Visual studio 2017 cshtml syntax highlighting not working - visual-studio

I have been using VS 2015 for quite some time and just moved to 2017 recently. My cshtml text is all one color (black) and I have been trying to figure out why they are not highlighting like my other file types. Any ideas? This is pretty frustrating as I have been through different settings and many posts looking for an answer. I must be missing something.

The repair tip actually worked. I was not aware that you could repair your instance... Thank you for the help!
To repair, go to "Programs and Features", select "Microsoft Visual Studion 2017" and choose "Change". The Repair option is shown here:

Select all (Ctrl+A) and Copy(Ctrl+C) everything in the .cshtml file.
Delete everything! Save (Ctrl+S) the empty file. Then paste (Ctrl+P). Worked for me!

I had the same issue. I have solved it by installing "Web Essentials 2017".

This can also happen (and I have tested it with several machines) when VS 2017 does not have access to the installation cache. Somtimes one would like to download the installer files and keep the workload layout after installation; you then need the cache available somewhere. You may move the installation cache to a drive of your choice but remember that system and administrator must have access (everyone read access), and modify the registry setting to reflect the relocation of the files: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\VisualStudio\Setup
There you set CachePath to your new path and it will be alright. Hope this helps


Visual Studio hands when adding new file to source control

I have been working in both Visual Studio 2015 and 2017 with TFS 2015.
I will often have issues where, when I add a new file, the window pops up to add the file to TFS automatically, but it just sets there. I try to click Cancel, and it just sits there saying "Canceling...". I end up having to kill the process and reopen. It usually works for a little bit after that.
None of my coworkers, using the same versions of VS and TFS, have this issue.
Any help would be appreciated. It is starting to get exhausting to deal with.
Try to clear the version control cache on your machine. It should be located in:
C:\Users\<yourusername>\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Team Foundation\. There will be numbered folders (6.0, 7.0, etc) in there, with Cache subfolders. Try deleting all of those.
It's going to be very difficult to give a definitive answer; the best anyone can give you are suggestions.

'VSPackage' package did not load correctly

I'm having this error pop up once I start Visual Studio professional 2013 with update 3.
I don't know whats going on and also when I created a web form and try to put items from the toolbox into a table in my code it doesn't let me. the items are dim and can't select them any more. before I would make a table and try to add Labels, textbox, etc and it wasn't a problem.
Visual Studio 2013 Update 4
Tools -> Extensions and Updates
Disabled "Release Management for Visual Studio 2013 v2.1".
That worked for me.
I got the same issue today, but the error message should be giving you some guidance.
Take a look at mine, it tells me to check the "ActivityLog.xml" for more information.
After looking at the entry my error showed me that it ocured the evening before around 5:30pm and I know I was installing the Visual Studio 2013 Update 4 at this time. So it seems I had a problem with my Update installation.
(Sorry maybe someone can school me on how to properly load an image for viewing)
So I realized my problem was an install issue I created, yours might be an add-on or something similar that you just updated your Visual Studio with that corrupted your VS.
So a little more researching and asking some buddies at work and we tried doing this step in another SO article, which should have the same effect of fixing our package loading problem also.
the Provider package did not load.
After running the steps listed there my Visual Studio started up without any obvious issue.
Hope this helps.
Open ActivityLog.xml in a viewer (I've used Microsoft Edge) and you'll find the error. VSPackage is the "Developer Analytics Tools" extension for me.
The error is gone after uninstalling that package. You can obtain the package and attempt to reinstall from the Developer Analytics Tools page in the Visual Studio Gallery.
I uninstalled and reinstalled Visual Studio and the problem went away for a little bit. It eventually came back complaining about different packages.
Then I noticed my home directory was encrypted. I decrypted the directory and the problem went away.
If it is not an encryption issue, I'd try just uninstalling and reinstalling VS 2013.
Message could be shown in case of "Path" environment variable longer than 2048 characters. In that case, system doesn't work proply with system paths like %windir%.
If it's your case, shorten "Path" environment variable and everything works again.

Cannot edit checked out file (TFS) in Visual Studio 2013

Since I changed my windows password I can no longer type into a checked out file in Visual Studio 2013! Where before I just needed to start typing and it would check out the file in the background, now it won't even allow me to type into the file after I manually check the file out, from the solution explorer! It's as if VS 2013 is ignoring the keyboard on the project under source control. It's fine for other projects even project's under source control!
I think I remember seeing this before with older versions of Visual Studio and resolved it with a "Go online" option but I can't see that option in VS 2013, or the project is not "off line" so the option is not available.
This is obviously related to the TFS setting on the project but I simply cannot get past it. I am blocked and would appreciate any suggestions.
I suspended Resharper and restarted Visual Studio 2013. Once I reopened it the problem was gone. Resuming Resharper caused the problem to emerge again.
The solution is quite large so maybe that is it. Before putting Resharper into suspend mode I tried switching off code analysis thinking the workload is just too great, but that didn't help. The suspend did though. I hope this helps anyone else with the same issue.
All I have to do now is to figure out how to get Resharper back in the game without the problem coming back. We rely on Resharper as it is an wonderful tool. Since the solution has many projects in it, I am going to try create a smaller solution with my web project and just reference the other projects as assemblies. Maybe that will help
Clearing the resharper cache as suggested by Alexander resolved the original issue.
I'd like to add Alexander's comment as answer, since it helped me exactly to solve the issue:
Clean R# (ReSharper) caches by deleting all folders (and files) from the path
C:\Users\{User Name}\AppData\Local\JetBrains\ReSharper\v8.2\SolutionCaches\
and then reopen the solution.
Note: (Thanks to Antak for providing this info!)
You can paste
into file explorer's path textbox (open it via Win+E, or use Win+R and paste the path into the command window), this will resolve the physical path into your user's directory automatically.
This happened to me. All my JavaScript files went "dead." By "dead" i mean that all the normal VS intellisense coloring/functionality was gone; js files were un-editable, although Resharper was still working sort of; all other non-js files seems to be normal. In addition to Resharper, I had also previously installed Web Essentials and was using both tools.
First, I cleared the R# caches as mentioned above by Alexander. After restarting VS, this DID NOT work. JS files still dead.
Then i disabled Web Essentials. Then I restarted. THIS WORKED.
I then re-enabled Web Essentials, restarted again, and all seems to be OK. Am crossing my fingers....
I too had this problem with the latest version of ReSharper (, but clearing the cache as stated above did not work. I actually had to go into my ReSharper options (ReSharper -> Options -> General) and click the "Clear Caches" button. Once I did this and restarted VS everything is working again.
Try: /safemode
I had a similar problem where I could not edit most of my files, but I could edit *.ps1 files.
I don't have TFS, I do have resharper and other plugins.
What worked for me was:
Start visual studio in safe mode: C:\..\IDE>devenv /safemode
Close VS.
Start VS normally.
That probably has the same effect as suspending and resuming resharper, but I'm not sure which plugin could be causing the problem. If you are having trouble this is something you could try.
I hit the refresh(restart) and it solved a similiar problems so maybe you better try that before an IDE restar. ctrl shift F5

Why is Visual Studio 2013 very slow?

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Pro (RTM version) on my formatted PC (Windows 8.1 fresh install).
I don't know why, but Visual Studio 2013 Pro is very very slow! Slow for building, debugging, navigating in the IDE... my hard disk drive LED is not lighting up at all!
I'm on a little MFC (C++) project using the Boost library.
Any ideas?
It is something concerned with the graphics drivers. If you update them you will be fine.
Or you can disable the hardware graphics acceleration in Visual Studio according to these steps:
In Visual Studio, click "Tools", and then click "Options".
In the Options dialog box, navigate to the "Environment > General" section and clear the "Automatically adjust visual experience based on client performance" check box. (Refer to the following screen shot for this step.)
Clear the "Use hardware graphics acceleration if available" check box to prevent the use of hardware graphics acceleration.
Select or clear the "Enable rich client visual experience" check box to make sure that rich visuals are always on or off, respectively. When this check box is selected, rich visuals are used independent of the computer environment. For example, rich visuals are used when you run Visual Studio locally on a rich client and over remote desktop.
You experience performance issues, product crashes, or rendering issues in Visual Studio 2013
Try to set Current source control plug-in to None (menu Tools → Options → Source Control), if you are using the Microsoft Git provider, which seems to slow Visual Studio 2013 down more and more the larger the repository gets.
I had the whole Dojo Toolkit framework under source control using the Microsoft Git provider, and it got to the point where there were delays from the time I hit a key to the time the glyph would appear on the screen. That bad.
When/if you need Git again, you can switch to the TortoiseGit provider or Git-Extensions, both will work without slowdown. I like Git-Extensions, personally.
I too have struggled a bit with bad performance in Visual Studio 2013 (Premium). Pretty much the same issues as TS had. Slow navigation, scrolling, building... just about everything. Luckily I have manage to solve my own problem by disabling Synchronized Settings in Visual Studio.
Go to menu Tools → Options → Environment-Synchronized Settings and remove this option by unchecking the checkbox.
In the case of web applications, another cause of slow building and debugging (but not IDE navigation) could be the Browser Link feature.
I found that with this switched on, building would take 4 times longer and debugging was painful - after every postback, web pages would freeze for a few seconds before you could interact with them.
I was using a solution upgraded from Visual Studio 2012. Visual Studio 2013 also upgraded the .suo file. Deleting the solution's .suo file (it's next to the .sln file), closing and re-opening Visual Studio fixed the problem for me. My .suo file went from 91KB to 27KB.
I had the same problem and the only solution that worked for me was to follow the three steps presented below:
Clean the WebSiteCache folder (you may find it at
Clean the "Temporary ASP.NET Files" folder (find it at
C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\Temp\Temporary ASP.NET Files)
Restart Visual Studio
What fixed it for me was disabling Git by setting Current source control plug-in to None in Visual Studio, menu Options → Source Control:
This issue seems to be because of uninstalling the SQL Server Compact edition (4.0).
I was having this issue, and it got fixed after installing the SQL Server Compact edition 4.0.
On closing Visual Studio 2013, I was getting a message to install SQL Server Compact edition as a C++ project needed some thing... can't put finger on anything.
Resolve this issue by installing Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
Microsoft SQL Server Compact 4.0
I can advise an option like this.
CodeLens can be disabled like as at the picture. It gives a lot of performance goodness.
If you are debugging an ASP.NET website using Internet Explorer 10 (and later), make sure to turn off your Internet Explorer 'LastPass' password manager plugin. LastPass will bring your debugging sessions to a crawl and significantly reduce your capacity for patience!
I submitted a support ticket to Lastpass about this and they acknowledged the issue without any intention to fix it, merely saying: "LastPass is not compatible with Visual Studio 2013".
I had the same problem and all the solutions mentioned here didn't work out for me.
After uninstalling the "Productivity Power Tools 2013" extension, the performance was back to normal.
One more thing to check; for me it was Fusion logging.
I'd turned this on a very long time ago and more or less forgotten about it. Getting rid of the 5000+ directories and 1 GB of logged files worked wonders.
There is a good workaround for this solution if you are experiencing slowness in rendering the .cs files and .cshtml files.
Just close all the files opened so that the cache gets cleared and open the required files again.
Visual Studio Community Edition was slow switching between files or opening new files. Everything else (for example, menu items) was otherwise normal.
I tried all the suggestions in the previous answers first and none worked. I then noticed it was occurring only on an ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, so I added a new ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Application, and this was fast.
After much trial and error, I discovered the difference was packages.config - If I put the Microsoft references at the top of the file this made everything snappy again.
Move the Microsoft* entries to the top.
It appears you don’t need to move them all - moving say <package id="Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure" has an noticeable effect on my machine.
As an aside
Removing all contents of the file makes it another notch faster too*
Excluding packages.config from Visual Studio does not fix the issue
A friend using Visual Studio 2013 Premium noticed no difference in either of these cases (both were fast)
It appears missing or incomplete NuGet packages locally are the cause. I opened the Package manager and got a warning 'Some NuGet packages are missing from this solution' and choose to Restore them and this sped things up. However I don’t like this as in my repository I only add the actual items required for compilation as I don’t want to bloat my repository, so in the end I just removed the packages.config.
This solution may not suit your needs as I prefer to use NuGet to fetch the packages, not handle updates to packages, so this will break this if you use it for that purpose.
For me, the problem was the Start page -- it was downloading content and causing Visual Studio to hang.
The only solution for me was to:
Kill the DevEnv process from Task Manager
Start Visual Studio in Safe Mode from the command line:devenv.exe /safemode
Go to menu Tools → Options, and select the Environment/Startup options
Choose "Show empty environment" for the startup action
Close Visual Studio
Restart normally
Running unit tests was slow. It was a ReSharper issue.
Menu ReSharper → Options → Environment → General ... Clear Caches
Menu Tools → Options → ReSharper → General ... Suspend Now
Close Visual Studio
Delete the .suo file.
Open Visual Studio again.
Re-enable ReSharper.
I also had an issue with a slow IDE.
In my case I installed
Npgsql (low chance to cause the problem)
Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 4
The following helped me a bit:
Disabled synchronization - menu Tools → Options → Environment-Synchronized Settings
Disabled plug-in selection - menu Tools → Studio → Options → Source Control.
Disabled Entity Framework Power Tools Beta 4 - menu Tools → Extensions and Updates
Uninstalled JetBrain's Resharper - WOW!! I am fast again!!
Change the Fusion Log Value to 0. It solved my issue.
This is the FusionLog key in the registry:
Check ForceLog value (1 enabled, 0 disabled).
I was also facing this issue for quite long time. Below are the steps that I perform, and it works for me always:
Deleting the solution's .suo file.
Deleting the Temporary ASP.NET Files (You can find it at find it at %WINDOW%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\Temporary ASP.NET Files)
Deleting all breakpoints in the application.
Visual Studio 2013 has a package server running, and it was spending up to 2 million K of memory.
I put it to low priority and affinity with only one CPU, and Visual Studio ran much more smoothly.
Performance Explorer
Have you been using menu Analyze → Performance and Diagnostics? I have! It's awesome! But you may want to clean up.
Open the Performance Explorer. If you collapse all of the items in there, select all, then you can right click and do Delete.
My solution opens faster and is in general running much faster now.
Also you may notice changes to your sln file as shown. For me, this section was deleted from the sln.
GlobalSection(Performance) = preSolution
HasPerformanceSessions = true
In Visual Studio 2015 Community edition, I've experienced a very (very) slow IDE after changing the "Environment Font" on menu Tools → Options... → Fonts and Colors.
Reverting this options back to the default value ("automatic") solved it immediately.
I had similar problems when moving from Visual Studio 2012 → Visual Studio 2013. The IDE would lock up after almost every click or save, and building would take several times longer. None of the solutions listed here helped.
What finally did help was moving my projects to a local drive. Visual Studio 2012 had no problems storing my projects on a network share, but Visual Studio 2013 for some reason couldn't handle it.
I had a Visual Studio 2013 installed, and it was running smoothly. At some point it started to get sluggish and decided to install Visual Studio 2015. After install, nothing changed and both versions were building the solution very slow (around 10 minutes for 18 projects in solution).
Then I have started thinking of recently installed extensions - the most recent installed was PHP tools for Visual Studio (had it on Visual Studio 2013 only). I am not sure how can an extension affect other versions of Visual Studio, but uninstalling it helped me to solve the problem.
I hope this will help others to realize that it is not always Visual Studio's fault.
I added "devenv.exe" as an exclusion to Windows Defender. This solved my problem completely. People can try this as their first try.
I have the same problem, but it just gets slow when trying to stop debugging in Visual Studio 2013, and I try this:
Close Visual Studio, then
Find the work project folder
Delete .suo file
Delete /obj folder
Open Visual Studio
None of the suggestions worked for me, but I did solve my problem. I had tried most of the other recommendations before coming to the following solution.
My Scenario/Problem:
Using Visual Studio 2017 with ReSharper Ultimate. Keyboard input in the IDE got super slow as others have described. The last change I made to my solution was to add a new web site project, so I looked into that. After trying a lot of things, I tried adding a second web site project, so I could try to replace the first one, and Visual Studio just tanked after that. It wouldn't even load the solution anymore.
My Solution:
I forced Visual Studio closed and then I removed the newly added web site project(s) from the .sln file using Notepad. After saving and starting Visual Studio, my solution loaded quickly and everything seemed to be back to normal. I added a new Web Site with a slightly different configuration (see the thinking below), and the problem did not present itself again.
My Thinking:
I think the problem stemmed from creating the new web site project and using a file system path to a network share that is hosted in Azure. I'm working over VPN which tends to slow things down, and I occasionally experience various routing problems with some services, so my problem/solution might be a bit of a snowflake. I changed the file system path to be a local repository and will publish the files as needed which seems like a much better way to go.
I had a Visual Studio behavior where the typing was slow for my HTML files. Previously when I installed, I guessed that because my HTML files were generic HTML that the need to install any web development tools from the workload component of the installer was unnecessary. I went back and installed this bit and Visual Studio behavior became as I expected it.
This already has a bunch of answers here, but a general way to easily boost Visual Studio is to clear your temp files.
Press the Windows Key and R, and enter 'temp'. Press enter, and provide any administrator permission if you need to. Then press Control A to select all, and hit the Del key. Remember to provide any administrator permissions, and if 'the item is already in use' then just press skip.
After this, Press Windows Key and R again, but this time type '%temp%'. Repeat the previous steps in the new directory.
Finally, empty the recycle bin.
This might not help a ton, but it should boost general performance.

How do I fix an "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required." error in Visual C# 2010 Express?

I've tried to install Visual C# 2010 Express edition onto my PC, but whenever I try to run it, I get a error message.
Invalid license data. Reinstall is required.
I've already tried reinstalling it, and the message persists.
OS is Vista Home Premium. I already have VC# 2008 Express installed.
I am using Visual Studio 2013 and I have the same issue but it occurs when I try to open a solution that was made using Visual Studio 2010.
The solution for me is to open the solution file (.sln), using notepad and change this line:
[# Visual Studio 2010]
to this:
[# Visual Studio 2013]
I just right-clicked, and opened with Visual Studio XXXX (in my case 2015). Then save it. Done.
I have the same problem with Windows 7 Pro. Have tried everything suggested by the Microsoft people, including uninstalling, cleaning up, reinstalling both from the web installer and the VS2010 Express iso - with the same result every time.
To say it's frustrating is an understatement and the disinterest from Microsoft in fixing what appears to be a common problem (you can find lots of search engine 'hits' for the problem, none for a solution) is quite unbelievable.
Since this is virtually a virgin Win7 install, the only conclusion is that MS have broken their licesing checks again (why check for a license on a free product?).
Edit: Following further investigation I have concluded that the advice given by Microsoft is useless and does not attempt to diagnose the problem. It simply assumes a corrupt installation source. I believe that the problem is in fact corrupt permissions/ownership of registry keys. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Licenses and subkeys needs to be owned by SYSTEM with admins having full access. On my affected system the owner cannot be displayed and no permissions are shown when viewed by admin.
I don't have the definitive fix for this so far, as I cannot adequately edit the permissions for the affected registry keys.
Re-installing Windows is an almost certain fix, but also an extremely drastic one.
I have had this EXACT problem with VS2010 Professional Trial / Evaluation download. I can provide clear and concise steps to reproduce:
Set your system clock ahead by 1 day (oops!)
Install the trial software.
Set your system clock back to the correct date.
Start VS2010, you will receive the vague message indicating "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required."
In my case, the resolution was quite simple - set the clock back ahead to the wrong date. The next day, I was able to set the clock back to the correct date and continue using the product.
Based on other answers to this question, it would appear there are numerous reasons that you could receive this message. This specific issue is most likely to be encountered by someone with a "virgin" install of Windows since it is not so difficult to set the clock incorrectly when setting up a new computer and then fix it later (and if you fix the clock hours after installing the product, it might be hard to put it all together and realize what happened).
Hope this helps someone else.
I had this issue but I was able to resolve this by right clicking and using Run as Administrator. This boots up the program just fine.
This worked for me on Vista. It's based on work-around at MS:
Download subinacl command line tool
Run these commands:
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses /setowner=everyone
subinacl /subkeyreg HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Licenses /grant=everyone=f
Start VS 2010 Express again and this time it asks for a license key.
(On Windows 7 Home I had to run the above commands twice before they worked correctly)
I got the problem when instelled MS SQL 2012 with IngegrationService, the MS Visual Studio 2010 (Isolated) was installed from sql installer .
This VS returned error: Invalid license data. Reinstall is required.
I've fixed the problem by reinstalling SSDT with MS VS 2012 (Integrated)
I had this problem when installing a new SQL Server 2012 standalone Server.
Cause: When installing SQL Managemnt Tools it will install the VS Shell. It seems like this is all you need but this ist not enough! (it actually shows it will install VS)
Strangly the path and the application are shown in windows put you can't open them without the error.
Fix: You need to also install "SQL Server Data Tools" via Feature Add with the SQL-Server.iso
Hope this helps someone... i took me quite a while.
I get this error only when trying to open older solution files. For instance, I've got VS2013 installed and this error message pops up when I double click on a VS2010 solution file.
Getting rid of it is so simple:
Launch VS2013
Open the old solution file by clicking
"File->Open->Project/Solution..." from the menu (or simply by
pressing Shift+Ctrl+O)
Save the solution with the new format by clicking "File->Save
Solution As..." and overwrite the old file.
It appears that this has been reported as a bug, but has been closed as "Not Reproducible". One suggestiong from the Microsoft supporter is to redownload and reinstall:
Please try downloading the complete ISO from, mount it as virtual drive. Then execute Visual C# setup from the ISO media and select an option to remove the product. Once the Visual C# has been uninstalled, please try installing it again from the ISO media.
It sounds a bit far fetched to me, but you might want to give it a try.
If that does not help you, I would suggest that you either post a new bug report to Microsoft or vote to reopen the existing one (I am not sure if/how this is possible).
I have faced this problem when installing the Visual studio 2010 - C# express using the local administrator account, then trying to register the application using another account that doesn't have Admin privileges, due to corporate polices this account can’t edit in the Registry by any means, so suddenly that’s how I figured out how to solve this issue I open VS 2010 as a local administrator then entered the registration key, and it is worked , I don’t understand how do that Microsoft itself didn’t mention this solution or even try hard to investigate or solve this issue
I just encountered this problem on a virgin install with a system that has a bad clock battery (when I turn off the power, it resets the date/time. Syncing to again allowed me to run VS2010 successfully.
It was not the clock for me, and all the hours spent re-downloading and reinstalling were a waste of time (except for the last one, of course....).
Also, for some odd reason, just adding Read permissions to the HKCR node using psexec -i -s regedit did not work by itself.
To fix my problem on Windows 7, I made sure (using psexec -i -s regedit) that my login account had full control permission over every node in the registry and that the everyone group had read permission over every node in the registry, and did all of the steps in the following link (rebooting after each step):
This is probably overkill, but after spending 10+ hours trying to get this working, I am just happy it works... Good luck!
I was stuck for several days with the same problem. Investigating the registry i found several keys in HKCR were i was denied access even as adminstrator. Among these keys were the Licences key. Tried a lot of things to resolve this access problem but could not fix it.
Finally i worked around this problem with a reinstall of Windows 7 - choosing the Upgrade option when prompted to choose between upgrade or a fresh install. Had to reinstall video drivers but all my programs and user accounts survived.
After the upgrade i have access to the HKCR\Licenses again and Visual Studio 2010 starts as expected.
I had this problem and finally got passed it. I tried the solutions above to no effect. (I set my license keys to open permissions, set my clock forward, etc.) After two days I gave up...
In the end, I installed VS 2012 Express, which could handle VS 2010 solutions but could not compile 2010 code (without a COFF error). After finding this article on requiring VS 2010 to be installed to compile 2010 solution in VS 2012, I reinstalled VS 2010 even though I assumed it wouldn't work on its own. I tried opening 2010 anyway and it worked!
Analysis: as per the previous correct note by reece (and the original workaround author), I used ProcessMonitor to see what devenv.exe tries to do and fails.
Unfortunately, it was attempting to read a number of reg keys which were not under the Licenses node (so it wouldn't have been enough to take ownership of the latter with subinacl). Furthermore, even after taking ownership, the affected keys still yielded "ACCESS DENIED". Doing it as Administrator was equally useless. Plus, Visual Studio didn't fall for any date change nonsense either.
Solution - Don't try this at home :D though: I downloaded pstools and ran psexec -i -s regedit to get System privileges, then I changed permissions on the entire HKCR node to allow Everyone to Read (:P what can I say, viva el comandante).
I want to point out that adding "Everyone" to have read permissions on HKEY_Classes_Root did fix this issue for me.
I am not sure exactly what permission is needed, but this "worked for me" ... YMMV
This may also occur if you are trying to invoke an xml file instead of the exe application.
An another solution I have found to work is the one mentioned Mac by over at SuperUser:
When simply reinstalling the Visual Studio 2010 shell doesn't work, he points out that installing it through SSMS 2010 can solve the problem:
I was able to resolve my issue without making any manual changes to
the Windows Registry by installing SQL Server Data Tools 2010, which
is also free and includes the Visual Studio 2010 Shell.
You don't have to go through the entire install process. I cancelled the process when it was done installing the shell and it worked our fine.
If you're here from Google and are experiencing this issue with GFI MailEssentials's config export tool, check to make sure you aren't trying to open WebMon.SettingsImporterTool.exe.xml instead of WebMon.SettingsImporterTool.exe
If you have "hide common file extensions" enabled, you will see the .exe but not the .xml
Just happened to me with a new install of Visual Studio 2010 ultimate in a new computer.
This new computer had the internal time correctly set, but the date was set to one day late. I installed Visual Studio 2010 with the incorrect date. Then, I noticed of the incorrect date and changed it by sync'ing with a NTP server, and from that moment Visual Studio 2010 would not work... so I'll have to stop using Visual Studio 2010 until DateTime.Now > installationDate.
I met the same problem yesterday.And I fixed already.
Please follow the steps:
Run setup.exe again; Change or Remove Microsoft Visual Studio 2010;
Upgrade license Key (Enter new license key); Complete.
To everyone who has internet connection. Don't mingle with your
registry it's just a waste of time. Set your CMOS clock right then
just click on the button that say's "Obtain registry key online" fill
up the form(two fields are only required) then the registry key would
show up to your screen then just copy and paste it. then everything
works fine. sorry I can't post any images I still need to earn more points...
Background: Visual Studio 2012 Pro installed by Administrator account.
As "Joe User" (member of Win 7 Users group, but NOT Adminstrators) I got the error message.
On reading this forum I concluded this is a generic error message.
Steps to fix:
As an adminstrator, open HK_CLASSES_ROOT.
Open context menu on the Licenses subkey
Select Permissions...
Set Full Control for all users.
Now log on as "Joe" again.
Next, as Administrator change the permission on HKCR/Licenses back to read only for Users.
Two hints for developers.
If you can develop and run an application as an ordinary user, then presumably your poor
clients don't need admin rights to run it either.
Don't leak security information in "helpful" error messages. Microsloth are probably following their own advise and giving a vague and unhelpful error message here.
I have no idea why changing the permission to FC then back again to the original setting worked. I can only assume the Visual Studio writes something to that key the first time it runs.
While none of the above solution worked for me (else than running the application with an other username),Renaming the application folder in %appdata% fixed the porblem for me.
"C:\Users...\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\MS Project"
I had this issue while installing dynamic ax setup in VM, while installing it was showing me to 'licence is not valid, Reinstall visual studio shell 2010 version', so i uninstalled the visual studio shell 2010 version and its following component and tried to install again the AX admin it worked.
I'm having this problem with Visual Studio 2015 installed.
ramonsantana over at had the solution for me:
Copied here for reference
Use regedit go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and look for Visual Studio.DTE
Since i have Visual Studio 2015 CTP installed i have 3 DTE, one is
VisualStudio.DTE, the other Visual StudioDTE.10.0 and
VisualStudio.DTE.14.0 Go to VisualStudio.DTE.14.0 ( or whatever
version of Visual studio you have installed) and click CLSID.
Copy the
Default (Double click Default and Copy the key inside), now go back to
Visua Studio.DTE and double click the Default there and paste the key
you just copied.
Almost there
On VisualStudio.DTE go to CurVer and
double click the key there to Edit it. Change the 10.0 in the end to
12.0 or 13.0 or 14.0, depending on what version of Visual Studio you have and you are done.
Installing SQL server data tools for visual studio 2010 did it for me! SSDT has an VS2010 IDE along with it, which overwrites the required registry entries.
You can find SSDT here.
My problem:
VS works fine, but when I create new Solution Setup and Deployment it make Setup file but when I run this Setup file, it say: "Invalid license data. Reinstall is required."
subinacl do not work.
My PC:
OS: Windows 7 64bit.
Visual Studio 2012
My way:
Close Visual Studio
Run regedit.
Looking for Licenses
Right click on Licenses -> click Permissions... -> click Advanced -> click User you want edit -> click Edit -> choose This key and subkey -> check all Allow: Full Control, Query Value, SetValue, Create Subkey, Enumerate Subkeys, Notyfy, Create Link, Delete, Write DAC, Write Owner, Read Control... -> check Apply these permissions to objects... -> click OK -> click OK -> click OK -> Close Registry Edit
Start VS
Hope this help
This was my problem with my Visual Basic Net 2005.
This is how I got it solved:
Click start :-> type run (Or press win+r)
Type regedit
Click Licenses
Double click (Default)
Clear all text written in Value data field
Press Ok
Run again Microsoft visual studio
Believe it or not, I have found cases where this problem occurred due to a build error when the build error was due to an error in xcopy in the pre-build events.
We had this problem at a colleges computer, and after trying everything here we set to forget it and fix the error from xcopy. When this was fixed the Visual Studio 2010 shell error stopped popping up, for some reason.
