ZeroMQ PULL get all messages in queue - zeromq

I have a large (~100) number of PUSH "clients" that periodically (~1/s) send a message to a PULL "server". The server processes the messages in batches at a rate of ~2 batches per second. The batch size is not fixed - ideally I would like to process all the messages in the queue at each iteration. My code for getting all the messages in the queue is as follows:
buffer = []
while True:
except zmq.ZMQError as e:
This seems to work, but the buffer lengths vary wildly in between iterations. Normally, I would expect to see ~50 messages read each time. However, I often see many iterations with <10 messages, and then one with a very large number (~1000). I suspect I'm doing something wrong regarding buffering or something like that as this should not be happening.

Highly dynamic changes on receiving side?
My suspect is the PULL-side fair-queue-ing policy, hard-wired inside the .Context() low-level data-pump, that serves ( follows ) this mandatory duty-cycle for all the .connect()-ed peers.
Unless you are able to somehow equalise the latencies with which the feeding PUSH-ers are sending their respective messages, the fair-queued receiving cycle will, exactly in the way you have reported, manifest the ones, who did not PUSH "in time" their next message.


Purpose of zeromq send high watermark

The first time I skimmed the zeromq docs, I assumed that the sender high watermark was there to ensure that the sender did not get too far ahead of the receiver. Now that I'm looking at it more carefully, it seems that this can't possibly be true, since the wire protocol doesn't have any concept of ACKs so the sender can't know whether the receiver is keeping up or is way behind. After staring at jeromq code in the debugger for way too long, it seems that the watermark is actually a purely "within-same-process" mechanism to ensure that the application thread that's writing to the ZMQ socket does not get too far ahead of the background thread that's responsible for taking messages off the ZMQ socket and writing bytes into the OS's TCP socket.
It seems like a rather fringe thing to worry about, relative to how much attention it's given in the docs. It doesn't even seem like a great way to control memory usage, because if you have a high water mark of 10, then 15 messages of 2kb each is not allowed, but 5 messages of 100 megs each is allowed, so things are still pretty un-predictable.
Am I understanding all this correctly or am I hopelessly confused.
I think that another thing that says it's not to prevent a sender getting too far ahead of the receiver is that if one set the HWM to 0, that's taken as infinity not actually zero. For 0 to mean zero, it'd have to have some too-ing and fro-ing with the receiver to know whether the socket was actually empty throughout the whole connection.
I wish that 0 did mean zero, because then ZeroMQ could implement both Actor Model and Communicating Sequential Processes architectures. But it doesn't, so it can't.
Possible Uses
None the less, a potential useful aspect is related to the fact that ZeroMQ is Actor Model. Suppose one were sending messages, and it kind of mattered whether or not those messages got through. In the situation where the link has collapsed (something that ZeroMQ's heartbeat can tell you, pretty quickly), messages already sent are potentially lost forever. However, if the HWM is being used to throttle the rate of messages being sent by the application, then the number of lost messages when the link breaks is minimised.
Obviously with CSP - the perfect architecture so far as I'm concerned! - you lose no messages (because the acts of sending and receiving are an execution rendezvous; the send won't complete until the receive has also completed).
What I have done in the past is to queue up messages for transmission in the sending application, sending them as and when the socket / connection can ingest them. Having the outbound message queue in the sending application's control (instead of in ZeroMQ's control) means that sender state can potentially get ahead of the transfer of messages, but still recover easily from a network connection fault.
I have written systems where a sender has a choice of two pathways to send messages through - prime and spare - and if the link to prime has collapsed the sender continues to send to spare instead. Having queued the messages inside the application and not in the socket allows the sender's state can get ahead of the actual transfer of messages, knowing that if a link goes down it's still got all the unsent outboud messages that have been generated in the meantime. These can then be directed at spare instead, without having to rewind the sender's internal state (which could be really tricky) to the last known successful transfer.
Something like that, anyway.
"Why not send to both prime and spare anyway?" is a valid question. Well, sometimes things can be complicated...

ZeroMQ: Can I use kvmsg class to add sequence numbers to messages? If yes, how?

I'm implementing a mechanism to detect packet loss in ZeroMQ PUSH/PULL socket type.
1) I was wondering if kvmsg can be used for the same?
2) I would like the client to detect gaps in sequence numbers if there are any loss of packets and implement a resend mechanism accordingly.
Assuming that kvmsg can cope with arbitrary message structures, then yes. Alternatives include Google Protocol Buffers, XML, etc.
In general one does this by adding a field to the messages that you send, perhaps called "sequence". The software you've written for the PUSH end will set this to zero for the very first message, 1 for the next, incrementing by 1 for each message. The PULL end then simply checks the sequence.
However, the real question is, why is this required by your application? ZMQ guarantees ( in normal circumstances ) delivery of messages. That's kinda the whole point of it. PUSH/PULL means that exactly one PULLer will receive a PUSHed message. If you have one PUSH and one PULL, every PUSHed message will be delivered in the correct order with no loss to the PULLer, barring catastrophic network failures. AFAIK it will even deal with temporary network problems for you, managing reconnection, etc, and still deliver messages in the correct order.
Messages that cannot be sent because the outgoing queue on the PUSH end is full will result in the zmq_send() returning an error, so the PUSH end already knows that a message wasn't sent.
Is there something else more complex about the application?

One slow ActiveMQ consumer causing other consumers to be slow

I'm looking for help regarding a strange issue where a slow consumer on a queue causes all the other consumers on the same queue to start consuming messages at 30 second intervals. That is all consumers but the slow one don't consumer messages as fast as they can, instead they wait for some magical 30s barrier before consuming.
The basic flow of my application goes like this:
a number of producers place messages onto a single queue. Messages can have different JMSXGroupIDs
a number of consumers listen to messages on that single queue
as standard practice the JMSXGroupIDs get distributed across the consumers
at some point one of the consumers becomes slow and can't process messages very quickly
the slow consumer ends up filling its prefetch buffer on the broker and AMQ recognises that it is slow (default behaviour)
at that point - or some 'random' but close time later - all consumers except the slow one start to only consume messages at the same 30s intervals
if the slow consumer becomes fast again then things very quickly return to normal operation and the 30s barrier goes away
I'm at a loss for what could be causing this issue, or how to fix it, please help.
More background and findings
I've managed to reliably reproduce this issue on AMQ 5.8.0, 5.9.0 (where the issue was originally noticed) and 5.9.1, on fresh installs and existing ops-managed installs and on different machines some vm and some not. All linux installs, different OSs and java versions.
It doesn't appear to be affected by anything prefetch related, that is: changing the prefetch value from 1 to 10 to 1000 didn't stop the issue from happening
[red herring?] Enabling debug logs on the amq instance shows logs relating to the periodic check for messages that can be expired. The queue doesn't have an expiry policy so I can only think that the scheduled expireMessagesPeriod time is just waking amq up in such a way that it then sends messages to the non-slow consumers.
If the 30s mode is entered then left then entered again the seconds-past-the-minute time is always the same, for example 14s and 44s past the minute. This is true across all consumers and all machines hosting those consumers. Those barrier points do change after restarts of amq.
While not strictly a solution to the problem, further investigation has uncovered the root cause of this issue.
TL;DR - It's known behaviour and won't be fixed before Apollo
More Details
Ultimately this is caused by the maxPageSize property and the fact that AMQ will only apply selection criteria to messages in memory. Generally these are message selectors (property = value), but in my case they are JMSXGroupID=>Consumer assignments.
As messages are received by the queue they get paged into memory and placed into a collection (named pagedInPendingDispatch in the source). To dispatch messages AMQ will scan through this list of messages and try to find a consumer that will accept it. That includes checking the group id, message selector and prefetch buffer space. For our use case we aren't using message selectors but we are using groups. If no consumer can take the message then it is left in the collection and will be checked again at the next tick.
In order to stop the pagedInPendingDispatch collection from eating up all the resources available there is a suggested limit to the size of this queue configured via the maxPageSize property. This property isn't actually a maximum, it's more a hint as to whether, under normal conditions, new message arrivals should be paged in memory or paged to disk.
With these two pieces of information and a slow consumer it turns out that eventually all the messages in the pagedInPendingDispatch collection end up only being consumable by the slow consumer, and hence the collection effectively gets blocked and no other messages get dispatched. This explains why the slow consumer wasn't affected by the 30s interval, it had maxPageSize messages waiting delivery already.
This doesn't explain why I was seeing the non-slow consumers receive messages every 30s though. As it turns out, paging messages into memory has two modes, normal and forced. Normal follows the process outlined above where the size of the collection is compared to the maxPageSize property, when forced, however, messages are always paged into memory. This mode exists to allow you to browse through messages that aren't in memory. As it happens this forced mode is also used by the expiry mechanism to allow AMQ to expire messages that aren't in memory.
So what we have now is a collection of messages in memory that are all targeted for dispatch to the same consumer, a consumer that won't accept them because it is slow or blocked. We also have a backlog of messages awaiting delivery to all consumers. Every expireMessagesPeriod milliseconds a task runs that force pages messages into memory to check if they should be expired or not. This adds those messages onto the pages in collection which now contains maxPageSize messages for the slow consumer and N more messages destined for any consumer. Those messages get delivered.
Ticket referring to this issue but for message selectors instead
Docs relating to the configuration properties
Somebody else with this issue but for selectors

Multi-Thread Processing in .NET

I already have a few ideas, but I'd like to hear some differing opinions and alternatives from everyone if possible.
I have a Windows console app that uses Exchange web services to connect to Exchange and download e-mail messages. The goal is to take each individual message object, extract metadata, parse attachments, etc. The app is checking the inbox every 60 seconds. I have no problems connecting to the inbox and getting the message objects. This is all good.
Here's where I am accepting input from you: When I get a message object, I immediately want to process the message and do all of the busy work explained above. I was considering a few different approaches to this:
Queuing the e-mail objects up in a table and processing them one-by-one.
Passing the e-mail object off to a local Windows service to do the busy work.
I don't think db queuing would be a good approach because, at times, multiple e-mail objects need to be processed. It's not fair if a low-priority e-mail with 30 attachments is processed before a high-priority e-mail with 5 attachments is processed. In other words, e-mails lower in the stack shouldn't need to wait in line to be processed. It's like waiting in line at the store with a single register for the bonehead in front of you to scan 100 items. It's just not fair. Same concept for my e-mail objects.
I'm somewhat unsure about the Windows service approach. However, I'm pretty confident that I could have an installed service listening, waiting on demand for an instruction to process a new e-mail. If I have 5 separate e-mail objects, can I make 5 separate calls to the Windows service and process without collisions?
I'm open to suggestions or alternative approaches. However, the solution must be presented using .NET technology stack.
One option is to do the processing in the console application. What you have looks like a standard producer-consumer problem with one producer (the thread that gets the emails) and multiple consumers. This is easily handled with BlockingCollection.
I'll assume that your message type (what you get from the mail server) is called MailMessage.
So you create a BlockingCollection<MailMessage> at class scope. I'll also assume that you have a timer that ticks every 60 seconds to gather messages and enqueue them:
private BlockingCollection<MailMessage> MailMessageQueue =
new BlockingCollection<MailMessage>();
// Timer is created as a one-shot and re-initialized at each tick.
// This prevents the timer proc from being re-entered if it takes
// longer than 60 seconds to run.
System.Threading.Timer ProducerTimer = new System.Threading.Timer(
TimerProc, null, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));
void TimerProc(object state)
var newMessages = GetMessagesFromServer();
foreach (var msg in newMessages)
ProducerTimer.Change(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(60), TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));
Your consumer threads just read the queue:
void MessageProcessor()
foreach (var msg in MailMessageQueue.GetConsumingEnumerable())
The timer will cause the producer to run once per minute. To start the consumers (say you want two of them):
var t1 = Task.Factory.StartNew(MessageProcessor, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
var t2 = Task.Factory.StartNew(MessageProcessor, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning);
So you'll have two threads processing messages.
It makes no sense to have more processing threads than you have available CPU cores. The producer thread presumably won't require a lot of CPU resources, so you don't have to dedicate a thread to it. It'll just slow down message processing briefly whenever it's doing its thing.
I've skipped over some detail in the description above, particularly cancellation of the threads. When you want to stop the program, but let the consumers finish processing messages, just kill the producer timer and set the queue as complete for adding:
The consumers will empty the queue and exit. You'll of course want to wait for the tasks to complete (see Task.Wait).
If you want the ability to kill the consumers without emptying the queue, you'll need to look into Cancellation.
The default backing store for BlockingCollection is a ConcurrentQueue, which is a strict FIFO. If you want to prioritize things, you'll need to come up with a concurrent priority queue that implements the IProducerConsumerCollection interface. .NET doesn't have such a thing (or even a priority queue class), but a simple binary heap that uses locks to prevent concurrent access would suffice in your situation; you're not talking about hitting this thing very hard.
Of course you'd need some way to prioritize the messages. Probably sort by number of attachments so that messages with no attachments are processed quicker. Another option would be to have two separate queues: one for messages with 0 or 1 attachments, and a separate queue for those with lots of attachments. You could have one of your consumers dedicated to the 0 or 1 queue so that easy messages always have a good chance of being processed first, and the other consumers take from the 0 or 1 queue unless it's empty, and then take from the other queue. It would make your consumers a little more complicated, but not hugely so.
If you choose to move the message processing to a separate program, you'll need some way to persist the data from the producer to the consumer. There are many possible ways to do that, but I just don't see the advantage of it.
I'm somewhat a novice here, but it seems like an initial approach could be to have a separate high-priority queue. Every time a worker is available to obtain a new message, it could do something like:
If DateTime.Now - lowPriorityQueue.Peek.AddedTime < maxWaitTime Then
Else If highPriorityQueue.Count > 0 Then
End If
In a single thread, while you can still have one message blocking the others, higher priority messages could be processed sooner.
Depending on how fast most messages get processed, the application could create a new worker on a new thread if the queues are getting too big or too old.
Please tell me if I'm completely off-base here though.

ActiveMQ: Slow processing consumers

Concerning ActiveMQ: I have a scenario where I have one producer which sends small (around 10KB) files to the consumers. Although the files are small, the consumers need around 10 seconds to analyze them and return the result to the producer. I've researched a lot, but I still cannot find answers to the following questions:
How do I make the broker store the files (completely) in a queue?
Should I use ObjectMessage (because the files are small) or blob messages?
Because the consumers are slow processing, should I lower their prefetchLimit or use a round-robin dispatch policy? Which one is better?
And finally, in the ActiveMQ FAQ, I read this - "If a consumer receives a message and does not acknowledge it before closing then the message will be redelivered to another consumer.". So my question here is, does ActiveMQ guarantee that only 1 consumer will process the message (and therefore there will be only 1 answer to the producer), or not? When does the consumer acknowledge a message (in the default, automatic acknowledge settings) - when receiving the message and storing it in a session, or when the onMessage handler finishes? And also, because the consumers are so slow in processing, should I change some "timeout limit" so the broker knows how much to wait before giving the work to another consumer (this is kind of related to my previous questions)?
Not sure about others, but here are some thoughts.
First: I am not sure what your exact concern is. ActiveMQ does store messages in a data store; all data need NOT reside in memory in any single place (either broker or client). So you should actually be good in that regard; earlier versions did require that all ids needed to fit in memory (not sure if that was resolved), but even that memory usage would be low enough unless you had tens of millions of in-queue messages.
As to ObjectMessage vs blob; raw byte array (blob) should be most compact representation, but since all of these get serialized for storage, it only affects memory usage on client. Pre-fetch mostly helps with access latency; but given that they are slow to process, you probably don't need any prefetching; so yes, either set it to 1 or 2 or disable altogether.
As to guarantees: best that distributed message queues can guarantee is either at-least-once (with possible duplicates), or at-most-once (no duplicates, can lose messages). It is usually better to take at-least-once, and make clients to de-duping using client-provided ids. How acknowledgement is sent is defiend by JMS specification so you can read more about JMS; this is not ActiveMQ specific.
And yes, you should set timeout high enough that worker typically can finish up work, including all network latencies. This can slow down re-transmit of dropped messages (if worked dies), but it is probably not a problem for you.
