Bash: syntax error in expression (error token is ...) - bash

This line in a bash file has been working for six months:
and today it decided to be no more, with this error:
SCRATCH_FOLDER_NAME: scratch--folder: syntax error in expression (error token is "folder")
What does it mean?
For reference, here is the complete script:
if [[ -z ${DONT_RUN_REDIS+x} ]]; then
chown shimmercat:shimmercat $SHIMMERCAT_SCRATCH_FOLDER_NAME

"${SCRATCH_FOLDER_NAME:scratch--folder}" is not a correct parameter expansion. Consider the following, where comma is the delimiter:
# Get string before first matching delimeter
# Get string before last matching delimeter
# Get string after first matching delimeter
# Get string after last matching delimeter
As for how it worked I am not sure. Here is a good reference for the different types of parameter expansions.


How to expend a variable with a quote, on the quote?

Given the following string:
I want to get the substring function from the string above, in bash.
I tried the following:
echo "${toto%(}"
Which gives:
However, with this example:
echo "${toto%param}"
I get:
As expected.
The expansion did not take place when expanding the the character "(".
Why is that ? How can I extract only the beginning (before the "(" of this string ?
To cut ( and anything after it you have match exactly that.
echo "${toto%(*}"

Extract value for a key in a key/pair string

I have key value pairs in a string like this:
key1 = "value1"
key2 = "value2"
key3 = "value3"
In a bash script, I need to extract the value of one of the keys like for key2, I should get value2, not in quote.
My bash script needs to work in both Redhat and Ubuntu Linux hosts.
What would be the easiest and most reliable way of doing this?
I tried something like this simplified script:
if [[ "$content" =~ $pattern ]]
echo "key2: $key2"
echo 'not found'
But it does not work consistently.
Any better/easier/more reliable way of doing this?
To separate the key and value from your $content variable, you can use:
[[ $content =~ (^[^ ]+)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[[:punct:]](.*)[[:punct:]]$ ]]
That will properly populate the BASH_REMATCH array with both values where your key is in BASH_REMATCH[1] and the value in BASH_REMATCH[2].
In bash the [[...]] treats what appears on the right side of =~ as an extended regular expression and matched according to man 3 regex. See man 1 bash under the section heading for [[ expression ]] (4th paragraph). Sub-expressions in parenthesis (..) are saved in the array variable BASH_REMATCH with BASH_REMATCH[0] containing the entire portion of the string (your $content) and each remaining elements containing the sub-expressions enclosed in (..) in the order the parenthesis appear in the regex.
The Regular Expression (^[^ ]+)[[:blank:]]*=[[:blank:]]*[[:punct:]](.*)[[:punct:]]$ is explained as:
(^[^ ]+) - '^' anchored at the beginning of the line, [^ ]+ match one or more characters that are not a space. Since this sub-expression is enclosed in (..) it will be saved as BASH_REMATCH[1], followed by;
[[:blank:]]* - zero or more whitespace characters, followed by;
= - an equal sign, followed by;
[[:blank:]]* - zero or more whitespace characters, followed by;
[[:punct:]] - a punctuation character (matching the '"', which avoids caveats associated with using quotes within the regex), followed by the sub-expression;
(.*) - zero or more characters (the rest of the characters), and since it is a sub-expression in (..) it the characters will be stored in BASH_REMATCH[2], followed by;
[[:punct:]] - a punctuation character (matching the '"' ... ditto), at the;
$ - end of line anchor.
So if you match what your key and value input lines separated by an = sign, it will separate the key and value into the array BASH_REMATCH as you wanted.
Bash supports BRE only and you cannot use \s and .*?.
As an alternative, please try:
while IFS= read -r content; do
# pattern='key2\s*=\s*\"(.*)\".*$'
if [[ $content =~ $pattern ]]
echo "key2: $key2"
(( found++ ))
done < input-file.txt
if (( found == 0 )); then
echo "not found"
What you start talking about key-value pairs, it is best to use an associative array:
declare -A map
Now looking at your lines, they look like key = "value" where we assume that:
value is always encapsulated by double quotes, but also could contain a quote
an unknown number of white spaces is before and/or after the equal sign.
So assuming we have a variable line which contains key = "value", the following operations will extract that value:
key="${line%%=*}"; key="${key// /}"
value="${line#*=}"; value="${value#*\042}"; value="${value%\042*}"
IFS=" \t=" read -r value _ <<<"$line"
This allows us now to have something like:
declare -A map
while read -r line; do
key="${line%%=*}"; key="${key// /}"
value="${line#*=}"; value="${value#*\042}"; value="${value%\042*}"
done <inputfile
With awk:
awk -v key="key2" '$1 == key { gsub("\"","",$3);print $3 }' <<< "$string"
Reading the output of the variable called string, pass the required key in as a variable called key and then if the first space delimited field is equal to the key, remove the quotes from the third field with the gsub function and print.
Ok, after spending so many hours, this is how I solved the problem:
If you don't know where your script will run and what type of file (win/mac/linux) are you reading:
Try to avoid non-greedy macth in linux bash instead of tweaking diffrent switches.
don't trus end of line match $ when you might get data from windows or mac
This post solved my problem: Non greedy text matching and extrapolating in bash
This pattern works for me in may linux environments and all type of end of lines:
The value is in BASH_REMATCH[1]

unexpected EOF while looking for matching `"' unexpected end of file

I have a string
str="xx:mvt="this is the value""
While executing above string in a command( command $str ). Command is not accepting 'this is the value' as one value.
How to do this?
I wanted to replace ' character with \" to interpret special character. below is the code but getting above exception:
str=`sed "s/\"/\\\"/g" <<< "$str"`
The assign should be in form:
str='xx:mvt="this is the value"'
This will keep double quotes and assign string xx:mvt="this is the value" to the variable
Also the command (with sed) must be like:
str=`sed 's/\"/\\\"/g' <<< "$str"`

Replace Last Occurrence of Substring in String (bash)

From the bash software manual:
The pattern is expanded to produce a
pattern just as in filename expansion. Parameter is expanded and the
longest match of pattern against its value is replaced with string.
... If pattern begins with ‘%’, it must match
at the end of the expanded value of parameter.
And so I've tried:
local new_name=${file/%old/new}
Where string is an absolute file path (/abc/defg/hij and old and new are variable strings.
However this seems to be trying to match the literal %sb1.
What is the syntax for this?
Expected Output:
/foo/sb1/foo/bar/sb1 should become /foo/sb1/foo/bar/sb2
/foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb1bar should become /foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb2bar
Using only shell-builtin parameter expansion:
src=sb1; dest=sb2
if [[ $old = *"$src"* ]]; then
prefix=${old%"$src"*} # Extract content before the last instance
suffix=${old#"$prefix"} # Extract content *after* our prefix
new=${prefix}${suffix/"$src"/"$dest"} # Append unmodified prefix w/ suffix w/ replacement
declare -p new >&2
...properly emits:
declare -- new="/foo/foosb1other/foo/bar/foosb2bar"

how to get substring, starting from the first occurence of a pattern in bash

I'm trying to get a substring from the start of a pattern.
I would simply use cut, but it wouldn't work if the pattern is a few characters long.
if I needed a single-character, delimiter, then this would do the trick:
result=`echo "test String with ( element in parenthesis ) end" | cut -d "(" -f 2-`
edit: sample tests:
INPUT: ("This test String is an input", "in")
OUTPUT: "ing is an input"
INPUT: ("This test string is an input", "in ")
INPUT: ("This test string is an input", "n")
OUTPUT: "ng is an input"
note: the parenthesis mean that the input both takes a string, and a delimiter string.
In conclusion, what was requested was a way to parse out the text from a string beginning at a particular substring and ending at the end of the line. As mentioned, there are numerous ways to do this. Here's one...
egrep -o "DELIM.*" input
... where 'DELIM' is the desired substring.
awk -v delim="in" '{print substr($0, index($0, delim))}'
This can be done without external programs. Assuming the string to be processed is in $string and the delimiter is DELIM:
The inner part substitutes $string with everything starting from the first occurrence of DELIM (if any) removed. The outer part then removes that value from the start of $string, leaving everything starting from the first occurrence of DELIM or the empty string if DELIM does not occur. (The variable string remains unchanged.)
