amCharts: Always show 0 on value axis and enable negative velues to be displayed - amcharts

I have got this silly problem.
I am creating a simple serial chart, displaying columns for two simple data series. The values are quite clse to eachother so amCharts decides to hide the 0 value axis and dislay only the relevant data. This is all good, but the thing is that I need to be able compare my columns visually. I also want to hide the labels on the value axis at some point.
Generally what I get now is this:
As you can see, value axis starts counting from 22.5. I need it to always start counting from 0, so I can compare the columns relatively to each other in a visual way. I know I can set the minimum propert of the value axis to 0 to achieve my desired result. But when I set any of the values to be negative, it does not display on the chart.
This is what I get with the minimum property set to 0 and one of the data points set o a negative value:
Here is a demo of my problem:
minimum set to 0 and one of the values set to a negative value.
Summing up: I need to always display the 0 value on the value axis AND be able to display negative values. Any hints will be much appreciated!

You could use a negative value for the minimum setting as well. As an example, you could set your minimum value to -30 and the maximum setting to 30.
This also makes sure that the 0-line is in the vertical middle.
var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
"type": "serial",
// ...
"valueAxes": [{
"minimum": -30,
"maximum": 30
// ...

I had this problem at work and just solved it perfectly, You need to determine if there are any negative values in the incoming chart data, and of course, you want to avoid all negative values, so you also need a Boolean value to determine if the values are all negative.
Here's how I did it:
// your chart component
const XXXChart = ({ chartData }) => {
const hasNegative = chartData.some((it) => it.value < 0)
const allNegative = chartData.every((it) => it.value < 0)
useLayoutEffect(() => {
valueAxis.min = 0 // set with zero, assume that chartData defaults to positive values
valueAxis.min = undefined // when there are negative and positive values, valueAxis.min will be restored to undefined, because valueAxis.max is undefined by default, and then chart will automatically set zero line.
valueAxis.max = allNegative ? 0 : undefined // When all values are negative, valueAxis.max can be set directly to zero
}, [chartData])
This is the perfect solution to your current problem.


Histogram based on "reduceSummed" groups

I have CSV data with the following pattern:
As you can see, there are 3 product categories sold every day. I can make a histogram and count how many Quarters are involved per bin of unitsSold. The problem here is that every Quarter is counted separately. What I would like is a histogram where the bins of unitsSold are already grouped with a reduceSum on the Quarter.
This would result in something like this:
Quarter, unitsSold
Where, based on the bins of unitsSold, a number of Quarters would fall into. For example a bin of 50.000 - 70.000 would count 3 Quarters (2019-04-01, 2019-07-01 and 2019-10-01)
Normally I would do something like this:
const histogramChart = new dc.BarChart('#histogram');
const histogramDim = ndx.dimension(d => Math.round(d.unitsSold / binSize) * binSize);
const histogramGroup =;
But in the desired situation the histogram is kind of created on something that has already been "reducedSummed". Ending up in a barchart histogram like this (data does not match with this example):
How can this be done with dc.js/crossfilter.js?
Regrouping the data by value
I think the major difference between your question and this previous question is that you want to bin the data when you "regroup" it. (Sometimes this is called a "double reduce"... no clear names for this stuff.)
Here's one way to do that, using an offset and width:
function regroup(group, width, offset = 0) {
return {
all: function() {
const bins = {};
group.all().forEach(({key, value}) => {
const bin = Math.floor((value - offset) / width);
bins[bin] = (bins[bin] || 0) + 1;
return Object.entries(bins).map(
([bin, count]) => ({key: bin*width + offset, value: count}));
What we do here is loop through the original group and
map each value to its bin number
increment the count for that bin number, or start at 1
map the bins back to original numbers, with counts
Testing it out
I displayed your original data with the following chart (too lazy to figure out quarters, although I think it's not hard with recent D3):
const quarterDim = cf.dimension(({Quarter}) => Quarter),
unitsGroup ={unitsSold}) => unitsSold);
.margins({left: 50, top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 20})
.x(d3.scaleTime().domain([d3.min(data, d => d.Quarter), d3.timeMonth.offset(d3.max(data, d => d.Quarter), 3)]))
and the new chart with
const rg = regroup(unitsGroup, 10000);
(Note the empty dimension, which disables filtering. Filtering may be possible but you have to map back to the original dimension keys so I’m skipping that for now.)
Here are the charts I get, which look correct at a glance:
Demo fiddle.
Adding filtering to the chart
To implement filtering on this "number of quarters by values" histogram, first let's enable filtering between the by-values chart and the quarters chart by putting the by-values chart on its own dimension:
const quarterDim2 = cf.dimension(({Quarter}) => Quarter),
unitsGroup2 ={unitsSold}) => unitsSold);
const byvaluesGroup = regroup(unitsGroup2, 10000);
Then, we implement filtering with
countQuartersChart.filterHandler((dimension, filters) => {
if(filters.length === 0)
else {
console.assert(filters.length === 1 && filters[0].filterType === 'RangedFilter');
const range = filters[0];
const included_quarters = unitsGroup2.all()
.filter(({value}) => range[0] <= value && value < range[1])
.map(({key}) => key.getTime());
dimension.filterFunction(k => included_quarters.includes(k.getTime()));
return filters;
This finds all quarters in unitsGroup2 that have a value which falls in the range. Then it sets the dimension's filter to accept only the dates of those quarters.
Odds and ends
D3 supports quarters with interval.every:
const quarterInterval = d3.timeMonth.every(3);
Eliminating the zeroth bin
As discussed in the comments, when other charts have filters active, there may end up being many quarters with less than 10000 units sold, resulting in a very tall zero bar which distorts the chart.
The zeroth bin can be removed with
delete bins[0];
before the return in regroup()
Rounding the by-values brush
If snapping to the bars is desired, you can enable it with
.round(x => Math.round(x/10000)*10000)
Otherwise, the filtered range can start or end inside of a bar, and the way the bars are colored when brushed is somewhat inaccurate as seen below.
Here's the new fiddle.

Legend in

I am wondering if it is possible to get access to aggregated data from a layer to be able to draw a legend.
Because the colour scheme is supplied I would only require the extent of the aggregated values calculated by the screengrid layer to be able to add this to the legend.
I know there are tooltips, but in some circumstances it would be nice to have access to these values.
I'm using the HexagonLayer and for that one you can find the values for the layers by using a semi custom onSetColorDomain function when initializing your layer. Then save the domain range array to a variable and call a make legend function.
for example:
const hexlayer = new HexagonLayer({
id: 'heatmap',
pickable: true,
colorRange: COLOR_RANGE,
data: feats_obj.coords_array,
elevationScale: 9,
extruded: true,
radius: 300,
getColorValue: points => {
if( points.length > max_points) {
max_points = points.length
renderCategories( incident_categories )
return points.length
onSetColorDomain: (ecol) => {
console.log('color domain set', ecol)
max_span.innerHTML = ecol[1]
color_domain = ecol;
// console.log('max_points: ', max_points)
The hacky way i figured out was to make a max points in a polygon global variable outside initializing the layer and have it update the value anytime there's a polygon with more points in it than that max value. An example of it in the wild is: with a link to the repo u can hack on there.

crossfilter "double grouping" where key is the value of another reduction

Here is my data about mac address. It is recorded per minute. For each minute, I have many unique Mac addresses.
18:59:36:12:23:33,2016-12-07 00:00:00.000
1c:e1:92:34:d7:46,2016-12-07 00:00:00.000
2c:f0:ee:86:bd:51,2016-12-07 00:00:00.000
5c:cf:7f:d3:2e:ce,2016-12-07 00:00:00.000
18:59:36:12:23:33,2016-12-07 00:01:00.000
1c:cd:e5:1e:99:78,2016-12-07 00:01:00.000
1c:e1:92:34:d7:46,2016-12-07 00:01:00.000
5c:cf:7f:22:01:df,2016-12-07 00:01:00.000
5c:cf:7f:d3:2e:ce,2016-12-07 00:01:00.000
I would like to create 2 bar charts using dc.js and crossfilter. Please refer to the image for the charts.
The first bar chart is easy enough to create. It is brushable. I created the "created_time" dimension, and created a group and reduceCount by "mac_add", such as below:
var moveTime = ndx.dimension(function (d) {
return d.dd; //# this is the created_time
var timeGroup = (d) {
return d.mac_add;
var visitorChart = dc.barChart('#visitor-no-bar');
.margins({ top: 0, right: 50, bottom: 20, left: 40 })
.x(d3.time.scale().domain([new Date(2016, 11, 7), new Date(2016, 11, 13)]))
The problem is on the second bar chart. The idea is that, one row of the data equals 1 minute, so I can aggregate and sum all minutes of each mac address to get the time length of each mac addresses, by creating another dimension by "mac_add" and do reduceCount on "mac_add" to get the time length. Then the goal is to group the time length by 30 minutes. So we can get how many mac address that have time length of 30 min and less, how many mac_add that have time length between 30 min and 1 hour, how many mac_add that have time length between 1 hour and 1.5 hour, etc...
Please correct me if I am wrong. Logically, I was thinking the dimension of the second bar chart should be the group of time length (such as <30, <1hr, < 1.5hr, etc). But the time length group themselves are not fix. It depends on the brush selection of the first chart. Maybe it only contains 30 min, maybe it only contains 1.5 hours, maybe it contains 1.5 hours and 2 hours, etc...
So I am really confused what parameters to put into the second bar chart. And method to get the required parameters (how to group a grouped data). Please help me to explain the solution.
I think we've called this a "double grouping" in the past, but I can't find the previous questions.
Setting up the groups
I'd start with a regular crossfilter group for the mac addresses, and then produce a fake group to aggregate by count of minutes.
var minutesPerMacDim = ndx.dimension(function(d) { return d.mac_add; }),
minutesPerMapGroup =;
function bin_keys_by_value(group, bin_value) {
var _bins;
return {
all: function() {
var bins = {};
group.all().forEach(function(kv) {
var valk = bin_value(kv.value);
bins[valk] = bins[valk] || [];
_bins = bins;
// note: Object.keys returning numerical order here might not
// work everywhere, but I couldn't find a browser where it didn't
return Object.keys(bins).map(function(bin) {
return {key: bin, value: bins[bin].length};
bins: function() {
return _bins;
function bin_30_mins = function(v) {
return 30 * Math.ceil(v/30);
var macsPerMinuteCount = bin_keys_by_value(minutesPerMacGroup);
This will retain the mac addresses for each time bin, which we'll need for filtering later. It's uncommon to add a non-standard method bins to a fake group, but I can't think of an efficient way to retain that information, given that the filtering interface will only give us access to the keys.
Since the function takes a binning function, we could even use a threshold scale if we wanted more complicated bins than just rounding up to the nearest 30 minutes. A quantize scale is a more general way to do the rounding shown above.
Setting up the chart
Using this data to drive a chart is simple: we can use the dimension and fake group as usual.
Setting up the chart so that it can filter is a bit more complicated:
chart.filterHandler(function(dimension, filters) {
if(filters.length === 0)
else {
var bins =; // retrieve cached bins
var macs = { return bins[key]; })
macs = Array.prototype.concat.apply([], macs);
var macset = d3.set(macs);
dimension.filterFunction(function(key) {
return macset.has(key);
Recall that we're using a dimension which is keyed on mac addresses; this is good because we want to filter on mac addresses. But the chart is receiving minute-counts for its keys, and the filters will contain those keys, like 30, 60, 90, etc. So we need to supply a filterHandler which takes minute-count keys and filters the dimension based on those.
Note 1: This is all untested, so if it doesn't work, please post an example as a fiddle or bl.ock - there are fiddles and blocks you can fork to get started on the main page.
Note 2: Strictly speaking, this is not measuring the length of connections: it's counting the total number of minutes connected. Not sure if this matters to you. If a user disconnects and then reconnects within the timeframe, the two sessions will be counted as one. I think you'd have to preprocess to get duration.
EDIT: Based on your fiddle (thank you!) the code above does seem to work. It's just a matter of setting up the x scale and xUnits properly.
.xUnits(function(start, end) {
return (end-start)/30;
A linear scale will do just fine here - I wouldn't try to quantize that scale, since the 30-minute divisions are already set up. We do need to set the xUnits so that dc.js knows how wide to make the bars.
I'm not sure why elasticX didn't work here, but the <30 bin completely dwarfed everything else, so I thought it was best to leave that out.
Fork of your fiddle:

pentaho CDE conditional formatting of bubble chart

I have used CCC Heat Grid in CDE to create a bubble chart with bubbles of different colors. My data set has only 6 values: (1, 1.1, 2, 2.1, 3, 3.1). I have sizeRole property to "value" so that the size of the bubble varies based on the magnitude of these six values. Alternative, I could have set colorRole property to "value". I have set three colors: green (1), yellow (2) and red (3).
Now, what I want to have 1 as green, 2 as yellow and 3 as red; and biggest constant size for 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1. The values 1.1, 2.1 and 3.1 represent alarms in my data set, so I want them to be of biggest size bubble or some other differentiating visual element.
I tried the following in pre-execution but no luck
function changeBubbles(){
var cccOptions = this.chartDefinition;
// For changing extension points, a little more work is required:
var eps = Dashboards.propertiesArrayToObject(cccOptions.extensionPoints);
// add extension points:
eps.bar_shape = function getShape(){
var val = this.scene.vars.value.value;
if(val == 1.1 || val == 2.1 || val == 3.1){
return 'cross';
else {}
// Serialize back eps into cccOptions
cccOptions.extensionPoints = Dashboards.objectToPropertiesArray(eps);
How can we achieve this?
I hope the answer is still relevant, given that this is a late response.
To use bubbles you should have useShapes: true.
You can set a different constant shape by using the shape option. For example, shape: "cross".
To have the bubble size be constant, you should set the "sizeRole" to null: sizeRole: null. Bubbles will take all of the available "cell" size.
Then, the "value" column should be picked up by the "colorRole", but to be explicit, specify: colorRole: "value".
By default, because the color role will be bound to a continuous dimension ("value"), the color scale will be continuous as well.
To make it a discrete scale, change the "value" dimension to be discrete:
dimensions: {
"value": {isDiscrete: true}
Finally, to ensure that the colors are mapped to the desired values, specify the "colorMap" option:
colorMap: {
"1": "green",
"2": "yellow",
"3": "red"
That's it. I hope this just works :-)

How to get quantize values

is there a way to get the start and end values of the quantizes of an quantize scale.
The range is defined by 5 colors ans the domain by d3.min and d3.max function on my data from an json file.
I need them for my legend of an choropleth map.
Thank you for helping.
Thats my code
var quantizecolors = ["#d7191c","#fdae61","#ffffbf", "#a6d96a","#1a9641"];
var colorEnerg = d3.scale.quantize().range(quantizecolors);
d3.min(collection.features, function(d){return;}),
d3.max(collection.features, function(d){return;})
I assume that you're asking about the minimum and maximum domain values. Apart from saving them when you're setting them, you can also call colorEnerg.domain() without any values, which will return the array [min, max].
You can get the position of the breaks by computing the number and position of intervals:
var dom = colorEnerg.domain(),
l = (dom[1] - dom[0])/colorEnerg.range().length,
breaks = d3.range(0, colorEnerg.range().length).map(function(i) { return i * l; });
