action_class.class_eval method not working with execute resource's environment property - ruby

I have an interesting problem where I refactored a recipe by creating a Chef resource to handle some tasks I may need in other recipes. For instance, I've created the following action:
resource_name :my_command
action :run do
execute "Execute my command" do
environment ({"SETTINGS_FOLDER" => node['settings']['folder']})
command "#{command_exe} -some -params"
action_class.class_eval do
def command_exe
When I call my_command from a recipe it works as expected. However I have several other actions that this resource will implement that'll all use the same environment. So what I did was refactor the resource to look like this:
resource_name :command
action :run do
execute "Execute my command" do
environment env
command "#{command_exe} -some -params"
action_class.class_eval do
def command_exe
def env
{"SETTINGS_FOLDER" => node['settings']['folder']}
What happens now is, once chef-client executes the my_command resource it appears as though the SETTINGS_FOLDER environment variable on the machine winds up looking like this:
SETTINGS_FOLDER = ""C:\my\settings\folder""
Notice the doubled double-quotes? I'm not sure why this is happening, but it makes my command.exe very angry :(
The ['settings']['folder'] attribute is defined in the cookbook's attributes/default.rblike so:
default['settings']['folder'] = 'C:\\my\\settings\\folder'
My node is running chef-client 13.0.118
EDIT I think the doubled double-quotes was a red herring. I think the logger just represented the hash in that way. My new thought is that perhaps the env method is not being evaluated before being passed to the environment, but rather the function reference itself is being passed. Bear with me, Ruby isn't my first language...

The "env" method name might be a reserved word or is getting stomped later in the run. Try a different name for that method, perhaps?


Chef - using powershell_script from within ruby_block

Is it possible to use powershell_script from within a ruby_block?
I want to run the powershell script during the convergence phase and not the compilation phase.
The current code doesn't work:
ruby_block 'ruby block so that code is run during convergence phase and not compilation phase' do
block do
buildNumber = "123"
powershell_script 'run powershell script' do
environment ({'buildNumber' => buildNumber})
code "path/to/script/script.ps1"
action :run
I know you can use a guard on the powershell_script outside the ruby_block to make it run during convergence but I need the local variable buildNumber that is defined inside the ruby block.
the following code worked for me:
x ='unzipper script',run_context)
x.code 'D:/git/chef/cookbooks/java-8-upgrade/unzipper.ps1'
x.environment ({'buildNumber' => buildNumber})
x.run_action :run
In the simple case, you can probably use the powershell_out helper method. For more complex cases, make a custom resource and use the normal resource. Do not use manual resource invocation ( as we explicitly do not support this and know for a fact that it breaks things).

Capybara Around Hook to test several envinroments

I'm writing some tests for a webpage that I'd like to run in several environments. The idea is that the test will run in one, then repeat in the next. The two environments are preview and uat.
I've written an Around hook to set the environment variables. Below:
Around do |scenario, block|
def test_envs
chosen_env = ENV['test_env'] || 'preview'
test_envs.each do |test_env|
$base_url = "https://#{test_env}"
I have then written a method to execute the navigation step:
def navigate_to(path)
visit $base_url + path
My Scenario step_definition is:
navigate_to '/login'
The tests will work in either environment, Preview by default or UAT if I set test_env=uat
However, I was aiming to set test_env=preview,uat and have them run consecutively in both environments.
Is there something obvious that I've missed here?
If I'm understanding you correctly, it's the 'parallel' aspect that you're asking about.
Rspec can be used with parallel tests (the parallel_tests gem) but I wouldn't be so sure that calling something like 3.times { } in an around hook will run each block in parallel.
An alternative may be do so some metaprogramming with your example definitions, i.e.
test_envs.each do |env_name|
it "does something in #{env_name}" do
# do something with the specific environment
Now, I haven't actually used this gem and I don't know for sure it would work. I think the simplest solution may be to just write a wrapper script to call the tests
# run_tests.rb
environments = ENV["TEST_ENV"]&.split(",") || []\
filename = ENV["filename"]
environments.each do |env_name| do
system <<-SH
env TEST_ENV=#{env_name} bundle exec rspec #{filename}
Running it like env TEST_ENV=foo,bar ruby run_tests.rb would call the following commands in their own threads:
env TEST_ENV=foo bundle exec rspec
env TEST_ENV=bar bundle exec rspec
I like this approach because it means you don't have to touch your existing test code.

Chef - get variable from ruby block

I try to get a variable from my ruby block, but Chef doesn't recognise my variable outside of this block. How can I retrieve any variable out of ruby block? Thanks in advance.
ruby_block 'fetch_path' do
block do
current_path = `sudo cat /var/chef/cache/revision`
new_path = current_path.to_s.split(',').last.split('"').drop(1).first"### Your Current Directory: '#{new_path}' ###")
end"### Your Current Directory: '#{new_path}' ###")
Within the block I can get a value, but, out of block - no.
There's two thing here.
First, your second will be run at compilation phase, at this time your ruby_block has not been converged. See here about it. You can prefix your logs with 1) and 2) to witch one runs first.
Second, there's a scoping problem, when you define a variable in a block, it is available only within this block.
In chef you can use node.run_state['variable'] as a global variable usable in all recipes, without an use case it's hard to showcase this.
Side note: you should not use the backticks `` construction to execute commands and prefer using shell_out from the recipe DSL.

Chef conditional resource argument

I'm creating a user via Chef. His properties are stored in data bag:
"id": "developer",
"home": "/home/developer",
"shell": "/bin/zsh",
"password": "s3cr3t"
The recipe is:
developer = data_bag_item('users', 'developer')
user developer['id'] do
action :create
supports :manage_home => true
home developer['home']
comment developer['comment']
shell developer['shell']
password developer['password']
The problem is that if zsh is not installed on node, I cannot login as developer. So, I want to conditionally apply argument for user resource, like:
user developer['id'] do
action :create
supports :manage_home => true
home developer['home']
comment developer['comment']
if installed?(developer['shell'])
shell developer['shell']
password developer['password']
How can I achieve this?
To complement #mudasobwa's answer the proper way to do it in chef and avoid missing the shell if it's installed by another recipe or a package resource in the same recipe you have to use lazy attribute evaluation.
Long version for thoose interested on the how and why:
This is a side effect on how chef works, there's a first time compiling the resources to build a collection, at this phase any ruby code in a recipe (outside of a ruby_block resource) if evaluated. Once that is done the resources collection is converged (the desired state is compared to the actual state and relevant actions are done).
The following recipe would do:
package "zsh" do
action :install
user "myuser" do
action :create
shell lazy { File.exists? "/bin/zsh" ? "/bin/zsh" : "/bin/bash" }
What hapens here is that the evaluation of the shell attribute value is delayed to the converge phase, we have to use a if-then-else construction (here with a ternary operator as I find it more readable) to fallback to a shell we're sure will be present (I used /bin/bash, but a failsafe value would be /bin/sh) or the shell attribute will be nil, which is not allowed.
With this delayed evaluation the test on the presence of "/bin/zsh" is done after the package has been installed and the file should be present. In case there was a problem within the package, the user resource will still create the user but with "/bin/bash"
The easiest way to achieve what you want is to check for the shell existence explicitly:
shell developer['shell'] if File.exist? developer['shell']

Passing variables between chef resources

i would like to show you my use case and then discuss possible solutions:
Problem A:
i have 2 recipes, "a" and "b".. "a" installs some program on my file system (say at "/usr/local/bin/" and recipe "b" needs to run this and do something with the output.
so recipe "a" looks something like:
execute "echo 'echo stuff' > /usr/local/bin/"
(the script just echo(es) "stuff" to stdout)
and recipe "b" looks something like:
include_recipe "a"
(note the backquotes, var should contain stuff)
and now i need to do something with it, for instance create a user with this username. so at script "b" i add
user "#{node[:var]}"
As it happens, this doesn't work.. apparently chef runs everything that is not a resource and only then runs the resources so as soon as i run the script chef complains that it cannot compile because it first tries to run the "var=..." line at recipe "b" and fails because the "execute ..." at recipe a did not run yet and so the "" script does not exist yet.
Needless to say, this is extremely annoying as it breaks the "Chef runs everything in order from top to bottom" that i was promised when i started using it.
However, i am not very picky so i started looking for alternative solutions to this problem, so:
Problem B: i've run across the idea of "ruby_block". apparently, this is a resource so it will be evaluated along with the other resources. I said ok, then i'd like to create the script, get the output in a "ruby_block" and then pass it to "user". so recipe "b" now looks something like:
include_recipe "a"
ruby_block "a_block" do
block do
node.default[:var] = `/usr/local/bin/`
user "#{node[:var]}"
However, as it turns out the variable (var) was not passed from "ruby_block" to "user" and it remains empty. No matter what juggling i've tried to do with it i failed (or maybe i just didn't find the correct juggling method)
To the chef/ruby masters around: How do i solve Problem A? How do i solve Problem B?
You have already solved problem A with the Ruby block.
Now you have to solve problem B with a similar approach:
ruby_block "create user" do
block do
user =[:var], run_context) '/bin/bash' # Set parameters using this syntax
user.run_action :create
user.run_action :manage # Run multiple actions (if needed) by declaring them sequentially
You could also solve problem A by creating the file during the compile phase:
execute "echo 'echo stuff' > /usr/local/bin/" do
action :nothing
If following this course of action, make sure that:
/usr/local/bin exist during Chef's compile phase;
Either: is executable; OR
Execute it through a shell (e.g.: var=`sh /usr/local/bin/`
The modern way to do this is to use a custom resource:
in cookbooks/create_script/resources/create_script.rb
provides :create_script
unified_mode true
property :script_name, :name_property: true
action :run do
execute "creating #{script_name}" do
command "echo 'echo stuff' > #{script_name}"
not_if { File.exist?(script_name) }
Then in recipe code:
create_script "/usr/local/bin/"
For the second case as written I'd avoid the use of a node variable entirely:
script_location = "/usr/local/bin/"
create_script script_location
# note: the user resources takes a username not a file path so the example is a bit
# strange, but that is the way the question was asked.
user script_location
If you need to move it into an attribute and call it from different recipes then there's no need for ruby_blocks or lazy:
some cookbook's attributes/default.rb file (or a policyfile, etc):
default['script_location'] = "/usr/local/bin/"
in recipe code or other custom resources:
create_script node['script_location']
user node['script_location']
There's no need to lazy things or use ruby_block using this approach.
There are actually a few ways to solve the issue that you're having.
The first way is to avoid the scope issues you're having in the passed blocks and do something like ths.
include_recipe "a"
this = self
ruby_block "a_block" do
block do
this.user `/usr/local/bin/`
Assuming that you plan on only using this once, that would work great. But if you're legitimately needing to store a variable on the node for other uses you can rely on the lazy call inside ruby to do a little work around of the issue.
include_recipe "a"
ruby_block "a_block" do
block do
node.default[:var] = `/usr/local/bin/`.strip
user do
username lazy { "#{node[:var]}" }
You'll quickly notice with Chef that it has an override for all default assumptions for cases just like this.
