Visual Studio: How to add linked item between folders within the same project? - visual-studio

I'd like to share a common .targets file between different folders within the same project (using Visual Studio 2015):
Common.targets <-- should be added as link
When I try to "add as linked" Common.targets to MyNupkgContent2/build, the dialog closes but does not actually add the link. Adding files as links from a different project works fine. Is it possible to link files between folders in the same project?

I'm not certain as to how you should go about linking it but depending on contents and size of application, your best bet may be simply going into your packages and manually copying + pasting them into MyNupkgContent2


Adding Existing folder(s) to a C++ Project in Visual Studio without creating a copy

I have a Visual Studio Solution containing multiple projects. (One Main Project and rest are used for testing the Main project)
Here, i have a shared folder within the solution which is used by all the projects within the solution.
I need to include the entire shared folder in my Main project instead of adding existed items.
I am using Visual Studio Professional 2015 and i could not find "Add Existing folder" option in Visual Studio.
Adding Existing items to a project will eliminate the folder structure in solution explorer which makes the usage more complex when included file count is huge.
I need to maintain a folder structure within the project.
Moving the shared folder within the project directory and using "Show All Files" option will avoid the issue(tried based on the answers in some links) but it is not accurate in my case as the folder is being used by different projects.
Do i have any way to add existing folder (Outside the Project within the solution) to a project and maintain a folder structure so that the solution explorer looks more readable?
I just found the solution to this issue.
We are suppose to create a Filter (Virtual Solution Folder) within the Project. Option for creating Filter is available on following below steps,
Select Visual Studio Project.
In Solution Explorer, Disable "Show All Files" option.
Note: When "Show All Files" option is enabled, your project will have an option to create a Folder instead of Filter.
Create a Filter/Virtual Solution folder. (Name could be same as the existing folder name outside the VS project in order to maintain readability)
Now, add required existing files to the Virtual Folder Solution from any location.
(Inside/Outside project location)
By following the above steps, one can add set of existing files to a virtual folder structure in Visual Studio Solution. This is equivalent to adding an Existing folder to a Project Solution without copying it.

Reorganizing directory structure for Visual Studio solution

My Visual Studio (VS) project/solution works as intended, but VS has somehow organized the directory structure (source files) of my project in a non-logical way.
The current directory structure
Solution Folder
Project 1 folder
Project 1 source files
Sub folder
Project 2 source files
.sln Solution file
Project 3 folder
Project 3 source files
I guess I have made a mistake at some point when adding the projects to the solution in VS, since it is organized like this now.
What I would ideally like is this more clean structure:
Solution Folder
Project 1 folder
Project 1 source files
Project 2 folder
Project 2 source files
Project 3 folder
Project 3 sources files
.sln Solution file
When I tried this - or whenver I move/try to reorganize the files/folders outside of VS according to the above by simply moving them around, and then try to build the solution in VS afterwards, I get the following error for (pretty much) all items:
The item (name) does not exist in the project directory.
It may have been moved, renamed or deleted.
So my question is:
How do I reorganize my folders/files for my solution outside of VS, without breaking my solution?
For people who might be having similar obstacle, I found the answer to it from this thread:
Visual Studio move project to a different folder
As described in there, you have to delete the project you wish to move from inside your Solution Explorer in Visual Studio (VS). Afterwards, you move the project folder (outside VS) to where-ever you want it. Finally, in VS Solution Explorer, you right click on your Solution --> Add --> Existing project.
Make sure you dont separate any folders or files, that belong together (be very careful/aware of this).
If you were referencing the different projects e.g. through namespaces, you have to add this again simply by right clicking the project (in Solution Explorer) that you want to reference another project --> Add --> Reference.
EDIT: Visual Studio might, for whatever reason, change which project is initializing first when building/debugging etc. If you look in VS Solution Explorer, the project which is initialized first is bold. If you need to change this, right-click on your desired start-up project --> Set as StartUp Project.
All of the above is for Visual Studio 2017

How can I use files in one project to create a library in another project in Visual Studio?

I have a standalone project that contains some code I'd like to re-used. I created a library project in order to contain that code. There does not appear to be a way to move files from the one project to the other. (cut/paste in solution explorer did not work)
I then manually copied the files in Windows explorer (outside of VS) into the library's main "folder" but they didn't show up in solution explorer either.
Anyone know of a way to do this without having to manually create each file in the library and then copying/pasting the code into the files?
You need to copy the files and paste them into your solution/project folder(s). Once the files physically exist within your solution/project folder structure (Windows FileSystem / Explorer), then you right-click on your project within Visual Studio, select Add then Existing Item. Browse to the location of that file and open it. It will now exist within your project as a code file.
If you have two projects within the same solution, you can simply drag the file from one project to the other within Visual Studio Solution Explorer. That will create a copy of the class in the new project. You can then remove the old one and clean up any code references in the first project.

Excluding files in Visual Studio project

I've search everywhere for this, but have yet to find the answer.
I have a VS2012 project with thousands of files and folders I wish to exclude from the project as I don't need them to build any longer. Clicking on the folder and choosing Exclude From Project works, but takes literally forever - at times it appears Visual Studio has stopped running and I have to kill the process.
Question: What is Visual Studio actually doing to exclude a file from a project? Is there a way to simply go into the project file and exclude the files by folder? My project file does not appear to store this information. Where are excluded files defined for the project?
You can open the project file (in s text editor, i.e. Notepad) and remove the lines with the files that you want to exclude.
You can also do that in visual studio but you first need to unload the project (right-click on the project, unload)
Delete the folder in VS which has project to unload then restore it from recycle bin.
It works for me.

adding multiple existing folders and multiple existing files to Visual Studio project in single step

Does anyone have a way to add multiple folders and (existing) files within those folders to a Visual Studio project in a single step (or via macro)? Let's assume all of the folders and files were copied/pasted into the project folder where they need to reside relative to the project folder, but are not actually stored in the .csproj or .vbproj file, which I believe is a requirement to compile those files into the solution/project.
This works great if you have a web application project in your solution, but not so well if you have a .csproj or .vbproj. In that case, you must manually add folders (and nested folders), and add existing files and browse to each one individually, which can take a long time.
In the solution explorer, select the project, click the "Show All Files" button - .
This will show all the files, even those not part of the project. You can now select all of these in the solution explorer (using Ctrl + Click) then right click and go to "Include In Project".
In Visual Studio 2013 (and possibly earlier) you drag the folder from windows explorer and drop it on the project in the solution explorer.
Other answer given in this thread wouldn't work for me as the files I want to add (DTSX files) are in a different folder, and copying/moving them causes other problems. Here is what worked for me:
Using Visual Studio 2015, use Windows Explorer to locate the files you want to add to your project. Copy those files to the clipboard. If DTSX files are what you are dealing with, in the Solution Explorer right-click on SSIS Packages, and then click on Paste.
