Xamarin messaging plugin: Autodial in IOS and UWP - xamarin

I'm using the Xamarin Messaging plugin and in android you can set the Autodial property to true to make a call without user interaction.
But I cannot set this property in UWP or IOS. Is it possible to make a call in without user interaction in this systems?

According to the docs this is an Android only feature.


Xamarin forms android webview video fullscreen

I have a webview that contains a video in my Xamarin forms application. Android does not allow for full screen but iOS does I know I could implement the WebChromeClient but I have only seen this done for Xamarin Android and not for forms. I can't seem to get it to work. Any ideas?
If you need to access the underlying native controls and their properties, methods and events, you do that with custom renderers.
I'm glad I found this because I don't think I could of done it on my own.

How to enable Xamarin app as share target in Xamarin.Forms?

I have a Xamarin.Forms application that I would like to enable as a text and/or URL share target. I've done this in a Windows UWP app by handling OnShareTargetActivated, but I don't see an equivalent in Xamarin.Forms. I am willing to use compiler directives if needed; I would prefer that to doing iOS/Android/Windows specific things in the corresponding projects themselves. Right now all my code is in the Xamarin.Forms project and I'd like to keep it that way.
Unfortunately Android and Ios do not have a similar share event so there is no equivalent event in xamarin forms.

Android Auto: create map app

According to the official documentation it is possible to create only audio and messaging apps for android auto.
Would it be possible to integrate a map in a view for an android auto app? We can see that waze succeed to do that in their app...

Does Xamarin support to develop apps for Windows surface and how well?

I want to develop an app for Windows surface tablet and iOS mobile and iPad.
As I am a new user to Xamarin, when I created my first project,it shows 3 projects:-
hello.driod, hello.ios and hello.winPhone.
I have 3 questions based on this:-
How will I be able to write the same code and share for windows 8.1 and iOS?
and whenever I drag and drop the elements to the UI page, will the same elements be copied to both windows and iOS simultaneously or I got to add them seperately?
Currently I dont have a MAC to connect to my PC. Can I write the code and and there while testing it, connect it to a MAC or should it be connected during the whole process?
Please Help!
Using the same code depends on how your structure your app.
You can go the native route where you can share the bulk of your logic by containing it in a shared / PCL project (more on that here), but have platform specific code for your UI.
For example, if you have a cross platform app targeting iOS and Android you would still create the UI in a storyboard for iOS and AXML files for Android. Any code you want to "connect" to your UI would be specific to that platform as you would use the platform APIs. Any code that is not platform specific (i.e., not calling iOS or Android APIs) can go in your shared / PCL project.
Or you can choose Xamarin.Forms which adds a layer of abstraction by allowing you to write the UI in XAML once and have it work on all platforms. The advantage is increased code sharing as now your UI is also shared. The downside is to utilise platform specific features you'll need to implement DependencyService or custom renderers. Read more about Xamarin.Forms here.
As above, it depends. If you are going the native route, then no. If you are going with Xamarin.Forms, then you are using the same XAML code for the UI across platforms, but there is no drag and drop designer.
To build an iOS app you need to be connected to a Mac. You will also need to be connected to a Mac to use the iOS Designer.

Android Wear: custom apperance for notification

How to implement such appearance for notification card using Android Wear SDK?
Demo video — http://youtu.be/tKoQatxG0_8?t=26s
It has the same custom layout in preview and active mode. But I cannot achieve such behaviour using setDisplayIntent and related API for creating custom layouts. I checked samples of wear apps from SDK, it also has different views for preview and active mode of custom layout notifications.
Oh no!
Right now it's hidden API, so Google can make such appearance for standard apps, but other third-party developers are out of the board.
Confirmed by +Wayne Piekarski — https://plus.google.com/u/0/+BenoitBoDLubek/posts/2o4SVBhWg5z
So the answer is impossible at current moment.
