Managing auto generated HTTP Authorization Manager in jmeter not working - jmeter

I have recorded a native app in jmeter. It shows one auto-generated 'Authorization Manager' where username is appearing as '${Auth_Login}' and password as ${Auth_password}.
I am running the script but the response is appearing as :
"{"error":"No authorization header."}"
Please help me out to resolve this issue.

You should extract the token which returns from the first response using a post processor (i.e regular expression extractor).
Now add this token to the next request's header manager like this:
Name: Authorization
Value: ${Token}
Note: you should check the request header using traffic capturing tool i.e fiddler, because these names might not be the same also the token sometimes looks like this Bearer ${Token}
See using regex with jmeter for more information on regular expression extractor.


Jmeter __RequestVerificationToken extracting problem

I recording login with jmeter. I test with 1 user but jmeter cannot login because of __VerificationToken.
I parsed token with CSS Selector Extractor
I'm sure the token has been moved in the cookie.
But I saw two __VerificationToken. Error return request:
GET data:
Cookie Data:
__RequestVerificationToken=hYTIRJryyxCBfF7vYlAnkPSM-JB0o- Zp41pqFGk30cLyPAehA22k69VOU3NhY-abVbxuEZDgZHnF-bTFHf_4g1HwkuQ1;
It's impossible to say what's wrong without seeing what parameters and headers does real browser send, however it seems you're doing something weird.
You shouldn't manually create the __RequestVerificationToken cookie as it seems to be properly handled by the HTTP Cookie Manager
Given you have the token value already stored in the HTTP Cookie Manager there is no need to extract it, if you need to send it as the parameter in the HTTP Request sampler you can add the next line to file:
and once you restart JMeter to pick up the property you will be able to access the token value as ${COOKIE___RequestVerificationToken} where required
More information: HTTP Cookie Manager Advanced Usage - A Guide

How can I resolve a 403 response code in Jmeter?

I am working with Jmeter to do load testing. I created a simple login script using BlazeMeter. Then I imported the file into Jmeter.
Whenever I try to run the script, it fails. The first problem I encounter here is that in my first http request I receive a 403 response code:
I added a cookie manager and an authorization manager to try and solve this but it is not working. I think the problem is with cors in the manager header as 403 code means that it received the petition but the access to it was denied. Do you have any suggestions on how to resolve this? I tried adding post processors but couldn't make them work. Maybe because I am a newbie to jmeter and load testing. Idk.
As per HTTP Status 403 description
The HTTP 403 Forbidden client error status response code indicates that the server understood the request but refuses to authorize it.
so most probably your request is missing some authentication context.
Your recording seems to be incomplete, you seem to be testing a GeneXus-based application and it is using AJAX_SECURITY_TOKEN header as the security parameter.
From your screenshot it seems that you're sending recorded hard-coded value, however you should design your script as follows:
Perform initial request, i.e. open login page
Extract AJAX_SECURITY_TOKEN header value using Regular Expression Extractor
Substitute this e8985.... recorded value with the JMeter Variable from the Regular Expression Extractor
Check out Using Regular Expressions to Extract Tokens and Session IDs to Variables article for more information.

Jmeter : getting 401 error

Does any one knows how to solve it with regular expression? here i am putting screen shot with valid access token and error response token.
thanks in advance.
Valid response token
invalid response token
and Regular expression exctracter
it is fine if you guys have any other solution for this unauthorized access thing.
Add JSON Extractor as a child of the authserver request and configure it as follows:
Variable Names: anything meaningful, i.e. token
JSON Path expressions: $.access_token
Add HTTP Header Manager as a child of the student request and configure it to send Authorization header with the value of Bearer ${token}
Going forward you can go for an alternative way of recording a JMeter test which is capable of exporting the recorded requests in SmartJMX mode with automatic correlation of dynamic parameters applied so you will be able to save your time for more creative work. See How to Cut Your JMeter Scripting Time by 80% article for more details.

I am getting Response data error as"The resource owner or authorization server denied the request"

My Application is having Oath Authentication so recorded particular test scripts getting failed.I have analysed and found the token details in the login response data
So Added Authorization:Bearer${BEARER} in the HTTP Header manager below the sampler and executed the TC its getting failed with the below message
{"error":"access_denied","error_description":"The resource owner or authorization server denied the request."}
Scenario 2:
Getting the below message if i didn't add the Authorization:Bearer${BEARER} in the HTTP Header manager
{"error":"invalid_request","error_description":"The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, includes a parameter more than once, or is otherwise malformed. Check the \"access token\" parameter."}
Need to know which one is right and how to overcome form this issue
Declare a variable below the test plan with Name:Prefix and value:Bearer
Add regular expression Extractor with reference name & Expression below the sampler
Add a debug sampler to identify the Token and run the test plan
As per The OAuth 2.0 Authorization Framework: Bearer Token Usage specification you must have a space bar between Bearer and the token value
Authorization: Bearer mF_9.B5f-4.1JqM
^ nothing should be here
OAuth token is not something you can record and replay, the value needs to be obtained using specific procedure which might be different depending on OAuth version and implementation. Check out How to Run Performance Tests on OAuth Secured Apps with JMeter guide for more information on how you can obtain the OAuth token in JMeter test.

JMeter: How to use the RESTful API key for authorization of the next set of API

I am creating a jmeter load test plan for RESTful API request. I need to use the dynamic API key generated in my first sampler SignIn API in the next set of API requests I am going to create.
Can someone help out with how to pass the selected data parameters from response and input to the another api request in other required format for that post request.
Response Header
WebxxxHeader: {"UserName":"xxxxx","UserID":1,"ApiKey":"ea9a3572-de75-4a85-848a-8fed874f2269","ValidFrom":"2015-06-05 05:54:35","ValidTo":"2015-06-12 05:54:35","UserRole":null,"Password":null,"DeviceToken":null,"DeviceType":null,"IsRetina":false,"UniqueId":null}
Header to be posted in the next set of APIs
WebxxxHeader: {"UserName":"xxxxx","ApiKey":"ea9a3572-de75-4a85-848a-8fed874f2269"}
One more issue here is I have to pass the user email in the header instead of UserName.
Please share advanced JMeter blog references.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions.
I would suggest searching the web for something like "JMeter correlation" - that should give you the answers you're looking for.
Particular this API key bit can be handled via Regular Expression Extractor postprocessor.
Add Regular Expression Extractor as a child of the request which returns the API Key
Configure it as follows:
Field to check: Response Headers
Reference Name: anything meaningful, i.e. API_KEY
Regular Expression: "ApiKey":"(.+?)"
Template: $1$
Other fields can be left as is
Add HTTP Header Manager as a child of the second request and configure it as follows:
Name: WebxxxHeader
Value: `{"UserName":"xxxxx","ApiKey":"${API_KEY}"}
If you testing REST API I think that JSON Path Extractor available via JMeter Plugins could be extremely useful. See Using the XPath Extractor in JMeter guide (scroll to "Parsing JSON") for installation and usage instructions and some form of JSON Path language reference.
