How to set ps as shortcut to open powershell - windows

The question says it all. I want to learn and use powershell as my go to terminal in windows and I want powershell to open if I type Win+R followed by ps. Much like how cmd is used to open command prompt.

You can create a symbolic link (similar to a shortcut) to Powershell with any name you want.
This will create one called ps.exe in the powershell folder, this folder is already listed in PATH so will enable you to run ps from the RUN box like you want.
mklink %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\ps.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Be sure to run the command in an elevated command prompt.

The "default" command for opening PowerShell is powershell. If you want to make it ps, your best bet is to create a batch file named ps.bat containing the single line
#powershell %*
and place it in one of the directories named in your system PATH variable.


Create new "execute" function/program in Windows (instead of command prompt)

I am using a small program called Youtube-DL to download videos but everytime I have to open the command prompt, get to the right folder and then execute, say, youtube-dl
What do I need to set up so that I can do the same thing directly from the "execute" tool (the one you access with the shortcut Windows+R)? Ideally all I would need to do would be Windows+R, type yt-dl
Add the youtube-dl executable to your %path%: Use setx /M PATH "%PATH%;C:\folder_with_youtubedl" with an admin cmd.

How to run VSCode from the command prompt

I for security reasons cannot run VSCode plainly. I have opened it in the past, but now due to specific reasons, I may only run VSCode from the command prompt. I've tried
start "path/to/file" code and start code "path/to/file"
but none work I'm on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.17134.407]
how may I run this by going to Windows+R then 'cmd' then start/ run?
Also it would be great if I could use this for a separate user.
I'm looking for something like:
Runas /user:user\admin /savecred "C:\Program Files (x86)\vs-code.exe"
The use of start is useless if VSCode is in the environment variables.
You can use code C:\Users\%username%\Desktop\File.c for exemple.If it doesn't work, I advise you to use a vbs script instead
You also don't need to run VSCode as an administrator unless you need to edit a file in a protected folder.
Maybe not the exact answer to the question, but...
To start Visual-Studio-Code from CMD into the current folder write:
code %cd%
The environment variable cd tell VS-Code to open it with the current folder
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by
just open a cmd terminal and type code followed by return keyborad key.
Well shoot, as it turns out that after doing some experimentation I found out that there's a way. Do this:
Simply stick this:
runas /user:Techtiger255\admin /savecred "C:\Users\Admin\AppData\Local\Programs\Microsoft VS Code\Code.exe"
inside of a shortcut (.lnk file)
Open your command line of choice (Powershell or Cmd) and enter the exact file path of your shortcut ex:
"C:\Users\Standard\Desktop/VSCODE.lnk" and hit go, stupidly simple really, just had to find the code.exe file path.

Cygwin: launch bat with parameter, in new window, with explorer environment

I need to run some .bat files from Cygwin. Until now, these bat files didn't required any param, so I used the following method:
chmod +x $strBatFilename
cygstart "$WINDIR/explorer.exe" "$strBatFilename"
These commands implement 2 features that I need:
The .bat file is opened in a new window
The environment of the new window is the explorer's one, not the one of Cygwin
The problem that I have is that now I need to also pass a parameter to the bat file.
I don't know of a method to call explorer.exe with a file (my bat) as parameter and having some extra option to pass another parameter to the bat (sounds like passing a parameter to a parameter of explorer.exe).
I have searched and found that I can start a cmd.exe. I tried starting it directly or starting it using cygstart:
cygstart $WINDIR/system32/cmd.exe /c start "$strBatFilename $strBatParam"
I have managed to make it start in a new window and launch the .bat with a parameter, but the environment is not the explorer's one.
I don't know the exact differences between the two environments. What makes me say they are different is that when for example the bat contains a repo sync command, if it's open with explorer it runs the repo sync command smoothly, while if the bat is called from cmd.exe, the repo sync command will ask for my user name and email.
So, my question is: are you aware of any command that will start from Cygwin a .bat file
passing a parameter to it
opening it in a new window
having the new window inherit the explorer's environment ?
Thank you

Start Command in CMD Window

I use below command in CMD window:
start notepad.exe
Is start a short-cut for an executable in Windows like:
or is it a parameter to be passed to cmd.exe?
When I use
wcsript test.vbs
wcsript refers to
C:\Windows\System32\wcsript .exe
So I want to ask does same apply for start command?
Some commands available in CMD are built directly into CMD.EXE. I believe start, like dir, is one of those commands. You won't find a separate program called dir.exe or start.exe.
You do not need to use start, simply the location of your script with the filename+extension works.
The reason you can start notepad is because it is inside the Windows folder where CMD also is.
If it's on your desktop use: C:\Users\%Username%\Desktop\test.vbs
If you have multiple files you can make a script using:
cd C:\Users\%Username%\Desktop\

How do I make a cmd script that once it is run, remains open and accepts new commands?

I want to make a cmd script that performs an action but then remains open and I can type new commands.
I have failed to find the proper terms to google as my knowledge of shell is almost zero.
thank you!
You can specify a command shell to run a specific command during start-up using the /k switch. E.g.
cmd /k C:\InitialScript.bat
The command shell would execute the C:\InitialScript.bat batch file and remain open for the user to type further commands.
If you want to create an icon for users to use then create a shortcut and use the following as the target:
%WINDIR%\System32\cmd.exe /K C:\InitialScript.bat
If you already have a command shell window open, then just use the following which will run the batch file in the context of the existing shell:
