Visual Studio Online Dashboard for Multiple Projects - visual-studio

I'm having trouble figuring out whether this exists.
I've got multiple projects in Visual Studio Online, and each one of these has its own dashboard where you can add widgets to see useful stuff like build progress.
I'm wondering whether I can use one central dashboard to see this information for all of my projects, but I can't find it. Anyone had any luck?

The short answer is no. In TFS (and VSTS) you have Collections (accessible in TFS but not accessible in VSTS), then Team Projects, then Projects/Repositories. In TFS OnPrem you can do some 'magic' to build queries that cross the Team Project boundaries but it's not supported or even recommended.
If you are looking for a way to have information about multiple Team Projects, for an OnPrem version of TFS you would use SQL Report Server. This option is not available with VSTS so your only option is Power BI.

This is exactly the use-case for Teams. Teams allow you to, within a single team project, manage and report on multiple simultaneous development efforts, including reporting across team boundaries and in aggregate. The current recommendation is to keep everything contained in a single team projects and use teams instead.


Search between different TFS / projects - visual studio

Got 5 different TFS, is there a way to search in all TFS's? Visual studio plugin?
Right now I've downloaded all the source code to my local machine and turned on indexing on serveral filetypes (properties and inside files)..
If anyone has the same problem, how do you solve this kind of problem?
Never heard this kind of tools or plugin.
In a sense, there are different Application Lifecycle Management system. They have different servers, SQL servers, users, permission settings and so on. Searching between them, how could this be possible to achieve. Unless, you choose to migrate different projects to one instance of TFS.
OpsHub Integration Manager supports bi-directional synchronization between a wide variety of systems including Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Online. It can be used for bi-directional sync between TFS and VSO. For more information please reach out to OpsHub at

Visual Studio Online Local Backup?

I work from a small IT department and I'm pushing to move from our current TFS implementation to Visual Studio Online. My boss who gets the final say is hesitant because "What if Microsoft decides to stop offering the service, without notice, or their servers fail how will we get our code". While I find such a scenario unlikely and the scenario of our TFS server crashing and burning with no backups/bad backups much more likely. I still need to address his concern.
Does anyone know of a way to "backup" a remote TFS implementation? So far the only thing I've come up with is doing a nightly pull of Visual Studio Online and submitting it to a local repo, feels hacky, feels wrong.
Take a look over at the discussion on this StackOverflow question: Is There A Way To Backup Visual Studio Team Services Projects?
Here is Richard's answer:
There's no out of the box backup ability.
Now, if you are only referring to source control, and not work items,
pull requests, builds, test plans or anything else that the service
offers, then I'd suggest you migrate your code over to git.
With git every developer will have a complete copy of the source
repository, including all history and commit comments. From there,
it's a simple task to push the git repository to a different git
hoster (such as bitbucket or github) and make them your new centrally
hosted git repository.
On a historical note, Visual Studio Online at one point offered a data
export for a period of time. You might want to add a vote or three to
this related UserVoice idea to help raise the importance of the
feature with Microsoft.
Side comment: The business risks in using Visual Studio Online will
come from either Microsoft shutting down the Visual Studio Online
service or that the underlying Azure infrastructure has such a
catastrophic failure that your Visual Studio Online account is
unrecoverable. Both of those are extremely low risk, and very likely
lower than the risks you'd have running TFS on-premises, in your own
data centre, unless of course, your infrastructure and staff are
better than Microsoft's :-)
I agree with Richard. Visual Studio Online is not going anywhere :) You can also use tools like OpsHub, TaskTop, and Kovair to setup a two-way synchronization or use the TFS Integration Platform to do the same thing if you really wanted an option. If you are using Git repositories, you can clone the repository into other locations to maintain multiple copies. All of those options take effort.
I posted the same answer to this stackoverflow question.
We developed our own VSO backup tool. We scheduled it as a scheduled task and it runs once a night. It then
just clones all our repositories to disk.
Taken from this blog:
We use the VSO Rest API to query our VSO account and get all the data
we need. Since in VSO you can only have one Team Project Collection,
we retrieve all the team projects of the default collection. Each of
these team projects can have multiple repositories that need to be
backed up. A folder is created for each team project and saved to a
location on disk that can be configured in the app.config. When the
team project folder is created, the task loops over each repository in
the team project and creates folders for each repository.
You can also fork it on GitHub here

visual studio solution organization

I'm trying to get my head around how to best organize my companies code set in visual studio 2013 TFS-git. We have multiple database projects and multiple web application projects. I like the idea of being able to develop a web app and the db at the same time in a particular solution but its not a one to one scenario. Multiple web apps talk to the same databases.
I know you can break things up into solutions and projects but not seeing too much out there in best practices in this area.
Any guidance? Thanks for your help.
I think this will help you what you are trying to do
Git init VS full Git support into all their ALM products. Here they have published for Visual Studio that adds Git source control integration. Git Extension includes add-ins for Older Visual Studio versions and Windows Explorer integration. It's regularly updated. And alternatively you can look for Git Source Control Provider
And you may also a read about TFS-GIT here

Reporting in Team Foundation Server 2010

I was wanting to know (as the title suggests) if anyone had any information on reporting in TFS 2010.
I know there have to be options for this, but I can't seem to find any literature on where any built-in reports are, nor where I could build custom reports.
Also, I have it set up now where I get email notifications upon a completed build. However, the email notification is just that--a notification. It doesn't give me much information outside the basics (for instance, it doesn't say details on any errors or warnings). It does give me a link in the notification that directs me to a page that lists further detail about the build. But I was wondering if there was any more flexibility on these notifications.
The long and short of it is this: I'd like to know what kind of reporting options are available in TFS 2010, and I'd also like to know if there was a way I could possibly customize the email notifications to somehow contain the aforementioned reports, or at least link to said reports.
Reporting with TFS2010 is pretty rich. Any chance that you have it installed on your workstation? Reporting is not supported in the workstation version of TFS.
What's New for Reporting for Visual Studio ALM
The reports are hosted inside of SQL Server Reporting Services so you can create custom reports using a standard SSRS project in TFS. You can do a lot to manipulate the reports using just the report manager that is available from within the project portal.
The email is done using a XSL transform that is normally located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010\Application Tier\TFSJobAgent\Transforms. You can manipulate any of these XSL files to create a new presentation of the data that is passed along from TFS. Of course you can create links to the reports by just including them in the XSL template.

Continuous integration and handling project references

I have decided to start using Team City as my continuous integration software and I am having some problems how I should handle my project references as the assemblies my projects depends upon are located at different locations in my developer solutions and the solutions in team city (I am using the vs2008 solution files option for the builds in team city). The problem is that the projects builds in development and fails in team city.
How should I handle the different project references in the project files?
ex. My MVC app references a common util assembly I use in other projects as well. In my developer solution I add this project to the solution but I do not want this in team city build so I have a different solution file there.
It sounds like you should split your code up into multiple solutions. When projects in one solution need to access binaries from projects in another solution, then they should not add those foreign projects into the solution. Instead of using project refrences, use file references.
This means that you need to deploy the results of completed builds to some common location, posisbly a share.
See patterns & practices: Visual Studio 2005 Team System Guidance. It's for TFS and 2005, butthe general concepts apply to many other source control systems.
