Trying to upload more than one file gets an error Jmeter - jmeter

I have the following request:
this will return the following error:
but, if i remove the second file, leaving only one file, the request performs ok
please advice.

My expectation that this is due to missing Parameter Name value as it correlates with Name is blank error.
Can you try the following:
Copy files you want to upload to the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Record your file upload event using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
Compare recorded script with the one you are currently have.
Another assumption is that your endpoint doesn't support multiple file uploads so you will have to either to it sequentially or use multiple threads and Synchronizing Timer to do it at the same moment but using different threads (virtual users)


JMeter Query - Different User use different file locations for same HTTP Request

Suppose a total of 50 users and one HTTP request/sampler were created so in that case we provide one input file when run Api then all 50 users use the same input files (same input file location )and some requests failed.
We want to make ideas or scripts for users to use different file locations so not chance to fail request or file not found exception.
You can parameterize the file name/location just like any other request parameter, username, etc.
The configuration element which is most frequently user for parameterization is CSV Data Set Config.
However if you don't want to manually manage the file content and protect yourself from "file not founds" it makes sense to consider going for Directory Listing Config plugin which reads the files in the given folder and stores them into a JMeter Variable so each thread/iteration will pick the next file from the pool.
You can install Directory Listing Config plugin using JMeter Plugins Manager

delete uploaded file from folder using JMeter

I am sending a HTTP request to upload a file. And the request is setup like this:
And, the Directory Listing plugin pointing to a directory with all files and the request picks one file at a time. It works fine when run with one thread but, when i run in multiple threads, i see that already uploaded file is picked again to upload which leads to error.
I have added regular expression extrator to get the filename from the request body like this:
And then, I am trying to use a post processor beanshell script to either delete the file from the folder or move to a different folder. But, not been successful. Need some help on this.
The first issue is i am not sure if i am extracting the value the right way. The value is to be got from request body and not request header. But, i dont see that option in the extractor.
Second, i am unable to use/retrieve the value from the extractor. Tried vars.get, vars.getObject and simply "${fileName}". Nothing works.
I don't think that deleting the file will help because Directory Listing Config reads the folder at the beginning of the test (see Execution Order chapter) so no matter whether the file is physically present or not JMeter will try to upload it
If you want to get unique files without repetitions just untick "Rewind on end of list" box:
This way each virtual user will read the next value so there will be no duplicates. When the last file will be used - the test will stop.
More information: Introducing the Directory Listing Config Plugin on JMeter
Also going forward consider using JSR223 Test Elements and Groovy language instead of Beanshell, it's the recommended option since JMeter 3.1

JMeter Scripting: Not getting the dynamic value from response code

I am experienced in HP Loadrunner but new in Jmeter.
I recently recorded a script in Jmeter 3.0 where one of the step is to upload a .pdf file. it is a 2 step process:
Step 1> on the upload window click Browse to locate the pdf file from local drive. Once this is done the server puts the file in a temporary directory in the backend and creates a metadata (dynamic value) for it
FYI: I placed the PDF file in the local folder: "Documents\apache-jmeter-3.0\bin\"
Step 2> Once the local file path has been specified (above step) and the button "Upload File" is clicked the file actually gets uploaded to the server and it gets stored permanently.
At this step I need to provide that dynamic value (metadata) to successfully submit the request.
The problem I am having is Jmeter is not returning the metadata (or dynamic value) on the Step-1 of the upload process-
Screenshot: Request/Response details from Jmeter (Step-1)
I recorded the same steps in Vugen 12.53 and it is returning the dynamic value fine for the Step-1-
Screenshot: Request/Response details from Vugen (Step-1)
Can anyone please help?
I can see LoadRunner and JMeter configuration mismatch when it comes to file upload block, I believe you should amend Files Upload section configuration like:
File Path: full path to your PDF file. If you placed in into JMeter's "bin" folder it may be just PerfTest_file_1.pdf
Parameter Name: this guy is the MOST important and this is where you seem to be having clash. Looking into LoadRunner screenshot you name
"Name=file", "Value=blob\\PerfTest_file_1.pdf", "File=Yes", ENDITEM,
and in JMeter for some reason you set this "Name" bit to "blob". I guess correct setting would be "file":
Other settings seem to be fine.
Going forward in order to avoid such situations you can just record your test scenarios. You need to have files you will be uploading in JMeter's "bin" folder so it could locate it while capturing file upload requests.
HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder
JMeter Proxy Step by Step
Performance Testing: Upload and Download Scenarios with Apache JMeter
Just in case, this is how the request header looks like in JMeter-
Screenshot: JMeter Request Header
Simply selecting "Implementation" to either "Java" or "HttpClient3.1" solved the problem.
*Points to be noted:
In the "File Path" field either you need to provide the full path of the file location in local drive ("C:/user/Documents/...PerfTest_file_1.pdf") or place the PDF file in the "bin" folder of the Jmeter application folder and just provide the file name (PerfTest_file_1.pdf) as the path
Parameter value for "File" (in my case "blob") should be same as the "Parameter Name" for the file to be attached*

Error while executing checkout script in JMeter

[404-Not found]
Hello All,
I'm running one script having Checkout functionality but my script gets fail at particular page instance giving me "404 - Not found" error in logs.
But while executing manually I'm able to go to the page successfully.Below is the error message. Do i need to pass cookies in the same while execution.
Any help will be appreciated
Most likely this is due to missing or not properly working correlation. You can record the test scenario using HTTP(S) Test Script Recorder but it will be only a "skeleton" of the test containing hard-coded values like IDs or URLs or whatever.
So given you checked something out and recorded the relevant request(s) next time you will try to replay the recorded script you will get an error as the item has already been checked out, so basically you need to find another one to work with.
Normally the situation is worked around as follows:
Record the test 2 times
Identify request parameters which are changing
Using JMeter PostProcessors (the most commonly used is Regular Expression Extractor, however it may vary depending on your response data nature) convert hard-coded recorded values into JMeter Variables
Use Debug Sampler and View Results Tree listener combination to inspect:
JMeter Variables values
Request details
Server responses

VS Load testing: delete file test case

I am testing my share point site by uploading/downloading/deleting files using webtest in Visual Studio Ulitmate.
The upload and download file test cases are working as expected.
But the delete file test cases are not working and getting test case failed error.
Even I tried upload and delete file in same test cases also, but this test case also failed.
Kindly assist how to perform delete file test case in VS Load test.
Load testing is all about replaying the same scenario multiple times. Note the difference between file upload, download and delete test cases. You can upload a file and download the same file multiple times. However you cannot just delete the same file multiple times.
The problem with the delete test case is likely caused by your script trying to delete the same file multiple times which is causing a SharePoint error.
If this is the case, to fix your script you need to correlate the identifier of the file you're trying to delete.
Currently the request that triggers file delete transaction, contains a constant identifier of the file that you deleted during recording. You need to replace it with an extractor of the file identifier which you will delete during the test execution. For example, if you record a test scenario where you delete the top file on the webpage list, you need to create an extractor from this webpage's response that retrieves the top file identifier. Then use it in the subsequent request that deletes the file.
It looks like Visual Studio did not auto-correlate this test case, so you have to do it manually.
Keep in mind that the "identifier" here can be more than just a single id. It depends on your SharePoint version and some configuration settings.
If you cannot figure out how to find a file identifier in the response, or how to extract it, here's a hint: our load testing tool StresStimulus auto correlates SharePoint. Download it, record the delete file test case and examine the parameter used in file-delete request and what extractor it uses.
After that recreate them in VS.
