I finally bought the PhpStorm licence. Been using it for two years and, since their doing a great job, I had to play the game and be honest.
Now I'm faced with a problem, previously I had the perfect configuration that I don't have anymore.
Every project is linked to a ftp remote host. When I edited a file locally and save with ctrl + S, it saved the file locally without uploading it.
To upload I configured the explicit save on CTRL + Maj + S (In tools > Deployment > Option).
It was perfect!
With the new version, I can't find a way to do that. I tried updating the shortcut in the settings but it always stays "On explicit save action (Ctrl + S)".
I'm missing something and it's driving me crazy... (loosing all my ftp configuration in the update did not help).
That was actually a bug: https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/WI-21962
The behavior you're currently experiencing is expected.
You can assign Ctrl+S to Other | Save Document action in Keymap - this would save currently opened file only and wouldn't trigger auto-upload.
I am trying to open a folder that I opened before, but it crashed.
I can open other projects, and restarting the computer didn't help.
Maybe it's because I had a big file opened (400mb) in this folder, but I cant close this file because the vscode crashing every time when I tried open the workspace..
I had the same problem.
Just delete the folders under %appdata%/code/backups/ and restart VS.
I solved the problem by restarting my computer and then opening VS code from a different folder.
To open large JSON files, I use Dadroit JSON Viewer, thus preventing the problem from repeating itself.
Not worry much about that!, same issue occurred in my pc but there is easy steps to fix this error as following.
solution: Enable "paging files" option OR increase virtual memory.
1). Right click on "ThisPC" or "MyPC" and go to properties. then go to "Advanced System setting". [ you can also find that using SEARCH button ]
2). then click on settings of Performance block. its open another pop-up window in that ,go to the "advanced" option .
3). you can see the Virtual memory section ,in that click on change button.
4). now first disable the checkbox of "Automatically manage paging file size for all drive".
-> and select the "custom size:"
-> in Initial size(MB): { you need to add the same value as recommended, which is also displayed downside section }
-> in Maximum size(MB): you need to enter the value that you get multiply by 3 of your allocated RAM size.
for example:
your pc's ram is 4 gb then you can enter 4098*3= "12288mb".
then set it , click ok, ok, ok, and then just RESTART your pc. 🥹
hope god will help you.
It's easy than you think, you just need to update your laptop. and try to use Vs code again you will see that it works.
Hope someone can help me here .
I have no further information other than that at a later stage in setup the whole process hangs showing install_confignonrc_cpu64
I am unable to cancel out of it even , the only way was to kill it .
Is there any solution for that ?
My problem was that the installer tries to download Microsoft R Open , if you have a slow connection you will see the installation freeze for a very long time without any progress bar updates or so .
I fixed the problem by deselecting all R components since i dont need them then the installation went smooth .
just had the same problem which is why I found this question.
Fixed the problem by closing the original media install menu window (where I'd selected "New SQL Server standalone" which is the first option).
The install window then carried on.
Just leave it "Stuck" - it is doing a Download in the background, I left the PC for a couple hours while doing some errands, and then..boom- All set.
I have faced same problem with you, the simple way that i have find is turn on Windows firewall then wait a minute after that it will auto complete setup success. Hope this work in your case .
Disable and stop the windows update service and then start the installation. After the installation is complete put the service back on.
SQL Install gets stuck on sqlrsconfigaction_install_confignonrc_cpu64 (SQL Server 2016 using standalone installer, also when installing on Azure VMs)
Stop the install (Taskman -> Kill Process)
Open regedit
Navigate to:
Add New Key Called: AppCompat
You should have this once added:
Add New DWORD entries as stated below to the AppCompat key:
DWORD: DisableEngine Value = 1
DWORD: DisablePCA Value = 1
DWORD: SbEnable Value = 0
Check the following location as the above key you added should also be here:
Restart the installation.
I closed everything and rebooted. Not sure if maybe having Visual Studio open or something else prevented it from installing, but it got stuck.
I am trying to use WatiN to do some screen scraping type of work. It runs on our site on a scheduler. I have no need to see the UI, I just need it to do the work. I can navigate the sites with no issue , but when trying to downlaod the files I have 2 problems.
Using IE 11 when it comes time to download , I get stuck on the open/save dialog that pops up. I have tried and tried and tried everything to have IE 11 auto download files, but to no avail. I edited the registry, and tried every option in the security tab, but no luck. I tried using SendKey.Sendwait("{TAB}"), to mimic what would need to be pressed , but I get "access denied" I think the "ui" is locked.
so I tried Firefox, firefox is easy to configure "automatic downlaods" .... but
FireFox wont even connect, I get: No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it I installed the appropriate jjsh addon and install it globally for all users from the command line, but still no luck.
Any suggestions on how to disable that yellow bar that IE 11 puts at the bottom of the screen to annoy you , or what I might try with firefox? I believe configuring IE 8 to disable the yellow dialog bar is possible, but I am on a windows 8 machine , so I'm stuck with IE 11, or possibly 10.
You can keep trying to find a solution but that solution will probably break in a next release of IE (based on previous experience) to be able to finally solve and be future proof (if there's such a thing in development....) I would suggest to navigate to the page that has the link and get the HREF portion of it and once you have that link just do the download using other ways, like the following:
(this is just pure C#, not watin)
string downloadURL = "http://example.com/retrievePDF.jsp?id=XXXXX";
client.DownloadFile(downloadURL, #"C:\temp\" + fName + ".pdf");
you should replace the downloadURL with the value on the HREF of your download link and you will be able to find the file where you specify it.
I created from scratch a cloud app located at:
I have zero files on my local drive, but I am trying to get them from the server using Zend Studio.
I have found this page to accomplish this but it does not work:
Step 1. I believe to be correct. But I have no way to know for sure.
Step 2. Open the PHP or Zend Framework project that you want to upload to your application container, or create a new project. <--- I want to create a new project on my hard drive.
So Step 2 somehow does not work, so instead I go to File -> New -> PHP Project from Zend Developer Cloud.
So I give the project a name: say ABC
The location is: C:\Users\Jim\Zend\workspaces\DefaultWorkspace
The container from a dropdown is: http://jimszend.my.phpcloud.com:10082 (Id: 4_0 )
Now I click refresh right below that and I get nothing so now I click on Add Target
and I enter a username and password. This dialog screen is the problem. I can't figure out what to enter here. meaning I have tried hundreds of different ways and I get stuck right here. I always end up clicking on Generate new key and then I click Test Connection and since there is no error, I assume this is correct.
Then I close that screen and now when I click on the drop down for Application nothing gets filled in. But sometimes this does work and I find my application which says, "jimszend zend framework" - something like this, but even if I get this far then I get some sort of Git failure when I click finish.
Does anyone know a full proof way to pull down "my files" using Zend Studio from PHP Cloud?
I suspect you may not have your public / private keys set or somewhere you are not supplying the correct credentials during the process. I did the following.
Follow this help document very closely. It's a really good doc from the phpcloud people.
Using the phpcloud admin I created a new public / private key pair (Zend Studio kind, ending in .pem). Then I downloaded the .pem to a folder on my windows 7 machine.
Next download from the putty website these three applications to help you match your private / public key pair in putty and in Zend Studio. For me I wanted everything hooked up, both Putty and Zend Studio.
Note putty uses a .ppk file type (not .pem), so Using PuttyGen I opened the .pem file and saved out the private key to the same location where I saved my .pem file from the php cloud. I kept the same file naming convention, to keep matters straight. So the only difference between the two files was .pem and .ppk.
Next I opened Pageant and used Pageant to open a store my .ppk file. I understand Pageant to be a key store which Putty will check, as it needs to open locked doors.
Next I followed the guidelines in the above phpcloud link, carefully, to establish a tunnel.
Once the tunnel was open, I launched Zend Studio.
From there I went to Windows->preferences and searched for SSH2. Once the SSJ2 dialog opened, under the general tab I added both my .pem and .ppk to the path. Then under the Key Management tab dialog I used "Load existing key" and loaded my .pem file. Then I clicked apply.
Then using Zend Studio I created a new "PHP Project from Remote Server". I went though the steps clicking "Manage remote servers". For the server connection I typed the follow.
and if you are prompted for credentials, do not use the container credentials, unless they are the same as your other credentials.
From there you can also test your connection. For me this worked. Hope this helps. Oh yeah, also read this. Very important and helpful.
-Best Wishes
I need help setting up phpstorm (4.0) with XAMPP which is at the default location c:\xampp\htdocs. I create all my projects at c:\xampp\htdocs\projectname.
Here are the things I have already done:
Setup the PHP interpretator by going to settings and then PHP (main menu)
Go to PHP > Servers and then
To setup run configuration I have the done the following:
Now when I run using the above configuration it just takes me to localhost in my browser, instead of the file I am editing (http://localhost instead of localhost/myproject/myfile.php).
What am I missing? I read the help topics of phpstorm and googled a lot but still couldn't figure it out.
Turns out you don't need to set up run configuration. The answer lies in setting up the mapping in the deployment tab in settings.
(assuming that you are creating your projects in c:\xampp\htdocs)
To do that go to settings (Ctrl + Alt + S) and then choose deployment:
Under mappings tab, it should look like this:
And after that you can view the file in the browser through this menu:
Check the answer to this question. If you need to debug, the recommended way to do it is zero configuration debugging.