Kibana plugin resources - elasticsearch

Heyy, I'm looking for up-to-date kibana plug-in resources to help me learn and understand how to develop one.
All the resources I've found are out-of-date.
Can anyone help, please?

I suggest understanding plugin directory structure for traffic plugin which would be one of simplest plugin to understand and you could directly add it to your installed plugin folder in kibana and see it working.
Other than that I would also suggest you do read Tim Roes blogs for developing kibana plugins.
Last I would also suggest to use elasticsearch discussion forum for kibana related issues as well for quicker responses.
As kibana has different js files which loaded synchrnized way. you can use as it required.


Looking for an option on Artifactory Pro to create a dashboard for Download Metrics

We are looking for an option in Artifactory Pro edition, where want to make a central dashboard for downloaded artifacts. Currently the each artifacts has count for # of downloads but we want to extend it more -
Number of downloads
Who downloaded it
from where its downloaded
Dashboard with filter criteria. Please help if anybody has build this type capability. I know probably we can use a plugin for this getting metrics and storing it to somewhere else. But we are looking for option provided by JFrog Artifactory.
Package view is part of the Platform versions (Artifactory 7.x and above):
I suggest you upgrade as this is pretty much what you need.
On your current version there isn't such dashboard, but you can gather the information easily using the Artifactory Query Language:
There is no metrics dashboard provided by Jfrog out of the box that would fit this need.
As mentioned by Angello you need to scrape the metrics yourself using the AQL or using different APIs provided by Jfrog then use that data to post onto a dashboard custom made for your usecase.

Enable RBAC features in kibana alone

I want to create a new space in kibana and create a new user , attach a role with specific access and only to the space. This is a straight-forward thing with lot of docs provided by elasticsearch itself, but however there is one thing that I cannot find any clear documentation on. Does kibana support RBAC without enabling security features in elasticsearch? Is it possible to create roles in kibana without enabling security features in elasticsearch? I'm almost sure that it is not possible but since there is not direct wordings in the documents stating the above, I'm skeptical about it and hence posting here for expert suggestions.
I'm using kibana version 7.7.1. In my dashboard I'm not able to see the word "security" anywhere as described in the document. Posting a sample screenshot below.
Finally Found an official document that states the same. To answer the question, Yes Kibana doesn't support RBAC in a standalone manner. It depends on elasticsearch.

Jenkins ssh-steps-plugin

I want to manage 1000 nodes through CI/CD pipeline so I came across 'ssh-steps-plugin' which can help me in my requirement but don't know how to use this plugin. Highly appreciate any tutorial on this.
I've recently started using this plugin too. The plugin GitHub repository has a good documentation on what the plugin is capable of.
Even there's an example using withCredentials to use a SSH Key to log into your remotes.

What is Sonar Search?

I am upgrading an install of SonarQube from 4.5.1 to 5.2. I wasn't part of the original install and when looking at the file to see what needs to be update in the new one, I see properties for "".
What is Sonar Search? Why would I need to uncomment/update these properties?
I haven't been able to find any good documentation on the SonarQube website on what it is and "sonar" and "search" internet searches bring up way too many unrelated results to sift through.
It is an Elasticsearch instance used for indexing some database tables. It allows for example powerful search requests on issues. See the sidebar of page "Issues". It supports multi-criteria searches and displays valuable facets.
Default settings in are good enough for most of environments. JVM settings of this dedicated process could be overridden if dozens of millions of issues are stored in database.

Running a Sonar Analysis from the Dashboard

Is there a way to run a Sonar 5.1.1 Analysis completely in the Dashboard GUI?
If not what are the steps to run it otherwise? I can't seem to find a document that walks you through the steps.
The Sonar Server / Dashboard / GUI is just used to display data, not to collect data (this old blog post explains the sonar architecture).
To collect data you can use maven, gradle, ant or sonar-runner for other projects. The documentation that guides you is in ... the sonar documentation :) - see the child pages, as they explain the details of how to configure the technologies I mentioned above.
I suggest you to also have a read at the configuration parameters you can pass, as the docs are not super clear about them.
