How To Install GCC 7.1 and GDB 7.12.1 Ubuntu 16.04 from sources? - gcc

Since I know these versions doesn't come installed on Ubuntu 16.04, I've got the packages from their website. How can I install it? I've tried a bunch of online tutorials and none of them seem to work.


How to install OpenModelica 1.9.5 on Ubuntu 20.04?

I installed the latest version on OpenModelica (version 1.16.5) on Ubuntu 20.04.
However, this version has problems with the packages (examples).
So, by recommendation, I'm trying to install version 1.9.5 or 1.10.X, without success.
Since I'm a novice Linux user, I don't know how to do this.
On the site,
for older versions, it is suggested to use the line
I honestly do not know how to do it and that is why I ask for help to be able to carry out this procedure.
If you are on Ubuntu 20.04 (focal), you can only install OpenModelica versions released after April 2020 (because we don't update the old releases for newer OpenModelica versions). The oldest you can install without using docker or compiling your own OpenModelica is the following as /etc/apt/sources.list.d/openmodelica.list:
deb focal release
Which example does not work in the latest OpenModelica for you? We have done some fairly extensive testing and the change from the old to the new frontend is a net gain in the number of models that simulate.
Now this error occurs after installing Scilab through the terminal.

How to install the latest version of GCC on Mac OS?

I've tried googling but it all just confuses me.
Does anyone know how to do this?
Using homebrew you can install version 7.2.0 of gcc pretty easily.
Follow the installation instructions on After installing, run the following command in your terminal (
brew install gcc
That will install version 7.2.0 using the current gcc forumla which appears to currently be the latest version.

Installation of gstreamer bad plugins and opencv3.3 on Ubuntu 16.04 arm64

I have been working on some video playing/streaming pipelines for Computer Vision work on Nvidia Jetson TX2. It had Ubuntu 16.04 with latest Jetpack.
I have already installed opencv 3.3 and to test some of the pipelines, with .MP$ video files, I need h264parse plugin which is a part of gst-bad-plugins. However, when I try to install it using apt-get, it shows that following packages will be installed:
freepats gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-faad gstreamer1.0-plugins-bad-videoparsers
libbs2b0 libde265-0 libflite1 libfluidsynth1 libgstreamer-plugins-bad1.0-0
libmimic0 libmjpegutils-2.1-0 libmms0 libmpeg2encpp-2.1-0 libmplex2-2.1-0
libofa0 libopenal-data libopenal1 libopencv-calib3d2.4v5
libopencv-contrib2.4v5 libopencv-core2.4v5 libopencv-features2d2.4v5
libopencv-flann2.4v5 libopencv-highgui2.4v5 libopencv-imgproc2.4v5
libopencv-legacy2.4v5 libopencv-ml2.4v5 libopencv-objdetect2.4v5
libopencv-video2.4v5 libsoundtouch1 libspandsp2 libsrtp0 libvo-aacenc0
libvo-amrwbenc0 libwildmidi-config libwildmidi1 libzbar0
Here it tries to install an older version of opencv and this really messes up with my current opencv (v3.3) install.
Does anyone have any idea on how should I overcome this problem. I would not want the option to just ignore all the dependencies. But somehow, if it detects the installed opencv version, that would be awesome.
Any help is appreciated.
I am working on Jetson Tx1 , and have problem installing opencv 3.3 in virtual environment onto it due to space issues. I tried to compile the build file from external sd card and make from there. Then Sym-link ( file to appropriate path. Can you tell me how you were able to install opencv3.3 ??

How to install macports openmpi on Mac osx 10.5.8?

I want the latest version of openmpi. I like to use macports because it is easy to install, uninstall, and upgrade software. I have installed the latest mpi via building from source, but no one seems to be able to get it to build properly with macports. There is always a build error. There are tickets (and you can see the logs at ), but they seem to be collecting dust and it seems strange that no one had found a solution.
I have tried uninstalling the built in version (I know, openmpi says not to do that--but it works fine if I reinstall it--even in a different directory), but I still the same build errors. I also tried with different gcc.
Does anyone know what is so difficult about getting openmpi via macports?
sudo port install openmpi
worked for me

Install MonoDevelop on CentOS 5.5

i am trying to install MonoDevelop 2.4 in CentOS 5.5 using yum, but unable to install and configure to develop .Net Applications in Linux.
i have tried installing it in Fedora 13, Monodevelop installed successfully using yum, but not in CentOS 5.5.
Kindly please help me in figuring out how to install MonoDevelop in CentOS 5.5.
Looking for favorable replies.
If there is no package for CentOS yet, you may build/install from source code directly.
Dag Wieers repository has the monodevelop stuff.. I confirmed on one of my Centos boxes by typing the following at the command line:
yum search mono
If you need to install the DAG repo here is a link to the how-to:
