Issue with extension method in Kotlin script - gradle

I'm trying Kotlin script for gradle configuring. Line from build.gradle.kts:
val deployTest = System.getProperty("deployTest").toBoolean()
gradle clean build
It works well on my local workstation but fails on TeamCity:
IllegalStateException: Error type encountered: [ERROR : Type for (System.getProperty("deployTest") as String).toBoolean()] (DeferredType)
Property deployTest is not set on my workstation nor on TC. And on my workstation it returns false. What's wrong with it?


SpringBoot +Vue Project: Gradle Build Error

SpringBoot + Vue project, gradle build error:
Execution failed for task ':nodeSetup'.
Could not find method layout() for arguments [pattern, com.moowork.gradle.node.task.SetupTask$_addRepository_closure5$_closure7#185cb06f] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.repositories.DefaultIvyArtifactRepository.
Cause: There is a breaking change in gradle 6.8 which is you can checkout here:
"The 'layout' method taking a configuration block has been removed and is replaced by 'patternLayout'.
Check this here.

Error when trying to run 'gradlew assembleRelease' in the Windows command line : jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision

I am trying to generate a .apk file of my react native project with the 'gradlew assembleRelease' command. I'm using AWS Amplify, which is where the naming collision seems to be coming from. The version of react native I'm running is 0.59.9.
I've tried creating a 'rn-cli.config.js' file in the root folder and replacing the code in the 'metro.config.js' with the 'rn-cli.config.js' code, which was unsuccessful. I can't remove the problem folder either because that creates more errors.
I've also tried stopping and restarting the Gradle daemon, which hasn't worked either. This is the error I'm getting:
Configure project :app
WARNING: The specified Android SDK Build Tools version (25.0.0) is ignored, as it is below the minimum supported version (28.0.3) for Android Gradle Plugin 3.4.0.
Android SDK Build Tools 28.0.3 will be used.
To suppress this warning, remove "buildToolsVersion '25.0.0'" from your build.gradle file, as each version of the Android Gradle Plugin now has a
default version of the build tools.
Task :app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets
warning: the transform cache was reset.
error jest-haste-map: Haste module naming collision:
Duplicate module name: myreactnativeapp_cfnlambda_ff57ce62
Paths: C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\myReactNativeApp\amplify\backend\interactions\reactLex\src\package.json collides with C:\Users\Kim\Desktop\myReactNativeApp\amplify#current-cloud-backend\interactions\reactLex\src\package.json
This error is caused by hasteImpl returning the same name for different files.. Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
Task :app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets FAILED
FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':app:bundleReleaseJsAndAssets'.
Process 'command 'cmd'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
The code in the 'rn-cli.config.js' file looks like this:
const blacklist = require('metro-config/src/defaults/blacklist');
// blacklist is a function that takes an array of regexes and combines
// them with the default blacklist to return a single regex.
module.exports = {
resolver: {
blacklistRE: blacklist([/amplify\/.*/])
Do I need to change the code in the 'rn-cli.config.js' file or is there another workaround I could try?

Gradle build not working with lombok Spring boot

I have gradle project which has lombok jar ,i have added the below dependency in gradle, Gradle version : 4.5.1
compileOnly group:'org.projectlombok',name:'lombok', version: '1.16.20'
gradle build in command prompts not working
For me the expression you referenced is working correctly. Can you provide more detailed description of the error you observed. To display more detailed trace on what went wrong use the '--stacktrace' command line switch, for example:
.\gradlew --stacktrace assemble
Is the command line gradle gives you the compile error message? Or are you using Android Studio if so perhaps you forgot to setup lombok as a annotation Processor agent, see: and File > Other Settings > Default Settings... > Build, Execution, Development > Compiler > Annotation Processors > Enable annotation processing.
Finally Able to resolve the issue :) The spring rest api is like public Department getEmployeesDepartmet(#Pathvariabel(ID) int id , #Pathvariable(employeId)int employeeID)
here ID and employeeID was string constant due to this getting compiler error int cannot convert to String just removed the constant and added string variables in path variable –

Gradle and Flyway: Unable to obtain inputstream for resource

I have the problem that migrateDb using Flyway in a Gradle project sometimes causes
Unable to obtain inputstream for resource: META-INF/db/mysql/V1__script.sql
This error doesn't occur all the time but only sometimes but if it happens it's quite persistent and also a clean/rebuild of the project doesn't solve it.
The SQL script that is mentioned is contained within a JAR file that is referenced from the project as part of a multi module project.
My researched only brought me to but this didn't lead me to the right way.
I'm also very confused that flyway is able to find the file during the classpath search but is then not able to get the input stream.
If you should need any further info please ask.
Further debugging: It seems that the error seems to happen as soon as a new file is added to the DB JAR. After rebuild and migrateDb the error occurs. If I remove the script again the error still occurs although the script is not in the generated JAR anymore. So I guess the classpath for searching for scripts and retrieving input stream is different. Does anybody know what differences there might be?
Complete stack trace:
Caused by: org.flywaydb.core.api.FlywayException: Unable to obtain inputstream for resource: META-INF/db/mysql/V1__script.sql
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.scanner.classpath.ClassPathResource.loadAsString(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.sql.SqlMigrationResolver.scanForMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.sql.SqlMigrationResolver.resolveMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.sql.SqlMigrationResolver.resolveMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.CompositeMigrationResolver.collectMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.CompositeMigrationResolver.doFindAvailableMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.CompositeMigrationResolver.resolveMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.resolver.CompositeMigrationResolver.resolveMigrations(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbValidate$
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbValidate$
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.util.jdbc.TransactionTemplate.execute(
at org.flywaydb.core.internal.command.DbValidate.validate(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.doValidate(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.access$100(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway$1.execute(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.execute(
at org.flywaydb.core.Flyway.migrate(
at org.flywaydb.gradle.task.AbstractFlywayTask.runTask(
Gradle Task:
// task that migrates the database
task migrateDb(type: org.flywaydb.gradle.task.FlywayMigrateTask) {
// parse hibernate config
def hibernateConfig = parseHibernateConfigByStageParameter()
// set config
url = hibernateConfig.url
driver = hibernateConfig.driver
user = hibernateConfig.username
password = hibernateConfig.password
locations = [ "classpath:${flywayDbPath}/${hibernateConfig.dbType}" ]
table = 'schema_version'
outOfOrder = true
ignoreMissingMigrations = true
Gradle dependency:
// dependencies
dependencies {
runtime project(':core:db:mysql')
During further testing I noticed that the error seems to be because of the Gradle Daemon. Adding --no-daemon to the migrateDb call works fine and doesn't trigger the error.
That's fine for me for now.
It turns out that I was deploying and old .war, which was built with some .sql files that were not around anymore.
Then I fixed this by running gradlew clean build

unable to generate report for task reportScoverage using Scoverage plugin for gradle

Have integrated scoverare plugin of gradle for scala project and am able to run all the tasks from command line.
the reportScoverage task runs but it skips saying no output type defined.
I tried following
reportScoverage {
coverageOutputHTML = true
but it failed with error that no such property "coverageOutputHTML" defined
Scoverage plugin version : 1.1.0
can someone let me know or point to tutorial on how to define it.
