Implementation of DynamoDB for Spring Boot - spring-boot

I am trying to implement a backend DynamoDB for my Spring Boot application. But AWS recently updated their SDKs for DynamoDB. Therefore, almost all of the tutorials available on the internet, such as, aren't directly relevant.
I've read through Amazon's SDK documentation regarding the DynamoDB class. Specifically, the way the object is instantiated and endpoints/regions set have been altered. In the past, constructing and setting endpoints would look like this:
public AmazonDynamoDB amazonDynamoDB() {
AmazonDynamoDB amazonDynamoDB
= new AmazonDynamoDBClient(amazonAWSCredentials());
if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(amazonDynamoDBEndpoint)) {
return amazonDynamoDB;
public AWSCredentials amazonAWSCredentials() {
return new BasicAWSCredentials(
amazonAWSAccessKey, amazonAWSSecretKey);
However, the setEndpoint() method is now deprecated, and [AWS documentation][1] states that we should construct the DynamoDB object through a builder:
AmazonDynamoDBClient() Deprecated. use
This other StackOverflow post recommends using this strategy to instantiate the database connection object:
DynamoDB dynamoDB = new DynamoDB(AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withEndpointConfiguration(new EndpointConfiguration("http://localhost:8000", "us-east-1")).build());
Table table = dynamoDB.getTable("Movies");
But I get an error on IntelliJ that DynamoDB is abstract and cannot be instantiated. But I cannot find any documentation on the proper class to extend.
In other words, I've scoured through tutorials, SO, and the AWS documentation, and haven't found what I believe is the correct way to create my client. Can someone provide an implementation that works? I'm specifically trying to set up a client with a local DynamoDB (endpoint at localhost port 8000).

I think I can take a stab at answering my own question. Using the developer guide here for DynamoDB Mapper you can implement a DynamoDB Mapper object that takes in your client and performs data services for you, like loading, querying, deleting, saving (essentially CRUD?). Here's the documentation I found helpful.
I created my own class called DynamoDBMapperClient with this code:
private AmazonDynamoDB amazonDynamoDB = AmazonDynamoDBClientBuilder.standard().withEndpointConfiguration(
new EndpointConfiguration(amazonDynamoDBEndpoint, amazonAWSRegion)).build();
private AWSCredentials awsCredentials = new AWSCredentials() {
public String getAWSAccessKeyId() {
return null;
public String getAWSSecretKey() {
return null;
private DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(amazonDynamoDB);
public DynamoDBMapper getMapper() {
return mapper;
Basically takes in endpoint and region configurations from a properties file, then instantiates a new mapper that is accessed with a getter.
I know this may not be the complete answer, so I'm leaving this unanswered, but at least it's a start and you guys can tell me what I'm doing wrong!


Using a custom identity provider in Quarkus

In my current project, we store user login info inside a MongoDB collection. We would like to implement an authentication mechanism that checks the credentials from a request against the information stored in said MongoDB. There is a tutorial for doing this with JPA + Postgres but there is no information on using MongoDB in the same capacity. I suspect that I would need to write a custom IdentityProvider for this case. I tried using the JPA identity provider as a base, but it looks like the security-jpa source code contains only an abstract identity provider, while the actual provider is generated automatically using black magic. Has anyone ever had success adapting the existing Quarkus security architecture to MongoDB or anything else that is not covered by security-jpa?
After some research, I was able to get a custom IdentityProvider to work. Here's a very simple demo (without any MongoDB logic):
public class DemoIdentityProvider implements IdentityProvider<UsernamePasswordAuthenticationRequest> {
private static final Map<String, String> CREDENTIALS = Map.of("bob", "password124", "alice", "hunter2");
public Class<UsernamePasswordAuthenticationRequest> getRequestType() {
return UsernamePasswordAuthenticationRequest.class;
public Uni<SecurityIdentity> authenticate(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationRequest request,
AuthenticationRequestContext authenticationRequestContext) {
if (new String(request.getPassword().getPassword()).equals(CREDENTIALS.get(request.getUsername()))) {
return Uni.createFrom().item(QuarkusSecurityIdentity.builder()
.setPrincipal(new QuarkusPrincipal(request.getUsername()))
throw new AuthenticationFailedException("password invalid or user not found");
Note that in order to access QuarkusSecurityIdentity, the quarkus-security extension needs to be included as dependency in pom.xml:
Furthermore, quarkus.http.auth.basic=true needs to be added to for the identity provider be used with basic auth.

#InboundChannelAdapter in Spring-integration is not running continously?

i am working in spring cloud data flow,there i am having a scenario like reading from the database and send the data to the kafka topic using the #InboundChannelAdapter
Below is the strategy i followed.
->Created common list to store the objects if the list was empty
->if the list have the data i won't poll
->i am sending the values to kafka one by one by using index and after that i will remove the index
if i keep the #Bean it is inserting only the first object in the list to kafka topic.
if i remove the #Bean then it will insert all empty data into kafka.
public static List<Product> products;
public void initList() {
products = new ArrayList<>();
#InboundChannelAdapter(channel = TbeSource.PR1)
public MessageSource<Product> addProducts() {
if (products.size() == 0) {
products.add(new Product(101443442, "Mobile1", 8000));
products.add(new Product(102235434, "book111", 6000));
MessageBuilder<Product> message = MessageBuilder.withPayload(products.get(0));
return message::build;
what am i doing wrong?
i need to send the data frequently by reading from db ?
Really not clear what you are asking.
If you talk about JDBC then you may consider to use a JDBC Source from tout-of-the-box applications for Data Flow.
If you are doing logic yourself to take data from data base, you may consider to use a JdbcPollingChannelAdapter from Spring Integration for the same #InboundChannelAdapter reason.
The rest of your logic with that list is not clear. It is strange to see a #Bean on a void method. If you need to initialize that products and get access from the MessageSource implementation, you just need to do private List<Product> products = new ArrayList<>();. Having property as public is really a bad practice.

AsyncCassandraOperations examples

I am reading up on AsyncCassandraOperations to perform async inserts to improve performance based on another post here. But I am unable to find a lot of help on google or spring data documentation.
Previously I was using Cassandra Repository for all data extraction and insert/updates which I found to be super slow. As per recommendation I am now using AsyncCassandraOperations for the insert operation alone, but it wont let me. I encounter required a bean of type '' error.
What would be the correct way to use AsyncCassandraOperations please?
#Autowired private MyRepository repository_name;
#Autowired private AsyncCassandraOperations acops;
public void persist(List<POJO> l_POJO)
System.out.println("Enter Persist: "+new java.util.Date());
List<l_POJO> l_POJO_stale = repository_name.findBycol1AndStale("sample",false);
l_POJO_stale.forEach(s -> s.setStale(true));
l_POJO_stale.forEach(s -> acops.update(s));
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error in persisting new data");
Don't know whether spring boot is used, if so the AsyncCassandraOperations(AsyncCassandraTemplate is the implementation class) should be created automatically.
If the error shows you need an AsyncCassandraOperations bean, the straight way is to create one as shown below.
AsyncCassandraTemplate asyncCassandraTemplate(Session session) {
return new AsyncCassandraTemplate(session);
Since you are using Spring data Repository interface, you can alse use the ReactiveCrudRepository interface to update or insert entity objects to Cassandra, which is shown in this spring data example project , as an alternative way to using the AsyncCassandraTemplate class.
In the case of using ReactiveCrudRepository and regarding what you want to do, your code needs the following changes.
change the return type of WRRepository.findByCol1AndCol2AndCol3(String, boolean, String) from List<WRpojo> to Flux<WRpojo> , in order to fully utilize the reactive functionality.
change the return type of persist(List<WRpojo>) from boolean to Mono<Void> , making the result non-blocking too.
change your persist(List<WRpojo>) to the following.
public Mono<Void> persist(List<WRpojo> l_wr) {
Flux<WRpojo> l_old_wr = objWRRepository.findByCol1AndCol2AndCol3("1", false, "2").doOnNext(s -> s.setStale(true));
return objWRRepository.saveAll(l_old_wr).thenMany(objWRRepository.saveAll(l_wr)).then();
In reactive programming, basically we don't block any code, this means that somewhere the returned Mono<Void> should be subscribed somewhere downstream, if you do want to block and wait for all operations complete, you can call block() on Mono<Void> , which is not recommended.

filter dynamodb from list in springboot

I have a Spring boot application using an AWS DynamoDb table which contains a list of items as such:
#DynamoDBTable(tableName = MemberDbo.TABLENAME)
public class MemberDbo {
public static final String TABLENAME = "Member";
protected String id;
// some more parameters
private List<String> membergroupIds;
I would like to find all members belonging to one specific groupId. In best case I would like to use CrudRepository like this:
public interface MemberRepository extends CrudRepository<MemberDbo, String> {
List<MemberDbo> findByMembergroupIdsContaining(String membergroupIds); // actually I want to filter by ONE groupId
Unfortunately the query above is not working (java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.util.List)
Any suggestions how to build a correct query with CrudRepository?
Any suggestions how to create a query with Amazon SDK or some other Springboot-compliant methods?
Alternatively can I create a dynamoDb index somehow and filter by that index?
Or do I need to create and maintain a new table programmatically containing the mapping between membergroupIds and members (which results in a lot of overhead in code and costs)?
A solution for CrudRepository is preferred since I may use Paging in future versions and CrudRepository easily supports paging.
If I have understood correctly this looks very easy. You using DynamoDBMapper for model persistence.
You have a member object, which contains a list of membergroupids, and all you want to do is retrieve this from the database. If so, using DynamoDBMapper you would do something like this:
AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDBClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient();
DynamoDBMapper mapper = new DynamoDBMapper(dynamoDBClient);
MemberDbo member = mapper.load(MemberDbo.class, hashKey, rangeKey);
Where you need to replace hashKey and rangeKey. You can omit rangeKey if you don't have one.
DynamoDBMapper also supports paging out of the box.
DynamoDBMapper is an excellent model persistence tool, it has strong features, its simple to use and because its written by AWS, it has seamless integration with DynamoDB. Its creators have also clearly been influenced by spring. In short, I would use DynamoDBMapper for model persistence and Spring Boot for model-controller stuff.

Spring Data + MongoDB GridFS access via Repository possible?

I recently discovered GridFS which I'd like to use for file storage with metadata. I just wondered if it's possible to use a MongoRepository to query GridFS? If yes, can someone give me an example?
I'd also take a solution using Hibernate, if there is some.
The reason is: My metadata contains a lot of different fields and it would be much easier to query a repository than to write some new Query(Criteria.where(...)) for each scenario. And I hopefully could also simply take a Java object and provide it via REST API without the file itself.
EDIT: I'm using
Spring 4 Beta
Spring Data Mongo 1.3.1
Hibernate 4.3 Beta
There is a way to solve this:
public class MyGridFsFile {
private ObjectId id;
public ObjectId getId() { return id; }
private String filename;
public String getFilename() { return filename; }
private long length;
public long getLength() { return length; }
You can write a normal Spring Mongo Repo for that. Now you can at least query the fs.files collection using a Spring Data Repo. But: You cannot access the file contents this way.
For getting the file contents itself, you've got (at least) 2 options:
Use file = gridOperations.findOne(Query.query(Criteria.where("_id").is(id))); InputStream is = file.getInputStream();
Have a look at the source code of GridFSDBFile. There you can see, how it internally queries the fs.chunks collection and fills the InputStream.
(Option 2 is really low level, Option 1 is a lot easier and this code gets maintained by the MongoDB-Java-Driver devs, though Option 1 would be my choice).
Updating GridFS entries:
GridFS is not designed to update file content!
Though only updating the metadata field can be useful. The rest of the fields is kinda static.
You should be able to simply use your custom MyGridFsFileRepo's update method. I suggest to only create a setter for the metadata field.
Different metadata for different files:
I solved this using an abstract MyGridFsFile class with generic metadata, i.e.:
public abstract class AbstractMyGridFsFile<M extends AbstractMetadata> {
private M metadata;
public M getMetadata() { return metadata; }
void setMetadata(M metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; }
And of course each impl has its own AbstractMetadata impl associated. What have I done? AbstractMetadata always has a field called type. This way I can find the right AbstractMyGridFsFile impl. Though I have also a generic abstract repository.
Btw: In the meantime I switched here from using Spring Repo, to use plain access via MongoTemplate, like:
protected List<A> findAll(Collection<ObjectId> ids) {
List<A> files = mongoTemplate.find(Query.query(Criteria
.and("metadata.type").is(type) // this is hardcoded for each repo impl
), typeClass); // this is the corresponding impl of AbstractMyGridFsFile
return files;
Hope this helps. I can write more, if you need more information about this. Just tell me.
You can create a GridFS object with the database from your MongoTemplate, and then interact with that:
MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = new MongoTemplate(new Mongo(), "GetTheTemplateFromSomewhere");
GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(mongoTemplate.getDb());
The GridFS object lets you create, delete and find etc.
