How to configure New Relic for Spring boot Backend Code - gradle

I am working on a task to configure new relic So that we can monitor our services (Rest Services). I have idea how to do that with frontend code as we can include new relic js code in common js file but In my case it's Spring boot application and we are using Gradle to build it.
I tried to search out the way on google but didn' find out.Can anybody please suggest the way to do it or share some link.


Azure Active Directory in Spring App Without Boot

I have been trying to set up a Spring Web application to use Azure Active Directory.
All the samples that I have found online are based on Spring Boot, is there a simple example that shows setting up spring framework web app only without using Spring Boot?
I am having no luck finding stuff, I am also trying to figure out how to convert all the spring boot autoconfig. Surely there is a sample somewhere that makes it easy to use for a Spring Framework only web-app?
I was able to figure this out somewhat. I'm very new to OAuth so still trying to learn as I go.
Basically I followed the Spring Reference and got things working using the override auto-configuration sections at
It also helped that I updated the Spring Framework versions to the latest and made sure I used the correct dependencies according to that reference site

Wicket-Springboot Implementation

I have an application developed in the Wicket-Spring framework. I want to implement Dynamic Database routing using the AbstractRoutingDataSource API of Spring framework. I have developed small wrapper application in Sprinbgoot using AbstractRoutingDataSource which is working fine.
Now, my requirement is that I have to Integrate that Springboot solution in the existing Applicaiton 'Wicket-Spring'. After searching for Springboot support for Wicket. I got this link: But, I am still not able to integrate my Solution developed in Springboot to the Wicket-Spring application.
Thanks in advance. Highly appreciate any guidance and direction on it.
You may want to check out project.
You may use it to create a new application or as an inspiration how to glue Spring-Boot with Apache Wicket.

Spring boot + Activiti explorer

Is it possible to integrate activiti explorer maven plugin with activiti Spring boot app?, so that we can make use of activit-explorer to view deployed process in activit-spring boot engine.
I know we can use rest-api over spring boot to query process engine, but I want to know if it is possible to run the explorer over spring boot by adding it as a maven plugin during deployment?Or can we tweak the activit-explorer.war somehow to point to spring-boot activiti engine?
activiti-explorer.war is standalone webapp by itself. I've write some guideline on how to manually to embed activiti-explorer to you own app.
Most probably step 5 in my blog is your solution.
btw, there's reason why the name is 'default'. I can't recall it atm
I thought of answering my own question so that it will be useful for other developers with similar requirement. If you want to make an eco-system where activiti-rest, explorer and your custom end points co-exist, please refer this thread from activit forum. I have tried this and is working fine. link to thread
I would like to give my observation here. In order to avoid getting into pulling source and trying to build myself, I achieved partial success, by installing the activit-explorer as part of the usual standalone installation.Started the standalone activiti-explorer using Apache-Tomcat but I configured the database for Activiti as same as (MYSQL in my case) I used in my spring-boot application to hit the common ground.
But apparently the activiti version in my spring boot app was and that for activiti-explorer was, which created some misalignment for spring boot application startup to fail. I am hopeful that with matching versions it might succeed. When I get some more time on me I will try and update. Since then may be someone can use this route.

how to deploy Spring boot actuate application in external tomcat server

Im trying to just use the basic endpoints that comes with spring actuate and want to deploy in the external tomcat server without using spring boot. How to achieve this, could anyone help me please. Is there any configuration changes that I need to do. This website gives an idea but it uses older version of spring-boot-actuate. Also EndpointHandlerMapping and EndpointHandlerAdapter doesnt come with newer version of spring boot actuate.
Anyways I get 404 resource not found when deploying to the server.
Check out this question to see if it helps you. The Actuator component is a Spring Boot feature but you can use individual components within an existing application with the right build and configuration setups.

Creating a jbpm+spring ws

I'm trying to create a contract first spring web service using maven which is supposed to start a jbpm process by its id. I managed to create a simple spring ws using maven but i don't know how to relate it to my jbpm workflow, some guidance will be really appreciated.
If you have a web service already working now you only need to setup jbpm inside your project so you can start processes just calling the APIs.
Take a look at this blog post for more information about jBPM6 and Spring:
