CLLocationManager monitoredRegions returns nil - limit

I am developing an iPhone app, where i have to monitor more then 20 Regions.
Development Environment: Xcode (Version 8.3.2)
IOS 10.3
please have a look at the code below:
I initialize my locationmanager :
- (id)init {
self = [super init];
if(self != nil) {
self.locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
// self.locationManager.distanceFilter = 100; // meters
self.locationManager.allowsBackgroundLocationUpdates = YES;
self.locationManager.delegate = self;
self.locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyBestForNavigation;
return self;
and then i start updating Location using below code:
- (void)startUpdatingLocation
NSLog(#"Starting location updates");
// Turn on location updates for accuracy and so processing can happen in the background.
[self.locationManager stopUpdatingLocation];
[self.locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
// Turn on significant location changes to help monitor the current region.
[self.locationManager startMonitoringSignificantLocationChanges];
- (void)locationManager:(CLLocationManager *)manager didUpdateLocations:(NSArray *)locations
if (locations.count > 0) {
//stop all monitored region
for (CLRegion *monitored in [self.locationManager monitoredRegions]){
[self.locationManager stopMonitoringForRegion:monitored];
CLLocation *location = locations[0];
NSArray *allGeoFences = [self getAllGeoFences];
NSMutableArray *sortedFences = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
// add distance to each fence to be sorted
for (locationInterface *geofence in allGeoFences) {
// create a CLLocation object from my custom object
//CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(geofence.region., geofence.longitude);
CLLocation *fenceLocation = [[CLLocation alloc] initWithLatitude:];
// calculate distance from current location
CLLocationDistance distance = [location distanceFromLocation:fenceLocation];
// save distance so we can filter array later
geofence.distance = distance;
[sortedFences addObject:geofence];
// sort our array of geofences by distance and add we can add the first 20
NSSortDescriptor *sortByName = [NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey:#"distance" ascending:YES];
NSArray *sortDescriptors = [NSArray arrayWithObject:sortByName];
NSArray *sortedArray = [sortedFences sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:sortDescriptors];
//get nearest 20 regions
NSMutableArray *nearestRegions = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) {
[nearestRegions addObject:sortedArray[i]];
locationInterface* monitorRegion = sortedArray[i];
[self.locationManager startMonitoringForRegion:monitorRegion.region] ;
When i receive didUpdateLocations , first i stop all the monitored regions, After that i find 20 nearest locations,and start monitoring the 20 nearest locations.
The problem that I am facing is monitoredRegions always returned nil.That is why I cannot stop monitoring the regions and my newly added regions get ignored.Please help me.


Latitude and Longitude are set to 0 first time I open the App IOS

In my main ViewController I ask for the user position with the following code:
- (NSString *)deviceLocation {
return [NSString stringWithFormat:#"latitude: %f longitude: %f", locationManager.location.coordinate.latitude, locationManager.location.coordinate.longitude];
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
locationManager = [[CLLocationManager alloc] init];
locationManager.distanceFilter = kCLDistanceFilterNone; // whenever we move
locationManager.desiredAccuracy = kCLLocationAccuracyHundredMeters; // 100 m
[locationManager startUpdatingLocation];
NSLog(#"%#", [self deviceLocation]);
The first time the app gets opened it asks for the user location and I get latitude 0 and longitude 0, if I open the app again (since the user already accepted to share his location) I get the correct latitude and longitude, How can I solve this problem?

Several Hyperlinks in NSTableView Cell

At the moment I have an NSTableView with a custom NSTextFieldCell that holds an NSAttributedString with some ranges with the NSLinkAttribute. I tried to integrate code from Apple's TableViewLinks example and Toomas Vather's HyperlinkTextField.
I implemented the -trackMouse Function like this:
- (BOOL)trackMouse:(NSEvent *)theEvent inRect:(NSRect)cellFrame ofView:(NSView *)controlView untilMouseUp:(BOOL)flag {
BOOL result = YES;
NSUInteger hitTestResult = [self hitTestForEvent:theEvent inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView];
if ((hitTestResult & NSCellHitContentArea) != 0) {
result = [super trackMouse:theEvent inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView untilMouseUp:flag];
theEvent = [NSApp currentEvent];
hitTestResult = [self hitTestForEvent:theEvent inRect:cellFrame ofView:controlView];
if ((hitTestResult & NSCellHitContentArea) != 0) {
NSAttributedString* attrValue = [self.objectValues objectForKey:#"theAttributedString"];
NSMutableAttributedString* attributedStringWithLinks = [[NSMutableAttributedString alloc] initWithAttributedString:attrValue];
NSTableView* myTableView = (NSTableView *)[self controlView];
NSPoint eventPoint = [myTableView convertPoint:[theEvent locationInWindow] fromView:nil];
NSInteger myRow = [myTableView rowAtPoint:eventPoint];
NSRect myBetterViewRect = [myTableView rectOfRow:myRow];
__block NSTextView* myTextView = [[NSTextView alloc] initWithFrame:myBetterViewRect];
[myTextView.textStorage setAttributedString:attributedStringWithLinks];
NSPoint localPoint = [myTextView convertPoint:eventPoint fromView:myTableView];
NSUInteger index = [myTextView.layoutManager characterIndexForPoint:localPoint inTextContainer:myTextView.textContainer fractionOfDistanceBetweenInsertionPoints:NULL];
if (index != NSNotFound)
NSMutableArray* myHyperlinkInfos = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
NSRange stringRange = NSMakeRange(0, [attrValue length]);
[attrValue enumerateAttribute:NSLinkAttributeName inRange:stringRange options:0 usingBlock:^(id value, NSRange range, BOOL* stop)
if (value)
NSUInteger rectCount = 0;
NSRectArray rectArray = [myTextView.layoutManager rectArrayForCharacterRange:range withinSelectedCharacterRange:range inTextContainer:myTextView.textContainer rectCount:&rectCount];
for (NSUInteger i = 0; i < rectCount; i++)
[myHyperlinkInfos addObject:#{kHyperlinkInfoCharacterRangeKey : [NSValue valueWithRange:range], kHyperlinkInfoURLKey : value, kHyperlinkInfoRectKey : [NSValue valueWithRect:rectArray[i]]}];
for (NSDictionary* info in myHyperlinkInfos)
NSRange range = [[info objectForKey:kHyperlinkInfoCharacterRangeKey] rangeValue];
if (NSLocationInRange(index, range))
NSURL* url = [NSURL URLWithString:[info objectForKey:kHyperlinkInfoURLKey]];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:url];
return result;}
The character-Index when clicking into the cell's (nstextview's) text appears not to fit. So even if there are more than one link in the text, usually the last link is opened. My guess is that I donĀ“t get the nsrect of the clicked cell. If so, how could I get the right NSRect?
I am glad for any suggestions, comments, code pieces - or simpler solutions (even if this would include switching to a view-based tableview).

calling a method when a particular CCAnimationFrame is displayed using CCAnimationFrameDisplayedNotification

I would like to call a method that rotates a sprite when a particular frame in displayed. I got a few ideas from this post but I am having issues as to how I should implement it. How would I define my dictionary for accessing 3rd frame and link it to the selector? Below is what I've done. Please note that it's work-in-progress.
-(id) init
// always call "super" init
// Apple recommends to re-assign "self" with the "super's" return value
if( (self=[super init]) ) {
CCSpriteBatchNode* batchNode;
CCSpriteFrameCache* frameCache;
frameCache = [CCSpriteFrameCache sharedSpriteFrameCache];
[frameCache addSpriteFramesWithFile:#"cat-hd.plist"];
batchNode = [CCSpriteBatchNode batchNodeWithFile:#"cat-hd.pvr.ccz"];
[self addChild:batchNode];
CCSprite* wallbg = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:#"firstBg.png"];
wallbg.position= ccp(240.0, 160.0);
//wallbg.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5, 0.5);
[batchNode addChild:wallbg];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(rotateAnimationFrame:) name:CCAnimationFrameDisplayedNotification object:nil];
NSMutableArray* catAnimationArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc]init];
for(int i = 1; i < 7; i++) // i< number of frames in the plist File Name
CCLOG(#"item %d added", i);
[catAnimationArray addObject:
[frameCache spriteFrameByName:
[NSString stringWithFormat:#"blackCat%d.png", i]]]; }
CCSprite* catSprite = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName: #"blackCat1.png"];
CGSize screenSize = [[CCDirector sharedDirector] winSize];
catSprite.position = ccp(screenSize.width/2, screenSize.height/2);
CCAnimation *animation = [CCAnimation animationWithSpriteFrames:catAnimationArray delay:0.3];
CCAnimationFrame* thirdFrame = [animation.frames objectAtIndex:2];
NSDictionary* uInfo = //how should I define my dictionary?
id action =[CCRepeatForever actionWithAction:[CCAnimate actionWithAnimation :animation]];
[catSprite runAction:action];
[batchNode addChild:catSprite];
return self;
// on "dealloc" you need to release all your retained objects
-(void)rotateAnimationFrame:(NSNotification*)notification {
NSDictionary *userInfoDictionary = [notification userInfo];
if ([[notification name] isEqualToString:#"CCAnimationFrameDisplayedNotification"]) {
CCSprite* thirdAnim = [CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrame:#"blackCat3.png"];
CCRotateTo *rotateRight = [CCRotateBy actionWithDuration:0.2 angle:40.0];
[thirdAnim runAction:rotateRight];

MapView Problems - Pin change color when map reloded

I have a problem with the PIn color mapView when a refresh is done.
In my I app i display some point with two color in order to identify if a service is available.
On the first start, no problems appear. The code is the follower:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
[self dowloadPoint]; // here I exucte the first start
- (void)dowloadPoint{
NSURL *url1 =[NSURL URLWithString:#"http:MYUSRL"];
NSData *datos1 =[[NSData alloc] initWithContentsOfURL:url1];
[self plotBarPosition:datos_string1]; //Here I call the plotBarPosition method
- (void)plotBarPosition:(NSString *)datos_string1 {
for (id<MKAnnotation> annotation in _mapView.annotations) {
[_mapView removeAnnotation:annotation];
// Parse the string into JSON
NSDictionary *json = [(NSDictionary*)[datos_string1 JSONValue]objectForKey:#"features"];
// Get the objects you want, e.g. output the second item's client id
NSArray *items_properties = [json valueForKeyPath:#"properties"];
NSArray *items_geo = [json valueForKeyPath:#"geometry"];
for (int i = 0; i < [json count]; i++){
NSString *nomprePunto =[[items_properties objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"title"];
NSNumber *lat =[[[items_geo objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"coordinates"] objectAtIndex:0];
NSNumber *lon =[[[items_geo objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"coordinates"] objectAtIndex:1];
CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate;
coordinate.latitude = lat.doubleValue;
coordinate.longitude = lon.doubleValue;
NSString *description = [[items_properties objectAtIndex:i] objectForKey:#"description"];
NSString *estado_punto = [[NSString alloc]init];
if ([description rangeOfString:#"Averiado"].location == NSNotFound) {
estado_punto = #"Available";
} else {
estado_punto = #"NOt Available";
averiados ++;
NSString *averiadosStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"%d",averiados];
averiadosLabel.text = averiadosStr;
MyLocation *location =[[MyLocation alloc] initWithName:nomprePunto coordinate:coordinate estado:estado_punto];
[_mapView addAnnotation:location];
- (MKPinAnnotationView *)mapView:(MKMapView *)mapView viewForAnnotation:(MyLocation *)annotation {
static NSString *identifier = #"MyLocation";
if ([annotation isKindOfClass:[MyLocation class]]) {
MKPinAnnotationView *annotationView = (MKPinAnnotationView *) [_mapView dequeueReusableAnnotationViewWithIdentifier:identifier];
if (annotationView == nil) {
annotationView = [[MKPinAnnotationView alloc] initWithAnnotation:annotation reuseIdentifier:identifier];
annotationView.enabled = YES;
annotationView.canShowCallout = YES;
if([[annotation estado] isEqualToString:#"En Servicio"])
annotationView.pinColor = MKPinAnnotationColorGreen;
} else {
annotationView.annotation = annotation;
return annotationView;
return nil;
But whe I add a refres button that is function is simply a refreshcalling the dowloadPoint once again,
- (IBAction)refresh{
[self dowloadPoint];
the color of pins change in a "random manner", not corrisponding with the real state of point.
Any ideas about what is happening? Thanks in advance.
EDIT: It seemps pproblems is due to:
for (id<MKAnnotation> annotation in _mapView.annotations) {
[_mapView removeAnnotation:annotation];
erasing it, the app work properly but pins area drown abow the previous ones...:S
The default color of the pin is red. You set it to green if the estado property of your MyLocation object is equal to #"En Servicio". I understand that sometimes the color is red, when your estado property is equal to #"En Servicio", or sometimes green when it is not.
One reason could be that your MyLocation object simply does no longer exist when you press the refresh button. In this case, you might still have a pointer to the memory location where it once existed, but this location may have been overwritten by anything, causing a random color.
This can happen e.g. if your MyLocation object has been created as an autorelease object that has been released when you returned to the main event loop, i.e. to handle user interactions.
This should not be the case if you are using ARC.

Cocos2d populate layer based on menu in a different layer

I'm working on a species ID app and would like to populate a layer with sprites based on which animal you select on the main layer. I've made each animal a menu item, and can get my info layer to appear when pressing the button, but how can I set it up so the layer shows the right data depending on which animal you select? The info layer is not a full screen layer, but rather an overlaying layer that only fills about 75% of the screen, which is why I'm going with a layer rather than a scene. I know I can create a new layer for each animal (approx 50) and code it so each button calls its own layer, but I think populating based on which button is pressed would make for cleaner code. If flamingoButton is pressed, sprite is filled with flamingo.png and label is populated with flamingo information. How do I get my info layer to listen to the buttons on the main layer?
MainLayer.m code:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
CCMenuItemImage *flamingoButton = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:#"Explore-sign.png" selectedImage:#"Explore-sign.png" target:self selector:#selector(showSecondLayer:)];
flamingoButton.position = CGPointMake(0, 60);
flamingoButton.tag = 101;
CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:flamingoButton, nil];
[self addChild:menu];
return self;
-(void) showSecondLayer: (id) sender
CCMenuItemImage *item = (CCMenuItemImage *) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
secondLayer = [SecondLayer node];
secondLayer.position = CGPointMake(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
SecondLayer.m (the info layer)
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:#"species1.png"];
infoCard.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = CGPointMake(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Ok, this might work:
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
CCMenuItem *flamingoButton = [CCMenuItemImage itemFromNormalImage:#"Explore-sign.png"
flamingoButton.position = ccp(0, 60);
flamingoButton.tag = 1;
CCMenu *menu = [CCMenu menuWithItems:flamingoButton, nil];
[self addChild:menu];
return self;
-(void) showSecondLayer: (CCMenuItem*) sender
secondLayer = [SecondLayer layerWithTag:[sender tag]];
secondLayer.position = ccp(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
//Second Layer.h
-(id) initWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag;
//Second Layer.m:
+(id)layerWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
return [[[SecondLayer alloc] initWithTag:aTag] autorelease];
-(id) initWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
infoCard.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = ccp(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Even though the previous solution works, it's not intuitive, and I feel I am breaking some OOP concepts. Most importantly, it is only useable given that your info about the animal can be retrieved using a single int! .. Using it this way is a BIT better, it's totally up to you to decide:
Ehm, so, I would suggest you set up an Entity Class first:
#import "Blahblahblah"
//Give it a good name, I was always bad at Science:
#interface AnimalResources {
//load all your properties:
NSString* info;
CCSprite* sprite;
//set the properties as needed:
//Make sure you properly manage this!! It is retained!
#property (nonatomic, retain) CCSprite* sprite;
//method prototype (signature.. am not sure)
//Now, we shall build on the fact that it will be easy for you to map an integer to the right resources:
#synthesize sprite, ... ;
+(id)animalResourcesWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
[[[AnimalResources alloc] initAnimalResourcesWithTag:aTag] autorelease];
-(id)initAnimalResourcesWithTag:(NSInteger)aTag {
if ((self = [super init])) {
//use tag to retrieve the resources:
//might use the stringFormat + %d approach, or have a dictionary/array plist, that maps an int to a dictionary of resource keys.
//string way of doing things:
self.sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
//Dictionary: dict/array is an NSDictionary/NSArray read from disk sometime. Don't read it here, since it
//will read the file from disk many times if you do --> BAD. I could explain a rough way to do that if you
//need help
animalDict = [dict objectForKey:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d.png", aTag]];
animalDict = [array objectAtIndex:aTag];
//better to have #"spriteNameKey" defined in a macro somewhere: #define kAnimalResourceKeySprite #"SpriteKey"
self.sprite = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[animalDict objectForKey:#"SpriteNameKey"]];
return self;
Phew! Then .. you guessed it!
-(void) showSecondLayer: (CCMenuItem*) sender
secondLayer = [SecondLayer layerWithAnimalResources:[AnimalResources animalResourcesWithTag:[sender tag]]];
secondLayer.position = ccp(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:ccp(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
//Second Layer.h
//Second Layer.m:
+(id)layerWithAnimalResources:(AnimalResources*)resource {
return [[[SecondLayer alloc] initWithAnimalResources:aTag] autorelease];
-(id) initWithAnimalResources:(AnimalResources*)resource
if( (self=[super init]))
//Change this sprite image based on button from main layer. I don't have it coded in yet, but I understand the concept of putting a variable in the file string using %# or %d
CCSprite *infoCard = [resource sprite];
infoCard.anchorPoint = ccp(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = ccp(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
return self;
Give each menu item a unique id. In the method which you invoke on the tap of the button, you can reference the id of the sender. Use this id to populate the new layer with the unique information.
- (void) buttonPressed: (id) sender
MenuItem* item = (MenuItem*) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
// Get unique data based on itemID and add new layer
EDIT: Per your code updates
-(void) showSecondLayer: (id) sender
CCMenuItemImage *item = (CCMenuItemImage *) sender;
int itemID = item.tag;
secondLayer = [SecondLayer node];
[secondLayer setItem: itemID]; // ADDED
secondLayer.position = CGPointMake(0, 700);
[self addChild:secondLayer];
CCMoveTo *moveLayer = [CCMoveTo actionWithDuration:1.0 position:CGPointMake(0, 0)];
[secondLayer runAction:moveLayer];
SecondLayer.m (the info layer)
-(id) init
if( (self=[super init]))
// Removed
return self;
-(void) setItem: (int) item
CCSprite *infoCard = [CCSprite spriteWithFile:[NSString stringWithFormat:#"species%d", item]];
infoCard.anchorPoint = CGPointMake(0.5, 0);
infoCard.position = CGPointMake(512, 0);
[self addChild:infoCard];
