Unauthorized error when using Spring Security and Angular - spring-boot

My frontend is based on Angular 4 and my backend is based on Spring Boot with Spring Security.
I am deploying everything in a single WAR file.
I created a static/landing folder in /src/main/resources and then I put the Webpack-built Angular files in that folder.
Angular is taking care of the login process and so I created the following rule in Spring Security :
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public WebMvcConfigurerAdapter mappingIndex() {
return new WebMvcConfigurerAdapter() {
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
.addFilterBefore(new CORSFilter(),ChannelProcessingFilter.class)
Unfortunately, I am always getting the HTTP Status code 401 (Unauthorized) when trying to access the /login page with the webbrowser for signing in.
How can I achieve to integrate the Angular App in this way ? Because my Security rules are working fine with the REST Apis.

.antMatchers(/"login/**").permitAll() looks wrong,
try this:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
if it still doesn't work, add to your application.properties
and post output


Spring Boot Security + Spring Boot REST Repository config issue

I have Spring boot application as below
And the Web Security Config as
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
// #formatter:off
// #formatter:on
And the i have Repository as below
public interface IssuesRepository extends CrudRepository<Issues, Integer> {
when i try to add data through REST Using Postman with Basic Authentication, its failing
Use httpBasic() instead of formLogin(), like http.authorizeRequests().anyRequest().authenticated().and().httpBasic();.
formLogin() is used when you want to have login page to authenticate the user (so you have), but in your example you are using http basic to do that. Spring security doesn't recognizes your http basic header and returns login page.
PS. You can use both methods http.httpBasic().and().formLogin()

disable basic auth on static content using spring security

I have an angular app being served as a static content from a spring boot app. The angular app is inside target/classes/static/index.html of spring boot app. I also have a rest api served from spring boot and it needs to have basic auth enabled. I have configured my security config as below
public class SecrityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
private AuthenticationEntryPoint authEntryPoint;
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
The basic auth is working as expected for the rest endpoint. But when I try to load the angular app from localhost:8080/springbootappname/ it's prompting credentials. When I give the credentials that I have configured, the angular app is being loaded.
So, I need help disabling this basic auth for angular app that is being unpacked into classes/static/
You can manage it couple of way to server static contents.
You can override Security for static content.
public void configure(WebSecurity web) throws Exception {
You can even manage it in http security override with matching antmacher.
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Better to manage your static content from resources.please see link

Spring Boot: Authenticating both a Stateless REST API and a Stateful "Login" Web Controller in the same project?

So I have an application that contains a REST API which is used by a custom java application on an IOT device with no user interaction.And I also have a web app which needs a stateful session for maintaining user login.
Is it possible to use Spring Security to authenticate requests to my API and web controller differently?What form of authentication should I be using for the REST API?
One way to achieve what you are looking for is to have 2 configurations in your spring security. E.g.
Pay attention to antMatcher (matcher not matchers). The antMatcher will control on what set of url your entire config applies i.e. FormLoginWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in below example will apply only to uri matching /api/test/**. Of course, you can define the antMatcher only in one of the configs say config1 and the other config in that case will be a catch all (i.e catch everything that does not match config1)
public class SecurityConfig {
public static class ApiWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public static class FormLoginWebSecurityConfigurerAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
public void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth)
throws Exception {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
.sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.IF_REQUIRED); // CONFIGURE TYPE OF SESSION POLICY

Unable to set up basic authentication with Spring Boot REST API

I'm trying to set up a RESTful API with Spring Boot and I'm trying to enable basic authentication. How come I keep hitting a 403 Access Denied error? I'm sending my credentials as a header in Postman (see image attached). If I remove .anyRequest.authenticated(), it works fine. I don't want to remove that though because I would like basic authentication for every endpoint. What am I doing wrong?
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(Application.class, args);
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
public void configureGlobal(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
public class Controller {
public String index() {
return "Greetings from Spring Boot!";
After digging around in the Spring docs, it seems I understand what each of the chained method calls are for.
Anyway, the simple answer is that I needed .and().httpBasic() to enable Basic HTTP Authentication over my REST API.
.anyRequest().authenticated() simply mandates that every request is authenticated, but did not specify what method. Adding basic authentication means we can use basic auth to authenticate a user.
See more.

Spring Boot Management security works differently with port set

I'm trying to configure a Spring Boot application (1.2.3, but this also fails with the 1.2.4.BUILD-SNAPSHOT version) with Actuator support. I want to use the Actuator security config for controlling access to the management endpoints, and our own authentication for the rest of the application.
Here is my security config:
public class SecurityConfiguration extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
private CustomAuthenticationProvider customAuthProvider;
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
.regexMatchers(String.format(PATH_REGEX, PUBLIC_ACCESS)).permitAll()
.regexMatchers(String.format(PATH_REGEX, INTERNAL_ACCESS)).access("isAuthenticated() && authentication.hasOrigin('INTERNAL')")
.regexMatchers(String.format(PATH_REGEX, EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATED_ACCESS)).authenticated()
.addFilterAfter(customAuthProcessingFilter(), BasicAuthenticationFilter.class)
This works correctly when I don't set a management port, but when I set the management port, the management URLs return 401 responses. If I comment out the line .antMatchers("/**").denyAll(), then everything goes through without requiring authentication at all. So it looks like it is using my application's security config for the Actuator endpoints when I set a custom port, but I'm not sure why.
How do I get it to use it's own security when running on a custom port?
Expanding on the comment from #M. Deinum, adding another adapter for the Management stuff (even though it already has one) seems to have fixed it. This is the class I ended up with:
public class ManagementSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter
ManagementServerProperties managementProperties;
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception
.requestMatchers(new RequestMatcher()
public boolean matches(HttpServletRequest request)
return managementProperties.getContextPath().equals(request.getContextPath());
