Base url in background image joomla - joomla

I am creating a template and someone has created the orignal slider using
<div class="item active" style="background-image: url(../images/slider/bg1.jpg)">
My question is I am using Joomla to create this template how do i echo in the above html so that I can output the full url of site for at min its not finding the image.
<?php echo $this->baseurl ?>/

You can use
accepting an optional parameter (true or false)
to include the protocol and site name.


In voyager admin panel how to solve directory separator issue

I have created a page in the voyager admin panel, but when I tried to retrieve in view the path of the image is like
you noticed that the first forward slash and then next backward slash, so that's why an image is not displaying in view.
I used this code to print an image.
<div class="header_bg" style="background-image: url('{{ url("storage/$page_data->image") }}');"></div>
Instead of creating a url with url(), maybe you could use Laravel File Storage helpers, like Storage::get('file.jpg');. I believe these work in blade, so in your case, it would be:
<div class="header_bg" style="background-image: url('{{ Storage::get($page_data->image) }}');"></div>
The answer is, this image is set by voyage admin so I have use voyager language.
<div class="header_bg" style="background-image: url('{{Voyager::image($page_data->image)}}');"></div>
to the print image which set from voyager in blade view use this syntax

Magento: how to remove paragraphs around Widgets

I'm new to magento and I just put a widget in a cms page. After having a look at the source code I saw a surrounding p-tag around the widget. Is there a way to remove it without disabling the wysiwyg editor?
Turn on template hints in admin.
Assuming this is the template that the widget renders:
Copy this template to:
Replace the code from:
<div class="widget widget-static-block"><?php echo $this->getText(); ?></div>
<div class="widget widget-static-block"><?php echo strip_tags( $this->getText() ); ?></div>
You can customize allowed html tags by including a second parameter:

magento - images not showing

I added a custom field for all cms pages and enabled text editor and i display the value in a phtml file.
This is working fine,but the images not showing properly,it is not evaluated,it display like as below,
<img style="float: left;" title="Incorrect method of de-coiling " src="{{media url=" wysiwyg="" faqs="" 2-incorrect-method.jpg"}}"="" alt="Incorrect method of de-coiling " width="230">
I display this content via the following code
<?php echo nl2br($post['post_content']); // display content ?>
Please help me to evaluate this content properly,I am new in magento
When adding images using wysiwyg editor button they will be relative to root/media/wysiwyg directory
img src="{{media url="wysiwyg/myfile.jpeg"}}"/>

Show intro-image and extra fields in Smart Search results in Joomla

I´m using Joomla Smart Search in my website and I´m want to show intro-image and some extrafields from the article in the search results.
Joomla Smart Search removes any html tags and I want to prevent to do this extra fields
in www\plugins\finder\content open content.php
then search for getListQuery , at the end of ->select list add ->select('a.images AS image'); save & close the file
in www\components\com_finder\views\search\tmpl open default_result.php
then search for class="result-title after the tag add these lines:
<?php $image=json_decode($this->result->image); ?>
<?php $aimage=$image->image_intro; ?>
<div class="search-img">
<a href="<?php echo JRoute::_($route); ?>">
<img src="/<?php echo $aimage; ?>" >
save & close
dont forget to purge & reindex the smart search
Smart search plugins say which fields should be indexed. You could replace some of the smart search plugins with ones of your own.
I have found a solution, not absolutly like I wanted but it works. The solution shows the intro-text and all inside the "read more" of the article in the search results (images, links and everything you want).
This solution was found here and says something like this:
"You'll need to create a layout override for the components/com_finder/views/search /tmpl/default_result.php layout file using the steps described at Once you've created the layout override, you should change"
<?php echo JHtml::_('string.truncate', $this->result->description, $this->params->get('description_length', 255)); ?>
in the layout file to:
<?php echo $this->result->summary; ?>
The location should be templates/template_name/html/com_finder/search/default_result.php
actually there is a very easy solution.
K2 saves the images based on the md5 hash of the id.
adding this:
<div class="search-img">
<img src="<?php echo JURI::base().'media/k2/items/cache/'.md5("Image".$this->result->id).'_M.jpg'; ?>" />
to the html override of the default_result.php will display the according k2 items (here in medium resolution)

Joomla show subcategory image on category page?

Is there a way, beside creating yet another MYSQL connection, to retrieve subcategory image while browsing parent category page?
For example:
Main category (set as category as blog)
Subcategory 1 (image set in Basic options image field)
Subcategory 2 (image set in Basic options image field)
Subcategory 3 (image set in Basic options image field)
Now, when i browse 'Main category', it display categories title and description of subcategories, but I cant find any 'normal' way to retrieve image that i set in basic option.
The only way that I can make to work is to create another MYSQL call and retrieve image from database, but I would like to know if there is another more effective way.
Im using Joomla 2.5.
I suggest you override the output of the content so that you can add some code to output your images.
Then edit your new override file, just below:
<span class="item-title"><a href="<?php echo JRoute::_(ContentHelperRoute::getCategoryRoute($child->id));?>">
<?php echo $this->escape($child->title); ?></a>
<div class="item-image">
<?php echo '<img src="'.json_decode($child->params)->image . '" />'; ?>
See Joomla docs for Component Output Types and Layout Overrides.
