Make from *either* source file - makefile

I have this make rule:
dist/node/%.js: src/%.node.js yarn.lock .babelrc | $(NODE_DIST_DIRS)
$(BIN)/babel $< -o $#
It works fine when my source file ends with .node.js. e.g.,
$ make dist/node/fs.js
mkdir -p dist/node/
node_modules/.bin/babel src/fs.node.js -o dist/node/fs.js
However, I want to compile dist/node/fs.js from either src/fs.node.js or src/fs.js, whichever exists.
The reason for this is that I have some shared files with just the .js extension (work in both browser and node), and then more specific files with the .node.js extension. If there's a more specific version, I want to use that.
I don't know how to do conditional dependencies in combination with %. Is this possible? Can I give precedence to dependencies and take the best match?

There is no way to do that in a single rule. You'll have to write two rules with different prerequisites but otherwise the same:
dist/node/%.js: src/%.node.js yarn.lock .babelrc | $(NODE_DIST_DIRS)
$(BIN)/babel $< -o $#
dist/node/%.js: src/%.js yarn.lock .babelrc | $(NODE_DIST_DIRS)
$(BIN)/babel $< -o $#

I suppose you could try using a double-colon rule, but those cannot be pattern rules.
As an alternative, consider generating and including a makefile containing just those dependencies.


Remake a file if it has changed

I have a simple Makefile that will produce a file
all: build/foo.bin
build/foo.bin: foo.c
gcc $< -o $#
Works great and produces build/foo.bin as expected. If I then do a another make it will say make: Nothing to be done for 'all'. That's expected.
I then do rm build/foo.bin && make and it rebuilds the file. But if I do a echo "Modified" > build/foo.bin make doesn't think that anything has changed make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
How can I write the rules of the Makefile to re-create the build/foo.bin if the binary ever gets modified outside of the Makefile?
Make compares timestamps between two files. If the target file exists and its timestamp is newer than all of the prerequisites' timestamps, then make decides the target is up to date and it doesn't need to do anything.
Make doesn't maintain some kind of database of timestamps on its own: it relies on the filesystem for that. So make cannot detect when a file changes from what it previously contained. It can only detect when some other file changed after the target file was last updated.
In short, make cannot do what you want it to do, using its standard methods.
If you want to do that you'll have to get complicated and create a way to turn the behavior you want to detect into a file with a timestamp, that make can compare.
One way to do this would be to keep the md5sum of the file in another file, then compare it and update the file only if it's changed. You can try this (I didn't test it):
build/foo.bin: foo.c checksum.out
gcc $< -o $#
md5sum $# > checksum.out
touch $#
checksum.out: FORCE
md5sum build/foo.bin > checksum.tmp; cmp $# checksum.tmp || cp checksum.tmp $#
Basically, the FORCE is there to require the md5sum check to always run, but then if the checksum doesn't actually change it doesn't update the output file which means that build/foo.bin won't be rebuilt (at least not because checksum.out is updated).

Makefile - Execute a rule for every field in a variable

I have my project binary located at my repository's root, along with a Makefile used to build it.
This binary uses many of my self-made libraries, located in my lib/ folder
For the purpose of building (and cleaning) my repository's binary, I want to implement the following execution :
Instead of hardcoding the following lines,
make -C clean lib/folder1 -s
make -C clean lib/folder2 -s
make -C clean lib/another_folder -s
I created the BIN_PATH variable, containing the previous paths.
BIN_PATHS = lib/folder1 \
lib/folder2 \
And made a simple rule like this one :
clean_binaries: $(BIN_PATHS)
make -C clean $< -s
BUT it only executes the line for the first field of the variable (lib/folder1), which is not what I want to do.
I thought about using implicit rules(?), just like I compile the .c files, but I couldn't get it right.
In the end, I simply wonder how to execute a rule for every field of a given variable, and this inside a Makefile, if there is any way to do so.
Thank you for your answers :]
The way you get GNU make to generate a sequence of commands that vary by the
fields in a variable is to use the foreach function, e.g.
BIN_PATHS := lib/folder1 lib/folder2 lib/another_folder
.PHONY: clean_binaries
$(foreach path,$(BIN_PATHS),make -C $(path) clean ;)
which runs like:
$ make
make -C lib/folder1 clean -s; make -C lib/folder2 clean -s; make -C lib/another_folder clean -s;
not requiring a shell-loop.
Note also that you need to correct:
make -C clean <directory>
make -C <directory> clean

makefile execute after modify the input or only not executed input

I need to do a makefile for run some programs. Every time I run that script all the file are processed also if the file are not changed. I'm sure there is a problem on my code but I don't understand where I made the mistakes.
RFILES:=$(wildcard $(RDIR)/*_R1_001.fastq.gz)
OUTFILE=$(patsubst %_R1_001.fastq.gz,%_R2_001.fastq.gz,$(RFILES))
OUTKAL=$(patsubst $(RDIR)/%_R1_001.fastq.gz,$(OUTDIR)/%,$(RFILES))
.PHONY: clean all
#$(OUTKAL) $(OUTFILE): $(RDIR)/%._R1_001.fastq.gz
# echo "kallisto quant -i" $(DATABASE)/transcripts.idx -b 100 -o $# --fusion $< $(OUTFILE)
$(OUTDIR)/%: $(RDIR)/%_R1_001.fastq.gz $(OUTFILE)
kallisto quant -i $(DATABASE)/transcripts.idx -b 100 --fusion --rf-stranded -o $# $(RDIR)/$*_R1_00
1.fastq.gz $(RDIR)/$*_R2_001.fastq.gz
mkdir -p $(OUTDIR)
$(RM) -rf $(OUTDIR)
I suppose if the found some change on the input file and on the output execute the command. I don't know why every time force re-run. In some case Is that I want but I wan to also if there is some new input execute only that.
Thanks so much
A couple of things:
1) $(OUTDIR)/% is dependent on $(OUTFILE) (which is a list of all outfiles). Therefore if you change any one of the OUTFILEs, you make everything in $(OUTDIR)/% obsolete. I believe what you want is this:
$(OUTDIR)/%_R1_001.fastq.gz: $(RDIR)/%_R2_001.fastq.gz
.... (rules to make out/R1 from raw/R2
$(RDIR)/%_R2_001.fastq.gz: $(RDIR)/%_R1_001.fastq.gz
.... (rules to make R2 from R1
This makes each file dependent only on the files that effect it.
2) you have the target all dependent on $(OUTDIR) which is a directory. If you use parallel make, it may generate the $(OUTDIR) after it generates the other dependencies of all: (some of which would depend on $(OUTDIR) being created). What you want there is to remove all's dependency on $(OUTDIR), and add the line:
Notice the |, which means order only (don't consider $(OUTFILE) out of date if $(OUTDIR) is newer. This is important, as a directory's timestamp is updated each time a file in the directory is changed, and so it tends to be newer than its contents.

Makefile: PHONY pattern match rule

I have an odd project were a few files are generated at build time. they are among other files but have a special sulffix. (as opposed to a normal project, where all files of some type means they were auto generated)
for example:
then i have a pattern rule:
DATA=$(get string from template.txt)
%: %.tpl
sed 's/__TEMPLATE__/$(DATA)/g' $< > $#
templates: src/fileB.js src/fileD.css
And all is fine. Until the next build... now src/fileB.js will not get updated because there is one there already, and src/fileB.js.tpl was not changed, though the other file template.txt that i use as a data source to update it might. Which brings me to the clean step.
right now my clean step is rming each file. it is ugly.
.PHONY: clean
rm src/fileB.js
rm src/fileD.css
You can see how it gets ugly.
In a regular project my clean would be just rm *.o but here i can't do rm *.js as half the files are not auto-generated.
is there any way to make the rule %: %.tpl be a PHONY?
if not, is there any way to feed the file list from template into clean?
What about this?
TEMPLATES=$(wildcard src/*.tpl)
rm -f $(GENERATED)
Well, I would backup before testing this...

make deleting dependency files

I'm not sure if it's gmake or gcc that I don't understand here.
I'm using the -MM and -MD options to generate dependency rules for the Unit Testing framework I'm using. Specifically:
$(TEST_OBJ_DIR)/%.d: $(TEST_SRC_DIR)/%.cpp
#$(CPPC) -MM -MD $< -o $#
#sed -i -e 's|\(.*\)\.o:|$(OBJ_DIR)/\1.o $(TEST_OBJ_DIR)/\1.d $(TEST_OBJ_DIR)/\1.o:|' $#
-include $(TEST_DEP_FILES)
When I run make, after all binaries are linked (properly), I see the following extra (unexplained) line before make exits
rm test/obj/dice.d test/obj/regex.o test/obj/inventoryContainer.d test/obj/color-string.d test/obj/dice.o test/obj/inventoryContainer.o test/obj/color-string.o test/obj/regex.d
From whence is that rm command coming? The only place - anywhere - that I have an rm command in my makefile is in the clean directive
rm -f $(TEST_OBJ_DIR)/*.{a,d,o}
Any ideas?
make will automatically create intermediate files if necessary to chain two rules together, but it will delete them at the end of the build. You can use the .PRECIOUS special target to prevent it from removing them
One helpful option for debugging these kind of problems is the -n switch:
make -n {TARGET}
It will show you the commands it would run but won't actually run them. This lets you see what rules are firing but doesn't give you all the extra output that makes it difficult to diagnose the problem.
The -d debug flag can also be useful but be sure to run it in a context where you can scroll around easily, you'll be getting a lot of output. I usually use emacs shell mode as it has good searching functionality and saves the buffer.
