Launch interactive Bash shell in Ruby script, with initial command - ruby

I'm working on an interactive Ruby script, which build and packages resources. In the middle of the process, I'd like to drop into an interactive shell, but pre-cd'd into a specific working directory, as well as with an explanatory message (CTRL-D to continue). The interactive bash + given initial command is what's problematic.
Per the answer for doing something like this in Bash, given at, I've tried
system '/bin/bash', '--init-file', '<(echo "cd ~/src/devops; pwd")'
However, bash runs interactively but completely ignores the '<(echo "cd ~/src/devops; pwd")' section.
Interestingly system '/bin/bash', '--init-file complains if no argument is given, but literally anything runs bash, but with no initial command.
*Note that (--rcfile instead of --init-file) has the same effect.

Change the working directory of the Ruby script first, so that bash inherits the correct working directory.
curr_dir = Dir.pwd
system "/bin/bash"
Dir.chdir(curr_dir) # Restore the original working directory if desired
Oh, this is probably far better (you can probably guess how little familiarity I have with Ruby):
system("/bin/bash", :chdir=>"#{Dir.home}/src/devops")


With Ruby: how can I test to see if a linux command is available without returning the output of the command I'm testing for?

I'm using Ruby on Linux.
I'd like to test for the existence of a command on the Linux system.
I'd like to not get back the output of the command that I'm testing for.
I'd also like to not get back any output that results from the shell being unable to find the command.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would be unsuitable.
I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
The simplest thing would be just to use system. Let's say you're looking for ls.
irb(main):005:0> system("which ls")
=> true
If that's off the table, you could peek into the directories in ENV["PATH"] for the executable you're looking for. ENV["PATH"].split(":") would give you an array of directory names to check for the desired command. If you find a file with the right name, you may want to ensure it's an executable.
I want to avoid using shell redirection from within the command that I
send to the shell. So something like system("foo > /dev/null") would
be unsuitable. I'm ok with using redirection if there is a way to do it from Ruby.
system("exec which cmd", out: "/dev/null")
puts "Command is available." if ($?).success?
The exec is to explicitly avoid unnecessary forking in the shell.
As a sidenote type -P can be used instead of which, but it relies on Bash and may have surprising effects if script is ported to an environment with a different default shell.

Mistake this is a duplicate [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to obtain the first letter in a Bash variable?
(7 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to my a custom terminal command. I just learned I am supposed to do it using the Unix script? I don't really know much of what that is and am still trying to figure it out. What I do know is that $1 is an arg is it possible to make it a variable and then get the first letter like you could in python?
str = 'happy'
str[0] = 'h'
You're asking a few different things here.
I am trying to my a custom terminal command.
That could mean a few different things, but the most obvious meaning is that you want to add an executable to your path so that when you type it at the terminal, it runs just like any other executable on your system. This requires just a few things:
the executable permission must be set.
the file must specify how it can be executed. For interpreted programs such as bash scripts or python scripts, you can do so by beginning the file with a "shebang line" that specifies the interpreter for the file.
the file must be in one of the locations specified by your $PATH.
I just learned I am supposed to do it using the Unix script?
there's no such thing as a "unix script", but what you seem to be referring to is a "shell script". Though these are commonly associated with unix, they're no more inherently a unix script than any other language. A shell, such as bash, sh, or any other, is just an interpreted language that is designed so that it is convenient to be used interactively by a human as well as being programmatically executed as part of a saved file.
I don't really know much of what that is and am still trying to figure it out.
Let's get into some specifics.
First I edit a file called 'hello-world' to contain:
echo "Hello, world!"
Note that this filename has no "extension". Though heuristics based on file extension are sometimes used (espeically in windows) to determine a file type, unix typically sees a file "extension" as part of the arbitrary file name. The thing that makes this a potentially executable bash script is the specification of that interpreter on the shebang line.
We can run our script right now from bash, just as we could if we wrote a python script.
$ bash hello-world
hello, world!
To make the bash implicit, we mark the file as executable. This enables the linux operating system to consult the beginning "magic bytes" of the file to determine how to run it. Thes beginning bytes might signify an ELF file (a compiled executable, written in eg C, C++, or go). Or, it might be #! which just so happens means , "read the rest of this first line to determine the command to run, and pass the rest of this file into that command to be interpreted.
$ chmod +x hello-world
ls -l will show us the "permissions" on the file (more accurately called the "file mode", hence chmod rather than chperm) . The x stands for executable, so we have enabled the use of the leading bytes to determine method of execution. Remember, the first two bytes of this file, and the rest of that first line, then specify that this file should be "run through bash" so to speak.
$ ls -l hello-world
-rwxr-xr-x 1 danfarrell staff 33 Dec 27 20:02 hello-world
Now we can run the file from the current directory:
$ ./hello-world
hello, world!
At this point, the only difference between this command and any other on the system, is that you have to specify its location. That's because my current directory is not in the system path. In short, the path (accessible in a unix shell via the $PATH variable) specifies an ordered list of locations that should be searched for a specified command whose location is not otherwise specified.
For example, there's a very common program called whoami. I can run it directly from my terminal without specifying a location of the executable:
$ whoami
This is because there's a location in my $PATH in which the shell was able to find that command. Let's take a closer look. First, here's my path:
$ echo $PATH
And there's also a convenient program called whereis which can help show which path elements supply a named executable:
$ whereis whoami
Sure enough, whoami is in one of the elements of the $PATH. (Actually I shared a simplified $PATH. Yours might be somewhat longer).
Finally, then, we can get to the last thing. If I put hello-world in one of the $PATH elements, I will be able to invoke it without a path. There are two ways to do this: we can move the executable to a location specified in the path, or we can add a new location to the path. For simplicity's sake I'll choose the first of these.
$ sudo cp hello-world /usr/local/bin/
I needed to use sudo to write to /usr/local/bin because it's not accessible as my user directly - that's quite standard.
Finally, I've achieved the goal of being able to run my very important program from any location, without specifying the executable's location.
$ hello-world
hello, world!
$ which hello-world
It works! I've created what might be described as a "custom terminal command".
What I do know is that $1 is an arg is it possible to make it a variable and then get the first letter like you could in python?
Well, one option would be to simply write the custom terminal command in python. If python is available,
$ which python
You can specify it in a shebang just like a shell can be:
#!/usr/bin/env python
print("hello, world!"[0])
$ hello-world
it works!
Okay, confession time. I actually used #!/usr/bin/env python, not /usr/bin/python. env helps find the correct python to use in the user's environment, rather than hard coding one particular python. If you've been using python during the very long running python 2 to python 3 migration, you can no doubt understand why I"m reticent to hard code a python executable in my program.
It's certainly possible to get the first letter of a string in a bash script. But it's also very possible to write a custom command in a program other than shell. Python is an excellent choice for string manipulation, if you know it. I often use python for shell one-liners that need to interact with json, a format that doesn't lend itself well to standard unix tool stream editing.
Anyway, at the expense of incurring SO community's ire by reanswering an "already answered" question, I'll include a version in shell (Credit goes to David C Rankin)
echo "${1:0:1}"
$ hello-world hiworld

Changing directory for User in Ruby script

I'm quite familiar with Dir.chdir("/xyz")
Unfortunately, this changes the directory of the process, but not actually the directory of the user. I'll make the following example to illustrate my need.
$~/: ruby my_script.rb
$/Projects/Important/Path: pwd
See? I need the script to change the user's path. Performing system/backticks/Dir.chdir all adjust the process path, and end with the user sitting where they started, instead of the path I want them.
From what I've read exec was the way to go, since it takes over the existing process... but to no avail.
You can't, but you can do something which might be good enough. You can invoke another shell from ruby:
Running this will create a new bash process, which will start in the /xyz directory. The downside is that changing this process will bring you back to the ruby script, and assuming it ends right away - back to the bash process that started the ruby script.
Another hack that might work is to use the prompt as a hackish hook that will be called after each command. In the ruby script, you can write the new directory's path somewhere that can be read from both bash and ruby(for example a file - but not an environment variable!). In the PROMPT_COMMAND function, you check that file and cd to what's written there. Just make sure you delete that file, so you don't get automatically cded there after every command you run.

run command in parent shell from ruby

I'm trying to change the directory of the shell I start the ruby script form via the ruby script itself...
My point is to build a little program to manage favorites directories and easily change among them.
Here's what I did
and than tried executing it in many ways...
my_script (this doesn't change the directory)
. my_script (this is interpreted as bash)
. $(ruby my_script) (this is interpreted as bash too!)
any idea?
Cannot be done. Child processes cannot modify their parents environment (including the current working directory of the parent). The . (also known as source) trick only works with shell scripts because you are telling the shell to run that code in the current process (rather than spawning a subprocess to run it). Just for fun try putting exit in a file you run this way (spoiler: you will get logged out).
If you wish to have the illusion of this working you need to create shell functions that call your Ruby script and have the shell function do the actual cd. Since the functions run in the current process, they can change the directory. For instance, given this ruby script (named temp.rb):
print "/tmp";
You could write this BASH function (in, say, you ~/.profile):
function gotmp {
cd $(~/bin/temp.rb)
And then you could say gotmp at the commandline and have the directory be changed.
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
Like this?
Or start your script in the directory you want it to do something.
Maybe I don't get your question. Provide some more details.

chroot + execvp + bash

Got it! See my solution (fifth comment)
Here is my problem:
I have created a small binary called "jail" and in /etc/password I have made it the default shell for a test user.
Here is the -- simplified -- source code:
#define HOME "/home/user"
#define SHELL "/bin/bash"
if(chdir(HOME) || chroot(HOME)) return -1;
char *shellargv[] = { SHELL, "-login", "-rcfile", "/bin/myscript", 0 };
execvp(SHELL, shellargv);
Well, no matter how hard I try, it seems that, when my test user logs in, /bin/myscript will never be sourced. Similarly, if I drop a .bashrc file in user's home directory, it will be ignored as well.
Why would bash snob these guys?
Some precisions, not necessarily relevant, but to clear out some of the points made in the comments:
The 'jail' binary is actually suid, thus allowing it to chroot() successfully.
I have used 'ln' to make the appropriate binaries available - my jail cell is nicely padded :)
The issue does not seem to be with chrooting the user...something else is remiss.
As Jason C says, the exec'ed shell isn't interactive.
His solution will force the shell to be interactive if it accepts -i to mean that (and bash does):
char *shellargv[] = { SHELL, "-i", "-login", ... };
execvp(SHELL, shellargv);
I want to add, though, that traditionally a shell will act as a login shell if ARGV[0] begins with a dash.
char *shellargv[] = {"-"SHELL, "-i", ...};
execvp(SHELL, shellargv);
Usually, though, Bash will autodetect whether it should run interactively or not. Its failure to in your case may be because of missing /dev/* nodes.
The shell isn't interactive. Try adding -i to the list of arguments.
I can identify with wanting to do this yourself, but if you haven't already, check out jail chroot project and jailkit for some drop in tools to create a jail shell.
By the time your user is logging in and their shell tries to source this file, it's running under their UID. The chroot() system call is only usable by root -- you'll need to be cleverer than this.
Also, chrooting to a user's home directory will make their shell useless, as (unless they have a lot of stuff in there) they won't have access to any binaries. Useful things like ls, for instance.
Thanks for your help, guys,
I figured it out:
I forgot to setuid()/setgid(), chroot(), setuid()/setgid() back, then pass a proper environment using execve()
Oh, and, if I pass no argument to bash, it will source ~/.bashrc
If I pass "-l" if will source /etc/profile
