JMeter Dynamic Request - jmeter

I need to test a web service with header-item lines with reading values from csv.
<!--Zero or more repetitions:-->
I can read values from CSV file but this web service is complex and items might be 1 or more than 2.
How can I handle this web service request?

You can use JSR223 PreProcessor like:
Add JSR223 PreProcessor as a child of your request
Put the code to generate the XML payload into "Script" area, an example one would look like:
def writer = new StringWriter()
def xml = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(writer)
xml.records() {
car(name:'HSV Maloo', make:'Holden', year:2006) {
record(type:'speed', 'Production Pickup Truck with speed of 271kph')
car(name:'Royale', make:'Bugatti', year:1931) {
record(type:'price', 'Most Valuable Car at $15 million')
sampler.addNonEncodedArgument("", writer.toString(), "")
Amend it to match your requirement
When you run your test the JSR223 PreProcessor will generate the request body and set it in the HTTP Request sampler
sampler - a shorthand to HTTPSamplerProxy class, see the JavaDoc for all available methods and fields
Groovy - Creating XML - learn how to create XML data using Groovy language
Groovy is the New Black - an introduction to Groovy scripting in JMeter


Files are overwriting instated of appending in BeanShell PostProcessor Jmeter while running 1000 threads

I have written below code under beanshall post-processor. But when I am running 1000 threads the files are overwriting existing content instated of appending. It is working for 1-5 threads. Can anyone help me on this?
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
File fExceptionLog = new File("${logPath}/ExceptionLog.txt");
String extExceptionData= FileUtils.readFileToString(fExceptionLog);
String cDatestamp="${__time(yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS)}";
String cResponce = prev.getResponseDataAsString();
String cRequest = prev.getQueryString();
String cResponceCode=prev.getResponseCode();
cTransactionName = prev.getSampleLabel();
cResponseTime = prev.getTime();
cSize = prev.getBytesAsLong();
cIsSuccessful =prev.isSuccessful();
File fRequestLog = new File("${logPath}/RequestLog.txt");
File fHitLog = new File("${logPath}/HitLog.txt");
File fResponceLog = new File("${logPath}/ResponceLog.txt");
File fErrorLog = new File("${logPath}/ErrorLog.txt");
String extHitData = FileUtils.readFileToString(fHitLog);
String extRequestData = FileUtils.readFileToString(fRequestLog);
String extResponceData = FileUtils.readFileToString(fResponceLog);
String extErrorData = FileUtils.readFileToString(fErrorLog);"cResponceCode"+cResponceCode);
}catch(Exception e){
You're violating at least 3 JMeter Best Practices
You're referring JMeter Variables like ${logPath} while you should be using vars shorthand instead like vars.get("logPath")
You're using Beanshell while starting from JMeter 3.1 you should be using JSR223 and Groovy
And last but not the least, you yourself introduced a race condition so when several threads will be concurrently writing the same file it will result in data loss. You can put this Beanshell test element (along with the parent Sampler(s)) under the Critical Section Controller, but it will reduce concurrency of the parent sampler(s) to only one at a time
If you need to write some some metrics into a custom file in your own format I would rather recommend consider migrating to the Flexible File Writer which is extremely "flexible" with regards to what values is to store and it accumulates multiple entries in memory and flushes them periodically in batch manner so all the data will be stored without collisions.
You can install Flexible File Writer using JMeter Plugins Manager

Jmeter: how to initialise header manager element globally

I wanted to use the same set of headers in multiple jmx files. So I wanted to initialise it once and have to use it across my jmx files.
Can anyone help me in meeting my requirement? Thanks in advance.
That’s not possible.
To be able to apply a Header Manager to all plan, it should have the largest scope but using Include or Module controller means reduced scope.
Thanks to scope stil, you can set your Header Manager as child of test plan and it will apply to whole requests.
You could use properties and __P function to make those configurable in
You can do this as follows:
Create a CSV file called headers.csv to hold your headers like:
and store it in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation
Add empty HTTP Header Manager to the top level of your Test Plan
Add setUp Thread Group to your Test Plan
Add JSR223 Sampler to the setUp Thread Group
Put the following code into "Script" area:
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.Header
import org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.control.HeaderManager
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContext
import org.apache.jmeter.threads.JMeterContextService
import org.apache.jorphan.collections.SearchByClass
def engine = ctx.getEngine()
def testPlanTree = org.apache.commons.lang3.reflect.FieldUtils.readDeclaredField(engine, "test", true)
def headerManagerSearch = new SearchByClass<>(HeaderManager.class)
def headerManagers = headerManagerSearch.getSearchResults()
headerManagers.any { headerManager ->
new File('headers.csv').readLines().each { line ->
def values = line.split(',')
headerManager.add(new Header(values[0], values[1]))
If you want you can "externalize" points 3 and 4 via Test Fragment

Jmeter 4 | HTTP Request sampler JAVA implementation bytes sent not captured

We are using JAVA implementation for one of the requests.In the request we are uploading a file. Request doesn't work when HTTPCLIENT4 implementation is selected.The request works fine with previous Jmeter version with HTTPCLIENT3.1 implementation. We need to capture bytes sent in results. How to capture bytes sent through JAVA implementation in HTTP Request sampler
Sent bytes is basically a combination of URL + headers + body so you can calculate it yourself using JSR223 PostProcessor and code like:
def url = sampler.getUrl().toString().length()
def headers = prev.getHeadersSize()
def body = 0;
sampler.getHTTPFiles().each {file ->
body += new File(file.getPath()).length()
prev.setSentBytes(url + headers + body)
sampler is an instance of HTTPSamplerProxy where you can get all files which you're sending with the request
prev is an instance of HTTPSampleResult where you can get URL and Headers and also override Sent Bytes field.
See The Groovy Templates Cheat Sheet for JMeter to see what else you can do with Groovy and how.

JMeter - Saving post data from http requst sample to the csv file

I have a Http request with Body Data which can create individual user any time when it runs for example:
POST Data:
Is there any way to grab email and password value from the Post Data and save it to the same csv file any time when specific http request sample runs.
Add JSR223 PostProcessor as a chid of the HTTP Request sampler
Put the following code into "Script" area:
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
def request = new JsonSlurper().parseText(sampler.getArguments().getArgument(0).getValue())
def email =
def password = request.password
new File('test.csv') << email + ',' + password + System.getProperty('line.separator')
Once you execute your test the JSR223 PostProcessor will add the values of email and password objects into test.csv file (normally it should reside in "bin" folder of your JMeter installation)
Groovy: Parsing and Producing JSON
Groovy Goodness: Working with Files
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It

How to Duplicate file using JMeter

I am trying to duplicate a file using JMeter,
The scenario:
Loading a JSON file. For example, {"name":"John","age":"$age_place"}
Modify one property - age_place from 1 to 20
Save each modified iteration into a separate file
I have tried to do that with Simple Data Writer but it didn't work.
You have JSR223 Elements as Sampler or Pre processor which you can add powerful script,
The easiest is to replace age_place with your value, for example if saved in variable age_place:
f = new FileOutputStream("c:\\temp\\template.json", false);
p = new PrintStream(f);
print("{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":\"age_place\"}".replaceAll("age_place", vars.get("age_place")));
If you need to generate 20 files with different age you can do it using any of JSR223 Test Elements. Example Groovy code would look like:
def json = new groovy.json.JsonSlurper().parseText("{\"name\":\"John\",\"age\":\"\"}")
def builder = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(json)
1.upto(20, {
builder.content.age= "${it}"
def writer = new File('file' + "${it}" + ".json").newWriter()
writer << builder.toPrettyString()
Once you execute your test it will create the following files in the "bin" folder of your JMeter installation:
file1.json - with the age of 1
file2.json - with the age of 2
file20.json - with the age of 20
Groovy For Loop Examples
Groovy: Parsing and producing JSON
Apache Groovy - Why and How You Should Use It
