Missing file when cross-compiling for Amiga on Ubuntu 16.04 - gcc

I am trying to build some software for AmigaDOS 3.x on a ubuntu 16.04 host system, but at link time I get this error:
/opt/m68k-amigaos/m68k-amigaos/bin/ld: cannot open crt0.o: No such file or directory
The process of building from .c to .o works fine and with no errors. Its only the link stage that displays any error. The link command I am using is:
sst: $(OFILES)
m68k-amigaos-gcc -o sst $(OFILES) -lm
Any ideas?

The question was answered here:
I will copy/paste it here, in case the original post on Github became unavailable:
You need to use -noixemul switch during linking stage, otherwise the toolchain will try to use ixemul startup routine which is not available.
$ m68k-amigaos-gcc -noixemul hello.c -o hello


ld: building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64

I have this strange issue where creating / using a static library works in my Ubuntu VM but not on macOS:
ld: warning: ignoring file ./dist/libXXXX.a, building for macOS-x86_64 but attempting to link with file built for macOS-x86_64
Command to create the static library is:
ar rcs libtest.a obj1.o obj2.o ...
Compiler invocation:
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra main.c -L./dist -lXXXX -o main
Searching on google didn't yield any usable results except for this (maybe) related question on SO:
Possible related question
I realize this is an old post and you found your fix, but let me post this here for anyone else who runs into this problem for whom these answers don't provide a solution.
You might be using two different toolchains unknowingly, one from Apple (installed via Xcode) and one from GNU (installed via Home-brew or MacPorts). If you type ranlib --version and see version info showing that ranlib is GNU, this is likely the case.
Make sure that /usr/bin comes in your $PATH before /usr/local/bin and /opt/local/bin. When you run which -a ranlib, the first result in the list should be /usr/bin/ranlib. Same for which -a ar-- the first result should be /usr/bin/ar. If it is not so, you need to fix your $PATH.
Once you fix your path and clean your project, try building again and things should work.
The issue was solved when I directly put those object files rather than gathering them into a static library, i.e.,
gcc -g -Wall -Wextra main.c obj1.o obj2.o -o main
After that, I got many warnings like ld: warning: object file (obj1.o) was built for newer macOS version (11.0) than being linked (10.14), but it is a warning, and the object is linked, so the problem is solved.
The root cause is that some library passes -mmacosx-version-min=10.14 to gcc, so the object file is built for 10.14, but my macos is now 11.0.
If you want to make things work, try directly using object files rather than creating a static library.
If you want to resolve all the warnings, find ``-mmacosx-version-min` and comment it.
After looking at my script that automatically creates the static library I've found the culprit:
For some reason my tool created object files for header files (resulting in files like header.h.o).
Removing those fixed the issue.

Error while compiling Halide program using Linux command in Windows environment through Cygwin

I downloaded Halide binaries for Linux. For compiling the tutorial programs(especially the autoscheduler program), I need to install g++ version 5.3. But, I am not able to install this particular version. How to solve the problem? Please find the instructions below copied from the link : https://github.com/halide/Halide/releases
Update 1:
I ran the command sudo apt install g++-5.3 . I got the error "Unable to locate the package g++5.3"
Update 2:
These are some of the errors I get.
Update 4:
I want to run this program :
The linux command is given at the very top of the above link. I am pasting it below:
g++ lesson_21_auto_scheduler_generate.cpp ../tools/GenGen.cpp -g -std=c++11 -fno-rtti -I ../include -L ../bin -lHalide -lpthread -ldl -o lesson_21_generate
Additionally, I moved the "libHalide.a" file from the lib folder to the bin folder and executed the commmand.
The problem is that you're on Windows, as your references to x86_64-pc-cygwin and /cygdrive/c in your screenshot indicate, but you're trying to use the Linux binaries. Cygwin is only source-compatible with Linux programs, not binary-compatible. Here's your choices:
Use the Windows or MinGW downloads instead of the Linux ones (you may have to switch to MinGW)
In Ubuntu in VirtualBox, just install g++ instead of g++-5.3, and then use the Linux download there

Can't make FestVox compile due to missing -leststring and missing libeststring.a

So I have installed / compiled speech_tools, and Festival (2.3) using Cygwin on my Win8.1 machine to the point that I can successfully produce speech using this command:
echo "hello world" | \src\main\festival --tts
The next step is for me to get FestVox running. I have downloaded FestVox 2.6 and I have run ./configure; however, the 'make' step is giving me trouble, producing this error:
gcc -O3 -Wall -o phonealign phonealign_main.o -LC:/cygwin64/Festival/build
/speech_tools/lib -lestools -lestbase -leststring -lncurses -lstdc++ -lm -lwinmm -luser32
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -leststring
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
Makefile:80: recipe for target 'phonealign' failed
So, I looked at my Makefile at where it might be trying to look for this file, and it looks like in that directory (build\speech_tools\lib) I am missing a libeststring.a partner for my libeststring.lib. Both libestbase and libestools have .lib and .a files in that directory.
At what step did I go wrong?? Should a libeststring.a have been created at some point??? When? How can I fix this?
I think the problem is that you should use compiler in Windows instead of gcc within Cygwin. The role in Cygwin for building Festival is to run configure to generate a Makefile for VC. Then run nmake in Windows command line not make within Cygwin.
Cygwin cannot build a native Windows application like what MINGW does. Application build in Cygwin can only run within Cygwin.
*.a is the static library for Linux, which is built by gcc. *.lib is the static library for Windows, which is built by VC.
So I suggest you taking a look at README, INSTALL files in FestVox. To find whether there is description for make a Makefile for Windows like process "3. Make makefile for VC in Cygwin" in my document (http://www.eguidedog.net/doc_build_win_festival.php)

Setting up GLFW on mac for scratchapixel

Following the guide over at http://www.scratchapixel.com/lessons/3d-basic-lessons/lesson-2-get-started/get-started/ and I got down to the part where you set up GLFW. Everything was going fine got CMake all installed properly and it went through the process just as shown on the images on the site. Everything installed fine to the /usr/local/include and /usr/local/lib folders. So the next thing to do is test that it installed fine and every time I try to do anything with whats in the glfw folder, gives me this error:
fatal error: 'GLFW/glfw3.h' file not found
These are the commands I've tried to run it with:
gcc boing.c -o boing
gcc -lglfw boing.c -o boing
gcc -lglfw3 boing.c -o boing
gcc -I/usr/local/include boing.c -o boing (different error)
The last one almost worked and gave several different errors, which I think may have been caused by something else. That's kind of besides the point though. What am I doing wrong here? To my knowledge gcc is meant to look in the /usr/local/include folder by default for libraries.

OSX 10.7.4 w/XCode 4.4.1 & GCC (Issues w/compiling straight C/C++)

The issue I'm having is that gcc (and family) don't appear to be properly setup. I have a 10.7.4 machine that I just installed Xcode on (from the app store). I've done no prior development on this machine.
Working w/in Xcode seems to work fine. I can build and compile no problem. However, trying to execute gcc command line fails.
First, I gcc wasn't on my path ... no big deal. I located it and ran as:
/Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/usr/bin/gcc -dynamiclib -fno-common -o s.dylib s.c
(I'm working on a lib w/some functions...). Anyways, it fails.
s.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory
s.c:2:20: error: stdlib.h: No such file or directory
s.c:3:20: error: string.h: No such file or directory
Surprise! hah, well I searched my machine for stdio.h and I can't find it anywhere. Since I've been out of the OSX game for a bit, I'm assuming I'm missing something -
Basically I want to be able to continue using Xcode but I want to be able to build C/C++/etc on the command line with all the dependencies (.h) in the correct place.
Any thoughts?
There are two main ways to run the compiler from the command line: the Command Line Tools package, and xcrun.
xcrun is particularly good if you just need this occasionally. Just stick "xcrun" at the start, like you'd do with sudo:
xcrun gcc -dynamiclib -fno-common -o s.dylib s.c
This will find the correct version of gcc and set the needed directories, etc. You can specify a specific SDK with --sdk.
If you do this a lot, download and install the Command Line Tools package (Xcode>Open Developer Tool>More Tools...; it also may be available in Preferences>Downloads). This installs a full copy of everything in /usr.
Probably xcrun is not enough if you are using 10.8.
Looking in to the clang documentation I found that you need to include the system root because you do not have your libraries in the standard place but inside Xcode.
xcrun gcc -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk
xcrun clang -isysroot /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/MacOSX.platform/Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.8.sdk
