Add class with old data in a form - laravel

I try to add class on a label if an the input has old datas.
I try this on my label:
<?php empty(old(email)) ? '' : 'active' ;?>
But it doesn't work. I also try with "isset" but I have an error exception.
Can you help me ? Thank you

The old method takes the input name as a string. You can also use blade syntax to make things easier.
<label class="label{{ old('email') ? ' active' : '' }}" >Test</label>

The old function accepts string as its first parameter. You're likely getting the error because constant email does not exists. Instead, call it with string old('email')
<?php empty(old('email')) ? '' : 'active' ;?>


Passing conditional disabled attribute to blade component with ternary operator

Is there a way to conditionally pass a disabled attribute to a blade component? For example this question and answer mention how to use the ternary operator to pass in the value of the attribute but the attribute name will be there regardless.
I am specifically trying to use the ternary operator in the blade component tag to add (or not add) the disabled attribute
template code:
<x-button {{!$aircraftType->canIslandBuild($island) ? 'disabled' : ''}}>
button component code:
<button {{ $attributes->merge(['class' => 'inline-flex']) }}>
{{ $slot }}
The error involves adding {{!$aircraftType->canIslandBuild($island) ? 'disabled' : ''}} to the x-button tag.
The error that I'm getting is: syntax error, unexpected token "endif", expecting end of file
Also if I change this {{!$aircraftType->canIslandBuild($island) ? 'disabled' : ''}} to {{''}} the same error happens so I'm curious if you can render strings from php code inside of the component tag header like you can anywhere else in a blade template. I know there are other ways to pass in data and conditionally add the disabled attribute by modifying the button component code but I would like to know if there is an easy solution here.
Went with matiaslauriti's comment and decided to replace
{{!$aircraftType->canIslandBuild($island) ? 'disabled' : ''}}
without changing anything else. It seems disabled="disabled" is included in the $attributes variable only when the value is true. This means that the button renders a disabled="disabled" only when !$aircraftType->canIslandBuild($island) is true and when it is false, no disabled is rendered on the final html for the button.

Why does this Blade component not receive a parameter?

I am using Laravel 9 and trying to understand the components.
I have this 'anonymous' component (extract) :
<option value="{{ $phase->id }}" #if(isset($phase_id) && $phase_id===$phase->id) selected #endif>
{{ $phase->name }}
The component is called like that :
<x-select-phase id="phase_id" name="phase_id" :phase_id="$event->phase_id"
I am expecting that the var $phase_id exists inside the component. It is not the case, and do not understand why. I tried a lot of things without success. What can I try next?
Component constructor arguments should be specified using camelCase, while kebab-case should be used when referencing the argument names in your HTML attributes.
This means:
should generate a variable:

Cannot inject request paraemter into blade view file

I have the following URL:
then I have the following blade template
<input value="{{Request::query('email') or old('email')}}">
But it's not displaying the email I passed in the get parameter into the input. Instead, it's displaying the value 1
Tried searching haven't found a solution that works.
That's because you have {{Request::query('email') or old('email')}} which is conditional. It will always return true or false.
Try any of these:
{{Request::query('email') || old('email')}}
{{Request::query('email') ? Request::query('email') : old('email')}}
You can try this:
<input value="{{ request()->email }}">

Correct approach for rendering optional param in blade

I noticed that below construction is not correct for Blade
<div class="constant #if($some_condition)optional#endif">
cause this is converted to in PHP which is invalide
<div class="constant <?php if($some_condition): ?>optional<?php endif; ?>">
To make this statement work I need to put close tag on different line but it looks very bad, especially if there are many others attribute.
<div class="constant #if($some_condition)optional
#endif" data-id="1" tabindex="2" data-etc="...">
What is the right way of rendering such kind of conditions in Blade?
Try the short version of if statement.
$some_condition ? 'optional' : ''
Using the code above, if the condition is true it will return the the string 'optional', if the condition is not true it will return an empty string I mean this ''. Note, an empty string as attribute do nothing inside Html element.
In your case it should look like this:
<div class="constant {{ $some_condition ? 'optional' : '' }}">

How to Get the Current URL Inside #if Statement (Blade) in Laravel 4?

I am using Laravel 4. I would like to access the current URL inside an #if condition in a view using the Laravel's Blade templating engine but I don't know how to do it.
I know that it can be done using something like <?php echo URL::current(); ?> but It's not possible inside an #if blade statement.
Any suggestions?
You can use: Request::url() to obtain the current URL, here is an example:
#if(Request::url() === 'your url here')
// code
Laravel offers a method to find out, whether the URL matches a pattern or not
if (Request::is('admin/*'))
// code
Check the related documentation to obtain different request information:
You can also use Route::current()->getName() to check your route name.
Example: routes.php
Route::get('test', ['as'=>'testing', function() {
return View::make('test');
#if(Route::current()->getName() == 'testing')
Hello This is testing
Maybe you should try this:
<li class="{{ Request::is('admin/dashboard') ? 'active' : '' }}">Dashboard</li>
To get current url in blade view you can use following,
Current Url
So as you can compare using following code,
#if (url()->current() == 'you url')
//stuff you want to perform
I'd do it this way:
#if (Request::path() == '/view')
// code
where '/view' is view name in routes.php.
This is helped to me for bootstrap active nav class in Laravel 5.2:
<li class="{{ Request::path() == '/' ? 'active' : '' }}">Home</li>
<li class="{{ Request::path() == 'about' ? 'active' : '' }}">About</li>
A little old but this works in L5:
<li class="{{ Request::is('mycategory/', '*') ? 'active' : ''}}">
This captures both /mycategory and /mycategory/slug
Laravel 5.4
Global functions
#if (request()->is('/'))
<p>Is homepage</p>
You can use this code to get current URL:
echo url()->current();
echo url()->full();
I get this from Laravel documents.
I personally wouldn't try grabbing it inside of the view. I'm not amazing at Laravel, but I would imagine you'd need to send your route to a controller, and then within the controller, pass the variable (via an array) into your view, using something like $url = Request::url();.
One way of doing it anyway.
EDIT: Actually look at the method above, probably a better way.
You will get the url by using the below code.
For Example your URL like https//
echo url()->current();
Result : https//
echo url()->full();
Result: https//
For me this works best:
class="{{url()->current() == route('dashboard') ? 'bg-gray-900 text-white' : 'text-gray-300'}}"
A simple navbar with bootstrap can be done as:
<li class="{{ Request::is('user/profile')? 'active': '' }}">
The simplest way is to use: Request::url();
But here is a complex way:
There are two ways to do that:
<li{!!(Request::is('your_url')) ? ' class="active"' : '' !!}>
<li #if(Request::is('your_url'))class="active"#endif>
You should try this:
<b class="{{ Request::is('admin/login') ? 'active' : '' }}">Login Account Details</b>
The simplest way is
<li class="{{ Request::is('contacts/*') ? 'active' : '' }}">Dashboard</li>
This colud capture the contacts/, contacts/create, contacts/edit...
For named routes, I use:
#if(url()->current() == route('routeName')) class="current" #endif
Set this code to applied automatically for each <li> + you need to using HTMLBuilder library in your Laravel project
<script type="text/javascript">
$('.list-group a[href="/{{Request::path()}}"]').addClass('active');
instead of using the URL::path() to check your current path location, you may want to consider the Route::currentRouteName() so just in case you update your path, you don't need to explore all your pages to update the path name again.
In Blade file
#if (Request::is('companies'))
Companies name
class="nav-link {{ \Route::current()->getName() == 'panel' ? 'active' : ''}}"
Another way to write if and else in Laravel using path
<p class="#if(Request::is('path/anotherPath/*')) className #else anotherClassName #endif" >
Hope it helps
Try this:
#if(collect(explode('/',\Illuminate\Http\Request::capture()->url()))->last() === 'yourURL')
<li class="pull-right"><a class="intermitente"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-alert"></i></a></li>
For Laravel 5.5 +
<a class="{{ Request::segment(1) == 'activities' ? 'is-active' : ''}}" href="#">
<span class="icon">
<i class="fas fa-list-ol"></i>
1. Check if URL = X
Simply - you need to check if URL is exactly like X and then you show something. In Controller:
if (request()->is('companies')) {
// show companies menu or something
In Blade file - almost identical:
#if (request()->is('companies'))
Companies menu
2. Check if URL contains X
A little more complicated example - method Request::is() allows a pattern parameter, like this:
if (request()->is('companies/*')) {
// will match URL /companies/999 or /companies/create
3. Check route by its name
As you probably know, every route can be assigned to a name, in routes/web.php file it looks something like this:
Route::get('/companies', function () {
return view('companies');
So how can you check if current route is 'comp'? Relatively easy:
if (\Route::current()->getName() == 'comp') {
// We are on a correct route!
4. Check by routes names
If you are using routes by names, you can check if request matches routes name.
if (request()->routeIs('companies.*')) {
// will match routes which name starts with companies.
Will match route named profile. So these are four ways to check current URL or route.
Try This:
<li class="{{ Request::is('Dashboard') ? 'active' : '' }}">
<a href="{{ url('/Dashboard') }}">
<i class="fa fa-dashboard"></i> <span>Dashboard</span>
There are many way to achieve, one from them I use always
Try this way :
