How to downgrade visual studio 2017 to 2015 - visual-studio

I uninstalled visual studio 2015 to make way for 2017 but 2017 is not supporting xamarin.winphone so I would like to downgrade it to visual studio 2015 so that it supports xamarin winphone
I tried to find options to downgrade but I couldn't find any
My question is partly in relation with my earlier question

Visual Studio 2015 can co-exist with visual Studio 2017. Since you have install Visual Studio 2015, and just start it from
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe"
Sure, create shortcut on your desktop for your next time......


How to have separate recent projects and solutions list for Visual Studio 2017 and 2019?

My laptop has Windows 7 64-bit operating system. I have both Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019 installed.
I am seeing that the recent projects and solutions list is shared between Visual Studio Community 2017 and Visual Studio Community 2019.
For example:
I open Visual Studio Community 2017, open a solution named
A_2017, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2017.
Then I open Visual Studio Community 2019, open a solution named
B_2019, work on it, close it and finally close Visual Studio Community 2019.
Now I open Visual Studio Community 2017 again and check the Recent
Projects and Solutions list and I see B_2019 as the first entry
in there although I never opened that solution with Visual Studio Community 2017.
Is it possible that recent projects and solutions list is not shared among different versions of Visual Studio? If yes please show how.
Finally I settled with a work around. For Visual Studio 2019, I installed this extension from the marketplace
And created a group for VS 2019 projects and then added 2019 projects to that group.
This extension also has a version for Visual Studio 2017 as well.

How to uninstall Visual Studio 2015

Some time ago i've installed Visual Studio 2015, then I continue to install 2017.
How can I remove Visual Studio 2015 without affecting to Visual Studio 2017?
I haven't used Vs from a long time but as far as i remember, each version of VS has is own installer, so you can go to the control panel -> Application and look for the uninstaller of Visual Studio 2015, that should not affect VS2017

How to select the Visual Studio version to use on the build machine?

We have a buildmachine that currently has installed Visual Studio 2010 to compile our application.
Now we have moved to Visual Studio 2015 and developers have installed it on their machines and modified the solution so it works with 2015 but the previous versions will continue to build with 2010.
I was going to install Visual Studio 2015 on the build machine but I don't know how the build machine will know that the previous branches must be built with 2010 and the new ones with 2015. With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
With some Msbuild settings? Just looking at the sln? By other means?
Open your .sln file with Notepad. Look for Format Version on the first line which correlates with a Visual Studio version.
•Format Version 11.00 is Visual Studio 2010
•Format Version 12.00 is Visual Studio 2013 && Visual Studio 2013
For visual studio 2013 and visual studio 2015, we could find the visual studio version on the third line. like this:
visual studio 2013: VisualStudioVersion = 12.0.30501.0
visual studio 2015: VisualStudioVersion = 14.0.25420.1
As far as I know it does it looking at the ToolsVersion on every .csproj. VisualStudio is not required as MsBuild and the compiler come with the .Net Framework.

How can I enable template 10 in Visual Studio community 2017 RC?

If I download from
and open the template 10 solution in Visual Studio Community 2017 RC, it does not work.
Is it complicated to make it work easily or shall I download vs 2015?
Currently there is no Template 10 extension for Visual Studio 2017, only Visual Studio 2015. As a short-term work around until the Visual Studio 2017 extension is released, you can create your project in Visual Studio 2015 using the Template 10 extension and then open it in Visual Studio 2017 to develop it. There will likely be no Template 10 extension for Visual Studio 2017 until it is RTM. As of this moment, Visual Studio 2017 is Release Candidate version 5 and it is wonderful. I can assure you, since I am the author of Template 10, that Visual Studio 2017 will be fully supported # RTM.
VS2015 should be just fine... VS2017RC will not work....

How to develop VSPackages in Visual Studio 2015 RC

I have installed Visual Studio 2015 RC SDK on my machine.
I don't have Visual Studio Package template when creating a new project. This is the screen shot of Visual Studio 2015 RC
As you can see no templates for Visual Studio Package.
This is the screen shot of my Visual Studio 2013:
How to develop VSPackages in Visual Studio 2015 RC?
I already have Visual Studio 2015 RC SDK installed.
In VS 2015, you start with a VSIX project, and then add Items, like for example a VSPackage - see
