Jstl equals doesn't work - jstl

The jstl equals method doesn't work for me for some reason. The code is
<span>${fromerror eq 'mandatoryCriteria.criteria.from'}</span>
yet the result is like this
I'm using jstl 1.2
More specifically I'd need it in if statement but the result is the same
<c:if test="${not empty fromerror and fromerror eq 'mandatoryCriteria.criteria.from'}">

I solved it. The problem was that fromerror variable actually contained something like this
<span id="from.errors">mandatoryCriteria.criteria.from</span>
Which browser evaluated as "mandatoryCriteria.criteria.from". And that's why eq didn't work


XPath "and" Confusion

I recently started a new job that uses cucumber/Gherkin along with selenium. I was trying to create a XPath for a specific element. The xml looks slightly like this...
<div class="slds-text-title_bold slds-m-bottom_x-small ncc-input-label">
<div class="slds-text-title_bold slds-m-bottom_x-small ncc-input-label required-field-label">
I am looking to only get the div with the required field label in the class and text of "Voltage" So far this kinda works...
//div[contains(text(), "Voltage")] | //*[contains(class, "required-field-label")]
however I'm getting way too many false positives. Any time I change the pipe into "and" I get nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Try the following expression on your actual code, and see if it works:
//div[contains(#class, "required-field-label")][contains(text(), "Voltage")]
You can match the element using "and" like this:
//div[contains(#class, 'required-field-label') and contains(text(), 'Voltage')]

JSTL <c:if> tag to compare two variables

Why the block never reaches "conditionTrue"? I have printed both the variables
authorEmail and scase.authorEmail and they are same string. If I use literal like 'abc#yahoo.com' to test the condition , it works but not if both the c:if params are variables.
<c:forEach var="scase" items="${section.subSectionList.get(0).SCaseList}">
<c:set var="authorEmail" >
<sec:authentication property="principal.email" />
<c:if test = "${authorEmail == scase.authorEmail}" >
UPDATE - I got it to work by making these changes.
I commented out the entire c:set tag. Instead I added these line -
<sec:authentication var="principal" property="principal" />
My test condition was then :
<c:if test = "${principal.email == scase.authorEmail}" >
And this worked. However, the reasoning behind it still baffles me. Any insight, much appreciated.

Jstl String to Number parse issue

I am parsing string to number for comparison with zero(0). But getting weird result.
<fmt:parseNumber type ="number" var="parsedNumber" value="${noInStringFormate}"/>
<c:if test="${parsedNumber gt 0}">
Perform some action
Ex. for String "10.20" its parsed to Number 10.20.
But for String "0.23" its parsed to Number 0(zero) instead of 0.23
Even I tried by setting integerOnly="false" though its false by default. But its didn't work.
any idea on this?
Thanks for help.

If statement inside checked attribute of input element in freemarker?

Is it possible to write this in freemarker.
<input type="checkbox" value="Available ?" checked="<#if ${status}=='Available'>true<#else>false</#if>"/>
For now it throws exception
I want html checkbox to be checked if status property equals to "Available".
How to do this in freemarker?
<#if ${status}=='Available'> has a syntactical error (that the error message that you haven't included points to, I'm certain): you can't use ${...} inside FreeMarker tags (well, except inside string literals, but whatever). It should be just <#if status == 'Available'>. But, the simples solution for what you want is:
checked="${(status == 'Available')?c}"
or if you have an older FreeMarker then:
checked="${(status == 'Available')?string('true', 'false')}"

JSTL: I need to access hashtable using a key

I know this works: <c:out value="${model.testhash['A']}"/>
but I need something like:
<c:out value="${model.testhash[${model.testkey}]}"/>
Is this possible?
Have you tried
In general the ${ } only delineates the JSTL expression, you don't need to escape the lookup for the model.testkey lookup as well, so it is also possible to do:
${model.testhash[model.condition ? 'A' : 'B']}
.. just as an example.
