where each player is assigned a tier. Within the number of lineups generated, I would like each specific player to occur with that frequency. So for example if I wanted to generate 10 lineups and player 1 is in tier 1 which requires the player to be between 50-60%, then the player would occur in 5-6 lineups ideally.
I'm struggling with how to modify my current algorithm to include this stipulation. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated! I just don't know how to force each player within a specific range of percentages.
There are a lot of ways to do it.
Here is an easy approach. Keep a current relative odds of being picked for each player. The actual probability is the relative odds divided by the sum of the odds. Each person starts with the expected number of times be selected. Whenever someone is selected, their relative odds is reduced by 1. If it goes below 0, that person is out of the pool.
This approach guarantees that each player will not be in more than a maximum number of teams. It makes it unlikely, but not impossible, that any given player will be in fewer teams than you want.
An easy way to solve that is to randomly round people's desired frequencies up and down to get the right integer count. And now everything has to come even.
There is yet another problem, though. Which is that it is possible that you'll not succeed in assignment to fill all the teams. But if you go from the most popular player to the least, the odds of such mistakes should be acceptably low. Doubly so if you widen the ranges slightly by populating a few extra teams, then throwing away ones that didn't work out.
First draft
So if I understand correctly, you have N players that might appear in the first
position of the string. But you want them to be selected not at random, but according
to some percentage.
Now the first step is to normalize those percentages:
Alice 20%
Bob 40%
Charlie 10%
Doug 60%
Eric 30%
The sum is 160%, so you generate a random number from 1 to 160; say it's 97.
97 is more than 20, so subtract 20 and ignore Alice.
77 is more than 40, so subtract 40 and ignore Bob.
37 is more than 10, so subtract 10 and ignore Charlie.
27 is less than 60: Doug it is.
You can also pre-populate a 160-element array with 20 "Alice" indexes, 60 "Doug" indexes etc., and your player is players[array[random(160)]].
Here is my scenario,
I run a Massage Place which offers various type of massages. Say 30 min Massage, 45 min massage, 1 hour massage, etc. I have 50 rooms, 100 employees and 30 pieces of equipment.When a customer books a massage appointment, the appointment requires 1 room, 1 employee and 1 piece of equipment to be available.
What is a good algorithm to find available resources for 10 guests for a given day
Room – 50
Staff – 100
Equipment – 30
Business Hours : 9AM - 6PM
Staff Hours: 9AM- 6PM
No of guests: 10
5 Guests- (1 hour massages)
3 Guests - (45mins massages)
2 Guests - (1 hour massage).
They are coming around the same time. Assume there are no other appointment on that day
What is the best way to get ::
Top 10 result - Fastest search which meets all conditions gets the top 10 result set. Top ten is defined by earliest available time. 9 – 11AM is best result set. 9 – 5pm is not that good.
Exhaustive search (Find all combinations) - all sets – Every possible combination
First available met (Only return the first match) – stop after one of the conditions have been met
I would appreciate your help.
First, it seems the number of employees, rooms, and equipment are irrelevant. It seems like you only care about which of those is the lowest number. That is your inventory. So in your case, inventory = 30.
Next, it sounds like you can service all 10 people at the same time within the first hour of business. In fact, you can service 30 people at the same time.
So, no algorithm is necessary to figure that out, it's a static solution. If you take #Mario The Spoon's advice and weight the different duration massages with their corresponding profits, then you can start optimizing when you have more than 30 customers at a time.
Looks like you are trying to solve a problem for which there are quite specialized software applications. If your problem is small enough, you could try to do a brute force approach using some looping and backtracking, but as soon as the problem becomes too big, it will take too much time to iterate through all possibilities.
If the problem starts to get big, look for more specialized software. Things to look for are "constraint based optimization" and "constraint programming".
E.g. the ECLIPSe tool is an open-source constraint programming environment. You can find some examples on http://eclipseclp.org/examples/index.html. One nice example you can find there is the SEND+MORE=MONEY problem. In this problem you have the following equation:
+ M O R E
= M O N E Y
Replace every letter by a digit so that the sum is correct.
This also illustrates that although you can solve this brute-force, there are more intelligent ways to solve this (see http://eclipseclp.org/examples/sendmore.pl.txt).
Just an idea to find a solution:
You might want to try to solve it with a constraint satisfaction problem (CSP) algorithm. That's what some people do if they have to solve timetable problems in general (e.g. room reservation at the University).
There are several tricks to improve CSP performance like forward checking, building a DAG and then do a topological sort and so on...
Just let me know, if you need more information about CSP :)
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Most online games arbitrarily form teams. Often times its up to the user, and they'll choose a fast server with a free slot. This behavior produces unfair teams and people rage quit. By tracking a player's statics (or any statics that can be gathered) how can you choose teams that are as fair as possible?
One of the more well-known systems now is Microsoft's TrueSkill algorithm.
People have also attempted to adapt the Elo system for team matchmaking, though it's more designed for 1-v-1 pairings.
After my previous answer, I realized that if you wanted to get really fancy you could use a really simple but powerful idea: Markov Chains.
The intuitive idea behind using a Markov Chain goes something like this:
Create a graph G=(V,E)
Let each vertex in V represent an entity
Let each edge in E represent a transitioning probability between entities. This means that the sum of the out degrees of each vertex must be 1.
At the start (time t=0) assign each entity a unit value of 1
At each time step, transition form entity i, j by the transition probability defined in 3.
Let t->infinity then the value of each entity at t=infinity is the equilibrium (that is the chance of a transition into an entity is the same as the total chance of a transition out of an entity.)
This idea has for example been used successfully to implement Google's page rank algorithm. To describe how you can use it consider the following:
V = players E = probability of transitioning form player to player based on relative win/loss ratios
Each player is a vertex.
An edge from player A to B (B is not equal to A) has probability X/N where N is the total number of games played by A and X is the total games lost to B. Add an edge from A to A with probability M/N where M is the total number of games won by A.
Assign a skill level of 1 to each player at the start.
Use the Power Method to find the dominant eigenvector of the link matrix constructed from the probabilities defined in 3.
The dominant eigenvector is the amount of skill each player has at t=infinity, that is
the amount of skill each player has once the markov chain has come to equilibrium. This is a very robust measure of each players skill using the topology of the win/loss space.
Some caveats: there are several problems when applying this directly, the biggest problem will be seperated webs (that is your markov chain will not be irreducible and so the power method will not be guaranteed to converge.) Lucky for you, google has dealt with all these problems and more when implementing their page rank algorithm and all that remains for you is to look up how they circumvent these problems if you are so inclined.
One way would be to simply create a list of players looking for matches at any given time, sorted by player rank. Once you've reached enough people to start a new match (or perhaps, two less than the required), group them as such:
Remove best and worst player and put them on team 1
Remove now-best and now-worst player (really second-best and second worst) and put them on team 2
If there are only two players left, place each one on different teams, depending on who has the lowest combined score. Otherwise, repeat:
Remove now-best and now-worst and put them on team 1
Remove now-best and now-worst and put them on team 2
etc. etc. etc. until your teams are filled.
If you decided to start a new match with less than the required, then here it is time to let the players wait for new people to join. As soon as a new person joins, you're going to want to put them on the open team with the least combined score.
Alternatively, if you wanted to avoid games that combined good and bad players on the same team, you could split up everyone into tiers, (groups based on their ranking) and only match people within the same tier. This would require a new open/sorted list for each extra tier.
Game is 4v4
A - 1000 pnts
B - 800 pnts
C - 600 pnts
D - 400 pnts
E - 200 pnts
F - 100 pnts
As soon as you get these six, group them into teams as such:
Team 1: A, F, D (combined score 1500)
Team 2: B, E, C (combined score 1600)
Now, we wait for two more players to join.
First, player E comes along with 500 pnts. He goes to Team 1, because they have a lower combined score.
Then, player F comes with 800 pnts. He goes to Team 2, because are the only open team left.
Total teams:
Team 1: A, F, D, E (combined score 2000)
Team 2: B, E, C, F (combined score 2400)
Note that the teams were actually pretty fair until the last two came in. To be honest, the best way would be to only create the match when you have enough players to start it. But then the wait times might be too long for the player.
Adjust with how much you need before forming the match. Lower = less wait time, more possibly unfair. Higher = more wait time, less possibly unfair.
If you have a pre-game screen, lower would also offer more time for people to chat and talk with their to-be teammates while waiting.
It is difficult to estimate the skill of any one player by a single metric and such a method is prone to abuse. However, if you only care about implementing something simple that will work well try the following:
keep track of wins and losses
use the percentage of wins vs losses as the statistic to match players ( in some sense of the word match, i.e. group players with similar percentages)
This has the obvious downfall of the case where a player may have a win-loss ratio of 5-0 and another of 50-20, the first has an infinite percentage while the other has a more reasonable percentage. It makes sense for the matching system to acknowledge this and be far more confident that the latter player has actual more skill because of the consistency required; however, pitting the two players against each other would probably be a good thing because the 5-0 player is probably trying to work the system by playing versus weaker players so pitting him against a consistently good player would do everyone good.
Note, I speak from experience from playing only strategy games such as Warcraft 3 where this is the typical match making behaviour. It seems to me like the percentage of wins over losses is a great metric by which to match players.
Match based on multiple attributes. I've implemented a simple matchmaking system using AWS Cloudsearch (based on Apache Solr). For example matching based on the a combination of following fields is possible
"fields": {
"elo_rating": 3121.44,
"points": 404,
"randomizer": 35,
"last_login": "2014-10-09T22:57:57Z",
"weapons": [
It is now possible to run queries inclusive of multiple fields like the following.
(and (or weapons:'GUN' weapons:'CANNON' weapons:'DRONE')(and last_login:['2013-05-25T00:00:00Z','2014-10-25T00:00:00Z'])(and points:[100, 200])(and elo_rating:[1000, 2000]))}