Retry Interval in IBM MQ Queues - ibm-mq

We have JMS Listeners implemented in Spring which are listening to a Queues created on IBM MQ. Since we have multiple resources e.g. MQ, Database we are using JTA transaction manager which in case of transaction rollbacks puts message back on queue. Though we could configure retry count using back-out threshold property of queue, i could not find anything that lets us configure retry interval. Do you have any experience implementing the same ? if no direct solution any workaround which can be easily applied ?


MessageGroups with Spring and Websphere MQ

I am looking options to implement feature like Active MQ message groups in my application. This application is based on Spring and uses Websphere MQ as JMS provider. I cannot change JMS provider to ActiveMQ due to client constraints.
Use Case : Messages arrive in bulks on queue 1 where they are picked by listener and split into chunks and en-queued to the queue 2. Queue 2 has a single threaded listener which processes messages one after another but this behavior is leading to performance issues where there are too many messages on Queue 2. Also since bulk can have some related messages i.e. Object Create and Object Update, simply having parallel consumers wont solve the problem. As messages need to be grouped based on order Id (or some other)attribute and then this group needs to be processed by exclusive consumer.
I cant find any feature in MQ or Spring JMS to implement this unlike Message Groups provided by Active MQ.

Is It possible if i have put message to ActiveMq jms and consume it from RabbitMq jms?

I am new to jms,
I have did poc of spring jms with ActiveMq. In which I am producing messages in queue and consume it using consumer and one poc in which I am using spring jms with rabbitmq with producer and consumer and have added plugin of jms in rabbit mq to use spring jms with rabbitmq.
Is it Possible if I put Produce message in active MQ and Consume that messages using spring jms rabbitmq consumer?
Is It possible if yes then How?
Thanks in advance.
ActiveMQ and RabbitMQ are two different brokers - why do you need (and why do you think it's possible) to send messages to one broker and receive them from another?
You would need another application to move the messages; it's not clear why you would want to do that.
Typically, you would need an adapter layer to move the JMS messages from one MQ to another (i.e., active MQ to Rabbitmq etc.).
You can look here for some notes (IBM specific) on JMS adapters, but the underlying concept is the same i.e., consuming from one MQ and producing the messages to another MQ.

ActiveMQ vs JMS

I am trying to understand JMS.
What is the difference between ActiveMQ and JMS
can pool the data from NON ActiveMQ with ActiveMQ plugin in Spring?
Thanks ,In advance
JMS is a specification. JMS has three main parts to it. The first is the producer, which is nothing more than a bean that submits a "message" to a JMS broker (#2) (the system that manages messages between producers and consumers). In this case, ActiveMQ is the broker. Once the broker receives a message, the consumer (#3), or Message-Driven Bean (MDB), processes the message.
If you want to work with JMS, you'll just write both your producer/consumer code using the JMS API, but behind the scenes there is a "resource adapter" that is a special ActiveMQ driver that will connect to an ActiveMQ instance and do the management for you.
Have a look at this post I made recently. I'm still trying to figure out the best way to write JMS beans, but I've got the basics down.
The accepted answer emphasizes what is the structure of JMS is. Not disagreeing just want to add to it in case anyone else wants to know. ActiveMQ could be a JMS supplier. A JMS supplier shapes the computer program system for encouraging the utilize of JMS concepts interior an application. A single node of ActiveMQ which permits clients to associate to it and utilize these informing concepts is called an "ActiveMQ Broker."
Enterprises feel this disparity with business actions such as mergers and acquisitions. This creates the need to maintain an increasingly heterogeneous collection of business applications. As your enterprise grows, so does the need to allow all of these platforms to share data. A number of architectural patterns exist today which help to solve this problem.
Some other examples of JMS providers are:
Winsows Azure Messaging
The following example shows a simple configuration of an ActiveMQ connection:
<jms:config name="JMS_Config">
<jms:active-mq-connection >
<jms:factory-configuration brokerUrl="tcp://localhost:61616" />
This post explains a detailed difference between the ActiveMQ and JMS (or maybe about the details of their specifications). Hope it clears your concepts.

What does Spring JMS ActiveMQ use to determine when a broker should switch Exclusive Consumers?

An exclusive consumer in Activemq is one that is sent every message from a broker until the consumer dies or goes away, at which time the broker switches consumer.
What is it that defines when the switchover takes place? How do you configure this in Spring JMS/ActiveMQ?
It's not Spring JMS doing the checking; it's the JMS provider, ActiveMQ.
JMS is an API specification; an empty framework, essentially. ActiveMQ provides the implementation backing for managing connections, message brokering, load-balancing, fail-over, etc.
The ActiveMQ broker handles switching-over consumers based on queue properties (you don't need to do anything special in your code):
queue = new ActiveMQQueue("TEST.QUEUE?consumer.exclusive=true");
The switch-over takes place when either the consumer disconnects gracefully or the broker determines that the consumer has disappeared (via the wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration elapsing without any messages or keep-alives being received). You don't have to configure anything if you're happy with the default value of wireFormat.maxInactivityDuration (30 seconds), but you can tweak that if you want to change how long it takes before the broker gives up on a client.

How to receive multiple messages from an IBM MQ

I'm connecting to an IBM Websphere MQ and currently reading one message at a time using the method receive() from the object:
Is there a way to retrieve multiple messages from the queue in one go?
Many thanks,
Depends on whether you make a distinction between "read" and "retrieve".
From a JMS perspective, no. The API will return one message per method call.
From the WMQ perspective, yes - provided the client and queue manager are both at v7 and the messages are non-persistent or being browsed. In this case you can enable read-ahead in the managed object definition or dynamically at run time. The queue manager will stream several messages off of the queue and deliver them to the application before the first one is acknowledged. For more information on this, see Using read ahead with WebSphere MQ classes for JMS.
