Creating a Mac OS application installer from .Net Core project - macos

I am completely new to Mac OS and I have an application written in .Net Core codebase. Now all I want is to get it installed on Mac OS machines. My question is how can I create an installer (.DMG) file? At the moment My Visual Studio on Windows has created a .dll file with all other dependencies in the folder. Also for now most of the configuration values I have hard-coded but in the release build it has to be chosen by an end-user. So how can I prompt them for required directories? If you can provide me a link for documentation tool or any kind of suggestion would be greatly appreciated. At the moment if I want to run my application on Mac I have to use Terminal and then dotnet myApplication.dll in order to run application. My end goal would be to ask user for all required file paths and at the end create a System level Daemon (similar to windows service) to keep it always Alive. Would Xcode help in this situation? I already tried to open my .Net core project using xcode but it failed to load saying unsupported proect type.
Thanking in advance for your help!

If you wanted to use the standard macOS Installer to distribute your .net Core app, you would need to create a .pkg file. There seem to be ways to do this on the console or with Third Party Tools
sudo pkgbuild -install-location /Applications -component /path/to/your/application ./Desktop/YourPackage.pkg
There is an older manpage for pkgbuild, or you can try running man pkgbuild on your Mac.
I haven't tried this, but creating a .pkg is the normal way to install stuff on a Mac for applications where you can't just drag/drop the .app into the Application folder. (macOS applications are actually Directories with a special structure)
A .DMG is just a disk image - it doesn't "do" anything, it's just a container for files. You can create one with Disk Utility.


How to create an MSI installer using OS X?

I already cross-compiled my program for Windows, I now have an EXE and a directory which must reside alongside that EXE in the same directory.
So I need to create an MSI, that places them in the appropriate place (whatever that is) and handles the uninstall too, in a way that is organic with the operative system.
There are Windows tools that do just that, but I haven't been able to find any for OS X. Is there any?
I am on OS X
I cross-compiled my program for Windows
using OS X, I need to create an installer for Windows, such as an MSI
I DO NOT need to create an installer for OS X, such as a DMG or whatever. I need to create an installer -->FOR<-- Windows, such as an MSI.
I just "happen" to be trying to use OS X to do it.
Using Wine only counts if that program is known to run fine with Wine.
Using a Virtual Machine doesn't count since it is using Windows, which is what I ruled out in this question.
It seems that msi-packager is your solution.
"Build MSI (Windows Installer) packages on Mac and Linux."
Would it be acceptable to create an EXE-based installer instead of an MSI?
I use InstallBuilder to build installers on OS/X. InstallBuilder is a cross-platform program. There is a version that runs on OS/X and builds both EXE installers for Windows (though I have not tried that combination), as well as DMG/APPs for OS/X.
The InstallBuilder documentation mentions that it cannot build MSIs, because InstallBuilder provides functionality for which there is no equivalent in MSI.
I suggest installing InstallBuilder on your Mac, selecting "Windows" as your output format, and see what happens.
InstallBuilder is one of the better installer builders that I've worked with. It's powerful and comprehensive. Not cheap though. At $995, it's till cheaper than spinning your wheels with WiX. There is a free trial version.
Although WiX is not available for OSX, there's a port of it using the wine library. You can find it in msitools as wixl which can easily installed through brew.
brew install msitools
It sounds like you're looking for the DMG Installer specification for Mac. It's a similar function as MSI in that it is a single file containing the install components needed for an app.
Keep in mind that Mac OSX apps are very different. They are more similar to Windows directories than EXE's. They contain a sub-folder structure which includes the components of the app. If you right click on a Mac app and select "Show Package Contents" you will see a "Contents" top tier folder with everything underneath the app. Just mentioning that as it greatly impacts the lack of need for an uninstall as you simply highlight an app and click delete to remove it and all of its components. There are exceptions of course, but Mac users appreciate when dev's stick to this format.
For DMG this link may help: Demystifying the DMG

Making a software setup for Mac OS

I have an application developed for windows. I need to make a setup for MAC. Some things that i will need to do in the setup are: (i)Install Mono Framework (ii)Install my app files (iii) Macbundle my application. In short .how do i make a setup for Mac which the user can download and run my software(application.exe) on a mac. Kindly help.
OS X applications are usually distributed as self contained app bundles that don't require an installer.
It seems that Mono provides a package maker that help to create .app bundles from Mono projects:

Preferred Mac OS X installer

I need your help in choosing a Mac OS X installer version for my application, since I'm not a native Mac user (I am a Windows user).
As far as I know there are two popular installer versions: the regular setup wizard, and the one that uses a window in which you drag the file into the applications folder. Which is preferred and why?
If your application is entirely self contained with all its resources bundled in a single .app package (which is the preferred structure for Mac applications) then use drag and drop installation. If it isn't possible to bundle your application in this way then use an installer .pkg.
There may be other solutions that are appropriate for certain types of application. For example I develop a large Java application that runs on many platforms (including Mac) and we use IzPack to build one installer JAR that works on all platforms. We then package this up as an .exe for Windows users (using Launch4J) and as a .app bundle for Mac users.
If you are not familiar with command line tools or simply not inclined, I would recommend two different IDEs:
Packages - a free and great way to create OSX Installer packages. It is simple to use out of the box, but has great depth for conditional installs.
DMGPackager - shareware - a simple app to create DMG with optional backgrounds, licenses etc.
If you want to distribute, it would be best to sign the installer.

Adobe Air App EXE on a USB Stick

EDIT: As it turns out, the issues described here were caused by an outdated version of the Adobe Air runtime. The Air app I had written was compiled for Air 2, but the computers were running Air 1.5. Updating the computers to Air 2.7 (the current version at the time of writing) fixed the problem. Unfortunately, running a newer Air app in an older runtime generates a misleading error. Beware!
I'm building an Air app for internal use at my company. I need to install the app to a USB data stick, so that the installed app may be quickly moved from one computer to another. This works just fine on Macs, with the .air generated .app program running just fine on whatever Mac it is moved to.
When I do this on Windows, however, it only works on the computer that performed the initial installation of the .air file. Moving the stick to a different computer and running the program .exe results in an error message: "The installation of this application is damaged. Try reinstalling or contacting the publisher for assistance".
Is this the expected behaviour? Is there any way to run an AIR .exe on a USB data stick regardless of the computer that generated the EXE?
Just to be clear: I'm not looking to move the installer between computers, but the .exe that results from running the installer. I want to run the .air installer once, take the .exe result, put it on a data stick, and then run that .exe on any computer.
Simple recipe to make a portable Adobe AIR app
A whole ziplock of Adobe AIR SDK, recently harvested from Adobe's server farm.
One .air package, fresh.
Command-line to taste.
Extract the .air package with a 7-Zip blender.
In this folder bowl, whisk in the bin/adl.exe and runtimes/air/win from the SDK.
Take the META-INF/AIR/application.xml yolk and set aside.
Make sure to have adl.exe, win/ and application.xml in the folder casserole.
Add a pinch of adl -runtime win application.xml and let it simmer.
Optional: if you want shortcut sauce, just take note of the folder's location in your filesystem kitchen and re-write the parameters above so they have full paths to the win runtime and application.xml.
Finally, most .air will come with a baker's dozen .pngs in the icons directory. You can use an icon oven to grill these into a golden crispy icon.ico to be used in the shortcut sauce.
Bon appétit.
Compile the app to a native exe: That should do the trick!
Update: for full stand alone operation look into shu-player, or
There's an easy method I always use (and I have never met the cases it hadn't worked).
Compile ".air" package, install it on your computer. After that, copy the following files from the app folder (keeping the directory structure intact) and run on any Windows machine which has the AIR framework installed.
Minimum set of files to copy:
Once again, the limitation - your app can only be run on Windows.
In AIR 3 (in Beta right now), you can package an app as a "captive runtime bundle." On Windows this produces a folder that includes your app and the runtime itself. You can run the app from this folder without installation. Of course, some features won't work without installation. For example, registering file types for your app requires registry entries on Windows, so you would need an installer for that (or a utility program that set the required registry values would work, too)

I have an exe setup file. I want to make it compatible with Mac OS

I have an exe setup file. I want to make it compatible with Mac OS. Is there is any way through which we can convert an EXE to DMG, APP or a Jar?
No, you cant, you need to recompile the application for the target platform.
Moreover, if the contained software is compiled for Windows, it won't work on Mac.
If may work only if it is script-based (like in ruby, python, etc.). But usually, you'll have a proper Mac installation package when it is compatible.
**Exception*: some EXE are extractible archives, but it won't change the incompatibility if it is compiled for Windows.
The simple answer is to install software on a Macintosh OS you must recompile it down to a .dmg file. I jumped on Google and this article Creating a Mac OS X App from a Jar File was the second choice. The default Mac OS Java version was 1.5 for Leopard. Target 1.4+ and you should cover systems from at least Leopard and upwards.
As an aside, this tutorial was recently updated for Snow Leopard and covers the same stuff. Best of luck in getting it ported.
There are different distribution for Mac with have java6 and below version, for java 7 and 8 you need to make another app to run and compatible with
I did it on my way:
Create exe/ setup for your jar.
follow the link --->
download winebottler(GUI based tool) for your mac type and simply follow this link below
No extra burden for you to how.
Note: This will pack your setup in app but app size will increase.
