What algorithms are used to find a minimum spanning forest? - algorithm

As Wikipedia says:
Minimum spanning forest is a union of the minimum spanning trees for
its connected components.
For finding minimum spanning tree we can use for example Prim's algorithm, Kruskal's algorithm, or Borůvka's algorithm.
What algorithm can we use to find minimum spanning forest?

I don't see how you need any other algorithm than you use for trees - you may need to adapt them a bit.
If you use for example Kruskal's algorithm you get all cheapest edges in every sub graph/minimum spanning tree of your (now also minimum spanning) forest. Or you can use Prim's algorithm and if your iteration stops, restart it with a node that is not connected yet (i.e. with another tree).
So my answer in one sentence: "The algorithms used to find a minimum spanning forest are the same ones that are used to find a minimum spanning tree - in some cases with adaptions and in some cases without them."


Finding the minimum spanning tree of a graph using Kruskal's Algorithm

Here is a Graph where I need to find the minimum spanning tree of G using Prim's and Kruskal's algorithms.
I found the minimum spanning tree using Prim's algorithm. Here is my attempt.
I am having difficulty in finding the minimum spanning tree using Kruskal's algorithm. I have seen many videos related to Kruskal's graph algorithm but I ended up getting the same graph as Prim's algorithm.
Can anyone please show me how to find the minimum spanning tree of the graph using Kruskal's algorithm?
Prims and Kruskals will always give you the same answer if all the
edges of the graph have distinct weights, as there is only a single min-spanning tree that exists. For graph having many edges with
same weights, the algorithms could give you a different answer but not
always. Depends on the way the nodes are explored in the
implementation. This graph can have many different min-spanning trees.
As your graph has all distinct edge weights, you will always get the same answer.
Prim's and Kruskal's algorithm both find minimum spanning trees. Because the graph that you gave has edge weights that are all different from each other there will be no different spanning trees that are both minimum.as long as both algorithms are correctly implemented they will find the same tree. meaning there can be no variation between the MST.

Spanning Trees with minimum number of leaves

So my problem is the following:
I have an undirected (complete) weighted graph G=(V,E), and I would like to generate all the possible spanning trees with minimum number of leaves, i.e. with minimum number of vertices of degree 1. Let's call this kind of trees MIN_LEAF.
Possibly, I would like to directly generate, among all trees with minimum number of leaves, the one which has also the minimum total weight (please note that this is not necessarily a minimum spanning tree).
Is the problem of deciding if a tree T is a MIN_LEAF for a given graph G NP-complete?
If so, I wonder if some kind of heuristic algorithm exists (greedy or local search) which can at least give an approximate solution for this problem.
Thanks in advance.
The first problem you described - finding a spanning tree with the fewest number of leaves possible - is NP-hard. You can see this by reducing the Hamiltonian path problem to this problem: notice that a Hamiltonian path is a spanning tree of a graph and only has two leaf nodes, and that any spanning tree of a graph with exactly two leaf nodes must be a Hamiltonian path. That means that the NP-hard problem of determining whether a Hamiltonian path exists in a graph can be solved by finding the minimum-leaf spanning tree of the graph: the path exists if and only if the minimum-leaf spanning tree has exactly two leaves. The second problem you've described contains that first problem as a special case and therefore is going to also be NP-hard.
A quick Google search turned up the paper "On finding spanning trees with few leaves", which seems like it might be a good starting point for approximation algorithms (they have a 2-approximation for arbitrary graphs) and further reading on the subject.

Minimum to Maximum spanning trees?

I have seen where one can modify classic Mininum spanning tree algorithms to find the Maximum spanning tree instead.
Can an algorithm such as Kruskal's be modified to return a spanning tree that is strictly more costly than an MST, but is the next cheapest. So you can switch one of the edges in this spanning tree, you end up with an MST and vice versa.
I would assume then, that there is a range of spanning trees in terms of their overall cost.
My question is simply how can I find the next cheapest spanning tree, given a graph with an MST.

How to efficiently generate all possible spanning trees from a graph

First please note that this question is NOT asking about MST, instead, just all possible spanning trees.
So this is NOT the same as finding all minimal spanning trees or All minimum spanning trees implementation
I just need to generate all possible spanning trees from a graph.
I think the brute-force way is straight:
Suppose we have V nodes and E edges.
Get all edges of the graph
Get all possible combinations of V-1 out of E edges.
Filter out non-spanning-tree out of the combinations (for a spanning tree, all nodes inside one set of V-1 edges should appear exactly once)
But I think it is too slow when facing big graph.
Do we have a better way?
Set the weight of all edges to the same value, then use an algorithm to find all minimum spanning trees. Since all spanning trees have |V|-1 edges and all edge weights are equal, all spanning trees will be minimum spanning trees.
I've become interested in this question, and have yet to find a really satisfactory answer. However, I have found a number of references: Knuth's Algorithms S and S' in TAOCP Volume 4 Fascicle 4, a paper by Sorensen and Janssens, and GRAYSPAN, SPSPAN, and GRAYSPSPAN by Knuth. It's too bad none of them are implementations in a language I could use ... I guess I'll have to spend some time coding these ...

Graph algorithms: Prim

I was wondering if any minimum spanning tree of a graph G can be provided by an execution of the algorithm Prim on this graph?
Does the Prim algorithm give us all the possible MST?
I was wondering if any minimum spanning tree of a graph G can be
provided by an execution of the algorithm Prim on this graph?
Prim's algorithm is known to be a good algorithm to find a minimum
spanning tree.
Since Prim's algorithm constructs a MST from a weighted, connected, undirected graph, yes, you can use it to get a minimum spanning tree from such a graph. If your graph is not connected it won't work (but neither will any other algorithm because there is no spanning tree, then). If your graph is not weighted it will just create a spanning tree.
If you use Prim's once to get a MST then delete an edge. Then use prim's again to see if you can still get a MST of the same length. If you do, repeat, otherwise put the edge back and remove another edge. It will be slowish ... Perhaps only remove heavy edges?
