How can I replace a / with a _ in a shell pipeline? - bash

ip -o -f inet addr show | grep $INTERNAL |awk '/scope global/ {print $4}'
Want to replace the / in my output to _ so rather than reading
it reads as
|sed s///_/
didnt help
Any suggestions?

All the postprocessing requested can be done internal to awk. Expanding a one-liner provided in a comment by #123 for better readability, this can look like the following:
ip -o -f inet addr show | \
awk -v i="$INTERNAL" '
$0 ~ i && /scope global/ {
sub(/\//, "_", $4);
print $4;
Breaking down how this works:
awk -v i="$INTERNAL" defines an awk variable based on a shell variable. (As an aside, all-caps shell variable names are bad form; per POSIX convention, lowercase names are reserved for application use, whereas all-caps names can have meaning to the OS and surrounding tools).
$0 ~ i filters for the entire line ($0) matching the awk variable i.
/scope global/ by default is applied as a regex against $0 as well (it's equivalent to $0 ~ /scope global/).
sub(/\//, "_", $4) substitutes /s with _s in the fourth field.
print $4 prints that field.

You need to scape the / or use a different separator as below:
echo | sed s:/:_:

echo| awk '{sub(/\//,"_")}1'


awk match by variable with dot in it

I have a script that will iterate over a file containing domains (,, etc). The purpose of the script is to check how many times each domain is included in the 12th column of a tab seperated value file.
while read domain; do
awk -F '\t' '$12 == '$domain'' data.txt | wc -l
done < domains.txt
However awk seems to be interpretating the dots in the domains as a special character. The following error message is shown:
awk: syntax error at source line 1
context is
$12 ~ >>> google. <<< com
awk: bailing out at source line 1
I am a beginner in bash so any help would be greatly appreciated!
When you write:
awk -F '\t' '$12 == '$domain'' data.txt
the $domain is outside of any quotes:
awk -F '\t' '$12 == '$domain' ' data.txt
< > < >
start end start end
and so exposed to the shell for interpretation first and THEN it becomes part of the body of the awk script before awk sees it. So what awk sees is:
awk -F '\t' '$12 ==' data.txt
and is not a valid symbol (e.g. variable or function) name nor string nor number. What you MEANT to do was:
awk -F '\t' '$12 == "'"$domain"'"' data.txt
so the shell would see "$domain" instead of just $domain (see for why that's important) and awk would finally see:
awk -F '\t' '$12 == ""' data.txt
which is fine as now "" is a string, not a symbol BUT you should never allow shell variables to expand to become part of an awk script as there are other caveats so what you should really have done is:
awk -F '\t' -v dom="$domain" '$12 == dom' data.txt
See How do I use shell variables in an awk script? for more information.
By the way, even after fixing the above problem do not do this:
while read domain; do
awk -F '\t' -v dom="$domain" '$12 == dom' data.txt | wc -l
done < domains.txt
as it'll be immensely slow and contains insidious bugs (see why-is-using-a-shell-loop-to-process-text-considered-bad-practice). Do something like this instead (untested):
awk -F'\t' '
cnt[$1] = 0
$12 in cnt {
for ( dom in cnt ) {
print dom, cnt[dom]
' domains.txt data.txt
That will be far more efficient, robust, and portable than calling awk inside a shell read loop.
See What are NR and FNR and what does "NR==FNR" imply? for how that awk script works. Get the book Effective AWK Programming, 5th Edition, by Arnold Robbins to learn awk.
awk -F '\t' '$12 == '$domain'' data.txt | wc -l
The single quotes are building an awk program. They are not something visible to awk. So awk sees this:
$12 ==
Since there aren't any quotes around, that is a syntax error. You just need to add quotation marks.
awk -F '\t' '$12 == "'"$domain"'"' data.txt
The quotes jammed together like that are a little confusing, but it's just this:
'....' stuff to send to awk. Single quotes are for the shell.
'..."...' a double quote inside the awk program for awk to see
'...'"..." stuff in double quotes _outside_ the awk program for the shell
We can combine those like this:
That's a bunch of literal awk code ending in a double-quote, followed by the expansion of the shell parameter var, which is double-quoted as usual in the shell for safety, followed by more literal awk code starting with a double quotes. So the end result is a string passed to awk that includes the value of the var inside double quotes.
But you don't have to be so fancy or confusing since awk provides the -v option to set variables from the shell:
awk -v domain="$domain" '$12 == domain' data.txt
Since the domain is not quoted inside the awk code, it is interpreted as the name of a variable. (Periods are not legal in variable names, which is why you got a syntax error with your domains; if you hadn't, though, awk would have treated them as empty and been looking for lines whose twelfth field was likewise blank.)
Use a combination of cut to print the 12th column of the TAB-delimited file, sort and uniq to count the items:
cut -f12 data.txt | sort | uniq -c
This should give the count of how many lines of the input has "" in $12
{m,g}awk -v __="${domain}" '
BEGIN { _*=\
( _ ="\t[^\t]*")*gsub(".",(_)_,_)*sub(".","",_)*\
FS=_ } { _+=NF } END { print _-NR }'

Pass a variable to awk contained between special characters [duplicate]

I want to extract a substring where certain pattern exist from pipe separated file, thus I used below command,
awk -F ":" '/REWARD REQ. SERVER HEADERS/{print $1, $2, $3, $4}' sample_profile.txt
Here, 'REWARD REQ. SERVER HEADERS' is a pattern which is to be searched in the file, and print its first 4 parts on a colon separated line.
Now, I want to send bash variable to act as a pattern. thus I used below command, but it's not working.
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F ":" '/pat/{print $1, $2 , $3, $4 } sample_profile.txt
How can I use -v and -F in a single awk command?
If you want to provide the pattern through a variable, you need to use ~ to match against it:
awk -v pat="$pattern" '$0 ~ pat'
In your case, the problem does not have to do with -F.
The problem is the usage of /pat/ when you want pat to be a variable. If you say /pat/, awk understands it as a literal "pat", so it will try to match those lines containing the string "pat".
All together, your code should be:
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F ":" '$0~pat{print $1, $2, $3, $4 }' file
# ^^^^^^
See an example:
Given this file:
$ cat file
this is a var
hello bye
Let's look for lines containing "hello":
$ awk '/hello/' file
hello bye
Let's now try looking for "pat", contained in a variable, the way you were doing it:
$ awk -v pat="hello" '/pat/' file
Let's now use the $0 ~ pat expression:
$ awk -v pat="hello" '$0~pat' file
hello # WE MATCH!
hello bye
Of course, you can use such expressions to match just one field and say awk -v pat="$pattern" '$2 ~ pat' file and so on.
From GNU Awk User's Guide → 3.1 How to Use Regular Expressions:
When a regexp is enclosed in slashes, such as /foo/, we call it a regexp constant, much like 5.27 is a numeric constant and "foo" is a string constant.
And GNU Awk User's Guide → 3.6 Using Dynamic Regexps:
The righthand side of a ‘~’ or ‘!~’ operator need not be a regexp
constant (i.e., a string of characters between slashes). It may be any
expression. The expression is evaluated and converted to a string if
necessary; the contents of the string are then used as the regexp. A
regexp computed in this way is called a dynamic regexp or a computed
BEGIN { digits_regexp = "[[:digit:]]+" }
$0 ~ digits_regexp { print }
This sets digits_regexp to a regexp that describes one or more digits,
and tests whether the input record matches this regexp.
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F":" '$0 ~ pat { print $1, $2, $3, $4 }' sample_profile.txt
You can't use the variable inside the regex // notation (there's no way to distinguish it from searching for pat); you have to specify that the variable is a regex with the ~ (matching) operator.
This is kind of a hack but it makes things a little simpler for me.
cmd="awk '/$pattern/'"
eval $cmd
making it a string first lets you manipulate it past the boundaries of awk

awk variable for `awk ~ $3 /$VARIABLE/` not working [duplicate]

I want to extract a substring where certain pattern exist from pipe separated file, thus I used below command,
awk -F ":" '/REWARD REQ. SERVER HEADERS/{print $1, $2, $3, $4}' sample_profile.txt
Here, 'REWARD REQ. SERVER HEADERS' is a pattern which is to be searched in the file, and print its first 4 parts on a colon separated line.
Now, I want to send bash variable to act as a pattern. thus I used below command, but it's not working.
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F ":" '/pat/{print $1, $2 , $3, $4 } sample_profile.txt
How can I use -v and -F in a single awk command?
If you want to provide the pattern through a variable, you need to use ~ to match against it:
awk -v pat="$pattern" '$0 ~ pat'
In your case, the problem does not have to do with -F.
The problem is the usage of /pat/ when you want pat to be a variable. If you say /pat/, awk understands it as a literal "pat", so it will try to match those lines containing the string "pat".
All together, your code should be:
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F ":" '$0~pat{print $1, $2, $3, $4 }' file
# ^^^^^^
See an example:
Given this file:
$ cat file
this is a var
hello bye
Let's look for lines containing "hello":
$ awk '/hello/' file
hello bye
Let's now try looking for "pat", contained in a variable, the way you were doing it:
$ awk -v pat="hello" '/pat/' file
Let's now use the $0 ~ pat expression:
$ awk -v pat="hello" '$0~pat' file
hello # WE MATCH!
hello bye
Of course, you can use such expressions to match just one field and say awk -v pat="$pattern" '$2 ~ pat' file and so on.
From GNU Awk User's Guide → 3.1 How to Use Regular Expressions:
When a regexp is enclosed in slashes, such as /foo/, we call it a regexp constant, much like 5.27 is a numeric constant and "foo" is a string constant.
And GNU Awk User's Guide → 3.6 Using Dynamic Regexps:
The righthand side of a ‘~’ or ‘!~’ operator need not be a regexp
constant (i.e., a string of characters between slashes). It may be any
expression. The expression is evaluated and converted to a string if
necessary; the contents of the string are then used as the regexp. A
regexp computed in this way is called a dynamic regexp or a computed
BEGIN { digits_regexp = "[[:digit:]]+" }
$0 ~ digits_regexp { print }
This sets digits_regexp to a regexp that describes one or more digits,
and tests whether the input record matches this regexp.
awk -v pat="$pattern" -F":" '$0 ~ pat { print $1, $2, $3, $4 }' sample_profile.txt
You can't use the variable inside the regex // notation (there's no way to distinguish it from searching for pat); you have to specify that the variable is a regex with the ~ (matching) operator.
This is kind of a hack but it makes things a little simpler for me.
cmd="awk '/$pattern/'"
eval $cmd
making it a string first lets you manipulate it past the boundaries of awk

Using awk to search for a line that starts with but also contains a string

I have a file that has multiple lines that starts with a keyword. I only want to modify one of them and it's easy to distinguish the two. I want the one that is under the [dbinfo] section. The domain name is static so I know that won't change.
awk -F '=' '$1 ~ /^dbhost/ {print $NF};' myfile.txt
You can use this awk command to first check for presence of [dbinfo] section and then modify dbhost parameter:
awk -v h='newhost' 'BEGIN{FS=OFS="="}
$0 == "[dbinfo]" {sec=1} sec && $1 == "dbhost"{$2 = h; sec=0} 1' file
You want to utilize a little bit of a state machine here:
awk -F '=' '
$0 ~ /^\[.*\]/ {in_db_info=($0=="[dbinfo]"}
$0 ~ /^dbhost/{if (in_db_info) print $2;}' myfile.txt
You can also do it with sed:
sed '/\[dbinfo\]/,/\[/s/\(^dbhost=\).*/\' myfile.txt

issue with OFS in awk

I have a string containing this (field separator is the percentage sign), stored in a variable called data
I'm trying to print out that string replacing the percentage sign with a pipe but it seems harden than i thought:
echo ${data} | awk -F"%" 'BEGIN {OFS="|"} {print $0}'
I know I'm very close to it just not close enough.
I see that code as:
1 echo the variable value into a awk session
2 set field separator as "%"
3 set as output field separator "|"
4 print the line
Try this :
echo "$data" | awk -F"%" 'BEGIN {OFS="|"} {$1=$1; print $0}'
From awk manual
Finally, there are times when it is convenient to force awk to rebuild the entire
record, using the current value of the fields and OFS. To do this, use the seemingly
innocuous assignment:
$1 = $1 # force record to be reconstituted
print $0 # or whatever else with $0
Another lightweight way using only tr if you search an alternative for awk :
tr '%' '|' <<< "$data"
Sputnick gave you the awk solution, but you don't actually need awk at all, just use your shell:
echo ${data//%/|}
