UFT - Select File from TreeView - hp-uft

I have recorded a script to Click on an XML file(highlight, right-click and open) from a popup treeview, the popup contains a number of files(varying amounts/types and they can appear in any order), the one I will always want to select always begins with 'AB', the numerics of the filename will change per test however:
SwfWindow("APPMAIN").SwfWindow("2000HOME").SwfTreeView("MainTreeList").SelectCell "AB99872","Object Name"
SwfWindow("APP-MAIN").SwfToolbar("SwfToolbar").Select "Open"
After Recording, I run the script, but I get the following error:
SelectCell :SelectCell :Cannot identify the specified item = AB99872 of the TreeView.
So my question is 2 part:
Why can it not select the file AB99872 after the initial record using SelectCell?
Considering that the filename will change per test(ie... AB*), what is the best way to automate this to be robust enough to select any Filename beginning with 'AB'. I did try UI Automation/Object Recognition and I used a regular expression like ^AB.* but UFT(v12.54) continually crashed with this approach.

You can use the tree's GetContent method and then use regular expressions to find the name of the node to select (then use that value in SelectCell.


Display number of filitering results sets

According to my question
Is it possible in EmEditor to display the number of filtered results sets (could be equal to number of lines, if not using the Begin-/Endfilter) in the status bar of EmEditor; i found no options in the settings?
After you filter, how about searching for the end filter with the Count Matches option?
If you use a macro, I added the Find line to the last of the previous macro. You can use this macro instead:
filters = document.filters;
filters.AddFind( "|Column1", eeFindReplaceCase, eeExFilterBegin );
filters.AddFind( "| Number of Records:", eeFindReplaceCase, eeExFilterEnd );
document.filters = filters;
document.selection.Find( "| Number of Records: ", eeFindCount | eeFindReplaceCase );
You can run this macro after you open your data file. To do this, save this code as, for instance, Filter.jsee, and then select this file from Select... in the Macros menu. Finally, open your data file, and select Run in the Macros menu while your data file is active.
Before you run this macro, please deselect the Show Execution Time option in the Status page of the Customize dialog box.

ODI KM Option - value from FLEX FIELD

Do you think that it's possible to take a value into an ODI IKM Option (for example) from a flexfield?
You define a flex field on the target table and then pass the value in the IKM.
Then, reading the variable, it's possible to pass it to an option from the IKM?
After searching I found that it's not possible to do it. Conditional Expression can take predefined values. You can find in the next all the combinations:
Condition Expression – It allows you to set the required condition for
the selected option. Double-click the field for editing the condition
expression for the selected option. Click the browse icon Browse icon,
to launch the Edit Expression Editor, which enables you to create or
edit the existing groovy script that determines whether a knowledge
module should be enabled, disabled, displayed or hidden.
Examples are:
This looks at the value of another KM Option called "Cache". If its
value is "false," then the KM Option is hidden, because it's not
This looks at the Mapping isStreaming property. If it's true, then
this option is hidden.
It is very easy to do.
You may use odiRef.getTable(java.lang.String pProperty) in the code of your IKM. One of possible values for pProperty is the code of your FlexField.
If you like to pass if through the option just pas <?…?>-substitution as a value of the option. (Probable you should play with %- or ?-substitutions, which is working.)
Refer to «Substitution API Reference» on Oracle site. Many functions like getTable, getIndex, getAK, getContext and others can obtain flexField value of an object of the corresponding type.
Additionally there is the odiRef.getFlexFieldValue() method. It gets the value of any object of any type, but it is required to pass internal IDs as an argument. So it is not convenient.

Get Automator app result in external Applescript?

Is there a way to retrieve result of an Automator app script in an external Applescript app (not the Applescript lines in Automator)?
Something like:
tell application "My_Automator_App"
-- suppose My_Automator_App checks the Calendar to see if there some events today
-- "Show Result" in Automator will display a list
get the_Result -- list returned by Automator
end tell
I looked into this a little bit and didn't find a natural means by which AppleScript and Automator applets can communicate, although this doesn't mean one definitely doesn't exist.
In the meantime, you could implement one of a couple of workarounds/hacks that, although a little unseemly in their methods, do achieve the desired result without creating any side issues that would affect the functionality of an applet itself.
1. Use The Clipboard
Append a Copy to Clipboard action at the end of the applet's workflow, or following the action whose result you would wish to be reported.
Retrieving the clipboard from AppleScript is simple:
get the clipboard
This will probably suit return values that are simple text strings or a number. Passing an array of items from an Automator action to the clipboard isn't very reliable, sometimes only allowing access to the first item. However, this can be resolved with a small AppleScript within the workflow to process results arrays properly and convert them into an accessible format, e.g. a comma-delimited string.
However, the clipboard is also capable of storing image data, file references, and other data types, so it will be possible (if not always straightforward) to send those to be retrieved in an AppleScript.
Where possible, strings and numbers are the safest storage types.
2. Write Out To A Temporary File
To avoid using the clipboard as an intermediary, or if you wish the applet to report multiple variables without too much work, then writing the data to a temporary file is a fairly common practice, such as is done in shell scripts when persistant values are needed between multiple executions of the same script.
There's actually a special directory that gets periodically purged so that temporary data files don't accumulate: /tmp. It's hidden in Finder, but you can still create files and delete them as you would any other directory. Files that aren't access for 3 days get purged by the system.
There is a New Text File action that can write text to a file:
Specifying the /tmp directory is most easily done by creating a variable whose value is "/tmp" (without the quotes), and dragging that variable onto the appropriate field.
But my inclination would be to insert an AppleScript, or more suitably, a shell script into the workflow, with which file manipulation becomes easy and more capable.
Calendar Events Example
Using a similar example to the scenario you described, a simple applet that retrieves calendar events might have a workflow that looks like this:
where you can calibrate the first action to isolate the events you want, such as today's events. That action returns a type of object that isn't easily processed by AppleScript, but the second action extracts the relevant data in text format, summarising the list of events that the first action returned.
This is where a temporary file is useful to write out the data to a text file, which can then be retrieved in an AppleScript.
Given this Automator applet saved under the named "CalEvents", this AppleScript makes use of that applet and its result:
property tidEvents : [linefeed, linefeed, "EVENT", space] as text
property tidDetails : {tab, " to "}
property tid : a reference to my text item delimiters
run application id "com.apple.automator.CalEvents"
set tid's contents to tidEvents
set EventsSummary to read POSIX file "/tmp/EventsSummary.txt"
set EventsList to the EventsSummary's text items
set [[n], EventsList] to [it, rest] of EventsList
set n to n's last word as number
EventsList -- The final list of events from first to last
Upon its first run, the applet requires consent to access your calendar information, which only needs to be done once and will make the above script appear to fail. Once authorised, you can run the script as often as you like to get the most up-to-date content of the /tmp/EventsSummary.txt file.
Each item in the list variable EventsList is a block of text that looks like this (asterisks are my redactions for privacy, as are the address items in curly braces):
4 OF 8
Summary: GP Appointment
Status: none
Date: 07/12/2017 to 07/12/2017
Time: 14:45:00 to 15:45:00
Location: ******** Medical Centre
{Address Line 1}
{Address Line 2}
{Post Code}
United Kingdom
Notes: 01*** *****9
Each value is separated from the preceding colon by a tab character, which won't be obvious here. Also, as you can tell from the date format and address, these are British-formatted values, but yours will, of course, be whatever they are set as in Calendar.
But since each list item is much the same, extracting details for a particular event will be simple in AppleScript, first by splitting a particular event item into paragraphs, and then splitting a particular paragraph by either a tab or space character (or both) or some preposition that naturally delimits useful bits of text:
set |Event| to some item in the EventsList
set tid's contents to tidDetails
set EventDetails to {title:text item 2 of paragraph 2 ¬
, startTime:text item 2 of paragraph 5 ¬
, EndTime:text item 3 of paragraph 5} of the |Event|
which places the important event details, such as its name and start/end times, in an AppleScript record:
{title:"GP Appointment", startTime:"15:45:00", EndTime:"16:00:00"}

UFT/QTP - Extract Values From List Within WebEdit

I am attempting to capture all the list items in the WebList elements throughout the entire application, however, while below code works on the WebLists, it does not work on this WebEdit.
When you click on the WebEdit, a long list of values appear (similar to a WebList) and as you type for your value, the list becomes shorter. That is how the WebEdit was set up.
But now, how do I get the values in this list?
Here is the code I have for the WebLists:
Set WebLink = Browser("browser").Page("page")
listval = WebLink.WebElement("xpath:= ((//*[contains(text(), 'Name')]))[1]/following::SELECT[1]").GetROProperty("all items")
listvalues = split(listval,";")
For j = LBound(listvalues,1) To UBound(listvalues,1)
'Print listvalues(j)
The short answer is: it depends on the implementation.
The long one:
There is no universal widget for comboboxes (Like there is for edit fields or lists / selects, radiobuttons etc) => there is no universal solution but only guidelines.
You need to spy on those objects that appear in the combobox, see their XPath and / or other properties (the css classname they belong to, for example) and then execute a second query that selects all such items. Afterwards you have to extract the value of the selected elements; which might be as simple as getting the innertext Property or you may need to dig even deeper in the HTML hierarchies.
You would need to pay careful attention for synchronisation(Waiting until all search result elements appear), Filtering (using the XPath, Description Objects and ChildObjects method on your WebPage) and then extraction( getting the property /element that contains the actual value of that WebElement)
So again: These combobox solutions are not universal therefore without seeing their code the best what one can provide to you is universal guidelines which should work in most of the situations. (You would need some familiarity with Web Programming and the UFT Framework / Robot)

openoffice calc macro access current selection of a validation list

i have an openoffice dropdown select using list validation.
the problem is, that the list contains duplicate entries in a flat tree form - like:
Test 1
Test 2
Now i would like to Convert the selected values to something like "Test 1 - Subtest", "Test 2 - Subtest" etc.
Is there a simple way to do this with an OpenOffice Macro? Or is there at least a way to get the Position of the currently selected Element for a cell.Validation ?
There should be a 'Unique' option that could be activated for not allowing repetitions.
