How to read a .docx file via PHP Word sample code in Codeigniter - codeigniter

Am trying to read a .docx file which is inside my project folder via PHP Word library. I have included autoloader like this :
include_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; in my controller.
function test_phpword()
$source =$path;
echo date('H:i:s'), " Reading contents from `{$source}`";
$phpWord = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load($source);
echo write($phpWord, basename(__FILE__, '.php'), $writers);
06:18:42 Reading contents from http://localhost/myproject/123.docx
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: Cannot find archive file. in /opt/lampp/htdocs/myproject/vendor/phpoffice/common/src/Common/XMLReader.php:51

Try this
And put 123.docx beside your php script file. make sure the two files are in the same place. Run your php script again.
If this helps and works fine you can check the file path and make proper change to your php program.

While loading the path, you have to give relative path to the doc file as shown below,
$random_name = 123.docx;
$contents = \PhpOffice\PhpWord\IOFactory::load('../uploads/'.$random_name);
I don't know whats your $base_url, but it will not work if it is absolute path like http://path/to/doc/file.
I have worked on it and tested. Hope it helps.


Laravel File Not Found At Path - Storage::move

I've run across an interesting predicament with the Laravel Storage::move function. In my controller I have the following lines of code:
$path = $files->storeAs('/public/temp/agentBilling', $name);
$file = Storage::url($path);
Now, with the script that follows right after this, it can recognize and locate $file using this combination: public_path() . $file;
Which looks like: E:/Apache/htdocs/CASAT/public/storage/temp/agentBilling/htz...jpeg
But, a little bit lower in my script here:
Storage::move(public_path() . $file, '/public/temp/agentBilling'.$pro.'.jpeg');
It says File not found at path:... even though that path (E:/Apache/htdocs/CASAT/public/storage/temp/agentBilling/htz...jpeg) is the same as above....
I've looked and there is a file at the path with the given name. I'm not sure what else to try. I'm just trying to rename the file at this point to see if it works.

How to set path to file in Laravel?

I have located file in root directory of Laravel.
From controller I try to get this file like as:
$shipments = json_decode(file_get_contents("Statistics.json"), true);
But I get error.
What correct path to specify for getting file?
I guess you need base_path

Laravel image upload creating folder instead of file

When I try to upload image from the form , Laravel is creating directory out of image name. Here is my basic code:
$file = Input::file("image");
$file = $file->move(public_path(). "/img/".$file->getClientOriginalName());
//file name is IPC_diagram.png
When die and dump I got this:
Now name of image is name of new folder and image is renamed to some random php string, and placed in that folder.
What is the problem. Maybe something related to Linux specific handling of files. Also I was looking into symfony code for this, and symfony is trying to crete new folder every time file is moved but I don't understand how it is related to my code.
Thanks for help.
Do not use dot. Use comma, like this:
$name = time() . $file->getClientOriginalName();

Edit file.php from controller using CodeIgniter

I need to add some content to a file from a controller in CodeIgniter, in my local enviroment I do this and works fine:
$handle = fopen(APPPATH."config/file.php", "a+");
fwrite($handle, $stuff);
However the file doesn't seem to get altered when it runs in the production environment server.
At first I though it could be permission issues but chmoding 777 the directory doesn't seem to work either
It seems to me APPPATH is pointing to a different path. Make sure APPPATH is correct.
Dumb of me, I chmoded the folder containing the file but not the file itself.

How do I get the full local path of a file uploaded with $_FILES

I am uploaded a file through the file input. If I print_r($_FILES), I can get several pieces of info, but it doesn't give me the full LOCAL path of the file (the path on my computer, not the server). How do I get this?
I need this to use the FTP library in CodeIgniter. Documentation is here on how to use it to upload a file.
As you can see, it requires the full local path, although I'm not sure why.
As file upload path is a variable which changes from server to server, I would suggest you to use move_uploaded_file() function:
$target = "uploads/myfile.something";
if(move_uploaded_file($_FILES['uploadedfile']['tmp_name'], $target)) {
// do something
that way it will always work no matter what the path is even if it changes. The target can be anything you wish, it's relative to the current folder where script is being executed.
I solved this.
public function upload($file, $folder) {
$this->CI->ftp->upload($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], '/public_html/rest/of/path/' . $_FILES['file']['name'], 'ascii', 0775);
The file is being uploaded, so you can access it with $FILES['file']['tmp_name']. This is from within a class, so that's why I'm using $this->CI. Otherwise, I would just use $this.
