Why does the name of a signature impact the number of variables? - solver

Using Alloy 4.2, the following Alloy model...
sig E {}
sig G {}
sig D extends G {
x: E
sig F1 extends G {
x: G
sig F2 extends G {
x: G
sig F3 extends G {
x: G
sig F4 extends G {
x: G
run {} for 3
... executes with the following output:
Executing "Run run$1 for 3"
Solver=sat4j Bitwidth=0 MaxSeq=0 SkolemDepth=1 Symmetry=20
486 vars. 66 primary vars. 748 clauses. 158ms.
Instance found. Predicate is consistent. 36ms.
If you just rename signature D to H (truly a single-char change), the number of variables and clauses of the underlying SAT problem changes:
Executing "Run run$1 for 3"
Solver=sat4j Bitwidth=0 MaxSeq=0 SkolemDepth=1 Symmetry=20
494 vars. 66 primary vars. 762 clauses. 23ms.
Instance found. Predicate is consistent. 28ms.
Why? When does this behavior appear? Is there a way to name signatures to be sure to get the smallest possible number of variables and clauses?
More details:
I'm convinced this has to do with the alphabetical order of the names of the signatures. If you choose any name lower than E, you get 486 variables, and with any name higher than H you get 494 variables.
During my search for a minimal example (starting from my rather large model), I've witnessed some situations where choosing three different names yields three different numbers of variables. I've lost these examples in the process but I remember the alphabetical order was involved.
This may look like nothing for small sizes, but if you run {} for 12 instead of 3, the numbers of variables become 17415 and 19439 so the difference is more than 10%. I've witnessed large-ish differences for my actual model as well (with more signatures, but not really a bigger scope).


Inline records in polymorphic variants?

The ocaml manual chapter 8 "language extensions" describes "inline records" (8.17):
The arguments of sum-type constructors can now be defined using the same syntax as records. Mutable and polymorphic fields are allowed. GADT syntax is supported. Attributes can be specified on individual fields. [...]
I am looking for that with polymorphic variants:
# type a = B of {x:int; mutable y:int} ;;
type a = B of { x : int; mutable y : int; }
# type b = `A of {u:int; mutable v:int} ;;
Line 1, characters 9-10:
Error: Syntax error
But that does not work, so right now I use an explicit auxiliary record type instead...
As I understand it now, this both takes more memory and is somewhat slower.
Can I get this cool feature with polymorphic variants, too?
In the cases of ordinary constructors, the compiler can use the type definition to distinguish between:
type t = A of int * int | B
let f = function
| A (_,y) -> y
| B -> 0
type 'a t = A of 'a | B
let f = function
| A (_,y) -> y
| B -> 0
Thus, it is possible to optimize the first
A (_,y) -> y
into "access the second field of the block` while still compiling the second case
A (_,y) -> y
to "access the tuple in the first field of the block, and then access the second field of the block".
For polymorphic variants, it is not possible to rely on the non-existing type definition to distinguish between those two solutions. Consequently, their memory representation must be uniform. This means that polymorphic variants always take one argument, and it is not really useful to label each argument of the constructor when there is only one argument.
This is why inline records cannot be combined with polymorphic variants.

Stanford CRFClassifier performance evaluation output

I'm following this FAQ https://nlp.stanford.edu/software/crf-faq.shtml for training my own classifier and I noticed that the performance evaluation output does not match the results (or at least not in the way I expect).
Specifically this section
CRFClassifier tagged 16119 words in 1 documents at 13824.19 words per second.
Entity P R F1 TP FP FN
MYLABEL 1.0000 0.9961 0.9980 255 0 1
Totals 1.0000 0.9961 0.9980 255 0 1
I expect TP to be all instances where the predicted label matched the golden label, FP to be all instances where MYLABEL was predicted but the golden label was O, FN to be all instances where O was predicted but the golden was MYLABEL.
If I calculate those numbers myself from the output of the program, I get completely different numbers with no relation to what the program prints. I've tried this with various test files.
I'm using Stanford NER - v3.7.0 - 2016-10-31
Am I missing something?
The F1 scores are over entities not labels.
(Joe, PERSON) (Smith, PERSON) (went, O) (to, O) (Hawaii, LOCATION) (., O).
In this example there are two possible entities:
Joe Smith PERSON
Entities are created by taking all adjacent tokens with the same label. (Unless you use a more complicated BIO labeling scheme ; BIO schemes have tags like I-PERSON and B-PERSON to indicate whether a token is the beginning of an entity, etc...).

How to create a generator with a fixed list of items for FsCheck

I originally tried to create a generator that have the first 5 elements fixed (and on any test using Prop.forAll the first five would always run), but failed in doing so.
Now I am trying to simplify this by having one generator for random data within a range, and one generator for non-random data, i.e., a fixed sequence. It is similar to Gen.constant, except that instead of one value, it is a sequence of values.
I have this (simplified reproducible example, works with NUnit and xUnit):
[<Property(Verbose = true, MaxTest=5)>]
static member MultiplyIdentityCornerCases () =
Gen.elements [0L; -1L; 1L; Int64.MinValue; Int64.MaxValue]
|> Arb.fromGen
|> Prop.forAll <| fun x -> x = x * 1L
The output is (no idea where the null comes from):
Ok, passed 5 tests.
I'd like the output to contain all the five tests in the sequence, preferably, but not necessarily, in order. I know I can do this with NUnit (or any unit testing system) using a testdata provider, but I wonder whether I can do it with FsCheck (or whether I should, perhaps this is a bad idea).
I think using FsCheck is useful, as for the situation where there's more than one function argument, I want it to exhaustively test all combinations of the corner cases arguments I give it. This is hopefully easier with FsCheck than with a testdata provider.
I'm not aware that that's possible, but you can do this:
open System
open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit
let MultiplyIdentityCornerCases () =
Gen.oneof [
Gen.elements [Int64.MinValue; -1L; 0L; 1L; Int64.MaxValue]
Arb.generate ]
|> Arb.fromGen
|> Prop.forAll <| fun x -> x = x * 1L
Two generators are passed to Gen.oneof, so each of these will generate approximately half of the values.
Gen.elements ought to pick uniformly from all values in the provided sequence, so it'll use e.g. 0L 20% of the time, but only for those half when Gen.oneof uses Gen.elements.
In other words, each of those 'special' values will be generated 50% * 20% = 10% of the time.
By default, a property runs 100 test cases, so on average, it should generate 10 0L values, 10 Int64.MinValue values, and so on. That should often be good enough.
If it isn't, you can always do something like this:
open System
open Xunit
open FsCheck
open FsCheck.Xunit
open Swensen.Unquote
[<InlineData( 0L)>]
[<InlineData( 1L)>]
let MultiplyIdentityCornerCases x = x =! x * 1L
let MultiplyIdentityCornerCasesProperty x =
MultiplyIdentityCornerCases x
Here, you define a Parameterized Test using xUnit.net's [<Theory>] feature, and feed it the five corner cases you are concerned with. When you run the tests, the test runner will run those five test cases.
Furthermore, it'll run MultiplyIdentityCornerCasesProperty because it's annotated with [<Property>], and that function simply calls the other function.

Extensible Dependency Caching

I'm working on developing a system for computing and caching probability models, and am looking for either software that does this (preferably in R or Ruby) or a design pattern to use as I implement my own.
I have a general pattern of the form function C depends on the output of function B, which depends on the output of function A. I have three models, call them 1, 2, and 3. Model 1 implements A, B and C. Model 2 only implements C, and Model 3 implements A and C.
I would like to be able to get the value 'C' from all models with minimal recomputation of the intermediate steps.
To make things less abstract, a simple example:
I have a dependency graph that looks like so:
A1 is Model 1's implementation of A, and A3 is model 3's implementation of A. C depends on B, and B depends on A in all of the models.
The actual functions are as follows (again, this is a toy example, in reality these functions are much more complex, and can take minutes to hours to compute).
The values should be as follows.
Without caching, this is fine in any framework. I can make a class for model 1, and make model 2 extend that class, and have A,B, and C be functions on that class. Or I can use a dependency injection framework, replacing model 1's A and C with model 2's. And similarly for Model 3.
However I get into problems with caching. I want to compute C on all of the models, in order to compare the results.
So I compute C on model 1, and cache the results, A, B and C. Then I compute C on model 2, and it uses the cached version of B from before, since it is extended from model 2.
However when I compute model 3, I need to not use the cached version of B, since even though the function is the same, the function it depends on, A, is different.
Is there a good way to handle this sort of caching with dependency problem?
Anyway...with this, my first pass at it, is to make sure that functions A, B, and C are all pure functions, aka referentially transparent. That should help, because then you'd know whether to recompute a cached value depending on whether the input has changed or not.
So talking it through, When I'm computing C1, nothing's computed, so compute everything.
When computing C2, check if B1 needs updating. So you ask B1 if it needs updating. B1 checks if its input, A2 has changed from A1. It hasn't, and because all the functionals are referentially transparent, you're guaranteed that if the input hasn't changed, then the output is the same. So therefore, used the cached version of B1 to compute C2
When computing C3, check if B1 needs updating. So we ask B1 if it needs updating. B1 checks to see if its input, A3 has changed from A2, the last time it computed something. It has, so we recompute B1, and then subsequently recompute C3.
As for the dependency injection, I currently see no reason to organize it under the classes, A, B, and C. I'm guessing you want to use the strategy pattern, so that you can use operation overloading in order to keep the algorithm the same, but vary the implementations.
If you guys are using a language that can pass around functions, I would simply chain functions together with a bit of glue code that checks for whether it should call the function or use the cached value. And every time you need a different computation, reassemble all the implementations of the algorithm that you need.
The key to caching the method calls is to know where the method is implemented. You can do this by using UnboundMethod#owner (and you can get an unbound method by using Module#instance_method and passing in a symbol). Using those would lead to something like this:
class Model
def self.cache(id, input, &block)
id = get_cache_id(id, input)
##cache ||= {}
if !##cache.has_key?(id)
##cache[id] = block.call(input)
puts "Cache Miss: #{id}; Storing: #{##cache[id]}"
puts "Cache Hit: #{id}; Value: #{##cache[id]}"
def self.get_cache_id(sym, input)
class Model1 < Model
def a
self.class.cache(__method__, nil) { |input|
def b(_a = :a)
self.class.cache(__method__, send(_a)) { |input|
input + 3
def c(_b = :b)
self.class.cache(__method__, send(_b)) { |input|
input ** 2
class Model2 < Model1
def c(_b = :b)
self.class.cache(__method__, send(_b)) { |input|
input ** 3
class Model3 < Model2
def a
self.class.cache(__method__, nil) { |input|
def c(_b = :b)
self.class.cache(__method__, send(_b)) { |input|
input ** 4
puts "#{Model1.new.c}"
puts "Cache after model 1: #{Model.send(:class_variable_get, :##cache).inspect}"
puts "#{Model2.new.c}"
puts "Cache after model 2: #{Model.send(:class_variable_get, :##cache).inspect}"
puts "#{Model3.new.c}"
puts "Cache after model 3: #{Model.send(:class_variable_get, :##cache).inspect}"
We ended up writing our own DSL in Ruby to support this problem.

Seeking an algorithm to efficiently layout calendar event banners

I'm looking for an algorithm to efficiently place all-day/multi-day event banners, much like the month view in Outlook or Google Calendar. I have a number of events with a begin and end date, ordered by increasing begin (and then end) date (or any other order you please, I'm gathering events from a database table). I would like to minimize the average amount of vertical space used up, because after the event banners I will need to place other events just for that day (these always come after the banners for a given date). So, for example, if I had two events, one 1/10-1/11 and one 1/11-1/15, I would prefer to arrange them like so (each column is a single day):
and not like:
because when I add the events just for the day (x, y, and z), I can do this (I would prefer the first, do not want the second):
bbbbb vs. aa
aa xyz bbbbb
But it isn't as simple as placing the longer events first, because with 1/10-1/11, 1/13-1/14, and 1/11-1/13, I would want:
aa cc
as opposed to:
aa cc
because this would allow for events x and y:
aa cc vs. bbb
xbbby aa cc
x y
And of course I would prefer to do this in one pass. For the data structure, I'm currently using a map from date to list, where for each day of an event I add the event to the corresponding list. So a three-day event appears in three lists,each one under one of the days in the map. This is a convenient structure for transforming the result into visual output, but I'm open to other data structures as well. I'm currently using a greedy algorithm, where I just add each event in order, but that can produce unwanted artifacts like:
aa ccc
This wastes a lot of space for most of the "e" event days.
Any ideas?
Here is a high-level sketch of one possible solution (using day-of-week integers instead of full-blown dates). This interface:
public interface IEvent {
public abstract int getFirst(); // first day of event
public abstract int getLast(); // last day of event
public abstract int getLength(); // total number of days
public abstract char getLabel(); // one-char identifier
// true if this and that have NO days in common
public abstract boolean isCompatible(IEvent that);
// true if this is is compatible with all events
public abstract boolean isCompatibleWith(Collection<IEvent> events);
must be implemented to use the algorithm expressed in the layout method below.
In addition, the concrete class must implement Comparable to create a natural order where longer events precede shorter events. (My sample implementation for the demo below used an order of descending length, then ascending start date, then ascending label.)
The layout method takes a collection of IEvent instances and returns a Map that assigns to each row in the presentation the set of events that can be shown in that row.
public Map<Integer,Set<IEvent>> layout(Collection<IEvent> events) {
Set<IEvent> remainingEvents = new TreeSet<IEvent>(events);
Map<Integer,Set<IEvent>> result = new TreeMap<Integer,Set<IEvent>>();
int day = 0;
while (0 < remainingEvents.size()) {
Set<IEvent> dayEvents = new TreeSet<IEvent>();
for(IEvent e : remainingEvents) {
if (e.isCompatibleWith(dayEvents)) {
result.put(day, dayEvents);
return result;
Each row is composed by selecting the longest remaining event and progressively selecting all additional events (in the order described above) that are compatible with previously-selected events for the current row. The effect is that all events "float" upward as far as possible without collision.
The following demo shows the two scenarios in your question, along with a randomly-created set of events.
Event collection:
Result of layout:
0 -> {b(5):2..6}
1 -> {a(2):1..2, x(1):4, y(1):5, z(1):6}
Visual presentation:
aa xyz
Event collection:
Result of layout:
0 -> {b(3):2..4, x(1):1, y(1):5}
1 -> {a(2):1..2, c(2):4..5}
Visual presentation:
aa cc
Event collection:
Result of layout:
0 -> {d(4):1..4, a(2):5..6}
1 -> {e(4):2..5, b(2):0..1, c(1):6}
2 -> {g(4):2..5}
3 -> {f(2):1..2}
4 -> {h(2):1..2}
Visual presentation:
I think in a situation like this, you're much better off making sure your data is organized properly first and then rendering it. I know you want a single pass, but I think the results would be alot better.
For instance, organize the data into the lines you'll need to have for a given day and organize the events the best way possible, starting with the longest events (don't need to be displayed first, but they do need to be organized first) and moving down to the shortest events. This will allow you to render your output accordingly not wasting any space, and avoiding those "e" event days. Additionally, then:
aa cc
aa cc
won't matter because x and y can always go on either side of bbb or even between aa and cc
I hope you find this helpful.
