Oracle Fusion Middleware SOA 11 silent configuration through - oracle

I need to install Oracle SOA Suite on headless server.
This one:
Fusion Middleware Installation Guide for Oracle SOA Suite and Oracle Business Process Management Suite
I managed to install it through responseFile.rsp, which is a standard Oracle Universall installer file.
The second step is to configure a domain through
This give me only a GUI Configurator like this one described here:
Fusion Middleware Creating Domains Using the Configuration Wizard
There is a console mode, but there is also an option --silent like in installer before, where variables are set in responseFile.rsp.
But I can't find any description of variables or responseFile.rsp which I can set for silent configuration setup I don't really want do it through console mode, because I want to provision domain through ansible role. Is there anybody who has an experience with this kind of instalation?
Thanks for any response.

I have achieved OSB domain setup using WLST and ansible. I have used below as my reference.
Try and keep me posted for any clarifications


Solaris 11 development environment on Cloud or hosting

I got in charge to create a website based on Java. Production environment specs include Solaris 11.1, OHS 12.1.3, WebLogic 12.1.3, Java 1.7.0_51 and Oracle Database 11.2.
I want to create a server on some cloud or hosting service as Development environment with the same specs to avoid migration problems to Production. I also think this approach helps to give my team a single server where they can work and have some testers/client to visit the site.
Normally I would use a local Development environment but a lot of people is involved and differences with Production can become a problem at migration.
I checked but I don't know if it will fit all specs needed. I looked at Windows Azure and Google Cloud with no success. AWS maybe? I also checked but I don't understand if they already offer what I need.
Do you know any providers to create my Development environment or another approach/suggestion to develop this project??
To clarify, the client's Production environment already exists and is running somewhere. My project will be installed on that environment when development is finished. I personally think that developing on any VM with WebLogic 12.1.X and Oracle Database 11.X should be enough, but I've never done it so I wanted to follow client's advise on having a Development environment similar to Production.
Do you think I can just create a VM on any OS and just install WebLogic 12 with Oracle Database 11?? Any suggestions to avoid migration issues if I take that route?
I think that develop a new website from scratch thinking to use the architecture proposed by you is a nonsense. I think that if you will use cloud services like PaaS you will do something better.
In any case, you can find solaris VMs on Cloudsigma , Entic and Oracle Public Cloud

service accounts configuration in template file in osb 11g

I need to configure service accounts for connecting to some of the services and for that we are required to configure the details in a template file.
So basically that means, I want to configure service account at run time.
We are using oracle service bus 11g.
Since I've never worked on service accounts before, any suggestions will be helpful.
I checked that we can do that at run time by fn-bea:lookupBasicCredentials XQuery function. but this is not what we want. We want to generated dynamically through the template files.

Install Peoplesoft and connect to existing Oracle DB

Is there a guide that can help me install PeopleSoft, PeopleTools, Tuxedo, Weblogic etc. and connect it to an existing Oracle DB configured for CS?
I'm fine with doing the setup from scratch, but how do I skip the DB creation and just configure the rest to connect to a DB called CSSND2.
Can anyone help with some steps?
The guide I followed is:
Oracle has official installation guide for every PeopleTools version.
This is the one for the latest version, 8.55:
If your version is lower, google 'PeopleTools Installation guide ', replacing by your version.
Install all the software on your server, add the details of your schema/database to the tnsnames.ora file, then you can add the App server domain, Process Scheduler domain and web domain. See the guide for details on installation and configuration

SonarQube permissions location

I'm trying to config a SonarQube server using puppet.
My puppet manifests install software, deploy my custom, deploy ssl certificates, download and configure few plugins and, at last, start service.
Default Global Permissions allows Execute Analysis and Execute Preview Analysis to Anyone.
Default Project Permissions allows Browse and See Source Code to Anyone.
I want change this from my puppet code without using the web interface. Not only before first deploy. In each repuppet I could want change this permissions.
The goal is config and reconfig SonarQube in automatic way.
Thanks and sorry for my english.
To update permissions, you can do it through web service calls:

How to actually configure debugging in CFBuilder

I have ColdFusion Builder 2.0.0 installed and I am trying to look at the much vaunted step debugging. However, I cannot seem to get it to work as I don't have my site / JRun install setup in the naive way the examples show.
I am using version 9,0,1,274733 of ColdFusion and my configuration is as follows:-
Installed as multi-server version with Jrun here:- c:\Apps\JRun4
application files are here:- d:\websites\
web root is here d:\websites\\www
core library of CFCs is here d:\websites\frameworks\core which is mapped in CF as core
I have read this watched this and this and watched this but I get stuck at the point after you have configured RDS and you are setting up the server for your project.
Now I am pretty sure the above is correct, when I move to the next page in the wizard I get the following:-
Now I as I understand it my Server Home should be c:\Apps\JRun4 and my Document root should be d:\websites\
This all looks like it is going to be fine until you actually try and debug when I get
followed by
I can confirm that the server is running and RDS is enabled as in the RDS Dataview I can see all my databases.
Any help would be gratefully received as this is very frustrating and the documentation is very lacking.
There is a video tutorial as well that you may want to check and see if that helps.
You need to specify the RDS username/password and the "application server name". If you are using the base instance that was installed when you setup the multiserver install of CF that is "cfusion", otherwise its the name of the instance you are using.
The RDS username is most likely "admin" unless you setup custom users for RDS. The password is the RDS password you specified when you installed CF.
