Post build event not working with msbuild - visual-studio-2013

I have a solution that references multiple projects. In one of those referenced project I added the following Post-Event (to copy it's .exe file to the solution output).
xcopy /y "$(TargetName).*" "$(SolutionDir)UIBackendSSRSReports\$(OutDir)"
This works perfectly when compiling from Visual Studio, but when running from msbuild it fails (exited with code 4).
Seems like when using msbuild the values of OutDir (as well as the other macros) are different.
ex: $(OutDir)
In VS = D:\Workspace-ET\source_SSRSBackEnd\Common\BackEnd Automation\BackEndSSRSReports\UIBackendSSRSReports\bin\Debug
In msbuild = " D:\B\1\Src_PMC-QA-Automation\BackEndSSRSReports_ssrsBranch\bin\
Not sure why they are so different, any ideas? We build with a buildAgent and buildController TFS setup


Build specific Visual studio project under project solution using Msbuild and devenv

I have Visual studio project solution which has multiple .csproj. Each .csproj has some reference libraries.The project settings are made in such a way the reference libraries are built first and then .csproj is built. This works as expected when i run it in visual studio IDE. But when i try to execute using msbuild i'm getting an error saying target doesn't exist. Gone through many posts related to this issue ,tried possible things.But didn't built.Looks like i might be doing something silly or missing something in the settings.
Also tried using devenv from commandline. With this option i dont see any error but at same time the project doesnt build.I dont see any message after execution of command.Im using visual studio 2015
Here is my project structure
msbuild "project.sln" target:"D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /t:build
"/p:Configuration=Debug" "/p:platform=x86"
I see the below error
"D:\project.sln" (D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA\;build target) (1) ->
D:\project.sln.metaproj : error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not exist in the project. [D:\project.sln]
Here is the command used using devenv
devenv.exe "project.sln" /build Debug /project `"D:\Projects\source\Demo\Applications\ProjectA\ProjectA.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
After executing the above its doesnt build and i dont see any error too.
error MSB4057: The target "D:\Projects\Source\Demo\ProjectA" does not
exist in the project.
The error indicates your path in command is not valid and project.sln can't recognize the path. So you actually meet one path-related issue. And you should pass the ProjectA to the targets argument instead of ProjectA.csproj! More details see tip3 in For MSBuild.
For MSBuild:
1.If you're only trying to build ProjectA and its reference libraries.
Navigate(cd) to path where ProjectA.csproj exists, and then use command msbuild ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86
Also you can directly use command msbuild AbsolutePath\ProjectA.csproj /t:build /p:Configuration=Debug /p:platform=x86. It's not necessary to use " to cover the path and arguments.
(ProjectA.csproj file should have definitions about the reference to those two library projects, so msbuild ProjectA.csproj will build those two projects first. You don't need to specify the xx.sln in your command.)
2.If you're trying to build whole solution(all the projects):
msbuild project.sln /t:build /p:Configuration=xxx /p:platform=xxx
Navigate to solution folder when you run above command, or use absolutepath\project.sln with that command.
3.When you want to build specific projects(more than one) in solution:
Check How to: Build Specific Targets in Solutions By Using MSBuild.exe. Since you're only build ProjectA, you don't need to use this format. For example: Only when you need to build both ProjectA and ProjectB, but not build ProjectC... You can use command like:
msbuild xxx.sln /t:NotInSlnfolder:Build;NewFolder\InSolutionFolder:Build
Pay attention to the path when you use this format. Whether your project is in solution folder can affect the build result a lot ! And, the direct cause of your issue, this command's targets argument needs one ProjectName as input instead of ProjectName.csproj.
For Devenv command:
1.I always use VS2017 and VS2019,so I'm not certainly sure if VS2015's devenv related command has big difference from VS2017's or VS2019's. But according to details from this VS2017 document:
Commands that begin with devenv are handled by the utility, which delivers output through standard system streams, such as stdout and stderr.
Alternatively, commands that begin with devenv.exe can use the same switches, but the utility is bypassed. Using devenv.exe directly prevents output from appearing on the console.
I think that's why you don't see any message after execution of command. You should use command to see the output in console. And it's by design that devenv.exe will prevents output from appearing on the console.
2.The following command builds the project CSharpWinApp, using the Debug project build configuration within MySolution.
devenv "%USERPROFILE%\source\repos\MySolution.sln" /build Debug /project "CSharpWinApp\CSharpWinApp.csproj" /projectconfig Debug
More details about devenv reference please check this document.
In addition:
1.Looks like you have one strange project structure. I checked your error message above and it seems your several projects(xx.csproj) are not under Solution(xx.sln) folder. Just a suggestion, the normal folder structure for VS2015 is always:
Solution folder
ProjectA folder
ProjectB folder
2.For most of the projects, build using msbuild is more powerful and convenient than build using devenv. So if you don't have special reason, I recommend using Msbuild, the build engine of VS.
Hope all above helps to resolve your issue and puzzle. Let me know if your issue persists:)
File "/Users/morel893/Desktop/env/lib/python3.7/site-packages/django/db/backends/", line 84, in _execute
return self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
django.db.utils.ProgrammingError: relation "projects_project" does not exist
LINE 1: ...ct"."technology", "projects_project"."image" FROM "projects_...

TFS 2015 Visual Studio Build - Package .zip not being created

I'm trying to build my solution and package up the web app into a web deploy (.zip) package to be deployed.
I've added the Visual Studio Build step with the following MSBuild Arguments:
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\"
And I've set up the Copy and Publish Build Artifacts step to copy all .zip files to the drop folder.
The build completes successfully but nothing is copied to the drop folder because there are no .zip packages that get created.
So when I look on the TFS server, the only thing in the 'a' folder is an empty 'drop' folder. And in the 's' folder is the solution directory with a PrecompiledWeb folder in it. Not sure what that is but it doesn't look like the deployment package (and it's not a .zip).
Any ideas?
I have tried the same on VS2015 MVC web application using VSTS and TFS 2015.2.1 both. I had to do a slight change to the Build arguments in Visual Studio build. That is removing the trailing "\" in /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)\".
Here is the argument I passed to Visual studio build step
/p:DeployOnBuild=True /p:WebPublishMethod=Package /p:PackageAsSingleFile=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactstagingdirectory)"
Then I used Copy and Published Build Artifacts (Deprecated in VSTS you should use Copy task and Publish task instead of this task) as shown below
This gives me output as below.
First suggest you manually remote in the build agent and build the project through MSBuild command line with arguments to see if the project builds properly.
This will narrow down the issue is related to the environment on your build agent or your build definition.
You should directly use /p:PackageLocation=$(build.stagingDirectory
Besides since you have multiple assemblies that are referenced in the web app. Please also double check dependencies that are building in the correct order or referenced correctly.
Make sure the ASP.NET development workload of Visual Studio is installed.
If DeployOnBuild is having no effect, you may need to install the ASP.NET Development "workload" with the VS setup tool.
There are specific .targets files that, if they don't exist, cause these parameters to be silently ignored. Installing this adds those .targets and the parameters become active, allowing the .zip to be created.
For me (VS 2017) the relevant target file (or one of them, anyway) that was missing but is needed is:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Professional\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v15.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets
If it is missing, you'll need to install as above, and if it is there, then you have a different problem. ;)

What is the default location for MSBuild logs?

I am using Visual Studio Express 2012. Where is the location of the log file? I have searched in the folder where my solution and projects are stored, but cannot find any .log file.
This is the configuration for logging:
Log file from Visual Studio is only supported for C++ projects. You just have to work with the output window for others.
See this similar thread: VS2010: minimal build log in output and detailed log in log file
And in case you happen to do this for a C++ project, the file is at:
... build log in the intermediate files directory
... The path and name of the build log is represented by the MSBuild macro
expression, $(IntDir)\$(MSBuildProjectName).log.
Use build output instead of logging to file. Instead of copy/paste, simply click somewhere in the output and press CTRL + S to save. Visual Studio will prompt you for a location (tested with Visual Studio 2017, but I'm assuming this works in earlier versions too).
The msdn documentation is pretty clear about this (And you ain't gonna like it!):
Where it says:
To create a build log file for a managed-code project On the menu bar,
choose Build, Build Solution.
In the Output window, highlight the
information from the build, and then copy it to the Clipboard.
Open a
text editor, such as Notepad, paste the information into the file, and
then save it.
While it's true that VS doesn't allow this directly, it is still possible to build with MSBuild "inside" VS2015 and get both the build window output and the log file, as follows: (Arguably this is a bit of a hack.)
In your VS Managed solution, add a new project (Let's call it 'Make').
a. The project type you want is Visual C++/NMake project.
Define the MSBuild commands you need on the command line (see below).
Change the solution configuration to build the NMake project instead of the normal managed projects.
This will create a project that has Build, Rebuild, and Clean command lines where you can execute MSBuild directly. For example:
Rebuild: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Clean,Build
Build: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Build
Clean: MSBuild.exe /ds /v:diag /property:Configuration=Debug ..\BuildTest\BuildTest.csproj /t:Clean
You can also specify multiple MSBuild.EXE command lines in order to build multiple projects. For the usual build-the-entire-solution outcome you can target only the final end assemblies and let the dependency graph generate the individual targets.
This will produce a .log file, where NAME is the name of the NMake project you used. In the example above, the log would be make.log.
A working example is available on GitHub:
(Tested with VS2015)
Note that building individual projects directly will still build with the normal VS behavior, but you can build the full solution inside VS and get the build logs.

Anyone else notice that $(SolutionDir) resolves to ProjectDir when loading Wix projects into Vs2010?

I'm using Vs2010 and Wix 3.6.0917.0, for the record. I use the $(SolutionDir) property quite a bit in my .wixproj file, since I only ever build the installer as part of a solution build or as part of a team build, and never by itself. However, while building from the command line works just fine (both from cmd on the desktop and when building on build agents), when I attempt to reload the .wixproj file into the IDE, I get errors because all the $(SolutionDir) variables are resolving to the project directory, not the solution directory. Consider:
and assume a shared custom targets file:
which is referenced inside installer.wixproj with:
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)build\shared.targets">
Command line builds work fine...
C:\workspace\projectCollection\teamProject\branch\> MSBuild /t:build /property:Platform=x64;Configuration=Debug solution.sln
0 Errors
0 Warnings
Build succeeded!
But load into vs2010 and you see...
The imported project
"C:\workspace\projectCollection\teamProject\branch\source\installer\build\shared.targets" was not found.
Confirm that the path in the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk.
You can see here that the resolved result of $(SolutionDir)build\shared.targets is getting the project directory and not the solution directory. What gives?
My guess would be that $(SolutionDir) resolves to nothing when the wixproj is being loaded into VS2010. In this case the imported file becomes "build\shared.targets". Since the path is relative it is assumed to be relative to the project directory. Using ".." or some other path could get you around the problem.
I verified this failed with WiX 3.5.2222.0 in VS2010. A C# console application project (csproj) worked as expected.
Have you filed a bug against WiX for this?
I looked at the WiX vs2010 addin code a little bit and the Solution properties are only created when doing a build and not when the project is loaded.

Build one project inside a solution from the command line

I am working on a large C++ solution in Visual Studio 2005. I want to log all of the output from the build of one project within that solution. The output window in VS seems to be malfunctioning. I suspect there is too much output for it to handle. I can't copy the output and I can't even save it to disk.
My idea is to build the project on the command line and just redirect the output to a file. I'm not sure what command I have to execute in order to build a project in the context of a solution. I tried to just vcbuild the project, but I think it's missing data inherited from the solution.
Any ideas?
Use DevEnv from the command line:
DevEnv /Build Debug /Project ProjectName %SOLUTION_FILE%
where %SOLUTION_FILE% is an environment variable holding the full
path to the solution file and ProjectName is the name of the project.
The output will go to standard output.
The entire solution can be rebuild with:
DevEnv /Rebuild Debug %SOLUTION_FILE%
Example; for an (installer) project named MSQuantSetup:
set SOLUTION_FILE=D:\dproj\MSQall\MSQuant\MSQuant.sln
DevEnv /Build Debug /Project MSQuantSetup %SOLUTION_FILE%
Or directly without the environment variable:
DevEnv /Build Debug /Project MSQuantSetup D:\dproj\MSQall\MSQuant\MSQuant.sln
Take a look at this page, I think this is what you are looking for. Don't forget the /Project parameter if you want to build only one project.
C# version with MSBuild (put the below code in a .bat file)
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
call %msBuildDir%\msbuild ".\SomeFolder\MyCSharpProject.csproj" /p:Configuration=Release /l:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine;logfile=Manual_MSBuild_ReleaseVersion_One_Project_CSharp_LOG.log
set msBuildDir=
Or for C++:
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319
call %msBuildDir%\msbuild ".\Project1\Project1\Project1.vcxproj" /p:Configuration=Release /l:FileLogger,Microsoft.Build.Engine;logfile=Manual_MSBuild_ReleaseVersion_One_Project_C_Plus_Plus_LOG.log
set msBuildDir=
You'll need to pick your framework (2.0 or 4.0 (or other??), where I have
set msBuildDir=%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\vA.BCDEF
Just comment out or remove the framework version you do not want.
I had a solution with five (sub) projects. I built the "bottom most" project. And it only built this (single) assembly.
Keep in mind if the project you pick has dependencies, it'll build those as well. AKA, if you pick the "top most" assembly, it will build everything it needs.
