How to remove restrictions of Powerpoint 2016 Presentation - powerpoint

I am only allowed to view the PowerPoint presentation, not to print it, or to copy from. Since it is a tutorial I would appreciate if someone could help me to copy code out of it instead of screenshooting it and feed it to a AI to get the text.
What I allready tried:
I renamed it to .zip and opend it with 7zip. But the 2016 version does not make it as simply to remove some text in a XML as descriped otherwhere.


How to convert text from one format to another?

I have a docx document which was removed and then restored but text in this file looks like this
$ÄjŸÕ˚ˆw‹~µ2ÑCpW'ø¥:©°»xa"º¥ ∫ÓŒV!‰áOc‘Nü·è?ÒQºrΩg¬~í¬;Æzã\k˝E…$ën"‡Íâ
Is there are anything i could do with it?
I guess i need to change format from something to something but i don't know how and where?
Would be very grateful for any advices.
I was trying to look but i can't even find name of this problem
And how do i know what format is that ?
DOCX document are not plain text files !
You cannot just open open them an get the content. You have to open them up with a document editor that support docx files like Office Word or Libre Office Writer.

Replace image names with actual images from folder?

I basically have a document with all image names listed in it.I also have the images with the same names in a separate folder.
Is there any method/software/script I can follow (Win/Ubuntu) so that I can replace the image text in the document with the actual image from the folder?
Since the image has to replaced in the document, I'm thinking this can only be done in a word/PDF processing software ?
Microsoft office or Libre Office ?
Thanks in advance!
There are programming ways to create/modify Microsoft Word document, which will definitely resolve your problem. for example in C# language: Here
Also there is VBScripts for Microsoft which is easier to learn and are executed inside the software. One example to add an image: Here
For LibreOffice, Andrew Pitonyak's macro document has exactly what you're asking for. Listing 5.30 finds names of images using a regular expression and then inserts the images into the document.

Why Microsoft OneNote can show a link to the contents are copied from?

When I copied some good information online and pasted them on Microsoft OneNote, it can tell that
Pasted from [website_address]
I have done some search, but hard to find how they did this. How to add this feature to a software?
According to the HTML clipboard format, there is an optional SourceURL property in the description section of the HTML clipboard data. You can also extract it from the BASE element in the HTML fragment.
Sometimes the website / web-page itself has javascript code that appends that text to anything copied from it. If this is the case you will see it when pasting into even notepad.exe
The main provider of such code is and a lot of people find it annoying.

Converting Word to PDF Using SharePoint 2010 Word Automation Services

I have tried to find out the way I can put locks or disable the copy and paste on the PDF file after the conversion. I looked at the ConversionJobSettings properties but I couldn’t be able to accomplish this.
Based on what I have read, the sharepoint2010 Word Automation services API provides very limited capability in manipulating the conversion logics but is there any way I can lock down the content so that it cannot be copied?
Thank for your help
You will either need to code something up yourself or get a third party product such as this one, which allows conversion as well as PDF manipulation including security and watermarking.
Note that I worked on this product, so I am obviously biased. Having said that, it works brilliantly.
The only way to prevent copy and paste (as text) is to create image versions of the pages and saves those as a PDF.
a possible solution:
1) Use Word automation to print to a PostScript (PS) printer driver to get a .ps file
2) Use GhostScript to convert the PS to tif files
3) Create a PDF using the tif files (possibly with GhostScript too)

Creating the Previews of MS Office Files like word excel and PPT in cocoa

How can I create the preview image for MS Office files like word, excel, power point in cocoa. Can anyone suggest me on this like how to handle those file? I tried using the Bitmap representation of the .doc files. It didn't work. Which API I can use?
It sounds like you want to use Quick Look. There is a great example of using Quick Look to generate an NSImage you can display anywhere with this code from Matt Gemmell
Look inside the snippets/QuickLook folder in the ZIP file he links to, and you'll find his code for getting the Quick Look preview for any file. Leopard and Snow Leopard can preview most Office files out of the box without needing Office to be installed.
