Laravel - Generate url for an asset accessed via subdomain - laravel

In my Laravel site, I am serving my assets via CDN at If I know the asset name, how can I generate a URL to the asset?
So far I have managed to generate by doing asset(Storage::url('asset.js'));, but I can't figure out how to add the subdomain, either by calling different methods or editing config.
Any ideas?

put your assets in public folder within or without folder and fetch those assets like css, js or any with
{{ asset('myassset.js') }}
or if in any folder then
{{ asset('myfolder/asset.js') }}

Consider creating a custom function that can be called with asset_cdn('asset.js') might a better solution.
function asset_cdn( $asset, $secure = false ){
$protocol = $secure ? 'https:' : 'http:';
return $protocol . '//' . $asset;
How to make custom function in here.


Downloading files which were stored using the storage facade in laravel 5.4

I've noticed that the method Storage::download($path) is not available until Laravel 5.6. I would rather not create symbolic links since this appears to me to defeat the purpose of using the storage facade, might as well save the file in the assets folder (not sure how correct I am in saying this).
My question is, how can I download a file that I have saved using the storage facade and not make the file publicly visible through a URL link?
I use this:
$path = "/path/to/file/";
$filename = "my_file.pdf"
return response(Storage::disk('local')->get($path.$filename), 200)
->header('Content-Type', Storage::disk('local')
If to store you use:
that's going to store the file in the storage/app/file folder, with a name created by laravel. For example:
(Make sure the file has been stored).
And in DB you must save (I do not know how you're doing this, but it's the 'file' folder and the file name created by laravel):
So, to download you have to make a route:
Route::get('/download', 'DownloadController#downloadFile')->name('download-file');
And a Controller method:
public function downloadFile()
     $path = // get the DB field
     return response(Storage::get($path), 200)
         ->header( 'Content-Type', Storage::mimeType($path) );
And you can add a link in a view:
<a href="{!! route('download-file') !!}" download>Download the file</a>

Share variable based on route group

I have 2 versions of a site. One is located in the root URL of the site and one is using a route prefix. They use the same resources but provide different links when accessed from the prefixed route:
Route::get('/', function(){
//regular links here
and a few more of the above pointing to different routes or
Route::group(array('prefix'=>'tour'), function(){
//different links here
View::share doesn't work since it uses whatever is assigned last so I am trying to find a solution for this problem.
Also, when I use HTML::link() in the views that go through the prefix, everything still points to the root URI of the site instead of the 'tour' prefix. Is there any way to differentiate between the two? Right now I am stuck with this problem and the only solution seems to be to make identical copies of the views and controllers responding to the routes. But that approach seems stupid to say the least.
I hope I explained the problem understandably.
HTML Macro:
HTML::macro('myLink', function($url, $title = null, $attributes = array(), $secure = null)
if (Request::segment(1) === 'tour')
$url = 'tour/'.$url;
return HTML::link($url, $title, $attributes, $secure);
Just use a before filter - and set it that way
if (Request::segment(1) === 'tour')

codeigniter hmvc routes not working properly

I installed HMVC by wiredesignz but the routes from application/modules/xxx/config/routes.php didn't get recognized at all.
Here is an example:
In application/modules/pages/config/routes.php I have:
$route['pages/admin/(:any)'] = 'admin/$1';
$route['pages/admin'] = 'admin';
If I type the URL, it is not working, the CI 404 Page not found appears.
If I move the routes to application/config/routes.php it works just fine.
How do I make it work without putting all the admin routes in main routes.php?
I searched the web for over 4 hours but found no answers regarding this problem. I already checked if routes.php from modules is loading and is working just fine, but any routes I put inside won't work.
I found a way of making the routes from modules working just fine, I don't know if is the ideal solution but works fine so far:
open your application/config/routes.php and underneath $route['404_override'] = ''; add the following code:
$modules_path = APPPATH.'modules/';
$modules = scandir($modules_path);
foreach($modules as $module)
if($module === '.' || $module === '..') continue;
if(is_dir($modules_path) . '/' . $module)
$routes_path = $modules_path . $module . '/config/routes.php';
the following solution works fine even if config folder or routes.php is missing from your module folder
Here's the thing: the module's routes.php only gets loaded when that module is "invoked", otherwise CI would have to load all route configurations from all modules in order to process each request (which does not happen).
You'll have to use your main application's routes.php to get this to work. You aren't using the pages segment in your URL, therefore the routing for that module never gets loaded.
I know that's what you wanted to avoid, but unfortunately it's not possible unless you want to get "hacky".
Here's the routing I use to map requests for admin/module to module/admin, maybe you can use it:
// application/config/routes.php
$route['admin'] = "dashboard/admin"; // dashboard is a module
$route['admin/([a-zA-Z_-]+)/(:any)'] = "$1/admin/$2";
$route['admin/([a-zA-Z_-]+)'] = "$1/admin/index";
$route['(:any)/admin'] = "admin/$1";
You just need this
Copy MY_Router.php into application/core/

Different way of referencing images/stylesheets based on development and production environment in Zend Framework?

I want to host images on separate sub-domain to avoid sending cookies with HTTP request.
There are two domains: - to serve all the content - to serve images and static content
Both domains are pointing to the same directory hierarchy.
So is there any way to utilize Zend framework feature to:
In development environment reference to static content locally
In production environment use full domain name (
Simplest solution would probably be to create a view helper, something along the lines of:
class My_View_Helper_AssetPath extends Zend_View_Helper_Abstract
public function assetPath($filename)
if (APPLICATION_ENV == 'production') {
$path = '';
} else {
$path = '';
$path .= $filename;
return $path;
then in your templates:
<img src="<?=$this->assetPath('/images/logo.png')?>" ... />

How would i create a vanity url in codeigniter

How can i create a vanity url in codeigniter. Im having real trouble doing this in the framework. And there doesnt seem to be any good answers out there.
It's possible, I'm using this in one of my projects...
Here is a thread on the CodeIgniter forums showing how to do it...
According to Personalized User Vanity URL's in CodeIgniter, you can accomplish this by modifying your routes file:
$handle = opendir(APPPATH."/modules");
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
$route[$file] = $file;
$route[$file."/(.*)"] = $file."/$1";
/*Your custom routes here*/
/*Wrap up, anything that isnt accounted for pushes to the alias check*/
$route['([a-z\-_\/]+)'] = "aliases/check/$1";
